/// // tslint:disable:no-redundant-jsdoc /** * A semver release type. * See https://github.com/semantic-release/commit-analyzer/blob/master/lib/default-release-types.js */ export type ReleaseType = "prerelease" | "prepatch" | "patch" | "preminor" | "minor" | "premajor" | "major"; export type LoggerFunction = (...message: any[]) => void; /** * semantic-release options. * * Can be used to set any core option or plugin options. * Each option will take precedence over options configured in the * configuration file and shareable configurations. */ export interface Options { /** * List of modules or file paths containing a * [shareable configuration](https://semantic-release.gitbook.io/semantic-release/usage/shareable-configurations). * If multiple shareable configurations are set, they will be imported * in the order defined with each configuration option taking * precedence over the options defined in a previous shareable * configuration. * * **Note**: Options defined via CLI arguments or in the configuration * file will take precedence over the ones defined in any shareable * configuration. */ extends?: readonly string[] | string | undefined; /** * The branches on which releases should happen. By default * **semantic-release** will release: * * * regular releases to the default distribution channel from the * branch `master` * * regular releases to a distribution channel matching the branch * name from any existing branch with a name matching a maintenance * release range (`N.N.x` or `N.x.x` or `N.x` with `N` being a * number) * * regular releases to the `next` distribution channel from the * branch `next` if it exists * * regular releases to the `next-major` distribution channel from * the branch `next-major` if it exists. * * prereleases to the `beta` distribution channel from the branch * `beta` if it exists * * prereleases to the `alpha` distribution channel from the branch * `alpha` if it exists * * **Note**: If your repository does not have a release branch, then * **semantic-release** will fail with an `ERELEASEBRANCHES` error * message. If you are using the default configuration, you can fix * this error by pushing a `master` branch. * * **Note**: Once **semantic-release** is configured, any user with the * permission to push commits on one of those branches will be able to * publish a release. It is recommended to protect those branches, for * example with [GitHub protected branches](https://help.github.com/articles/about-protected-branches). * * See [Workflow configuration](https://semantic-release.gitbook.io/semantic-release/usage/workflow-configuration#workflow-configuration) * for more details. */ branches?: readonly BranchSpec[] | BranchSpec | undefined; /** * The git repository URL. * * Any valid git url format is supported (see * [git protocols](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-on-the-Server-The-Protocols)) * * Default: `repository` property in `package.json`, or git origin url. */ repositoryUrl?: string | undefined; /** * The git tag format used by **semantic-release** to identify * releases. The tag name is generated with [Lodash template](https://lodash.com/docs#template) * and will be compiled with the `version` variable. * * **Note**: The `tagFormat` must contain the `version` variable * exactly once and compile to a * [valid git reference](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-check-ref-format#_description). */ tagFormat?: string | undefined; /** * Define the list of plugins to use. Plugins will run in series, in * the order defined, for each [step](https://semantic-release.gitbook.io/semantic-release/#release-steps) * if they implement it. * * Plugins configuration can be defined by wrapping the name and an * options object in an array. * * See [Plugins configuration](https://semantic-release.gitbook.io/semantic-release/usage/plugins#plugins) * for more details. * * Default: `[ * "@semantic-release/commit-analyzer", * "@semantic-release/release-notes-generator", * "@semantic-release/npm", * "@semantic-release/github" * ]` */ plugins?: readonly PluginSpec[] | undefined; /** * Dry-run mode, skip publishing, print next version and release notes. */ dryRun?: boolean | undefined; /** * Set to false to skip Continuous Integration environment verifications. * This allows for making releases from a local machine. */ ci?: boolean | undefined; /** * Any other options supported by plugins. */ [name: string]: any; } /** * semantic-release options, after normalization and defaults have been * applied. */ export interface GlobalConfig extends Options { /** * The branches on which releases should happen. By default * **semantic-release** will release: * * * regular releases to the default distribution channel from the * branch `master` * * regular releases to a distribution channel matching the branch * name from any existing branch with a name matching a maintenance * release range (`N.N.x` or `N.x.x` or `N.x` with `N` being a * number) * * regular releases to the `next` distribution channel from the * branch `next` if it exists * * regular releases to the `next-major` distribution channel from * the branch `next-major` if it exists. * * prereleases to the `beta` distribution channel from the branch * `beta` if it exists * * prereleases to the `alpha` distribution channel from the branch * `alpha` if it exists * * **Note**: If your repository does not have a release branch, then * **semantic-release** will fail with an `ERELEASEBRANCHES` error * message. If you are using the default configuration, you can fix * this error by pushing a `master` branch. * * **Note**: Once **semantic-release** is configured, any user with the * permission to push commits on one of those branches will be able to * publish a release. It is recommended to protect those branches, for * example with [GitHub protected branches](https://help.github.com/articles/about-protected-branches). * * See [Workflow configuration](https://semantic-release.gitbook.io/semantic-release/usage/workflow-configuration#workflow-configuration) * for more details. */ branches: readonly BranchSpec[] | BranchSpec; /** * The git repository URL. * * Any valid git url format is supported (see * [git protocols](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-on-the-Server-The-Protocols)) * * Default: `repository` property in `package.json`, or git origin url. */ repositoryUrl: string; /** * The git tag format used by **semantic-release** to identify * releases. The tag name is generated with [Lodash template](https://lodash.com/docs#template) * and will be compiled with the `version` variable. * * **Note**: The `tagFormat` must contain the `version` variable * exactly once and compile to a * [valid git reference](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-check-ref-format#_description). */ tagFormat: string; /** * Define the list of plugins to use. Plugins will run in series, in * the order defined, for each [step](https://semantic-release.gitbook.io/semantic-release/#release-steps) * if they implement it. * * Plugins configuration can be defined by wrapping the name and an * options object in an array. * * See [Plugins configuration](https://semantic-release.gitbook.io/semantic-release/usage/plugins#plugins) * for more details. * * Default: `[ * "@semantic-release/commit-analyzer", * "@semantic-release/release-notes-generator", * "@semantic-release/npm", * "@semantic-release/github" * ]` */ plugins: readonly PluginSpec[]; } export interface BranchObject { /** * The name of git branch. * * A `name` is required for all types of branch. It can be defined as a * [glob](https://github.com/micromatch/micromatch#matching-features) * in which case the definition will be expanded to one per matching * branch existing in the repository. * * If `name` doesn't match any branch existing in the repository, the * definition will be ignored. For example, the default configuration * includes the definition `next` and `next-major` which will become * active only when the branches `next` and/or `next-major` are * created in the repository. */ name: string; /** * The distribution channel on which to publish releases from this * branch. * * If this field is set to `false`, then the branch will be released * on the default distribution channel (for example the `@latest` * [dist-tag](https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/dist-tag) for npm). This is * also the default behavior for the first * [release branch](https://semantic-release.gitbook.io/semantic-release/usage/workflow-configuration#release-branches) * if the channel property is not set. * * For all other branches, if the channel property is not set, then the * channel name will be the same as the branch name. * * The value of `channel`, if defined as a string, is generated with * [Lodash template](https://lodash.com/docs#template) with the * variable `name` set to the branch name. * * For example `{name: 'next', channel: 'channel-${name}'}` will be * expanded to `{name: 'next', channel: 'channel-next'}`. */ channel?: string | false | undefined; /** * The range of [semantic versions](https://semver.org/) to support on * this branch. * * A `range` only applies to maintenance branches and must be formatted * like `N.N.x` or `N.x` (`N` is a number). If no range is specified * but the `name` is formatted as a range, then the branch will be * considered a maintenance branch and the `name` value will be used * for the `range`. * * Required for maintenance branches, unless `name` is formatted like * `N.N.x` or `N.x` (`N` is a number). */ range?: string | undefined; /** * The pre-release identifier to append to [semantic versions](https://semver.org/) * released from this branch. * * A `prerelease` property applies only to pre-release branches and * the `prerelease` value must be valid per the [Semantic Versioning * Specification](https://semver.org/#spec-item-9). It will determine * the name of versions. For example if `prerelease` is set to * `"beta"`, the version will be formatted like `2.0.0-beta.1`, * `2.0.0-beta.2`, etc. * * The value of `prerelease`, if defined as a string, is generated with * [Lodash template](https://lodash.com/docs#template) with the * variable `name` set to the name of the branch. * * If the `prerelease property is set to `true` then the name of the * branch is used as the pre-release identifier. * * Required for pre-release branches. */ prerelease?: string | boolean | undefined; } /** * Specifies a git branch holding commits to analyze and code to release. * * Each branch may be defined either by a string or an object. Specifying * a string is a shortcut for specifying that string as the `name` field, * for example `"master"` expands to `{name: "master"}`. */ export type BranchSpec = string | BranchObject; /** * Specifies a plugin to use. * * The plugin is specified by its module name. * * To pass options to a plugin, specify an array containing the plugin module * name and an options object. */ export type PluginSpec = string | [string, any]; /** semantic-release configuration specific for API usage. */ export interface Config { /** * The current working directory to use. It should be configured to * the root of the Git repository to release from. * * It allows to run semantic-release from a specific path without * having to change the local process cwd with process.chdir(). * * @default process.cwd */ cwd?: string | undefined; /** * The environment variables to use. * * It allows to run semantic-release with specific environment * variables without having to modify the local process.env. * * @default process.env */ env?: { [name: string]: string } | undefined; /** * The writable stream used to log information. * * It allows to configure semantic-release to write logs to a specific * stream rather than the local process.stdout. * * @default process.stdout */ stdout?: NodeJS.WriteStream | undefined; /** * The writable stream used to log errors. * * It allows to configure semantic-release to write errors to a * specific stream rather than the local process.stderr. * * @default process.stderr */ stderr?: NodeJS.WriteStream | undefined; } export interface LastRelease { /** * The version name of the release. */ version: string; /** * The Git tag of the release. */ gitTag: string; /** * The Git checksum of the last commit of the release. */ gitHead: string; } export interface NextRelease extends LastRelease { /** * The semver export type of the release. */ type: ReleaseType; /** * The release channel of the release. */ channel?: string | undefined; /** * The git hash of the release. */ gitHead: string; /** * The version without v */ version: string; /** * The version with v prefix */ gitTag: string; /** * The release name */ name?: string; /** * The release notes of the next release. */ notes: string; } export interface Context { /** * The semantic release configuration itself. */ options?: GlobalConfig | undefined; /** * The previous release details. */ lastRelease?: LastRelease | undefined; /** * The next release details. */ nextRelease?: NextRelease | undefined; /** * The shared logger instance of semantic release. */ logger: { await: LoggerFunction; complete: LoggerFunction; debug: LoggerFunction; error: LoggerFunction; fatal: LoggerFunction; fav: LoggerFunction; info: LoggerFunction; log: LoggerFunction; note: LoggerFunction; pause: LoggerFunction; pending: LoggerFunction; star: LoggerFunction; start: LoggerFunction; success: LoggerFunction; wait: LoggerFunction; warn: LoggerFunction; watch: LoggerFunction; }; /** * Environment variables. */ env: { [key: string]: string; }; /** * Commits to analyze. */ commits?: Commit[]; /** * Current branch being published. */ branch: BranchObject; } export interface Commit { /** * The commit abbreviated and full hash. */ commit: { /** * The commit hash. */ long: string; /** * The commit abbreviated hash. */ short: string; }; /** * The commit abbreviated and full tree hash. */ tree: { /** * The commit tree hash. */ long: string; /** * The commit abbreviated tree hash. */ short: string; }; /** * The commit author information. */ author: { /** * The commit author name. */ name: string; /** * The commit author email. */ email: string; /** * The commit author date. */ short: string; }; /** * The committer information. */ committer: { /** * The committer name. */ name: string; /** * The committer email. */ email: string; /** * The committer date. */ short: string; }; /** * The commit subject. */ subject: string; /** * The commit body. */ body: string; /** * The commit full message (subject and body). */ message: string; /** * The commit hash. */ hash: string; /** * The committer date. */ committerDate: string; } /** * Details of a release published by a publish plugin. */ export interface Release { /** * The release name, only if set by the corresponding publish plugin. */ name?: string | undefined; /** * The release URL, only if set by the corresponding publish plugin. */ url?: string | undefined; /** * The semver export type of the release. */ type: ReleaseType; /** * The version of the release. */ version: string; /** * The sha of the last commit being part of the release. */ gitHead: string; /** * The Git tag associated with the release. */ gitTag: string; /** * The release notes for the release. */ notes: string; /** * The name of the plugin that published the release. */ pluginName: string; } /** * An object with details of the release if a release was published, or * false if no release was published. */ export type Result = | false | { /** * Information related to the last release found. */ lastRelease: LastRelease; /** * The list of commits included in the new release. */ commits: Commit[]; /** * Information related to the newly published release. */ nextRelease: NextRelease; /** * The list of releases published, one release per publish plugin. */ releases: Release[]; }; /** * Run semantic-release and returns a Promise that resolves to a Result * object. * @async */ export default function(options: Options, environment?: Config): Promise;