// Type definitions for slate 0.47 // Project: https://github.com/ianstormtaylor/slate // Definitions by: Andy Kent // Jamie Talbot // Jan Löbel // Brandon Shelton // Kalley Powell // Francesco Agnoletto // Irwan Fario Subastian // Jack Allen // Benjamin Evenson // Han Jeon // Kay Delaney // Kamil Kamiński // Jay Chen // Brian Ingles // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped // TypeScript Version: 2.8 import * as Immutable from "immutable"; import { SyntheticEvent } from "react"; export interface Data extends Immutable.Map {} export namespace Data { function create(properties: Immutable.Map | { [key: string]: any }): Data; function fromJSON(object: { [key: string]: any }): Data; function fromJS(object: { [key: string]: any }): Data; } export interface RulesByNodeType { [key: string]: Rules; } export interface ObjectAndType { object?: string | undefined; type?: string | undefined; } export interface Rules { data?: { [key: string]: (v: any) => boolean; } | undefined; first?: ObjectAndType | ObjectAndType[] | undefined; isAtomic?: boolean | undefined; isVoid?: boolean | undefined; last?: ObjectAndType | ObjectAndType[] | undefined; marks?: Array<{ type: string | ((type: string) => boolean) }> | undefined; next?: ObjectAndType | ObjectAndType[] | undefined; nodes?: Array<{ min?: number | undefined; max?: number | undefined; match?: ObjectAndType | ObjectAndType[] | undefined; }> | undefined; normalize?: ((editor: Editor, error: SlateError) => void) | undefined; parent?: ObjectAndType | ObjectAndType[] | undefined; text?: RegExp | ((text: string) => boolean) | undefined; previous?: ObjectAndType | ObjectAndType[] | undefined; } export interface SchemaProperties { rules?: Array<{ match: ObjectAndType | ObjectAndType[] } & Rules> | undefined; document?: Rules | undefined; blocks?: RulesByNodeType | undefined; inlines?: RulesByNodeType | undefined; marks?: RulesByNodeType | undefined; annotations?: RulesByNodeType | undefined; decorations?: RulesByNodeType | undefined; } export type Path = Immutable.List | number[] | string; export interface ValueProperties { object?: "value" | undefined; annotations?: Immutable.Map | { [key: string]: AnnotationJSON } | undefined; data?: Data | { [key: string]: any } | undefined; document?: Document | undefined; selection?: Selection | undefined; } export interface ValueJSON { object?: "value" | undefined; annotations?: { [key: string]: AnnotationJSON } | undefined; data?: { [key: string]: any } | undefined; document?: DocumentJSON | undefined; selection?: SelectionJSON | undefined; } export class Value extends Immutable.Record({}) { object: "value"; annotations: Immutable.Map; data: Data; document: Document; selection: Selection; readonly startBlock: Block; readonly endBlock: Block; readonly anchorBlock: Block; readonly focusBlock: Block; readonly nextBlock: Block; readonly previousBlock: Block; readonly startInline: Inline; readonly endInline: Inline; readonly anchorInline: Inline; readonly focusInline: Inline; readonly nextInline: Inline; readonly previousInline: Inline; readonly startText: Text; readonly endText: Text; readonly anchorText: Text; readonly focusText: Text; readonly nextText: Text; readonly previousText: Text; readonly marks: Immutable.OrderedSet; readonly activeMarks: Immutable.OrderedSet; readonly blocks: Immutable.List; readonly fragment: Document; readonly inlines: Immutable.List; readonly texts: Immutable.List; static create(properties?: ValueProperties | ValueJSON | Value): Value; static createProperties(attrs: ValueProperties | ValueJSON | Value): ValueProperties; static fromJSON(properties: ValueProperties | ValueJSON): Value; static fromJS(properties: ValueProperties | ValueJSON): Value; static isValue(maybeValue: any): maybeValue is Value; toJSON(options?: { preserveAnnotations?: boolean | undefined, preserveData?: boolean | undefined, preserveSelection?: boolean | undefined } ): ValueJSON; toJS(options?: { preserveAnnotations?: boolean | undefined, preserveData?: boolean | undefined, preserveSelection?: boolean | undefined } ): ValueJSON; addAnnotation(annotation: Annotation | AnnotationProperties | AnnotationJSON): Value; addMark(path: Path, mark: MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark | string): Value; insertNode(path: Path, node: Node): Value; insertText( path: Path, offset: number, text: string, ): Value; mergeNode(path: Path): Value; moveNode(path: Immutable.List, newPath: Immutable.List, newIndex?: number): Value; removeAnnotation(annotation: Annotation | AnnotationProperties | AnnotationJSON): Value; removeMark(path: Path, mark: MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark | string): Value; removeNode(path: Path): Value; removeText(path: Path, offset: number, text: string): Value; setAnnotation( properties: AnnotationProperties | AnnotationJSON | Annotation, newProperties: AnnotationProperties | AnnotationJSON | Annotation ): Value; setNode(path: Path, properties: NodeProperties): Value; setMark( path: Path, properties: MarkProperties, newProperties: MarkProperties ): Value; setProperties(properties: ValueProperties): Value; setSelection(properties: | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType | string ): Value; splitNode( path: Path, position: number, properties: NodeProperties ): Value; mapRanges(iterator: (val: Selection | Annotation) => any): Value; mapPoints(iterator: (point: Point) => Point): Value; } export interface DocumentProperties { object?: "document" | undefined; nodes?: Immutable.List | Node[] | undefined; key?: string | undefined; data?: Data | { [key: string]: any } | undefined; } export interface DocumentJSON { object?: "document" | undefined; nodes?: NodeJSON[] | undefined; key?: string | undefined; data?: { [key: string]: any } | undefined; } export class Document extends BaseNode { object: "document"; static create( properties: | DocumentProperties | DocumentJSON | Document | Array | Immutable.List ): Document; static fromJSON(properties: DocumentJSON | DocumentProperties | Document): Document; static fromJS(properties: DocumentJSON | DocumentProperties | Document): Document; static isDocument(maybeDocument: any): maybeDocument is Document; toJSON(): DocumentJSON; toJS(): DocumentJSON; } export interface BlockProperties { object?: "block" | undefined; type: string; key?: string | undefined; nodes?: Immutable.List | Array | undefined; data?: Data | { [key: string]: any } | undefined; } export interface BlockJSON { object?: "block" | undefined; type: string; key?: string | undefined; nodes?: Array | undefined; data?: { [key: string]: any } | undefined; } export class Block extends BaseNode { object: "block"; nodes: Immutable.List; static create(properties: | BlockProperties | BlockJSON | Block | string ): Block; static createList(array?: | Array | Immutable.List ): Immutable.List; static fromJSON(properties: BlockJSON | BlockProperties | Block): Block; static fromJS(properties: BlockJSON | BlockProperties | Block): Block; static isBlock(maybeBlock: any): maybeBlock is Block; static isBlockList( maybeBlockList: any ): maybeBlockList is Immutable.List; toJSON(): BlockJSON; toJS(): BlockJSON; } export interface InlineProperties { object?: "inline" | undefined; type: string; key?: string | undefined; nodes?: Immutable.List | Array | undefined; data?: Data | { [key: string]: any } | undefined; } export interface InlineJSON { object?: "inline" | undefined; type: string; key?: string | undefined; nodes?: Array | undefined; data?: { [key: string]: any } | undefined; } export class Inline extends BaseNode { object: "inline"; nodes: Immutable.List; static create(properties: | InlineProperties | InlineJSON | Inline | string ): Inline; static createList( elements?: | Immutable.List | Array ): Immutable.List; static fromJSON(properties: | InlineProperties | InlineJSON | Inline ): Inline; static fromJS(properties: | InlineProperties | InlineJSON | Inline ): Inline; static isInline(maybeInline: any): maybeInline is Inline; static isInlineList( maybeInlineList: any ): maybeInlineList is Immutable.List; toJSON(): InlineJSON; toJS(): InlineJSON; } export interface TextProperties { object?: "text" | undefined; key?: string | undefined; text?: string | undefined; marks?: Immutable.Set | Mark[] | undefined; } export interface TextJSON { object?: "text" | undefined; key?: string | undefined; text?: string | undefined; marks?: MarkJSON[] | undefined; } export interface LeafAndOffset { startOffset: number; endOffset: number; index: number; leaf: Leaf; } export class Text extends Immutable.Record({}) { object: "text"; key: string; readonly text: string; readonly marks: Immutable.Set | null; static create(properties?: TextProperties | TextJSON | Text | string): Text; static createList( elements?: | Array | Immutable.List ): Immutable.List; static fromJSON(properties: TextJSON | TextProperties | Text): Text; static fromJS(properties: TextJSON | TextProperties | Text): Text; static isText(maybeText: any): maybeText is Text; static isTextList(maybeTextList: any): maybeTextList is Immutable.List; toJSON(options?: { preserveKeys?: boolean | undefined }): TextJSON; toJS(options?: { preserveKeys?: boolean | undefined }): TextJSON; addMark(mark: MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark | string): Text; addMarks(marks: | Array | Immutable.Set ): Text; getKeysToPathsTable(): { [key: string]: number[] }; getLeaves( annotations: Immutable.Map, decorations?: Decoration[] | Immutable.List ): Immutable.List; getFirstText(): Text | null; getLastText(): Text | null; getText(): string; getNode(path: Path): Node | null; getPath(key: Immutable.List | string | Node): Immutable.List | null; hasNode(path: Path): boolean; insertText(index: number, string: string): Text; regenerateKey(): Text; removeMark(mark: MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark | string): Text; removeText(index: number, length: number): Text; resolvePath(path: Path, index?: number): Immutable.List; setMark( properties: MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark | string, newProperties: MarkProperties ): Text; splitText(index: number): Text[]; mergeText(other: Text): Text; normalize(editor: Editor): () => void | void; validate(editor: Editor): Error | void; } export interface LeafProperties { object?: "leaf" | undefined; marks?: Immutable.Set | Mark[] | undefined; text?: string | undefined; } export interface LeafJSON { object?: "leaf" | undefined; marks?: MarkJSON[] | undefined; text?: string | undefined; } export class Leaf extends Immutable.Record({}) { object: "leaf"; marks: Immutable.Set | null; text: string; static create(properties: LeafProperties | LeafJSON | Leaf): Leaf; static createLeaves(leaves: Immutable.List): Immutable.List; static splitLeaves( leaves: Immutable.List, offset: number ): Array>; static createList( attrs?: | Array | Immutable.List ): Immutable.List; static fromJSON(properties: LeafJSON | LeafProperties): Leaf; static fromJS(properties: LeafJSON | LeafProperties): Leaf; static isLeaf(maybeLeaf: any): maybeLeaf is Leaf; static isLeafList( maybeLeafList: any ): maybeLeafList is Immutable.List; updateMark(mark: Mark, newMark: Mark): Leaf; addMarks(marks: Immutable.Set): Leaf; addMark(mark: Mark): Leaf; removeMark(mark: Mark): Leaf; insertText(offset: number, string: string): Leaf; toJSON(): LeafJSON; toJS(): LeafJSON; } interface IterableOptions { direction?: string | undefined; downward?: boolean | undefined; upward?: boolean | undefined; includeBlocks?: boolean | undefined; includeDocument?: boolean | undefined; includeInlines?: boolean | undefined; includeRoot?: boolean | undefined; includeTarget?: boolean | undefined; includeTargetAncestors?: boolean | undefined; includeTexts?: boolean | undefined; match?: ((node: Node, path: Immutable.List) => boolean | null) | undefined; range?: RangeProperties | RangeJSON | Range | undefined; path?: Path | undefined; } export namespace NodeFactory { function create(attrs: Node | NodeJSON | NodeProperties): Node; function createList( elements?: | Array | Immutable.List ): Immutable.List; function createProperties(attrs?: Block | Inline | string | { type?: string | undefined, data?: object | undefined }): NodeProperties; function fromJSON(value: { [key: string]: any }): NodeJSON; function fromJS(value: { [key: string]: any }): NodeJSON; function isNode(maybeNode: any): maybeNode is Node; function isNodeList(maybeNodeList: any): maybeNodeList is Immutable.List; } export type Node = (Document | Block | Inline | Text); export type NodeJSON = DocumentJSON | BlockJSON | InlineJSON | TextJSON; export type NodeProperties = | DocumentProperties | BlockProperties | InlineProperties | TextProperties; declare class BaseNode extends Immutable.Record({}) { data: Data; type: string; key: string; object: "document" | "block" | "inline" | "text"; nodes: Immutable.List; readonly text: string; static isNode(maybeNode: any): maybeNode is Node; static isNodeList( maybeNodeList: any ): maybeNodeList is Immutable.List; static createProperties( attrs: NodeProperties | string | Node ): NodeProperties; static fromJSON(value: NodeJSON | NodeProperties | Node): Node; static fromJS(value: NodeJSON | NodeProperties | Node): Node; addMark(path: Path, mark: Mark): Node; ancestors(path: Path): Iterable<[Node, Immutable.List]>; blocks(options?: IterableOptions & { onlyLeaves?: boolean | undefined; onlyRoots?: boolean | undefined; onlyTypes?: string[] | undefined}): Iterable<[Block, Immutable.List]>; createAnnotation(properties: AnnotationProperties | AnnotationJSON | Annotation): Annotation; createDecoration(properties: DecorationProperties | DecorationJSON | Decoration): Decoration; createIterable(options?: IterableOptions): Iterable<[Node, Immutable.List]>; createPoint(properties: PointProperties | PointJSON | Point): Point; createRange(properties: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType): Range; createSelection(properties: SelectionProperties | SelectionJSON | Selection | Range): Selection; descendants(options?: IterableOptions): Iterable<[Node, Immutable.List]>; filterDescendants(predicate?: (node: Node, path: Immutable.List) => boolean): Immutable.List; findDescendant(predicate?: (node: Node, path: Immutable.List) => boolean): Node | null; forEachDescendant(predicate?: (node: Node, path: Immutable.List) => boolean): void; getActiveMarksAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType): Immutable.Set; getAncestors(path: Path): Immutable.List | null; getBlocks(): Immutable.List; getBlocksByType(type: string): Immutable.List; getChild(path: Path): Node | null; getClosest(path: Path, predicate: (node: Node, path: Immutable.List) => boolean): Node | null; getClosestBlock(path: Path): Block | null; getClosestInline(path: Path): Inline | null; getClosestVoid(path: Path, editor: Editor): Node | null; getCommonAncestor(a: Path, b: Path): Node | null; getDecorations(editor: Editor): Immutable.List; getDepth(path: Path, startAt?: number): number | null; getDescendant(path: Path): Node | null; getDescendantsAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType): Immutable.List; getFirstText(): Text | null; getFragmentAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType): Document; getFurthest(path: Path, predicate?: (node: Node, path: Immutable.List) => boolean): Node | null; getFurthestBlock(path: Path): Block | null; getFurthestChild(path: Path): Node | null; getFurthestInline(path: Path): Inline | null; getInlines(): Immutable.List; getInlinesByType(type: string): Immutable.List; getInsertMarksAtPoint(point: PointProperties | PointJSON | Point): Immutable.Set; getInsertMarksAtRange(range: RangeProperties | RangeJSON | Range): Immutable.Set; getKeysToPathsTable(): { [key: string]: number[] }; getLastText(): Text | null; getLeafBlocksAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType): Immutable.List; getLeafInlinesAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType): Immutable.List; getNode(path: Path): Node | null; getNodesToPathsMap(): Map>; getMarks(): Immutable.OrderedSet; getMarksAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType): Immutable.OrderedSet; getMarksByType(type: string): Immutable.OrderedSet; getNextBlock(path: Path): Block | null; getNextNode(path: Path): Node | null; getNextSibling(path: Path): Node | null; getNextText(path: Path): Text | null; getOffset(path: Path): number; getOffsetAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType): number; getParent(path: Path): Node | null; getPath(key: Immutable.List | string | Node): Immutable.List | null; getPreviousBlock(path: Path): Block | null; getPreviousNode(path: Path): Node | null; getPreviousSibling(path: Path): Node | null; getPreviousText(path: Path): Text | null; getRootBlocksAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType): Immutable.List; getRootInlinesAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType): Immutable.List; getText(): string; getTextAtOffset(offset: number): Text | null; getTextDirection(): string | null; getTexts(): Immutable.List; getTextsAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType): Immutable.List; hasBlockChildren(): boolean; hasChild(path: Path): boolean; hasInlineChildren(): boolean; hasDescendant(path: Path): boolean; hasNode(path: Path): boolean; hasVoidParent(path: Path, editor: Editor): boolean; inlines(options?: IterableOptions & { onlyLeaves?: boolean | undefined; onlyRoots?: boolean | undefined; onlyTypes?: string[] | undefined}): Iterable<[Inline, Immutable.List]>; insertNode(path: Path, node: Node): Node; insertText( path: Path, offset: number, text: string ): Node; isLeafBlock(): this is Block; isLeafInline(): this is Inline; isInRange(path: Path, range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType): boolean; mapChildren(predicate?: (node: Node, index: number, nodes: Immutable.List) => Node): Node; mapDescendants(predicate?: (node: Node, index: number, nodes: Immutable.List) => Node): Node | void; marks(options?: IterableOptions & { onlyTypes: string[] }): Iterable<[Mark, Node, Immutable.List]>; mergeNode(path: Path): Node; moveNode(path: Path, newPath: Path, newIndex?: number): Node; normalize(editor: Editor): () => void | void; regenerateKey(): Node; removeMark(path: Path, mark: Mark): Node; removeNode(path: Path): Node; removeText(path: Path, offset: number, text: string): Node; replaceNode(path: Path, node: Node): Node; resolveAnnotation(annotation: Annotation | AnnotationProperties | AnnotationJSON): Annotation; resolveDecoration(decoration: RangeType | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON): Decoration; resolvePath(path: Path, index?: number): Immutable.List; resolvePoint(point: Point | PointProperties | PointJSON): Point; resolveRange(range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType): Range; resolveSelection(selection: Selection | SelectionProperties | SelectionJSON | Range): Selection; setNode(path: Path, properties: NodeProperties): Node; setMark( path: Path, properties: MarkProperties, newProperties: MarkProperties ): Node; siblings(path: Path, options?: IterableOptions): Iterable<[Node, Immutable.List]>; splitNode(path: Path, position: number, properties: NodeProperties): Node; texts(options: IterableOptions): Iterable<[Text, Immutable.List]>; validate(editor: Editor): Error | void; /** * Deprecated. */ getBlocksAtRange(range: RangeProperties | RangeJSON | Range): Immutable.List; getBlocksAtRangeAsArray(range: RangeProperties | RangeJSON | Range): Block[]; getInlinesAtRange(range: RangeProperties | RangeJSON | Range): Immutable.List; getInlinesAtRangeAsArray(range: RangeProperties | RangeJSON | Range): Inline[]; getNextTextAndPath(path: Path): Text | null; getNextDeepMatchingNodeAndPath(path: Immutable.List, iterator?: () => boolean): null | [Node, Immutable.List]; getPreviousTextAndPath(path: Path): Text | null; findFirstDescendantAndPath( iterator: ( node: Node, path: Immutable.List, nodes: Immutable.List ) => boolean, pathToThisNode: Immutable.List ): [Node, Immutable.List] | null; getPreviousMatchingNodeAndPath(path: Immutable.List, iterator?: (node: Node) => boolean): [Node, Immutable.List] | null; getPreviousDeepMatchingNodeAndPath(path: Immutable.List, iterator?: (node: Node) => boolean): [Node, Immutable.List] | null; findLastDescendantAndPath( iterator: ( node: Node, path: Immutable.List, nodes: Immutable.List ) => boolean, pathToThisNode: Immutable.List ): [Node, Immutable.List] | null; findDescendantAndPath( iterator: ( node: Node, path: Immutable.List, nodes: Immutable.List ) => boolean, path?: Immutable.List, findLast?: boolean ): [Node, Immutable.List] | null; forEachDescendantWithPath( iterator: ( node: Node, path: Immutable.List, nodes: Immutable.List ) => boolean, path?: Immutable.List, findLast?: boolean ): boolean; getNextMatchingNodeAndPath(path: Immutable.List, iterator?: (node: Node) => boolean): [Node, Immutable.List]| null; getSelectionIndexes(range: RangeType, isSelected?: boolean): { start: number, end: number } | boolean | null; getTextsBetweenPositionsAsArray(startPath: Path, endPath: Path): Array; getOrderedMarksBetweenPositions( startPath: Path, startOffset: number, endPath: Path, endOffset: number ): Immutable.OrderedSet; getTextsBetweenPathPositionsAsArray( startPath: Immutable.List, endPath: Immutable.List ): Array; getFurthestAncestor(path: Path): Node | null; getLeafBlocksAtRangeAsArray(range: Range | RangeProperties | RangeJSON): Block[]; getLeafBlocksBetweenPathPositionsAsArray(startPath: Immutable.List, endPath: Immutable.List): Block[]; getBlocksAsArray(): Block[]; getBlocksByTypeAsArray(type: string): Block[]; getFurthestOnlyChildAncestor(path: Path): Node | null; getInlinesAsArray(): Inline[]; getInlinesByTypeAsArray(type: string): Inline[]; getLeafInlinesAtRangeAsArray(range: Range | RangeProperties | RangeJSON): Inline[]; getOrderedMarks(): Immutable.OrderedSet; getOrderedMarksAtRange(range: RangeProperties | RangeJSON | Range): Immutable.OrderedSet; getOrderedMarksByType(type: string): Immutable.OrderedSet; getOrderedMarksByTypeAsArray(type: string): Mark[]; getMarksAsArray(): Mark[]; getRootInlinesAtRangeAsArray(range: RangeProperties | RangeJSON | Range): Inline[]; getTextsAsArray(): Text[]; getTextsAtRangeAsArray(range: RangeProperties | RangeJSON | Range): Text[]; getMarksAtPosition(path: Path, offset: number): Immutable.OrderedSet; getNodesAtRange(range: RangeProperties | RangeJSON | Range): boolean; isNodeInRange(path: Path, range: RangeProperties | RangeJSON | Range): boolean; /** * Assertion variants. */ assertChild(path: Path): Node; assertDepth(path: Path, startAt?: number): number; assertDescendant(path: Path): Node; assertNode(path: Path): Node; assertParent(path: Path): Node; assertPath(key: Path): Immutable.List; } export interface MarkProperties { object?: "mark" | undefined; type: string; data?: Data | { [key: string]: any } | undefined; } export interface MarkJSON { object?: "mark" | undefined; type: string; data?: { [key: string]: any } | undefined; } export class Mark extends Immutable.Record({}) { object: "mark"; type: string; data: Data; static create(properties: MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark | string): Mark; static createSet( element?: | Array | Immutable.Set ): Immutable.Set; static createProperties(attrs: Partial): MarkProperties; static fromJSON(properties: MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark): Mark; static fromJS(properties: MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark): Mark; static isMark(maybeMark: any): maybeMark is Mark; static isMarkSet(maybeMarkSet: any): maybeMarkSet is Immutable.Set; toJSON(): MarkJSON; toJS(): MarkJSON; } export interface SelectionProperties { object?: "selection" | undefined; anchor?: Point | undefined; focus?: Point | undefined; isFocused?: boolean | undefined; marks?: Immutable.Set | Mark[] | undefined; } export interface SelectionJSON { object?: "selection" | undefined; anchor?: PointJSON | undefined; focus?: PointJSON | undefined; isFocused?: boolean | undefined; marks?: MarkJSON[] | undefined; } export class Selection extends BaseRange { object: "selection"; anchor: Point; focus: Point; isFocused: boolean; marks: Immutable.Set; readonly isBlurred: boolean; static create( properties: | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType ): Selection; static createProperties( attrs: | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType | string ): SelectionProperties; static fromJSON(properties: | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON ): Selection; static fromJS(properties: | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON ): Selection; toJSON(): SelectionJSON; toJS(): SelectionJSON; isSelection(maybeSelection: any): maybeSelection is Selection; setIsFocused(value: boolean): Selection; setMarks(marks: Immutable.Set): Selection; setProperties(properties: | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType | string ): Selection; } export interface RangeProperties { object?: "range" | undefined; anchor?: Point | undefined; focus?: Point | undefined; } export interface RangeJSON { object?: "range" | undefined; anchor?: PointJSON | undefined; focus?: PointJSON | undefined; } export class Range extends BaseRange { object: "range"; anchor: Point; focus: Point; static create(properties: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType): Range; static createList( elements?: | Array | Immutable.List ): Immutable.List; static createProperties( attrs: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType ): RangeProperties; static fromJSON(properties: RangeTypeJSON): Range; static fromJS(properties: RangeTypeJSON): Range; static isRange(maybeRange: any): maybeRange is RangeType; toJSON(options?: { preserveKeys?: boolean | undefined }): RangeJSON; toJS(options?: { preserveKeys?: boolean | undefined }): RangeJSON; } export interface DecorationProperties { object?: "decoration" | undefined; anchor?: Point | undefined; focus?: Point | undefined; type?: string | undefined; data?: Data | { [key: string]: any } | undefined; } export interface DecorationJSON { object?: "decoration" | undefined; anchor?: PointJSON | undefined; focus?: PointJSON | undefined; type?: string | undefined; data?: { [key: string]: any } | undefined; } export class Decoration extends BaseRange { object: "decoration"; anchor: Point; focus: Point; type: string; data: Data; static create(properties: | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType ): Decoration; static createList( elements?: | Array | Immutable.List ): Immutable.List; static createProperties( attrs: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType ): DecorationProperties; static fromJSON(properties: DecorationJSON & { mark?: MarkJSON | undefined }): Decoration; static fromJSON(properties: DecorationJSON & { mark?: MarkJSON | undefined }): Decoration; static isDecoration(maybeDecoration: any): maybeDecoration is Decoration; setProperties(properties: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType): Decoration; toJSON(): DecorationJSON; toJS(): DecorationJSON; } export interface AnnotationProperties { object?: "annotation" | undefined; key: string; type: string; data?: Data | { [key: string]: any } | undefined; anchor?: Point | undefined; focus?: Point | undefined; } export interface AnnotationJSON { object?: "annotation" | undefined; key: string; type: string; data?: { [key: string]: any } | undefined; anchor?: PointJSON | undefined; focus?: PointJSON | undefined; } export class Annotation extends BaseRange { object: "annotation"; key: string; type: string; data: Data; anchor: Point; focus: Point; static create(properties: Annotation | AnnotationProperties | AnnotationJSON): Annotation; static createMap( elements?: | { [key: string]: Annotation | AnnotationProperties | AnnotationJSON } | Immutable.Map ): Immutable.Map; static createProperties( attrs: AnnotationProperties | AnnotationJSON | Annotation ): AnnotationProperties; static fromJSON(properties: AnnotationProperties | AnnotationJSON): Annotation; static fromJS(properties: AnnotationProperties | AnnotationJSON): Annotation; static isAnnotation(maybeAnnotation: any): maybeAnnotation is Annotation; toJSON(): AnnotationJSON; toJS(): AnnotationJSON; setProperties(properties: AnnotationProperties | AnnotationJSON | Annotation): Annotation; } export type RangeTypeProperties = | RangeProperties | SelectionProperties | DecorationProperties | AnnotationProperties; export type RangeTypeJSON = RangeJSON | SelectionJSON | DecorationJSON | AnnotationJSON; export type RangeType = Range | Selection | Decoration | Annotation; declare class BaseRange extends Immutable.Record({}) { readonly isCollapsed: boolean; readonly isExpanded: boolean; readonly isBackward: boolean; readonly isForward: boolean; readonly isUnset: boolean; readonly isSet: boolean; readonly start: Point; readonly end: Point; flip(): RangeType; moveForward(n?: number): RangeType; moveBackward(n?: number): RangeType; moveAnchorBackward(n?: number): RangeType; moveAnchorForward(n?: number): RangeType; moveAnchorTo(path: string | number | Immutable.List, offset?: number): RangeType; moveAnchorToStartOfNode(node: Node): RangeType; moveAnchorToEndOfNode(node: Node): RangeType; moveEndBackward(n?: number): RangeType; moveEndForward(n?: number): RangeType; moveEndTo(path: string | number | Immutable.List, offset?: number): RangeType; moveEndToStartOfNode(node: Node): RangeType; moveEndToEndOfNode(node: Node): RangeType; moveFocusBackward(n?: number): RangeType; moveFocusForward(n?: number): RangeType; moveFocusTo(path: string | number | Immutable.List, offset?: number): RangeType; moveFocusToStartOfNode(node: Node): RangeType; moveFocusToEndOfNode(node: Node): RangeType; moveStartBackward(n?: number): RangeType; moveStartForward(n?: number): RangeType; moveStartTo(path: string | number | Immutable.List, offset?: number): RangeType; moveStartToStartOfNode(node: Node): RangeType; moveStartToEndOfNode(node: Node): RangeType; moveToAnchor(): RangeType; moveToEnd(): RangeType; moveToEndOfNode(node: Node): RangeType; moveToFocus(): RangeType; moveToRangeOfNode(start: Node, end?: Node): RangeType; moveToStart(): RangeType; moveToStartOfNode(node: Node): RangeType; normalize(node: Node): RangeType; setAnchor(anchor: Point): RangeType; setEnd(point: Point): RangeType; setFocus(focus: Point): RangeType; setIsAtomic(value: boolean): RangeType; setIsFocused(value: boolean): RangeType; setMarks(marks: Immutable.Set): RangeType; setPoints(values: Point[]): RangeType; updatePoints(updater: (point: Point) => Point): RangeType; setStart(point: Point): RangeType; setProperties( properties: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType ): RangeType; toJSON(): RangeTypeJSON; toJS(): RangeTypeJSON; toRange(): RangeType; unset(): RangeType; } export interface PointProperties { object?: "point" | undefined; key?: string | undefined; offset?: number | undefined; path?: Immutable.List | undefined; } export interface PointJSON { object?: "point" | undefined; key?: string | undefined; offset?: number | undefined; path?: number[] | undefined; } export class Point extends Immutable.Record({}) { object: "point"; key: string; offset: number; path: Immutable.List; static create(properties: PointProperties | PointJSON | Point): Point; static createProperties(properties: PointProperties | PointJSON | Point): Point; static fromJSON(properties: PointJSON | PointProperties): Point; static fromJS(properties: PointJSON | PointProperties): Point; static isPoint(maybePoint: any): maybePoint is Point; readonly isSet: boolean; readonly isUnset: boolean; isAfterPoint(point: Point): boolean; isAfterRange(range: RangeType): boolean; isAtEndofRange(range: RangeType): boolean; isAtStartOfRange(range: RangeType): boolean; isBeforePoint(point: Point): boolean; isBeforeRange(range: RangeType): boolean; isInRange(range: RangeType): boolean; isAtEndOfNode(node: Node): boolean; isAtStartOfNode(node: Node): boolean; isInNode(node: Node): boolean; moveBackward(n?: number): this; moveForward(n?: number): this; moveTo(path: string | number | Immutable.List, offset?: number): this; moveToStartOfNode(node: Node): this; moveToEndOfNode(node: Node): this; normalize(node: Node): this; setKey(key: string): this; setOffset(offset: number): this; setPath(path: Immutable.List | number[]): this; toJSON(options?: { preserveKeys?: boolean | undefined }): PointJSON; toJS(options?: { preserveKeys?: boolean | undefined }): PointJSON; unset(): this; } export type Operation = | InsertTextOperation | RemoveTextOperation | AddMarkOperation | RemoveMarkOperation | SetMarkOperation | AddAnnotationOperation | RemoveAnnotationOperation | SetAnnotationOperation | InsertNodeOperation | MergeNodeOperation | MoveNodeOperation | RemoveNodeOperation | SetNodeOperation | SplitNodeOperation | SetSelectionOperation | SetValueOperation; export interface OperationProperties { object?: "operation" | undefined; type: string; text?: string | undefined; target?: number | undefined; properties?: | NodeProperties | ValueProperties | SelectionProperties | AnnotationProperties | undefined; position?: number | undefined; path?: Immutable.List | undefined; offset?: number | undefined; node?: Node | undefined; newProperties?: | NodeProperties | ValueProperties | SelectionProperties | MarkProperties | AnnotationProperties | undefined; newPath?: Immutable.List | undefined; mark?: Mark | undefined; data?: Data | { [key: string]: any } | undefined; annotation?: Annotation | undefined; } export interface OperationJSON { object?: "operation" | undefined; type: string; text?: string | undefined; target?: number | undefined; properties?: | NodeJSON | ValueJSON | SelectionJSON | AnnotationJSON | undefined; position?: number | undefined; path?: number[] | undefined; offset?: number | undefined; node?: Node | undefined; newProperties?: | NodeJSON | ValueJSON | SelectionJSON | MarkJSON | AnnotationJSON | undefined; newPath?: number[] | undefined; mark?: MarkJSON | undefined; data?: { [key: string]: any } | undefined; annotation?: AnnotationJSON | undefined; } export class BaseOperation extends Immutable.Record({}) { object: "operation"; type: string; static create(attrs?: Operation | OperationProperties | OperationJSON): Operation; static createList(): | Immutable.List | Array; static fromJSON(object: OperationProperties | OperationJSON): Operation; static fromJS(object: OperationProperties | OperationJSON): Operation; static isOperation(maybeOperation: any): maybeOperation is Operation; static isOperationList(maybeOperationList: any): maybeOperationList is Immutable.List; toJSON(): OperationJSON; apply(value: Value): Value; invert(): this; } export class InsertTextOperation extends BaseOperation { type: "insert_text"; path: Immutable.List; offset: number; text: string; data: Data; } export class RemoveTextOperation extends BaseOperation { type: "remove_text"; path: Immutable.List; offset: number; text: string; data: Data; } export class AddMarkOperation extends BaseOperation { type: "add_mark"; path: Immutable.List; mark: Mark; data: Data; } export class RemoveMarkOperation extends BaseOperation { type: "remove_mark"; path: Immutable.List; mark: Mark; data: Data; } export class SetMarkOperation extends BaseOperation { type: "set_mark"; path: Immutable.List; properties: MarkProperties; newProperties: MarkProperties; data: Data; } export class AddAnnotationOperation extends BaseOperation { type: "add_annotation"; annotation: Annotation; data: Data; } export class RemoveAnnotationOperation extends BaseOperation { type: "remove_annotation"; annotation: Annotation; data: Data; } export class SetAnnotationOperation extends BaseOperation { type: "set_annotation"; properties: AnnotationProperties; newProperties: AnnotationProperties; data: Data; } export class InsertNodeOperation extends BaseOperation { type: "insert_node"; path: Immutable.List; node: Node; data: Data; } export class MergeNodeOperation extends BaseOperation { type: "merge_node"; path: Immutable.List; position: number; properties: NodeProperties; data: Data; } export class MoveNodeOperation extends BaseOperation { type: "move_node"; path: Immutable.List; newPath: Immutable.List; data: Data; } export class RemoveNodeOperation extends BaseOperation { type: "remove_node"; path: Immutable.List; node: Node; data: Data; } export class SetNodeOperation extends BaseOperation { type: "set_node"; path: Immutable.List; properties: NodeProperties; newProperties: NodeProperties; data: Data; } export class SplitNodeOperation extends BaseOperation { type: "split_node"; path: Immutable.List; position: number; target: number; properties: NodeProperties; data: Data; } export class SetSelectionOperation extends BaseOperation { type: "set_selection"; properties: SelectionProperties; newProperties: SelectionProperties; data: Data; } export class SetValueOperation extends BaseOperation { type: "set_value"; properties: ValueProperties; newProperties: ValueProperties; data: Data; } export type ErrorCode = | "child_max_invalid" | "child_min_invalid" | "child_object_invalid" | "child_required" | "child_type_invalid" | "child_unknown" | "first_child_object_invalid" | "first_child_type_invalid" | "last_child_object_invalid" | "last_child_type_invalid" | "next_sibling_object_invalid" | "next_sibling_type_invalid" | "node_data_invalid" | "node_is_void_invalid" | "node_mark_invalid" | "node_object_invalid" | "node_text_invalid" | "node_type_invalid" | "parent_object_invalid" | "parent_type_invalid" | "previous_sibling_object_invalid" | "previous_sibling_type_invalid"; export class SlateError extends Error { code: ErrorCode; [key: string]: any; } export namespace KeyUtils { function create(key?: string): string; function setGenerator(func: () => any): void; function resetGenerator(): void; } export type useMemoization = (enabled: boolean) => void; export type resetMemoization = () => void; export namespace PathUtils { /** * Compare paths `path` and `target` to see which is before or after. */ function compare( path: Immutable.List, target: Immutable.List ): number | null; /** * Create a path from `attrs`. */ function create( attrs: Immutable.List | number[] ): Immutable.List; /** * Crop paths `a` and `b` to an equal size, defaulting to the shortest. */ function crop( a: Immutable.List, b: Immutable.List, size?: number ): Array>; /** * Decrement a `path` by `n` at `index`, defaulting to the last index. */ function decrement( path: Immutable.List, n?: number, index?: number ): Immutable.List; /** * Get all ancestor paths of the given path. */ function getAncestors( path: Immutable.List ): Immutable.List; /** * Increment a `path` by `n` at `index`, defaulting to the last index. */ function increment( path: Immutable.List, n?: number, index?: number ): Immutable.List; /** * Is a `path` above another `target` path? */ function isAbove( path: Immutable.List, target: Immutable.List ): boolean; /** * Is a `path` after another `target` path in a document? */ function isAfter( path: Immutable.List, target: Immutable.List ): boolean; /** * Is a `path` before another `target` path in a document? */ function isBefore( path: Immutable.List, target: Immutable.List ): boolean; /** * Is a `path` equal to another `target` path in a document? */ function isEqual( path: Immutable.List, target: Immutable.List ): boolean; /** * Is a `path` older than a `target` path? Meaning that it ends as an older * sibling of one of the indexes in the target. */ function isOlder( path: Immutable.List, target: Immutable.List ): boolean; /** * Is an `any` object a path? */ function isPath( maybePath: any ): maybePath is (Immutable.List | number[]); /** * Is a `path` a sibling of a `target` path? */ function isSibling( path: Immutable.List, target: Immutable.List ): boolean; /** * Is a `path` younger than a `target` path? Meaning that it ends as a younger * sibling of one of the indexes in the target. */ function isYounger( path: Immutable.List, target: Immutable.List ): boolean; /** * Lift a `path` to refer to its `n`th ancestor. */ function lift( path: Immutable.List, n?: number ): Immutable.List; /** * Drop a `path`, returning a relative path from a depth of `n`. */ function drop( path: Immutable.List, n?: number ): Immutable.List; /** * Get the maximum length of paths `a` and `b`. */ function max( a: Immutable.List, b: Immutable.List ): number; /** * Get the minimum length of paths `a` and `b`. */ function min( a: Immutable.List, b: Immutable.List ): number; /** * Get the common ancestor path of path `a` and path `b`. */ function relate( a: Immutable.List, b: Immutable.List ): Immutable.List; /** * Transform a `path` by an `operation`, adjusting it to stay current. */ function transform( path: Immutable.List, operation: Operation | OperationJSON | OperationProperties ): Immutable.List>; } export interface Command { type: string; args: any[]; } export interface Query { type: string; args: any[]; } export type CommandFunc = (editor: T, ...args: any[]) => T; export type QueryFunc = (editor: T, ...args: any[]) => any; export interface Plugin { normalizeNode?: ((node: Node, editor: T, next: () => void) => ((editor: T) => void) | void) | undefined; onChange?: ((editor: T, next: () => void) => void) | undefined; onCommand?: ((command: Command, editor: T, next: () => void) => void) | undefined; onConstruct?: ((editor: T, next: () => void) => void) | undefined; onQuery?: ((query: Query, editor: T, next: () => void) => void) | undefined; validateNode?: ((node: Node, editor: T, next: () => void) => SlateError | void) | undefined; commands?: {[name: string]: CommandFunc} | undefined; queries?: {[name: string]: QueryFunc} | undefined; schema?: SchemaProperties | undefined; } export interface Plugins extends Array | Plugins> {} export interface EditorProperties { object?: "editor" | undefined; onChange?: ((change: { operations: Immutable.List; value: Value }) => void) | undefined; plugins?: Plugins | undefined; readOnly?: boolean | undefined; value?: Value | undefined; } export interface EditorOptions { controller?: Controller | undefined; construct?: boolean | undefined; normalize?: boolean | undefined; } export class Editor implements Controller { object: "editor"; controller: Controller; middleware: object; onChange: (change: { operations: Immutable.List, value: Value }) => void; operations: Immutable.List; plugins: Array>; readOnly: boolean; value: Value; constructor(attributes: EditorProperties, options?: EditorOptions); /** * Synchronously flush the current changes to editor, calling onChange. * In normal operation you never need to use this method! Reserved for testing. */ flush(): Editor; setReadOnly(readOnly: boolean): Editor; /** * Set the editor's value state. * You can optionally provide a normalize option to either for the editor to completely re-normalize the new value based on its schema or not. * By default, the editor will re-normalize only if the value is not equal to its previously seen value (which it knows was normalized). */ setValue(value: Value, options?: { normalize: boolean }): Editor; isEditor(maybeEditor: any): maybeEditor is Editor; addMark(mark: string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark): Editor; addMarks(mark: Set | Array): Editor; delete(): Editor; deleteBackward(n?: number): Editor; deleteForward(n?: number): Editor; insertBlock(block: string | Block | BlockProperties | BlockJSON): Editor; insertFragment(fragment: Document): Editor; insertInline(inline: string | Inline | InlineProperties | InlineJSON): Editor; insertText(text: string, marks?: Immutable.Set | Array): Editor; setBlocks(properties: string | Block | BlockProperties | BlockJSON): Editor; setInlines(properties: string | Inline | InlineProperties): Editor; splitBlock(depth?: number): Editor; splitInline(depth: number): Editor; removeMark(mark: string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark): Editor; replaceMark(mark: string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark, newMark: string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark): Editor; toggleMark(mark: string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark): Editor; unwrapBlock(properties: string | Block | BlockProperties | BlockJSON): Editor; unwrapInline(properties: string | Inline | InlineProperties | InlineJSON): Editor; wrapBlock(properties: string | Block | BlockProperties | BlockJSON): Editor; wrapInline(properties: string | Inline | InlineProperties | InlineJSON): Editor; wrapText(prefix: string, suffix?: string): Editor; blur(): Editor; deselect(): Editor; flip(): Editor; focus(): Editor; moveAnchorBackward(n?: number): Editor; moveAnchorWordBackward(): Editor; moveAnchorForward(n?: number): Editor; moveAnchorWordForward(): Editor; moveAnchorTo(path: string | number | Immutable.List, offset?: number): Editor; moveAnchorToEndOfBlock(): Editor; moveAnchorToEndOfInline(): Editor; moveAnchorToEndOfDocument(): Editor; moveAnchorToEndOfNextBlock(): Editor; moveAnchorToEndOfNextInline(): Editor; moveAnchorToEndOfNextText(): Editor; moveAnchorToEndOfNode(node: Block | Document | Inline | Text): Editor; moveAnchorToEndOfPreviousBlock(): Editor; moveAnchorToEndOfPreviousInline(): Editor; moveAnchorToEndOfPreviousText(): Editor; moveAnchorToEndOfText(): Editor; moveAnchorToStartOfBlock(): Editor; moveAnchorToStartOfDocument(): Editor; moveAnchorToStartOfInline(): Editor; moveAnchorToStartOfNextBlock(): Editor; moveAnchorToStartOfNextInline(): Editor; moveAnchorToStartOfNextText(): Editor; moveAnchorToStartOfNode(node: Block | Document | Inline | Text): Editor; moveAnchorToStartOfPreviousBlock(): Editor; moveAnchorToStartOfPreviousInline(): Editor; moveAnchorToStartOfPreviousText(): Editor; moveAnchorToStartOfText(): Editor; moveEndBackward(n?: number): Editor; moveEndForward(n?: number): Editor; moveEndTo(path: string | number | Immutable.List, offset?: number): Editor; moveEndToEndOfBlock(): Editor; moveEndToEndOfDocument(): Editor; moveEndToEndOfInline(): Editor; moveEndToEndOfNextBlock(): Editor; moveEndToEndOfNextInline(): Editor; moveEndToEndOfNextText(): Editor; moveEndToEndOfNode(node: Block | Document | Inline | Text): Editor; moveEndToEndOfPreviousBlock(): Editor; moveEndToEndOfPreviousInline(): Editor; moveEndToEndOfPreviousText(): Editor; moveEndToEndOfText(): Editor; moveEndToStartOfBlock(): Editor; moveEndToStartOfDocument(): Editor; moveEndToStartOfInline(): Editor; moveEndToStartOfNextBlock(): Editor; moveEndToStartOfNextInline(): Editor; moveEndToStartOfNextText(): Editor; moveEndToStartOfNode(node: Block | Document | Inline | Text): Editor; moveEndToStartOfPreviousBlock(): Editor; moveEndToStartOfPreviousInline(): Editor; moveEndToStartOfPreviousText(): Editor; moveEndToStartOfText(): Editor; moveEndWordBackward(): Editor; moveEndWordForward(): Editor; moveFocusBackward(n?: number): Editor; moveFocusForward(n?: number): Editor; moveFocusTo(path: string | number | Immutable.List, offset?: number): Editor; moveFocusToEndOfBlock(): Editor; moveFocusToEndOfDocument(): Editor; moveFocusToEndOfInline(): Editor; moveFocusToEndOfNextBlock(): Editor; moveFocusToEndOfNextInline(): Editor; moveFocusToEndOfNextText(): Editor; moveFocusToEndOfNode(node: Block | Document | Inline | Text): Editor; moveFocusToEndOfPreviousBlock(): Editor; moveFocusToEndOfPreviousInline(): Editor; moveFocusToEndOfPreviousText(): Editor; moveFocusToEndOfText(): Editor; moveFocusToStartOfBlock(): Editor; moveFocusToStartOfDocument(): Editor; moveFocusToStartOfInline(): Editor; moveFocusToStartOfNextBlock(): Editor; moveFocusToStartOfNextInline(): Editor; moveFocusToStartOfNextText(): Editor; moveFocusToStartOfNode(node: Block | Document | Inline | Text): Editor; moveFocusToStartOfPreviousBlock(): Editor; moveFocusToStartOfPreviousInline(): Editor; moveFocusToStartOfPreviousText(): Editor; moveFocusToStartOfText(): Editor; moveFocusWordBackward(): Editor; moveFocusWordForward(): Editor; moveStartForward(n?: number): Editor; moveStartBackward(n?: number): Editor; moveStartTo(path: string | number | Immutable.List, n?: number): Editor; moveStartToEndOfBlock(): Editor; moveStartToEndOfDocument(): Editor; moveStartToEndOfInline(): Editor; moveStartToEndOfNextBlock(): Editor; moveStartToEndOfNextInline(): Editor; moveStartToEndOfNextText(): Editor; moveStartToEndOfNode(node: Block | Document | Inline | Text): Editor; moveStartToEndOfPreviousBlock(): Editor; moveStartToEndOfPreviousInline(): Editor; moveStartToEndOfPreviousText(): Editor; moveStartToEndOfText(): Editor; moveStartToStartOfBlock(): Editor; moveStartToStartOfDocument(): Editor; moveStartToStartOfInline(): Editor; moveStartToStartOfNextBlock(): Editor; moveStartToStartOfNextInline(): Editor; moveStartToStartOfNextText(): Editor; moveStartToStartOfNode(node: Block | Document | Inline | Text): Editor; moveStartToStartOfPreviousBlock(): Editor; moveStartToStartOfPreviousInline(): Editor; moveStartToStartOfPreviousText(): Editor; moveStartToStartOfText(): Editor; moveStartWordForward(): Editor; moveStartWordBackward(): Editor; moveBackward(n?: number): Editor; moveForward(n?: number): Editor; moveTo(path: string | number | Immutable.List, offset?: number): Editor; moveToAnchor(): Editor; moveToFocus(): Editor; moveToStart(): Editor; moveToEnd(): Editor; moveToEndOfBlock(): Editor; moveToEndOfDocument(): Editor; moveToEndOfInline(): Editor; moveToEndOfNextBlock(): Editor; moveToEndOfNextInline(): Editor; moveToEndOfNextText(): Editor; moveToEndOfNode(node: Block | Document | Inline | Text): Editor; moveToEndOfPreviousBlock(): Editor; moveToEndOfPreviousInline(): Editor; moveToEndOfPreviousText(): Editor; moveToEndOfText(): Editor; moveToStartOfBlock(): Editor; moveToStartOfDocument(): Editor; moveToStartOfInline(): Editor; moveToStartOfNextBlock(): Editor; moveToStartOfNextInline(): Editor; moveToStartOfNextText(): Editor; moveToStartOfNode(node: Block | Document | Inline | Text): Editor; moveToStartOfPreviousBlock(): Editor; moveToStartOfPreviousInline(): Editor; moveToStartOfPreviousText(): Editor; moveToStartOfText(): Editor; moveWordBackward(): Editor; moveWordForward(): Editor; moveToRangeOfDocument(): Editor; moveToRangeOfNode(node: Block | Document | Inline | Text): Editor; select( properties: string | RangeTypeProperties| RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, options?: { snapshot?: boolean | undefined } ): Editor; setAnchor(point: Point): void; setEnd(point: Point): void; setFocus(point: Point): void; setStart(point: Point): void; addMarkAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties| RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, mark: string | MarkProperties | Mark): Editor; addMarksAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties| RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, marks: Array | Immutable.Set): Editor; deleteAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties| RangeTypeJSON | RangeType): Editor; deleteCharBackward(): Editor; deleteCharBackwardAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties| RangeTypeJSON | RangeType): Editor; deleteLineBackward(): Editor; deleteLineBackwardAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties| RangeTypeJSON | RangeType): Editor; deleteWordBackward(): Editor; deleteWordBackwardAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties| RangeTypeJSON | RangeType): Editor; deleteBackwardAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties| RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, n?: number): Editor; deleteCharForward(): Editor; deleteCharForwardAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties| RangeTypeJSON | RangeType): Editor; deleteLineForward(): Editor; deleteLineForwardAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties| RangeTypeJSON | RangeType): Editor; deleteWordForwardAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties| RangeTypeJSON | RangeType): Editor; deleteWordForward(): Editor; deleteForwardAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties| RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, n?: number): Editor; insertBlockAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties| RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, block: string | Block | BlockProperties | BlockJSON): Editor; insertFragmentAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties| RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, fragment: Document): Editor; insertInlineAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties| RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, inline: Inline | InlineProperties | InlineJSON): Editor; insertTextAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties| RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, text: string): Editor; setBlocksAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties| RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, properties: string | Block | BlockProperties | BlockJSON): Editor; setInlinesAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties| RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, properties: string | Inline | InlineProperties | InlineJSON): Editor; splitBlockAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties| RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, height?: number): Editor; splitInlineAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties| RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, height?: number): Editor; removeMarkAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties| RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, mark: string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark): Editor; toggleMarkAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties| RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, mark: string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark): Editor; unwrapBlockAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties| RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, properties: string | Block | BlockProperties | BlockJSON): Editor; unwrapInlineAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties| RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, properties: string | Inline | InlineProperties | InlineJSON): Editor; wrapBlockAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties| RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, properties: string | Block | BlockProperties | BlockJSON): Editor; wrapInlineAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties| RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, properties: string | Inline | InlineProperties | InlineJSON): Editor; wrapTextAtRange(range: RangeTypeProperties| RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, prefix: string, suffix?: string): Editor; addMarkByKey(key: string, offset: number, length: number, mark: string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark): Editor; addMarkByPath(path: Immutable.List, offset: number, length: number, mark: string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark): Editor; addMarksByPath( path: Immutable.List, offset: number, length: number, marks: | Array | Immutable.Set ): Editor; insertNodeByKey(key: string, index: number, node: Block | Document | Inline | Text): Editor; insertNodeByPath(path: Immutable.List, index: number, node: Block | Document | Inline | Text): Editor; insertFragmentByKey(key: string, index: number, fragment: Document): Editor; insertFragmentByPath(path: Immutable.List, index: number, fragment: Document): Editor; insertTextByKey( key: string, offset: number, text: string, marks?: | Array | Immutable.Set ): Editor; insertTextByPath( path: Immutable.List, offset: number, text: string, marks?: | Array | Immutable.Set ): Editor; mergeNodeByKey(key: string): Editor; mergeNodeByPath(path: Immutable.List): Editor; moveNodeByKey(key: string, newKey: string, newIndex: number): Editor; moveNodeByPath(path: Immutable.List, newPath: Immutable.List, newIndex: number): Editor; removeMarkByKey(key: string, offset: number, length: number, mark: string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark): Editor; removeMarkByPath(path: Immutable.List, offset: number, length: number, mark: string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark): Editor; removeAllMarksByKey(key: string): Editor; removeAllMarksByPath(path: Immutable.List): Editor; removeMarksByPath( path: Immutable.List, offset: number, length: number, marks: | Array | Immutable.Set ): Editor; removeNodeByKey(key: string): Editor; removeNodeByPath(path: Immutable.List): Editor; replaceNodeByKey(key: string, node: Block | Document | Inline | Text): Editor; replaceNodeByPath(path: Immutable.List, newNode: Block | Document | Inline | Text): Editor; removeTextByKey(key: string, offset: number, length: number): Editor; removeTextByPath(path: Immutable.List, offset: number, length: number): Editor; replaceTextByKey(key: string, node: Block | Document | Inline | Text): Editor; replaceTextByPath( path: Immutable.List, offset: number, length: number, text: string, marks?: Immutable.Set | Mark[] ): Editor; setMarkByKey( key: string, offset: number, length: number, properties: string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark, newProperties: string | Partial | Partial | Partial ): Editor; setMarkByPath( path: Immutable.List, offset: number, length: number, properties: string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark, newProperties: string | Partial | Partial | Partial ): Editor; setNodeByKey(key: string, properties: string | Partial | Partial): Editor; setNodeByPath(path: Immutable.List, newProperties: string | NodeProperties): Editor; setTextByKey(key: string, text: string, marks: Immutable.Set): Editor; setTextByPath(path: Immutable.List, text: string, marks: Immutable.Set): Editor; splitDescendantsByKey(key: string, textKey: string, textOffset: number): Editor; splitDescendantsByPath(path: Immutable.List, textPath: Immutable.List, textOffset: number): Editor; splitNodeByKey(key: string, offset: number): Editor; splitNodeByPath(path: Immutable.List, position: number, options?: { target?: number | undefined }): Editor; unwrapInlineByKey(key: string, properties: string | InlineProperties): Editor; unwrapInlineByPath(path: Path, properties: string | InlineProperties): Editor; unwrapBlockByKey(key: string, properties: string | BlockProperties): Editor; unwrapBlockByPath(path: Path, properties: string | BlockProperties): Editor; unwrapChildrenByKey(key: string): Editor; unwrapChildrenByPath(path: Immutable.List | number[]): Editor; unwrapNodeByKey(key: string): Editor; unwrapNodeByPath(path: Immutable.List): Editor; wrapInlineByKey(key: string, properties: string | InlineProperties): Editor; wrapInlineByPath(path: Path, properties: string | InlineProperties): Editor; wrapBlockByKey(key: string, properties: string | BlockProperties): Editor; wrapBlockByPath(path: Immutable.List, block: string | Block): Editor; wrapNodeByKey(key: string, parent: Block | Document | Inline | Text): Editor; wrapNodeByPath(path: Immutable.List, parent: Block | Document | Inline | Text): Editor; normalize(): Editor; withoutNormalizing(fn: () => void): Editor; withoutSaving(fn: () => void): Editor; withoutMerging(fn: () => void): Editor; redo(): Editor; undo(): Editor; save(operation: Operation): void; snapshotSelection(): Editor; command(type: string | ((...args: any[]) => any), ...args: any[]): Editor; hasCommand(type: string): boolean; hasQuery(type: string): boolean; query(query: string | ((...args: any[]) => any), ...args: any[]): any; registerCommand(command: string): Editor; registerQuery(query: string): Editor; applyOperation(operation: Operation | OperationJSON | OperationProperties): Editor; run(key: string, ...args: any[]): Editor; setData(data: Data): Editor; addAnnotation(annotation: AnnotationProperties | AnnotationJSON | Annotation): Editor; removeAnnotation(annotation: AnnotationProperties | AnnotationJSON | Annotation): Editor; setAnnotation(annotation: Annotation, newProperties: AnnotationProperties | AnnotationJSON | Annotation): Editor; } export interface Controller { // Current Selection Commands // /** * Add a mark to the characters in the current selection */ addMark(mark: MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark | string): Controller; addMarks(mark: | Set | Array ): Controller; /** * Delete everything in the current selection. */ delete(): Controller; /** * Delete backward n characters at the current cursor. * If the selection is expanded, behaviour is equivalent to delete() */ deleteBackward(n?: number): Controller; /** * Delete backward n characters at the current cursor. * If the selection is expanded, behaviour is equivalent to delete() */ deleteForward(n?: number): Controller; /** * Insert a new block at the same level as the current block, splitting the current block to make room if it is non-empty. * If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first. */ insertBlock(block: Block | BlockProperties | BlockJSON | string): Controller; /** * Insert a document fragment at the current selection. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first. */ insertFragment(fragment: Document): Controller; /** * Insert a new inline at the current cursor position, splitting the text to make room if it is non-empty. * If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first. */ insertInline(inline: Inline | InlineProperties | InlineJSON | string): Controller; /** * Insert a string of text at the current selection. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first */ insertText(text: string): Controller; /** * Set the properties of the Blocks in the current selection. * Passing a string will set the blocks' type only. */ setBlocks(properties: Block | BlockProperties | BlockJSON | string): Controller; /** * Set the properties of the Inlines nodes in the current selection. * Passing a string will set the nodes' type only. */ setInlines(properties: Inline | InlineProperties | InlineProperties | string): Controller; /** * Split the Block in the current selection by depth levels. * If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first. */ splitBlock(depth?: number): Controller; /** * Split the Inline node in the current selection by depth levels. * If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first */ splitInline(depth: number): Controller; /** * Remove a mark from the characters in the current selection. * Passing a string will implicitly create a Mark of that type for removal. */ removeMark(mark: Mark | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | string): Controller; /** * Remove a mark from the characters in the current selection. * Passing a string will implicitly create a Mark of that type. */ replaceMark( mark: MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark | string, newMark: MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark | string ): Controller; /** * Add or remove a mark from the characters in the current selection, depending on it already exists on any or not. * Passing a string will implicitly create a Mark of that type to toggle. */ toggleMark(mark: MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark | string): Controller; /** * Unwrap all Block nodes in the current selection that match a type and/or data */ unwrapBlock(properties: BlockProperties | BlockJSON | Block | string): Controller; /** * Unwrap all Inline nodes in the current selection that match a type and/or data */ unwrapInline(properties: InlineProperties | InlineJSON | Inline | string): Controller; /** * Wrap the Block nodes in the current selection with a new Block */ wrapBlock(properties: BlockProperties | BlockJSON | Block | string): Controller; /** * Wrap the Block nodes in the current selection with a new Inline */ wrapInline(properties: InlineProperties | InlineJSON | Inline | string): Controller; /** * Surround the text in the current selection with prefix and suffix strings. * If the suffix is ommitted, the prefix will be used instead. */ wrapText(prefix: string, suffix?: string): Controller; // Selection Commands // /** * Blur the current selection */ blur(): Controller; /** * Unset the selection */ deselect(): Controller; /** * Flip the selection */ flip(): Controller; /** * Focus the current selection */ focus(): Controller; /** * Move the anchor of the current selection backward n characters */ moveAnchorBackward(n?: number): Controller; moveAnchorWordBackward(): Controller; /** * Move the anchor of the current selection forward n characters */ moveAnchorForward(n?: number): Controller; moveAnchorWordForward(): Controller; /** * Move the anchor of the current selection to a new path and offset */ moveAnchorTo(path: string | number | Immutable.List, offset?: number): Controller; /** * Move the anchor of the current selection to the end of the closest block parent. */ moveAnchorToEndOfBlock(): Controller; /** * Move the anchor of the current selection to the end of the closest inline parent. */ moveAnchorToEndOfInline(): Controller; /** * Move the anchor of the current selection to the end of the document. */ moveAnchorToEndOfDocument(): Controller; /** * Move the anchor of the current selection to the end of the next block. */ moveAnchorToEndOfNextBlock(): Controller; /** * Move the anchor of the current selection to the end of the next inline. */ moveAnchorToEndOfNextInline(): Controller; /** * Move the anchor of the current selection to the end of the next text. */ moveAnchorToEndOfNextText(): Controller; /** * Move the anchor of the current selection to the end of the provided node. */ moveAnchorToEndOfNode(node: Node): Controller; /** * Move the anchor of the current selection to the end of the previous block. */ moveAnchorToEndOfPreviousBlock(): Controller; /** * Move the anchor of the current selection to the end of the previous inline. */ moveAnchorToEndOfPreviousInline(): Controller; /** * Move the anchor of the current selection to the end of the previous text. */ moveAnchorToEndOfPreviousText(): Controller; /** * Move the anchor of the current selection to the end of the current text node. */ moveAnchorToEndOfText(): Controller; /** * Move the anchor of the current selection to the start of the closest block parent. */ moveAnchorToStartOfBlock(): Controller; /** * Move the anchor of the current selection to the start of the document. */ moveAnchorToStartOfDocument(): Controller; /** * Move the anchor of the current selection to the start of the closest inline parent. */ moveAnchorToStartOfInline(): Controller; /** * Move the anchor of the current selection to the start of the next block. */ moveAnchorToStartOfNextBlock(): Controller; /** * Move the anchor of the current selection to the start of the next inline. */ moveAnchorToStartOfNextInline(): Controller; /** * Move the anchor of the current selection to the start of the next text node. */ moveAnchorToStartOfNextText(): Controller; /** * Move the anchor of the current selection to the start of the provided node. */ moveAnchorToStartOfNode(node: Node): Controller; /** * Move the anchor of the current selection to the start of the previous block. */ moveAnchorToStartOfPreviousBlock(): Controller; /** * Move the anchor of the current selection to the start of the previous inline. */ moveAnchorToStartOfPreviousInline(): Controller; /** * Move the anchor of the current selection to the start of the previous text node. */ moveAnchorToStartOfPreviousText(): Controller; /** * Move the anchor of the current selection to the start of the current text node. */ moveAnchorToStartOfText(): Controller; /** * Move the end of the selection backward n characters */ moveEndBackward(n?: number): Controller; /** * Move the end of the selection foward n characters */ moveEndForward(n?: number): Controller; /** * Move the end of the selection to a new path and offset */ moveEndTo(path: string | number | Immutable.List, offset?: number): Controller; /** * Move the end of the current selection to the end of the closest block parent. */ moveEndToEndOfBlock(): Controller; /** * Move the end of the current selection to the end of the document. */ moveEndToEndOfDocument(): Controller; /** * Move the end of the current selection to the end of the closest inline parent. */ moveEndToEndOfInline(): Controller; /** * Move the anchor of the current selection to the end of the next block. */ moveEndToEndOfNextBlock(): Controller; /** * Move the end of the current selection to the end of the next inline. */ moveEndToEndOfNextInline(): Controller; /** * Move the end of the current selection to the end of the next text. */ moveEndToEndOfNextText(): Controller; /** * Move the end of the current selection to the end of the provided node. */ moveEndToEndOfNode(node: Node): Controller; /** * Move the end of the current selection to the end of the previous block. */ moveEndToEndOfPreviousBlock(): Controller; /** * Move the end of the current selection to the end of the previous inline. */ moveEndToEndOfPreviousInline(): Controller; /** * Move the commandable of the current selection to the end of the previous text. */ moveEndToEndOfPreviousText(): Controller; /** * Move the end of the current selection to the end of the current text node. */ moveEndToEndOfText(): Controller; /** * Move the end of the current selection to the start of the closest block parent. */ moveEndToStartOfBlock(): Controller; /** * Move the end of the current selection to the start of the document. */ moveEndToStartOfDocument(): Controller; /** * Move the end of the current selection to the start of the closest inline parent. */ moveEndToStartOfInline(): Controller; /** * Move the end of the current selection to the start of the next block. */ moveEndToStartOfNextBlock(): Controller; /** * Move the end of the current selection to the start of the next inline. */ moveEndToStartOfNextInline(): Controller; /** * Move the end of the current selection to the start of the next text node. */ moveEndToStartOfNextText(): Controller; /** * Move the end of the current selection to the start of the provided node. */ moveEndToStartOfNode(node: Node): Controller; /** * Move the end of the current selection to the start of the previous block. */ moveEndToStartOfPreviousBlock(): Controller; /** * Move the end of the current selection to the start of the previous inline. */ moveEndToStartOfPreviousInline(): Controller; /** * Move the end of the current selection to the start of the previous text node. */ moveEndToStartOfPreviousText(): Controller; /** * Move the end of the current selection to the start of the current text node. */ moveEndToStartOfText(): Controller; moveEndWordBackward(): Controller; moveEndWordForward(): Controller; /** * Move the focus of the current selection backward n characters */ moveFocusBackward(n?: number): Controller; /** * Move the focus of the current selection forward n characters */ moveFocusForward(n?: number): Controller; /** * Move the focus of the current selection to a new path and offset */ moveFocusTo(path: string | number | Immutable.List, offset?: number): Controller; /** * Move the focus of the current selection to the end of the closest block parent. */ moveFocusToEndOfBlock(): Controller; /** * Move the focus of the current selection to the end of the document. */ moveFocusToEndOfDocument(): Controller; /** * Move the focus of the current selection to the end of the closest inline parent. */ moveFocusToEndOfInline(): Controller; /** * Move the focus of the current selection to the end of the next block. */ moveFocusToEndOfNextBlock(): Controller; /** * Move the focus of the current selection to the end of the next inline. */ moveFocusToEndOfNextInline(): Controller; /** * Move the focus of the current selection to the end of the next text. */ moveFocusToEndOfNextText(): Controller; /** * Move the focus of the current selection to the end of the provided node. */ moveFocusToEndOfNode(node: Node): Controller; /** * Move the focus of the current selection to the end of the previous block. */ moveFocusToEndOfPreviousBlock(): Controller; /** * Move the focus of the current selection to the end of the previous inline. */ moveFocusToEndOfPreviousInline(): Controller; /** * Move the focus of the current selection to the end of the previous text. */ moveFocusToEndOfPreviousText(): Controller; /** * Move the focus of the current selection to the end of the current text node. */ moveFocusToEndOfText(): Controller; /** * Move the focus of the current selection to the start of the closest block parent. */ moveFocusToStartOfBlock(): Controller; /** * Move the focus of the current selection to the start of the document. */ moveFocusToStartOfDocument(): Controller; /** * Move the focus of the current selection to the start of the closest inline parent. */ moveFocusToStartOfInline(): Controller; /** * Move the focus of the current selection to the start of the next block. */ moveFocusToStartOfNextBlock(): Controller; /** * Move the focus of the current selection to the start of the next inline. */ moveFocusToStartOfNextInline(): Controller; /** * Move the focus of the current selection to the start of the next text node. */ moveFocusToStartOfNextText(): Controller; /** * Move the focus of the current selection to the start of the provided node. */ moveFocusToStartOfNode(node: Node): Controller; /** * Move the focus of the current selection to the start of the previous block. */ moveFocusToStartOfPreviousBlock(): Controller; /** * Move the focus of the current selection to the start of the previous inline. */ moveFocusToStartOfPreviousInline(): Controller; /** * Move the focus of the current selection to the start of the previous text node. */ moveFocusToStartOfPreviousText(): Controller; /** * Move the focus of the current selection to the start of the current text node. */ moveFocusToStartOfText(): Controller; moveFocusWordBackward(): Controller; moveFocusWordForward(): Controller; /** * Move the start of the current selection backward n characters */ moveStartForward(n?: number): Controller; /** * Move the start of the current selection forward n characters */ moveStartBackward(n?: number): Controller; /** * Move the start of the current selection to a new path and offset */ moveStartTo(path: string | number | Immutable.List, n?: number): Controller; /** * Move the start of the current selection to the end of the closest block parent. */ moveStartToEndOfBlock(): Controller; /** * Move the start of the current selection to the end of the document. */ moveStartToEndOfDocument(): Controller; /** * Move the start of the current selection to the end of the closest inline parent. */ moveStartToEndOfInline(): Controller; /** * Move the start of the current selection to the end of the next block. */ moveStartToEndOfNextBlock(): Controller; /** * Move the start of the current selection to the end of the next inline. */ moveStartToEndOfNextInline(): Controller; /** * Move the start of the current selection to the end of the next text. */ moveStartToEndOfNextText(): Controller; /** * Move the start of the current selection to the end of the provided node. */ moveStartToEndOfNode(node: Node): Controller; /** * Move the start of the current selection to the end of the previous block. */ moveStartToEndOfPreviousBlock(): Controller; /** * Move the start of the current selection to the end of the previous inline. */ moveStartToEndOfPreviousInline(): Controller; /** * Move the start of the current selection to the end of the previous text. */ moveStartToEndOfPreviousText(): Controller; /** * Move the start of the current selection to the end of the current text node. */ moveStartToEndOfText(): Controller; /** * Move the start of the current selection to the start of the closest block parent. */ moveStartToStartOfBlock(): Controller; /** * Move the start of the current selection to the start of the document. */ moveStartToStartOfDocument(): Controller; /** * Move the start of the current selection to the start of the closest inline parent. */ moveStartToStartOfInline(): Controller; /** * Move the start of the current selection to the start of the next block. */ moveStartToStartOfNextBlock(): Controller; /** * Move the start of the current selection to the start of the next inline. */ moveStartToStartOfNextInline(): Controller; /** * Move the start of the current selection to the start of the next text node. */ moveStartToStartOfNextText(): Controller; /** * Move the start of the current selection to the start of the provided node. */ moveStartToStartOfNode(node: Node): Controller; /** * Move the start of the current selection to the start of the previous block. */ moveStartToStartOfPreviousBlock(): Controller; /** * Move the start of the current selection to the start of the previous inline. */ moveStartToStartOfPreviousInline(): Controller; /** * Move the start of the current selection to the start of the previous text node. */ moveStartToStartOfPreviousText(): Controller; /** * Move the start of the current selection to the start of the current text node. */ moveStartToStartOfText(): Controller; moveStartWordForward(): Controller; moveStartWordBackward(): Controller; /** * Move the anchor and focus of the selection backward n characters. */ moveBackward(n?: number): Controller; /** * Move the anchor and focus of the selection forward n characters. */ moveForward(n?: number): Controller; /** * Collapse the current selection at the provided new path and offset. */ moveTo(path: string | number | Immutable.List, offset?: number): Controller; /** * Collapse the current selection at the anchor. */ moveToAnchor(): Controller; /** * Collapse the current selection at the focus. */ moveToFocus(): Controller; /** * Collapse the current selection at the start. */ moveToStart(): Controller; /** * Collapse the current selection at the end. */ moveToEnd(): Controller; /** * Collapse the current selection at the end of the closest block parent. */ moveToEndOfBlock(): Controller; /** * Collapse the current selection at the end of the document. */ moveToEndOfDocument(): Controller; /** * Collapse the current selection at the end of the closest inline parent. */ moveToEndOfInline(): Controller; /** * Collapse the current selection at the end of the next block. */ moveToEndOfNextBlock(): Controller; /** * Collapse the current selection at the end of the inline. */ moveToEndOfNextInline(): Controller; /** * Collapse the current selection at the end of the next text node. */ moveToEndOfNextText(): Controller; /** * Collapse the current selection at the end of the provided node. */ moveToEndOfNode(node: Node): Controller; /** * Collapse the current selection at the end of the previous block. */ moveToEndOfPreviousBlock(): Controller; /** * Collapse the current selection at the end of the previous inline. */ moveToEndOfPreviousInline(): Controller; /** * Collapse the current selection at the end of the previous text node. */ moveToEndOfPreviousText(): Controller; /** * Collapse the current selection at the end of the current text node. */ moveToEndOfText(): Controller; /** * Collapse the current selection at the start of the nearest block parent. */ moveToStartOfBlock(): Controller; /** * Collapse the current selection at the start of the document. */ moveToStartOfDocument(): Controller; /** * Collapse the current selection at the start of the nearest inline parent. */ moveToStartOfInline(): Controller; /** * Collapse the current selection at the start of the next block. */ moveToStartOfNextBlock(): Controller; /** * Collapse the current selection at the start of the next inline. */ moveToStartOfNextInline(): Controller; /** * Collapse the current selection at the start of the next text node. */ moveToStartOfNextText(): Controller; /** * Collapse the current selection at the start of the provided node. */ moveToStartOfNode(node: Node): Controller; /** * Collapse the current selection at the start of the previous block. */ moveToStartOfPreviousBlock(): Controller; /** * Collapse the current selection at the start of the previous inline. */ moveToStartOfPreviousInline(): Controller; /** * Collapse the current selection at the start of the previous text node. */ moveToStartOfPreviousText(): Controller; /** * Collapse the current selection at the start of the current text node. */ moveToStartOfText(): Controller; moveWordBackward(): Controller; moveWordForward(): Controller; /** * Move the current selection's anchor to the start of the document and its focus to the end of it, selecting everything. */ moveToRangeOfDocument(): Controller; /** * Move the current selection's anchor to the start of the provided node and its focus to the end of it. */ moveToRangeOfNode(node: Node): Controller; /** * Merge the current selection with the provided properties */ select( properties: | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType | string, options?: { snapshot?: boolean | undefined } ): Controller; setAnchor(point: Point): void; setEnd(point: Point): void; setFocus(point: Point): void; setStart(point: Point): void; // Document Range Commands // /** * Add a mark to the characters in the range. * Passing a string as `mark` will implicitly create a mark with that `type` */ addMarkAtRange( range: RangeType | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON, mark: Mark | MarkProperties | string): Controller; addMarksAtRange( range: RangeType | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON, marks: | Array | Immutable.Set ): Controller; /** * Delete everything in the range */ deleteAtRange(range: RangeType | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON): Controller; /** * Delete backward one character */ deleteCharBackward(): Controller; /** * Delete backward until the char boundary at a range */ deleteCharBackwardAtRange(range: RangeType | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON): Controller; /** * Delete backward one line */ deleteLineBackward(): Controller; /** * Delete backward until the line boundary at a range */ deleteLineBackwardAtRange(range: RangeType | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON): Controller; /** * Delete backward one word. */ deleteWordBackward(): Controller; /** * Delete backward until the word boundary at a range */ deleteWordBackwardAtRange(range: RangeType | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON): Controller; /** * Delete backward n characters at a range */ deleteBackwardAtRange(range: RangeType | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON, n?: number): Controller; /** * Delete forward one character */ deleteCharForward(): Controller; /** * Delete forward until the char boundary at a range */ deleteCharForwardAtRange(range: RangeType | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON): Controller; /** * Delete forward one line */ deleteLineForward(): Controller; /** * Delete forward until the line boundary at a range */ deleteLineForwardAtRange(range: RangeType | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON): Controller; /** * Delete forward until the word boundary at a range */ deleteWordForwardAtRange(range: RangeType | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON): Controller; /** * Delete forward one word */ deleteWordForward(): Controller; /** * Delete forward n characters at a range */ deleteForwardAtRange(range: RangeType | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON, n?: number): Controller; /** * Insert a block node at range, splitting text to make room if it is non-empty. * If the range is expanded, it will be deleted first. */ insertBlockAtRange( range: RangeType | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON, block: Block | BlockProperties | BlockJSON | string ): Controller; /** * Insert a document fragment at a range, if the range is expanded, it will be deleted first. */ insertFragmentAtRange( range: RangeType | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON, fragment: Document ): Controller; /** * Insert a new inline at range, splitting text to make room if it is non-empty. * If the range is expanded, it will be deleted first. */ insertInlineAtRange( range: RangeType | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON, inline: Inline | InlineJSON | InlineProperties ): Controller; /** * Insert text at range. If the range is expanded it will be deleted first */ insertTextAtRange( range: RangeType | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON, text: string ): Controller; /** * Set the properties of the block nodes in a range. * Passing a string will set the nodes' type only */ setBlocksAtRange( range: RangeType | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON, properties: Block | BlockJSON | BlockProperties | string ): Controller; /** * Set the properties of the inline nodes in a range. * Passing a string will set the nodes' type only */ setInlinesAtRange( range: RangeType | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON, properties: InlineProperties | InlineJSON | Inline | string ): Controller; /** * Split the block nodes at a `range`, to optional `height`. */ splitBlockAtRange( range: RangeType | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON, height?: number ): Controller; /** * Split the inline nodes at a `range`, to optional `height`. */ splitInlineAtRange( range: RangeType | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON, height?: number ): Controller; /** * Remove a mark from characters in the range. Passing a string will * implicitly create a mark of that type for deletion. */ removeMarkAtRange( range: RangeType | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON, mark: Mark | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | string ): Controller; /** * Add or remove a mark from characters in the range. Passing a string will * implicitly create a mark of that type for deletion. */ toggleMarkAtRange( range: RangeType | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON, mark: Mark | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | string ): Controller; /** * Unwrap all block nodes in a range that match properties */ unwrapBlockAtRange( range: RangeType | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON, properties: BlockProperties | BlockJSON | Block | string ): Controller; /** * Unwrap all inline nodes in a range that match properties */ unwrapInlineAtRange( range: RangeType | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON, properties: InlineProperties | InlineJSON | Inline | string ): Controller; /** * wrap all block nodes in a range with a new block node with the provided properties */ wrapBlockAtRange( range: RangeType | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON, properties: BlockProperties | BlockJSON | Block | string ): Controller; /** * wrap all inline nodes in a range with a new inline node with the provided properties */ wrapInlineAtRange( range: RangeType | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON, properties: InlineProperties | InlineJSON | Inline | string ): Controller; /** * Surround the text in a range with a prefix and suffix. If the suffix is ommitted, * the prefix will be used instead. */ wrapTextAtRange( range: RangeType | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON, prefix: string, suffix?: string ): Controller; // Node commands // /** * Add a mark to length characters starting at an offset in a node by key */ addMarkByKey( key: string, offset: number, length: number, mark: MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark | string ): Controller; /** * Add a mark to length characters starting at an offset in a node by path */ addMarkByPath( path: Immutable.List, offset: number, length: number, mark: MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark | string ): Controller; addMarksByPath( path: Immutable.List, offset: number, length: number, marks: | Array | Immutable.Set ): Controller; /** * Insert a node at index inside a parent node by key */ insertNodeByKey(key: string, index: number, node: Node): Controller; /** * Insert a node at index inside a parent node by apth */ insertNodeByPath(path: Immutable.List, index: number, node: Node): Controller; /** * Insert a document fragment at index inside a parent node by key */ insertFragmentByKey(key: string, index: number, fragment: Document): Controller; /** * Insert a document fragment at index inside a parent node by path */ insertFragmentByPath(path: Immutable.List, index: number, fragment: Document): Controller; /** * Insert text at an offset in a text node by its key with optional marks */ insertTextByKey( key: string, offset: number, text: string, marks?: | Array | Immutable.Set ): Controller; /** * Insert text at an offset in a text node by its path with optional marks */ insertTextByPath( path: Immutable.List, offset: number, text: string, marks?: | Array | Immutable.Set ): Controller; /** * Merge a node by its key with its previous sibling */ mergeNodeByKey(key: string): Controller; /** * Merge a node by its path with its previous sibling */ mergeNodeByPath(path: Immutable.List): Controller; /** * Move a node by its key to a new parent node with with newkey at newindex */ moveNodeByKey(key: string, newKey: string, newIndex: number): Controller; /** * Move a node by its path to a new parent node with with newpath at newindex */ moveNodeByPath( path: Immutable.List, newPath: Immutable.List, newIndex: number ): Controller; /** * Remove a mark from length characters starting at an offset in a node by key */ removeMarkByKey( key: string, offset: number, length: number, mark: MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark | string ): Controller; /** * Remove a mark from length characters starting at an offset in a node by path */ removeMarkByPath( path: Immutable.List, offset: number, length: number, mark: MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark | string ): Controller; /** * Remove all `marks` from node by `key`. */ removeAllMarksByKey(key: string): Controller; /** * Remove all `marks` from node by `path`. */ removeAllMarksByPath(path: Immutable.List): Controller; removeMarksByPath( path: Immutable.List, offset: number, length: number, marks: | Array | Immutable.Set ): Controller; /** * Remove a node from the document by its key */ removeNodeByKey(key: string): Controller; /** * Remove a node from the document by its path */ removeNodeByPath(path: Immutable.List): Controller; /** * Replace a node in the document with a new node by key */ replaceNodeByKey(key: string, node: Node): Controller; /** * Replace a node in the document with a new node by path */ replaceNodeByPath(path: Immutable.List, newNode: Node): Controller; /** * Remove length characters of text starting at an offset in a node by key */ removeTextByKey(key: string, offset: number, length: number): Controller; /** * Remove length characters of text starting at an offset in a node by path */ removeTextByPath(path: Immutable.List, offset: number, length: number): Controller; /** * Set a dictionary of newProperties on a mark by its key. */ /** * Replace a length of text at offset with new text and optional marks by key */ replaceTextByKey(key: string, node: Node): Controller; /** * Replace a length of text at offset with new text and optional marks by path */ replaceTextByPath( path: Immutable.List, offset: number, length: number, text: string, marks?: Immutable.Set | Mark[] ): Controller; /** * Remove length characters of text starting at an offset in a node by key */ setMarkByKey( key: string, offset: number, length: number, properties: MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark | string, newProperties: Partial ): Controller; /** * Set a dictionary of newProperties on a mark by its path. */ setMarkByPath( path: Immutable.List, offset: number, length: number, properties: MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark | string, newProperties: Partial, ): Controller; /** * Set a dictionary of properties on a node by its key. */ setNodeByKey(key: string, properties: BlockProperties | InlineProperties | string): Controller; /** * Set a dictionary of properties on a node by its key. */ setNodeByPath(path: Immutable.List, newProperties: NodeProperties | InlineProperties | string): Controller; /** * Insert `text` at `offset` in node by `key`. */ setTextByKey(key: string, text: string, marks: Immutable.Set): Controller; /** * Insert `text` at `offset` in node by `path`. */ setTextByPath(path: Immutable.List, text: string, marks: Immutable.Set): Controller; /** * Split a node deeply down the tree by `key`, `textKey` and `textOffset`. */ splitDescendantsByKey(key: string, textKey: string, textOffset: number): Controller; /** * Split a node deeply down the tree by `path`, `textPath` and `textOffset`. */ splitDescendantsByPath(path: Immutable.List, textPath: Immutable.List, textOffset: number): Controller; /** * Split a node by its key at an offset */ splitNodeByKey(key: string, offset: number): Controller; /** * Split a node by its path at an offset */ splitNodeByPath(path: Immutable.List, position: number, options?: { target?: number | undefined }): Controller; /** * Unwrap all inner content of an inline node by its key that match properties */ unwrapInlineByKey(key: string, properties: InlineProperties | string): Controller; /** * Unwrap all inner content of an inline node by its path that match properties */ unwrapInlineByPath(path: Path, properties: InlineProperties | string): Controller; /** * Unwrap all inner content of a block node by its key that match properties */ unwrapBlockByKey(key: string, properties: BlockProperties | string): Controller; /** * Unwrap all inner content of a block node by its path that match properties */ unwrapBlockByPath(path: Path, properties: BlockProperties | string): Controller; /** * Unwrap all of the children of a node by its key. */ unwrapChildrenByKey(key: string): Controller; /** * Unwrap all of the children of a node, by removing the node and replacing it * with the children in the tree. */ unwrapChildrenByPath(path: Immutable.List | number[]): Controller; /** * Unwrap a single node from its parent. if the node is surrounded with siblings the parent will be split. * If the node is an only child, it will replace the parent */ unwrapNodeByKey(key: string): Controller; /** * Unwrap a single node from its parent. if the node is surrounded with siblings the parent will be split. * If the node is an only child, it will replace the parent */ unwrapNodeByPath(path: Immutable.List): Controller; /** * Wrap the given node by key in an Inline node that matches properties. */ wrapInlineByKey(key: string, properties: InlineProperties | string): Controller; /** * Wrap the given node by path in an Inline node that matches properties. */ wrapInlineByPath(path: Path, properties: InlineProperties | string): Controller; /** * Wrap the given node by key in a block node that matches properties. */ wrapBlockByKey(key: string, properties: BlockProperties | string): Controller; /** * Wrap the given node by path in a block node that matches properties. */ wrapBlockByPath(path: Immutable.List, block: Block | string): Controller; /** * Wrap the node with the specified key with the parent node, this will clear all children of the parent. */ wrapNodeByKey(key: string, parent: Node): Controller; /** * Wrap the node with the specified key with the parent node, this will clear all children of the parent. */ wrapNodeByPath(path: Immutable.List, parent: Node): Controller; // Miscellaneous Commands // /** * Normalizes the document with the value's schema. Run automatically unless manually disabled. * Use it sparingly and strategically, as it can be very expensive. */ normalize(): Controller; /** * Calls the provided function with the current commandable as the first argument. * Normalization does not occur while the function is executing and is deferred to execute immediately after completion. * * This allows for sequence change operations to not be interrupted by normalization */ withoutNormalizing(fn: () => void): Controller; /** * By default all operations are saved to the commandable's history. If you have * changes that you don't want to show up in history, use this function. */ withoutSaving(fn: () => void): void; /** * Usually all command operations are merged into a single save point in history, * if more control is desired, create single save points using this function. */ withoutMerging(fn: () => void): void; // History Commands // /** * Move forward one step in the history */ redo(): Controller; /** * Move backward one step in the history */ undo(): Controller; /** * Save an `operation` into the history. */ save(operation: Operation): void; /** * Snapshot the current selection for undo purposes. */ snapshotSelection(): Controller; command(type: string | ((...args: any[]) => any), ...args: any[]): Controller; /** * Check if a command by type has been registered. */ hasCommand(type: string): boolean; /** * Check if a query by type has been registered. */ hasQuery(type: string): boolean; query(query: string | ((...args: any[]) => any), ...args: any[]): any; /** * Add a new command by type to the controller. This will make the command available as a top-level method on the controller */ registerCommand(command: string): Controller; /** * Add a new query by type to the controller. This will make the query available as a top-level method on the controller. */ registerQuery(query: string): Controller; /** * Apply an `operation` to the controller, updating its value. */ applyOperation(operation: Operation | OperationJSON | OperationProperties): Controller; /** * Run the middleware stack by key with args, returning its result. * In normal operation you never need to use this method! Reserved for testing. */ run(key: string, ...args: any[]): Controller; /** * Set data */ setData(data: Data): Controller; /** * Add annotation */ addAnnotation(annotation: Annotation | AnnotationProperties | AnnotationJSON): Controller; /** * Remove annotation */ removeAnnotation(annotation: Annotation | AnnotationProperties | AnnotationJSON): Controller; /** * Set annotation */ setAnnotation(annotation: Annotation, newProperties: AnnotationProperties | AnnotationJSON | Annotation): Controller; } export {};