import { DepthTexturePixelFormat, MagnificationTextureFilter, Mapping, MinificationTextureFilter, TextureComparisonFunction, TextureDataType, Wrapping, } from "../constants.js"; import { Texture } from "./Texture.js"; /** * This class can be used to automatically save the depth information of a rendering into a texture * @see Example: {@link | depth / texture} * @see {@link | Official Documentation} * @see {@link | Source} */ export class DepthTexture extends Texture { /** * Create a new instance of {@link DepthTexture} * @param width Width of the texture. * @param height Height of the texture. * @param type See {@link Texture.type | .type}. Default {@link THREE.UnsignedByteType} or {@link THREE.UnsignedInt248Type} * @param mapping See {@link Texture.mapping | .mapping}. Default {@link THREE.Texture.DEFAULT_MAPPING} * @param wrapS See {@link Texture.wrapS | .wrapS}. Default {@link THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping} * @param wrapT See {@link Texture.wrapT | .wrapT}. Default {@link THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping} * @param magFilter See {@link Texture.magFilter | .magFilter}. Default {@link THREE.NearestFilter} * @param minFilter See {@link Texture.minFilter | .minFilter}. Default {@link THREE.NearestFilter} * @param anisotropy See {@link Texture.anisotropy | .anisotropy}. Default {@link THREE.Texture.DEFAULT_ANISOTROPY} * @param format See {@link DepthTexture.format | .format}. Default {@link THREE.DepthFormat} */ constructor( width: number, height: number, type?: TextureDataType, mapping?: Mapping, wrapS?: Wrapping, wrapT?: Wrapping, magFilter?: MagnificationTextureFilter, minFilter?: MinificationTextureFilter, anisotropy?: number, format?: DepthTexturePixelFormat, ); /** * Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type {@link DepthTexture}. * @remarks This is a _constant_ value * @defaultValue `true` */ readonly isDepthTexture: true; /** * Overridden with a record type holding width and height. * @override */ get image(): { width: number; height: number }; set image(value: { width: number; height: number }); /** * @override * @defaultValue `false` */ flipY: boolean; /** * @override * @defaultValue {@link THREE.NearestFilter} */ magFilter: MagnificationTextureFilter; /** * @override * @defaultValue {@link THREE.NearestFilter} */ minFilter: MinificationTextureFilter; /** * @override Depth textures do not use mipmaps. * @defaultValue `false` */ generateMipmaps: boolean; /** * @override * @see {@link Texture.format | Texture.format} * @defaultValue {@link THREE.DepthFormat}. */ format: DepthTexturePixelFormat; /** * @override * @defaultValue {@link THREE.UnsignedByteType} when {@link format | .format} === {@link THREE.DepthFormat} * @defaultValue {@link THREE.UnsignedInt248Type} when {@link format | .format} === {@link THREE.DepthStencilFormat} */ type: TextureDataType; /** * This is used to define the comparison function used when comparing texels in the depth texture to the value in * the depth buffer. Default is `null` which means comparison is disabled. * * See {@link THREE.TextureComparisonFunction} for functions. */ compareFunction: TextureComparisonFunction | null; }