declare namespace requireDirectory {
* @description function that checks path for whitelisting/blacklisting
* @param path path of required module
* @returns true if path have to be whitelisted/blacklisted, false otherwise
type CheckPathFn = (path: string) => boolean;
interface RequireDirectoryResult {
* @description module itself or hash of modules in subdirectory with name of this directory
[index: string]: RequireDirectoryResult | T;
interface RequireDirectoryOptions {
* @description array of file extensions that will be included in resulting hash as modules
* @default "['js', 'json', 'coffee']"
extensions?: string[] | undefined;
* @description option to include subdirectories
* @default true
recurse?: boolean | undefined;
* @description RegExp or function for whitelisting modules
* @default undefined
include?: RegExp | CheckPathFn | undefined;
* @description RegExp or function for blacklisting modules
* @default undefined
exclude?: RegExp | CheckPathFn | undefined;
* @description function for renaming modules in resulting hash
* @param name name of required module
* @returns transformed name of module
* @default "change nothing"
rename?(name: string): string;
* @description function that will be called for each required module
* @param obj required module
* @returns transformed module OR nothing (in second case module itself will be added to hash)
* @default "change nothing"
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-invalid-void-type
visit?(obj: T): U | void;
* @description default options that is used for "require-directory" module
const defaults: RequireDirectoryOptions;
* @description function for requiring directory content as hash of modules
* @param m module for which has will be created
* @param path path to directory, if you want to build hash for another one (default to __dirname)
* @param options object with options for require-directory call
* @returns hash of modules in specified directory
declare function requireDirectory(
m: NodeModule,
path?: string | requireDirectory.RequireDirectoryOptions,
options?: requireDirectory.RequireDirectoryOptions,
): requireDirectory.RequireDirectoryResult;
export = requireDirectory;