import * as _ from "underscore"; declare var self: _.UnderscoreStringStatic; export = self; declare module "underscore" { interface UnderscoreStatic extends UnderscoreStringStatic { str: UnderscoreStringStatic; string: UnderscoreStringStatic; } export interface UnderscoreStringStatic extends UnderscoreStringStaticExports { /** * Tests if string contains a substring. * ('foobar', 'ob') => true * @param str * @param needle */ include(str: string, needle: string): boolean; /** * Tests if string contains a substring. * ('foobar', 'ob') => true * @param str * @param needle */ contains(str: string, needle: string): boolean; /** * Return reversed string. * ('foobar') => 'raboof' * @param str */ reverse(str: string): string; } /** * Functions exported for mixing with underscore object. * * Usage: * _.mixin(_.string.exports()); * interface UnderscoreStatic extends UnderscoreStringStaticExports { } */ export interface UnderscoreStringStaticExports { exports(): UnderscoreStringStaticExports; /** * Determine if a string is 'blank.' * @param str */ isBlank(str: string): boolean; /** * Removes all html tags from string. * @param str */ stripTags(str: string): string; /** * Converts first letter of the string to uppercase. * ('foo Bar') => 'Foo Bar' * @param str */ capitalize(str: string): string; /** * Converts first letter of the string to lowercase. * ('Foo Bar') => 'foo Bar' * @param str */ decapitalize(str: string): string; /** * Chop a string into pieces. * ('whitespace', 3) => ['whi','tes','pac','e'] * @param str String to chop * @param step Size of the pieces */ chop(str: string, step: number): any[]; /** * Compress some whitespaces to one. * (' foo bar ') => 'foo bar' * @param str */ clean(str: string): string; /** * Replace diacritic characters with closest ASCII equivalents. * cleanDiacritics('ääkkönen') => 'aakkonen' * @param str */ cleanDiacritics(str: string): string; /** * Count occurences of a sub string. * ('Hello world', 'l') => 3 * @param str * @param substr */ count(str: string, substr: string): number; /** * Convert string to an array of characters. * ('Hello') => ['H','e','l','l','o'] * @param str */ chars(str: string): any[]; /** * Returns a copy of the string in which all the case-based characters have had their case swapped. * ('hELLO') => 'Hello' * @param str */ swapCase(str: string): string; /** * Converts HTML special characters to their entity equivalents. * ('
Blah blah blah
') => '<div>Blah blah blah</div>' * @param str */ escapeHTML(str: string): string; /** * Converts entity characters to HTML equivalents. * ('<div>Blah blah blah</div>') => '
Blah blah blah
' * @param str */ unescapeHTML(str: string): string; /** * Escape a string for use in a regular expression. * @param str */ escapeRegExp(str: string): string; /** * Splice a string like an array. * @param str * @param i * @param howmany * @param substr */ splice(str: string, i: number, howmany: number, substr?: string): string; /** * Insert a string at index. * @param str * @param i * @param substr */ insert(str: string, i: number, substr: string): string; /** * Joins strings together with given separator. * (' ', 'foo', 'bar') => 'foo bar' * @param separator * @param args */ join(separator: string, ...args: string[]): string; /** * Split string by newlines character. * ('Hello\nWorld') => ['Hello', 'World'] * @param str */ lines(str: string): any[]; /** * Checks if string starts with another string. * ('image.gif', 'image') => true * @param str * @param starts */ startsWith(str: string, starts: string): boolean; /** * Checks if string ends with another string. * ('image.gif', 'gif') => true * @param value * @param starts */ endsWith(value: string, starts: string): boolean; /** * Returns the successor to passed string. * ('a') => 'b' * @param str */ succ(str: string): string; /** * Capitalize first letter of every word in the string. * ('my name is epeli') => 'My Name Is Epeli' * @param str */ titleize(str: string): string; /** * Converts underscored or dasherized string to a camelized one. * ('-moz-transform') => 'MozTransform' * @param str */ camelize(str: string, decapitalize?: boolean): string; /** * Converts a camelized or dasherized string into an underscored one. * ('MozTransform') => 'moz_transform' * @param str */ underscored(str: string): string; /** * Converts a underscored or camelized string into an dasherized one. * ('MozTransform') => '-moz-transform' * @param str */ dasherize(str: string): string; /** * Converts string to camelized class name. * ('some_class_name') => 'SomeClassName' * @param str */ classify(str: string): string; /** * Converts an underscored, camelized, or dasherized string into a humanized one. * Also removes beginning and ending whitespace, and removes the postfix '_id'. * (' capitalize dash-CamelCase_underscore trim ') => 'Capitalize dash camel case underscore trim' * @param str */ humanize(str: string): string; /** * Trims defined characters from begining and ending of the string. * Defaults to whitespace characters. * (' foobar ') => 'foobar' * ('_-foobar-_', '_-') => 'foobar' * @param str * @param characters */ trim(str: string, characters?: string): string; /** * Trims defined characters from begining and ending of the string. * Defaults to whitespace characters. * (' foobar ') => 'foobar' * ('_-foobar-_', '_-') => 'foobar' * @param str * @param characters */ strip(str: string, characters?: string): string; /** * Left trim. Similar to trim, but only for left side. * @param str * @param characters */ ltrim(str: string, characters?: string): string; /** * Left trim. Similar to trim, but only for left side. * @param str * @param characters */ lstrip(str: string, characters?: string): string; /** * Right trim. Similar to trim, but only for right side. * @param str * @param characters */ rtrim(str: string, characters?: string): string; /** * Right trim. Similar to trim, but only for right side. * @param str * @param characters */ rstrip(str: string, characters?: string): string; /** * Truncate string to specified length. * ('Hello world').truncate(5) => 'Hello...' * ('Hello').truncate(10) => 'Hello' * @param str * @param length * @param truncateStr */ truncate(str: string, length: number, truncateStr?: string): string; /** * Elegant version of truncate. * Makes sure the pruned string does not exceed the original length. * Avoid half-chopped words when truncating. * ('Hello, cruel world', 15) => 'Hello, cruel...' * @param str * @param length * @param pruneStr */ prune(str: string, length: number, pruneStr?: string): string; /** * Split string by delimiter (String or RegExp). * /\s+/ by default. * (' I love you ') => ['I','love','you'] * ('I_love_you', '_') => ['I','love','you'] * @param str * @param delimiter */ words(str: string): string[]; /** * Split string by delimiter (String or RegExp). * /\s+/ by default. * (' I love you ') => ['I','love','you'] * ('I_love_you', '_') => ['I','love','you'] * @param str * @param delimiter */ words(str: string, delimiter: string): string[]; /** * Split string by delimiter (String or RegExp). * /\s+/ by default. * (' I love you ') => ['I','love','you'] * ('I_love_you', '_') => ['I','love','you'] * @param str * @param delimiter */ words(str: string, delimiter: RegExp): string[]; /** * Pads a string with characters until the total string length is equal to the passed length parameter. * By default, pads on the left with the space char (' '). * padStr is truncated to a single character if necessary. * ('1', 8) => ' 1' * ('1', 8, '0') => '00000001' * ('1', 8, '0', 'right') => '10000000' * ('1', 8, '0', 'both') => '00001000' * ('1', 8, 'bleepblorp', 'both') => 'bbbb1bbb' * @param str * @param length * @param padStr * @param type */ pad(str: string, length: number, padStr?: string, type?: string): string; /** * Left-pad a string. * Alias for pad(str, length, padStr, 'left') * ('1', 8, '0') => '00000001' * @param str * @param length * @param padStr */ lpad(str: string, length: number, padStr?: string): string; /** * Left-pad a string. * Alias for pad(str, length, padStr, 'left') * ('1', 8, '0') => '00000001' * @param str * @param length * @param padStr */ rjust(str: string, length: number, padStr?: string): string; /** * Right-pad a string. * Alias for pad(str, length, padStr, 'right') * ('1', 8, '0') => '10000000' * @param str * @param length * @param padStr */ rpad(str: string, length: number, padStr?: string): string; /** * Right-pad a string. * Alias for pad(str, length, padStr, 'right') * ('1', 8, '0') => '10000000' * @param str * @param length * @param padStr */ ljust(str: string, length: number, padStr?: string): string; /** * Left/right-pad a string. * Alias for pad(str, length, padStr, 'both') * ('1', 8, '0') => '00001000' * @param str * @param length * @param padStr */ lrpad(str: string, length: number, padStr?: string): string; /** * Left/right-pad a string. * Alias for pad(str, length, padStr, 'both') * ('1', 8, '0') => '00001000' * @param str * @param length * @param padStr */ center(str: string, length: number, padStr?: string): string; /** * C like string formatting. * _.sprintf('%.1f', 1.17) => '1.2' * @param format * @param args */ sprintf(format: string, ...args: any[]): string; /** * Parse string to number. * Returns NaN if string can't be parsed to number. * ('2.556').toNumber() => 3 * ('2.556').toNumber(1) => 2.6 * @param str * @param decimals */ toNumber(str: string, decimals?: number): number; /** * Formats the numbers. * (1000, 2) => '1,000.00' * (123456789.123, 5, '.', ',') => '123,456,789.12300' * @param number * @param dec * @param dsep * @param tsep */ numberFormat(number: number, dec?: number, dsep?: string, tsep?: string): string; /** * Searches a string from left to right for a pattern. * Returns a substring consisting of the characters in the string that are to the right of the pattern. * If no match found, returns entire string. * ('This_is_a_test_string').strRight('_') => 'is_a_test_string' * @param str * @param sep */ strRight(str: string, sep: string): string; /** * Searches a string from right to left for a pattern. * Returns a substring consisting of the characters in the string that are to the right of the pattern. * If no match found, returns entire string. * ('This_is_a_test_string').strRightBack('_') => 'string' * @param str * @param sep */ strRightBack(str: string, sep: string): string; /** * Searches a string from left to right for a pattern. * Returns a substring consisting of the characters in the string that are to the left of the pattern. * If no match found, returns entire string. * ('This_is_a_test_string').strLeft('_') => 'This' * @param str * @param sep */ strLeft(str: string, sep: string): string; /** * Searches a string from right to left for a pattern. * Returns a substring consisting of the characters in the string that are to the left of the pattern. * If no match found, returns entire string. * ('This_is_a_test_string').strLeftBack('_') => 'This_is_a_test' * @param str * @param sep */ strLeftBack(str: string, sep: string): string; /** * Join an array into a human readable sentence. * (['jQuery', 'Mootools', 'Prototype']) => 'jQuery, Mootools and Prototype' * (['jQuery', 'Mootools', 'Prototype'], ', ', ' unt ') => 'jQuery, Mootools unt Prototype' * @param array * @param separator * @param lastSeparator * @param serial */ toSentence(array: any[], separator?: string, lastSeparator?: string, serial?: boolean): string; /** * The same as toSentence, but uses ', ' as default for lastSeparator. * @param array * @param separator * @param lastSeparator */ toSentenceSerial(array: any[], separator?: string, lastSeparator?: string): string; /** * Transform text into a URL slug. Replaces whitespaces, accentuated, and special characters with a dash. * ('Un éléphant à l'orée du bois') => 'un-elephant-a-loree-du-bois' * @param str */ slugify(str: string): string; /** * Surround a string with another string. * ('foo', 'ab') => 'abfooab' * @param str * @param wrapper */ surround(str: string, wrapper: string): string; /** * Quotes a string. * quoteChar defaults to " * ('foo') => '"foo"' * @param str */ quote(str: string, quoteChar?: string): string; /** * Quotes a string. * quoteChar defaults to " * ('foo') => '"foo"' * @param str */ q(str: string, quoteChar?: string): string; /** * Unquotes a string. * quoteChar defaults to " * ('"foo"') => 'foo' * ("'foo'", "'") => 'foo' * @param str */ unquote(str: string, quoteChar?: string): string; /** * Repeat a string with an optional separator. * ('foo', 3) => 'foofoofoo' * ('foo', 3, 'bar') => 'foobarfoobarfoo' * @param value * @param count * @param separator */ repeat(value: string, count: number, separator?: string): string; /** * Naturally sort strings like humans would do. * Caution: this function is charset dependent. * @param str1 * @param str2 */ naturalCmp(str1: string, str2: string): number; /** * Calculates Levenshtein distance between two strings. * ('kitten', 'kittah') => 2 * @param str1 * @param str2 */ levenshtein(str1: string, str2: string): number; /** * Turn strings that can be commonly considered as booleans to real booleans. * Such as "true", "false", "1" and "0". This function is case insensitive. * ('true') => true * ('FALSE') => false * ('random') => undefined * ('truthy', ['truthy'], ['falsy']) => true * ('true only at start', [/^true/]) => true * @param str * @param trueValues * @param falseValues */ toBoolean(str: string, trueValues?: any[], falseValues?: any[]): boolean; } } // TODO interface UnderscoreString extends Underscore