import * as webdriver from "./index"; export class Server {} /** * @return {!Promise} A promise that will resolve with the path * to Safari on the current system. */ export function findSafariDriver(): any; /** * @param {string} serverUrl The URL to connect to. * @return {!Promise} A promise for the path to a file that Safari can * open on start-up to trigger a new connection to the WebSocket server. */ export function createConnectFile(serverUrl: string): any; /** * Deletes all session data files if so desired. * @param {!Object} desiredCapabilities . * @return {!Array} A list of promises for the deleted files. */ export function cleanSession(desiredCapabilities: webdriver.Capabilities): any[]; /** @return {string} . */ export function getRandomString(): string; /** */ export class CommandExecutor {} /** * Configuration options specific to the {@link Driver SafariDriver}. */ export class Options extends webdriver.Capabilities { /** * Instruct the SafariDriver to use the Safari Technology Preview if true. * Otherwise, use the release version of Safari. Defaults to using the release version of Safari. * * @param {boolean} useTechnologyPreview * @return {!Options} A self reference. */ setTechnologyPreview(useTechnologyPreview: boolean): Options; } /** * A WebDriver client for Safari. This class should never be instantiated * directly; instead, use the {@linkplain ./builder.Builder Builder}: * * var driver = new Builder() * .forBrowser('safari') * .build(); */ export class Driver extends webdriver.WebDriver { /** * Creates a new Safari session. * * @param {(Options|Capabilities)=} opt_config The configuration * options for the new session. * @return {!Driver} A new driver instance. */ static createSession(opt_config?: Options | webdriver.Capabilities): Driver; }