import { CubeTextureMapping, MagnificationTextureFilter, MinificationTextureFilter, PixelFormat, TextureDataType, Wrapping, } from "../constants.js"; import { Texture } from "./Texture.js"; /** * Creates a cube texture made up of six images. * @remarks * {@link CubeTexture} is almost equivalent in functionality and usage to {@link Texture}. * The only differences are that the images are an array of _6_ images as opposed to a single image, * and the mapping options are {@link THREE.CubeReflectionMapping} (default) or {@link THREE.CubeRefractionMapping} * @example * ```typescript * const loader = new THREE.CubeTextureLoader(); * loader.setPath('textures/cube/pisa/'); * const textureCube = loader.load(['px.png', 'nx.png', 'py.png', 'ny.png', 'pz.png', 'nz.png']); * const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ * color: 0xffffff, * envMap: textureCube * }); * ``` * @see {@link | Official Documentation} * @see {@link | Source} */ export class CubeTexture extends Texture { /** * This creates a new {@link THREE.CubeTexture | CubeTexture} object. * @param images * @param mapping See {@link CubeTexture.mapping | .mapping}. Default {@link THREE.CubeReflectionMapping} * @param wrapS See {@link Texture.wrapS | .wrapS}. Default {@link THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping} * @param wrapT See {@link Texture.wrapT | .wrapT}. Default {@link THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping} * @param magFilter See {@link Texture.magFilter | .magFilter}. Default {@link THREE.LinearFilter} * @param minFilter See {@link Texture.minFilter | .minFilter}. Default {@link THREE.LinearMipmapLinearFilter} * @param format See {@link Texture.format | .format}. Default {@link THREE.RGBAFormat} * @param type See {@link Texture.type | .type}. Default {@link THREE.UnsignedByteType} * @param anisotropy See {@link Texture.anisotropy | .anisotropy}. Default {@link THREE.Texture.DEFAULT_ANISOTROPY} * @param colorSpace See {@link Texture.colorSpace | .colorSpace}. Default {@link NoColorSpace} */ constructor( images?: any[], // HTMLImageElement or HTMLCanvasElement mapping?: CubeTextureMapping, wrapS?: Wrapping, wrapT?: Wrapping, magFilter?: MagnificationTextureFilter, minFilter?: MinificationTextureFilter, format?: PixelFormat, type?: TextureDataType, anisotropy?: number, colorSpace?: string, ); /** * Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type {@link CubeTexture}. * @remarks This is a _constant_ value * @defaultValue `true` */ readonly isCubeTexture: true; /** * An image object, typically created using the {@link THREE.CubeTextureLoader.load | CubeTextureLoader.load()} method. * @see {@link Texture.image} */ get image(): any; set image(data: any); /** * An image object, typically created using the {@link THREE.CubeTextureLoader.load | CubeTextureLoader.load()} method. * @see {@link Texture.image} */ get images(): any; set images(data: any); /** * @inheritDoc * @defaultValue {@link THREE.CubeReflectionMapping} */ mapping: CubeTextureMapping; /** * @inheritDoc * @defaultValue `false` */ flipY: boolean; }