import { JSONMeta, Object3DJSON, Object3DJSONObject } from "../core/Object3D.js"; import { Camera } from "./Camera.js"; export interface OrthographicCameraJSONObject extends Object3DJSONObject { zoom: number; left: number; right: number; top: number; bottom: number; near: number; far: number; view?: { enabled: boolean; fullWidth: number; fullHeight: number; offsetX: number; offsetY: number; width: number; height: number; }; } export interface OrthographicCameraJSON extends Object3DJSON { object: OrthographicCameraJSONObject; } /** * Camera that uses {@link | orthographic projection}. * In this projection mode, an object's size in the rendered image stays constant regardless of its distance from the camera. * This can be useful for rendering 2D scenes and UI elements, amongst other things. * @example * ```typescript * const camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera(width / -2, width / 2, height / 2, height / -2, 1, 1000); * scene.add(camera); * ``` * @see Example: {@link | camera } * @see Example: {@link | interactive / cubes / ortho } * @see Example: {@link | materials / cubemap / dynamic } * @see Example: {@link | postprocessing / advanced } * @see Example: {@link | postprocessing / dof2 } * @see Example: {@link | postprocessing / godrays } * @see Example: {@link | rtt } * @see Example: {@link | shaders / tonemapping } * @see Example: {@link | shadowmap } * @see {@link | Official Documentation} * @see {@link | Source} */ export class OrthographicCamera extends Camera { /** * Creates a new {@link OrthographicCamera}. * @remarks Together these define the camera's {@link | viewing frustum}. * @param left Camera frustum left plane. Default `-1`. * @param right Camera frustum right plane. Default `1`. * @param top Camera frustum top plane. Default `1`. * @param bottom Camera frustum bottom plane. Default `-1`. * @param near Camera frustum near plane. Default `0.1`. * @param far Camera frustum far plane. Default `2000`. */ constructor(left?: number, right?: number, top?: number, bottom?: number, near?: number, far?: number); /** * Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type {@link OrthographicCamera}. * @remarks This is a _constant_ value * @defaultValue `true` */ readonly isOrthographicCamera: true; /** * @override * @defaultValue `OrthographicCamera` */ override readonly type: string | "OrthographicCamera"; /** * Gets or sets the zoom factor of the camera. * @defaultValue `1` */ zoom: number; /** * Set by {@link setViewOffset | .setViewOffset()}. * @defaultValue `null` */ view: null | { enabled: boolean; fullWidth: number; fullHeight: number; offsetX: number; offsetY: number; width: number; height: number; }; /** * Camera frustum left plane. * @remarks Expects a `Float` * @defaultValue `-1` */ left: number; /** * Camera frustum right plane. * @remarks Expects a `Float` * @defaultValue `1` */ right: number; /** * Camera frustum top plane. * @remarks Expects a `Float` * @defaultValue `1` */ top: number; /** * Camera frustum bottom plane. * @remarks Expects a `Float`. * @defaultValue `-1` */ bottom: number; /** * Camera frustum near plane.`. * @remarks The valid range is between `0` and the current value of the {@link far | .far} plane. * @remarks Note that, unlike for the {@link THREE.PerspectiveCamera | PerspectiveCamera}, `0` is a valid value for an {@link THREE.OrthographicCamera | OrthographicCamera's} near plane. * @remarks Expects a `Float` * @defaultValue `0.1` */ near: number; /** * Camera frustum far plane. * @remarks Must be greater than the current value of {@link near | .near} plane. * @remarks Expects a `Float` * @defaultValue `2000` */ far: number; /** * Updates the camera projection matrix * @remarks Must be called after any change of parameters. */ updateProjectionMatrix(): void; /** * Sets an offset in a larger {@link | viewing frustum} * @remarks * This is useful for multi-window or multi-monitor/multi-machine setups * For an example on how to use it see {@link PerspectiveCamera.setViewOffset | PerspectiveCamera}. * @see {@link THREE.PerspectiveCamera.setViewOffset | PerspectiveCamera}. * @param fullWidth Full width of multiview setup Expects a `Float`. * @param fullHeight Full height of multiview setup Expects a `Float`. * @param x Horizontal offset of subcamera Expects a `Float`. * @param y Vertical offset of subcamera Expects a `Float`. * @param width Width of subcamera Expects a `Float`. * @param height Height of subcamera Expects a `Float`. */ setViewOffset( fullWidth: number, fullHeight: number, offsetX: number, offsetY: number, width: number, height: number, ): void; /** * Removes any offset set by the {@link setViewOffset | .setViewOffset} method. */ clearViewOffset(): void; toJSON(meta?: JSONMeta): OrthographicCameraJSON; }