// Type definitions for Vimeo 2.1 // Project: https://github.com/vimeo/vimeo.js // Definitions by: Matthew Leffler // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped export type CompleteCallback = ( err: string | undefined, result: undefined | object, statusCode?: number, headers?: object, ) => void; export type ProgressCallback = (bytesUploaded: number, bytesTotal: number) => void; export type ErrorCallback = (err: string) => void; export type UriCallback = (uri: string) => void; export interface RequestOptions { method: string; path: string; query?: string; headers?: object; } export class Vimeo { /** * This object is used to interface with the Vimeo API. * * @param clientId OAuth 2 Client Identifier * @param clientSecret OAuth 2 Client Secret * @param accessToken OAuth 2 Optional pre-authorized access token */ constructor(clientId: string, clientSecret: string, accessToken?: string); /** * Performs an API call. * * Can be called one of two ways: * * 1. Url + Callback * If a url is provided, we fill in the rest of the request options with defaults * (GET http://api.vimeo.com/{url}). * * 2. Options + callback * If an object is provided, it should match the response of urlModule.parse. Path is the only * required parameter. * * - hostname * - port * - query (will be applied to the url if GET, request body if POST) * - headers * - path (can include a querystring) * - method * * The callback takes two parameters, `err` and `json`. * If an error has occured, your callback will be called as `callback(err)`; * If an error has not occured, your callback will be called as `callback(null, json)`; * * @param options String path (default GET), or object with `method`, path`, * `host`, `port`, `query` or `headers`. * @param callback Called when complete, `function (err, json)`. */ request(url: string | RequestOptions, callback: CompleteCallback): void; /** * Set a user access token to be used with library requests. * * @param accessToken */ setAccessToken(accessToken: string): void; /** * Exchange a code for an access token. This code should exist on your `redirectUri`. * * @param code The code provided on your `redirectUri`. * @param redirectUri The exact `redirectUri` provided to `buildAuthorizationEndpoint` * and configured in your API app settings. * @param fn Callback to execute on completion. */ accessToken(code: string, redirectUri: string, fn: CompleteCallback): void; /** * The first step of the authorization process. * * This function returns a URL, which the user should be sent to (via redirect or link). * * The destination allows the user to accept or deny connecting with vimeo, and accept or deny each * of the scopes you requested. Scopes are passed through the second parameter as an array of * strings, or a space delimited list. * * Once accepted or denied, the user is redirected back to the `redirectUri`. * * @param redirectUri The URI that will exchange a code for an access token. Must match * the URI in your API app settings. * @param scope An array of scopes. See https://developer.vimeo.com/api/authentication#scopes * for more. * @param state A unique state that will be returned to you on your redirect URI. */ buildAuthorizationEndpoint(redirectUri: string, scope: string | string[], state: string): void; /** * Generates an unauthenticated access token. This is necessary to make unauthenticated requests * * @param scope An array of scopes. See https://developer.vimeo.com/api/authentication#scopes * for more. * @param fn A function that is called when the request is complete. If an error * occured the first parameter will be that error, otherwise the first * parameter will be null. */ generateClientCredentials(scope: string | string[], fn: CompleteCallback): void; /** * Upload a file. * * This should be used to upload a local file. If you want a form for your site to upload direct to * Vimeo, you should look at the `POST /me/videos` endpoint. * * https://developer.vimeo.com/api/reference/videos#upload_video * * @param file Path to the file you wish to upload. * @param params Parameters to send when creating a new video (name, * privacy restrictions, etc.). See the API documentation for * supported parameters. * @param completeCallback Callback to be executed when the upload completes. * @param progressCallback Callback to be executed when upload progress is updated. * @param errorCallback Callback to be executed when the upload returns an error. */ upload( filePath: string, params: object, completeCallback: UriCallback, progressCallback: ProgressCallback | undefined, errorCallback: ErrorCallback, ): void; upload( filePath: string, completeCallback: UriCallback, progressCallback: ProgressCallback | undefined, errorCallback: ErrorCallback, ): void; /** * Replace the source of a single Vimeo video. * * https://developer.vimeo.com/api/reference/videos#create_video_version * * @param file Path to the file you wish to upload. * @param videoUri Video URI of the video file to replace. * @param params Parameters to send when creating a new video (name, * privacy restrictions, etc.). See the API documentation for * supported parameters. * @param completeCallback Callback to be executed when the upload completes. * @param progressCallback Callback to be executed when upload progress is updated. * @param errorCallback Callback to be executed when the upload returns an error. */ replace( file: string, videoUri: string, params: object, completeCallback: UriCallback, progressCallback: ProgressCallback | undefined, errorCallback: ErrorCallback, ): void; }