import { Camera } from "../cameras/Camera.js"; import { CullFace, ShadowMapType, ToneMapping, WebGLCoordinateSystem } from "../constants.js"; import { TypedArray } from "../core/BufferAttribute.js"; import { BufferGeometry } from "../core/BufferGeometry.js"; import { Object3D } from "../core/Object3D.js"; import { Material } from "../materials/Material.js"; import { Box2 } from "../math/Box2.js"; import { Box3 } from "../math/Box3.js"; import { Color, ColorRepresentation } from "../math/Color.js"; import { Plane } from "../math/Plane.js"; import { Vector2 } from "../math/Vector2.js"; import { Vector3 } from "../math/Vector3.js"; import { Vector4 } from "../math/Vector4.js"; import { Scene } from "../scenes/Scene.js"; import { Data3DTexture } from "../textures/Data3DTexture.js"; import { DataArrayTexture } from "../textures/DataArrayTexture.js"; import { OffscreenCanvas, Texture } from "../textures/Texture.js"; import { WebGLCapabilities, WebGLCapabilitiesParameters } from "./webgl/WebGLCapabilities.js"; import { WebGLExtensions } from "./webgl/WebGLExtensions.js"; import { WebGLInfo } from "./webgl/WebGLInfo.js"; import { WebGLProgram } from "./webgl/WebGLProgram.js"; import { WebGLProperties } from "./webgl/WebGLProperties.js"; import { WebGLRenderLists } from "./webgl/WebGLRenderLists.js"; import { WebGLShadowMap } from "./webgl/WebGLShadowMap.js"; import { WebGLState } from "./webgl/WebGLState.js"; import { WebGLRenderTarget } from "./WebGLRenderTarget.js"; import { WebXRManager } from "./webxr/WebXRManager.js"; export interface Renderer { domElement: HTMLCanvasElement; render(scene: Object3D, camera: Camera): void; setSize(width: number, height: number, updateStyle?: boolean): void; } export interface WebGLRendererParameters extends WebGLCapabilitiesParameters { /** * A Canvas where the renderer draws its output. */ canvas?: HTMLCanvasElement | OffscreenCanvas | undefined; /** * A WebGL Rendering Context. * ( * Default is null */ context?: WebGLRenderingContext | undefined; /** * default is false. */ alpha?: boolean | undefined; /** * default is true. */ premultipliedAlpha?: boolean | undefined; /** * default is false. */ antialias?: boolean | undefined; /** * default is false. */ stencil?: boolean | undefined; /** * default is false. */ preserveDrawingBuffer?: boolean | undefined; /** * Can be "high-performance", "low-power" or "default" */ powerPreference?: WebGLPowerPreference | undefined; /** * default is true. */ depth?: boolean | undefined; /** * default is false. */ failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat?: boolean | undefined; } export interface WebGLDebug { /** * Enables error checking and reporting when shader programs are being compiled. */ checkShaderErrors: boolean; /** * A callback function that can be used for custom error reporting. The callback receives the WebGL context, an * instance of WebGLProgram as well two instances of WebGLShader representing the vertex and fragment shader. * Assigning a custom function disables the default error reporting. * @default `null` */ onShaderError: | (( gl: WebGLRenderingContext, program: WebGLProgram, glVertexShader: WebGLShader, glFragmentShader: WebGLShader, ) => void) | null; } /** * The WebGL renderer displays your beautifully crafted scenes using WebGL, if your device supports it. * This renderer has way better performance than CanvasRenderer. * * see {@link|src/renderers/WebGLRenderer.js} */ export class WebGLRenderer implements Renderer { /** * parameters is an optional object with properties defining the renderer's behavior. * The constructor also accepts no parameters at all. * In all cases, it will assume sane defaults when parameters are missing. */ constructor(parameters?: WebGLRendererParameters); /** * A Canvas where the renderer draws its output. * This is automatically created by the renderer in the constructor (if not provided already); you just need to add it to your page. * @default document.createElementNS( '', 'canvas' ) */ domElement: HTMLCanvasElement; /** * Defines whether the renderer should automatically clear its output before rendering. * @default true */ autoClear: boolean; /** * If autoClear is true, defines whether the renderer should clear the color buffer. Default is true. * @default true */ autoClearColor: boolean; /** * If autoClear is true, defines whether the renderer should clear the depth buffer. Default is true. * @default true */ autoClearDepth: boolean; /** * If autoClear is true, defines whether the renderer should clear the stencil buffer. Default is true. * @default true */ autoClearStencil: boolean; /** * Debug configurations. * @default { checkShaderErrors: true } */ debug: WebGLDebug; /** * Defines whether the renderer should sort objects. Default is true. * @default true */ sortObjects: boolean; /** * @default [] */ clippingPlanes: Plane[]; /** * @default false */ localClippingEnabled: boolean; extensions: WebGLExtensions; /** * Color space used for output to HTMLCanvasElement. Supported values are * {@link SRGBColorSpace} and {@link LinearSRGBColorSpace}. * @default THREE.SRGBColorSpace. */ get outputColorSpace(): string; set outputColorSpace(colorSpace: string); get coordinateSystem(): typeof WebGLCoordinateSystem; /** * @default THREE.NoToneMapping */ toneMapping: ToneMapping; /** * @default 1 */ toneMappingExposure: number; info: WebGLInfo; shadowMap: WebGLShadowMap; pixelRatio: number; capabilities: WebGLCapabilities; properties: WebGLProperties; renderLists: WebGLRenderLists; state: WebGLState; xr: WebXRManager; /** * Return the WebGL context. */ getContext(): WebGLRenderingContext | WebGL2RenderingContext; getContextAttributes(): any; forceContextLoss(): void; forceContextRestore(): void; /** * @deprecated Use {@link WebGLCapabilities#getMaxAnisotropy .capabilities.getMaxAnisotropy()} instead. */ getMaxAnisotropy(): number; /** * @deprecated Use {@link WebGLCapabilities#precision .capabilities.precision} instead. */ getPrecision(): string; getPixelRatio(): number; setPixelRatio(value: number): void; getDrawingBufferSize(target: Vector2): Vector2; setDrawingBufferSize(width: number, height: number, pixelRatio: number): void; getSize(target: Vector2): Vector2; /** * Resizes the output canvas to (width, height), and also sets the viewport to fit that size, starting in (0, 0). */ setSize(width: number, height: number, updateStyle?: boolean): void; getCurrentViewport(target: Vector4): Vector4; /** * Copies the viewport into target. */ getViewport(target: Vector4): Vector4; /** * Sets the viewport to render from (x, y) to (x + width, y + height). * (x, y) is the lower-left corner of the region. */ setViewport(x: Vector4 | number, y?: number, width?: number, height?: number): void; /** * Copies the scissor area into target. */ getScissor(target: Vector4): Vector4; /** * Sets the scissor area from (x, y) to (x + width, y + height). */ setScissor(x: Vector4 | number, y?: number, width?: number, height?: number): void; /** * Returns true if scissor test is enabled; returns false otherwise. */ getScissorTest(): boolean; /** * Enable the scissor test. When this is enabled, only the pixels within the defined scissor area will be affected by further renderer actions. */ setScissorTest(enable: boolean): void; /** * Sets the custom opaque sort function for the WebGLRenderLists. Pass null to use the default painterSortStable function. */ setOpaqueSort(method: (a: any, b: any) => number): void; /** * Sets the custom transparent sort function for the WebGLRenderLists. Pass null to use the default reversePainterSortStable function. */ setTransparentSort(method: (a: any, b: any) => number): void; /** * Returns a THREE.Color instance with the current clear color. */ getClearColor(target: Color): Color; /** * Sets the clear color, using color for the color and alpha for the opacity. */ setClearColor(color: ColorRepresentation, alpha?: number): void; /** * Returns a float with the current clear alpha. Ranges from 0 to 1. */ getClearAlpha(): number; setClearAlpha(alpha: number): void; /** * Tells the renderer to clear its color, depth or stencil drawing buffer(s). * Arguments default to true */ clear(color?: boolean, depth?: boolean, stencil?: boolean): void; clearColor(): void; clearDepth(): void; clearStencil(): void; clearTarget(renderTarget: WebGLRenderTarget, color: boolean, depth: boolean, stencil: boolean): void; /** * @deprecated Use {@link WebGLState#reset .state.reset()} instead. */ resetGLState(): void; dispose(): void; renderBufferDirect( camera: Camera, scene: Scene, geometry: BufferGeometry, material: Material, object: Object3D, geometryGroup: any, ): void; /** * A build in function that can be used instead of requestAnimationFrame. For WebXR projects this function must be used. * @param callback The function will be called every available frame. If `null` is passed it will stop any already ongoing animation. */ setAnimationLoop(callback: XRFrameRequestCallback | null): void; /** * @deprecated Use {@link WebGLRenderer#setAnimationLoop .setAnimationLoop()} instead. */ animate(callback: () => void): void; /** * Compiles all materials in the scene with the camera. This is useful to precompile shaders before the first * rendering. If you want to add a 3D object to an existing scene, use the third optional parameter for applying the * target scene. * Note that the (target) scene's lighting should be configured before calling this method. */ compile: (scene: Object3D, camera: Camera, targetScene?: Scene | null) => Set; /** * Asynchronous version of {@link compile}(). The method returns a Promise that resolves when the given scene can be * rendered without unnecessary stalling due to shader compilation. * This method makes use of the KHR_parallel_shader_compile WebGL extension. */ compileAsync: (scene: Object3D, camera: Camera, targetScene?: Scene | null) => Promise; /** * Render a scene or an object using a camera. * The render is done to a previously specified {@link WebGLRenderTarget#renderTarget .renderTarget} set by calling * {@link WebGLRenderer#setRenderTarget .setRenderTarget} or to the canvas as usual. * * By default render buffers are cleared before rendering but you can prevent this by setting the property * {@link WebGLRenderer#autoClear autoClear} to false. If you want to prevent only certain buffers being cleared * you can set either the {@link WebGLRenderer#autoClearColor autoClearColor}, * {@link WebGLRenderer#autoClearStencil autoClearStencil} or {@link WebGLRenderer#autoClearDepth autoClearDepth} * properties to false. To forcibly clear one ore more buffers call {@link WebGLRenderer#clear .clear}. */ render(scene: Object3D, camera: Camera): void; /** * Returns the current active cube face. */ getActiveCubeFace(): number; /** * Returns the current active mipmap level. */ getActiveMipmapLevel(): number; /** * Returns the current render target. If no render target is set, null is returned. */ getRenderTarget(): WebGLRenderTarget | null; /** * @deprecated Use {@link WebGLRenderer#getRenderTarget .getRenderTarget()} instead. */ getCurrentRenderTarget(): WebGLRenderTarget | null; /** * Sets the active render target. * * @param renderTarget The {@link WebGLRenderTarget renderTarget} that needs to be activated. When `null` is given, the canvas is set as the active render target instead. * @param activeCubeFace Specifies the active cube side (PX 0, NX 1, PY 2, NY 3, PZ 4, NZ 5) of {@link WebGLCubeRenderTarget}. * @param activeMipmapLevel Specifies the active mipmap level. */ setRenderTarget( renderTarget: WebGLRenderTarget | WebGLRenderTarget | null, activeCubeFace?: number, activeMipmapLevel?: number, ): void; readRenderTargetPixels( renderTarget: WebGLRenderTarget | WebGLRenderTarget, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, buffer: TypedArray, activeCubeFaceIndex?: number, ): void; readRenderTargetPixelsAsync( renderTarget: WebGLRenderTarget | WebGLRenderTarget, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, buffer: TypedArray, activeCubeFaceIndex?: number, ): Promise; /** * Copies a region of the currently bound framebuffer into the selected mipmap level of the selected texture. * This region is defined by the size of the destination texture's mip level, offset by the input position. * * @param texture Specifies the destination texture. * @param position Specifies the pixel offset from which to copy out of the framebuffer. * @param level Specifies the destination mipmap level of the texture. */ copyFramebufferToTexture(texture: Texture, position?: Vector2 | null, level?: number): void; /** * Copies the pixels of a texture in the bounds [srcRegion]{@link Box3} in the destination texture starting from the * given position. 2D Texture, 3D Textures, or a mix of the two can be used as source and destination texture * arguments for copying between layers of 3d textures * * The `depthTexture` and `texture` property of render targets are supported as well. * * When using render target textures as `srcTexture` and `dstTexture`, you must make sure both render targets are * initialized e.g. via {@link .initRenderTarget}(). * * @param srcTexture Specifies the source texture. * @param dstTexture Specifies the destination texture. * @param srcRegion Specifies the bounds * @param dstPosition Specifies the pixel offset into the dstTexture where the copy will occur. * @param srcLevel Specifies the source mipmap level of the texture. * @param dstLevel Specifies the destination mipmap level of the texture. */ copyTextureToTexture( srcTexture: Texture, dstTexture: Texture, srcRegion?: Box2 | Box3 | null, dstPosition?: Vector2 | Vector3 | null, srcLevel?: number, dstLevel?: number, ): void; /** * @deprecated Use "copyTextureToTexture" instead. * * Copies the pixels of a texture in the bounds `srcRegion` in the destination texture starting from the given * position. The `depthTexture` and `texture` property of 3D render targets are supported as well. * * When using render target textures as `srcTexture` and `dstTexture`, you must make sure both render targets are * intitialized e.g. via {@link .initRenderTarget}(). * * @param srcTexture Specifies the source texture. * @param dstTexture Specifies the destination texture. * @param srcRegion Specifies the bounds * @param dstPosition Specifies the pixel offset into the dstTexture where the copy will occur. * @param level Specifies the destination mipmap level of the texture. */ copyTextureToTexture3D( srcTexture: Texture, dstTexture: Data3DTexture | DataArrayTexture, srcRegion?: Box3 | null, dstPosition?: Vector3 | null, level?: number, ): void; /** * Initializes the given WebGLRenderTarget memory. Useful for initializing a render target so data can be copied * into it using {@link WebGLRenderer.copyTextureToTexture} before it has been rendered to. * @param target */ initRenderTarget(target: WebGLRenderTarget): void; /** * Initializes the given texture. Can be used to preload a texture rather than waiting until first render (which can cause noticeable lags due to decode and GPU upload overhead). * * @param texture The texture to Initialize. */ initTexture(texture: Texture): void; /** * Can be used to reset the internal WebGL state. */ resetState(): void; /** * @deprecated Use {@link WebGLRenderer#xr .xr} instead. */ vr: boolean; /** * @deprecated Use {@link WebGLShadowMap#enabled .shadowMap.enabled} instead. */ shadowMapEnabled: boolean; /** * @deprecated Use {@link WebGLShadowMap#type .shadowMap.type} instead. */ shadowMapType: ShadowMapType; /** * @deprecated Use {@link WebGLShadowMap#cullFace .shadowMap.cullFace} instead. */ shadowMapCullFace: CullFace; /** * @deprecated Use {@link WebGLExtensions#get .extensions.get( 'OES_texture_float' )} instead. */ supportsFloatTextures(): any; /** * @deprecated Use {@link WebGLExtensions#get .extensions.get( 'OES_texture_half_float' )} instead. */ supportsHalfFloatTextures(): any; /** * @deprecated Use {@link WebGLExtensions#get .extensions.get( 'OES_standard_derivatives' )} instead. */ supportsStandardDerivatives(): any; /** * @deprecated Use {@link WebGLExtensions#get .extensions.get( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc' )} instead. */ supportsCompressedTextureS3TC(): any; /** * @deprecated Use {@link WebGLExtensions#get .extensions.get( 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc' )} instead. */ supportsCompressedTexturePVRTC(): any; /** * @deprecated Use {@link WebGLExtensions#get .extensions.get( 'EXT_blend_minmax' )} instead. */ supportsBlendMinMax(): any; /** * @deprecated Use {@link WebGLCapabilities#vertexTextures .capabilities.vertexTextures} instead. */ supportsVertexTextures(): any; /** * @deprecated Use {@link WebGLExtensions#get .extensions.get( 'ANGLE_instanced_arrays' )} instead. */ supportsInstancedArrays(): any; /** * @deprecated Use {@link WebGLRenderer#setScissorTest .setScissorTest()} instead. */ enableScissorTest(boolean: any): any; }