// Type definitions for webpack 4.41 // Project: https://github.com/webpack/webpack // Definitions by: Qubo // Benjamin Lim // Boris Cherny // Tommy Troy Lin // Mohsen Azimi // Jonathan Creamer // Alan Agius // Dennis George // Christophe Hurpeau // ZSkycat // John Reilly // Ryan Waskiewicz // Kyle Uehlein // Grgur Grisogono // Rubens Pinheiro Gonçalves Cavalcante // Anders Kaseorg // Felix Haus // Daniel Chin // Daiki Ihara // Dion Shi // Piotr Błażejewicz // Michał Grzegorzewski // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped // TypeScript Version: 3.7 /// import { Hash as CryptoHash } from 'crypto'; import { Tapable, HookMap, SyncBailHook, SyncHook, SyncLoopHook, SyncWaterfallHook, AsyncParallelBailHook, AsyncParallelHook, AsyncSeriesBailHook, AsyncSeriesHook, AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook, } from 'tapable'; import * as UglifyJS from 'uglify-js'; import * as anymatch from 'anymatch'; import { RawSourceMap } from 'source-map'; import { Source, ConcatSource } from 'webpack-sources'; export = webpack; declare function webpack( options: | webpack.Configuration | webpack.ConfigurationFactory, handler: webpack.Compiler.Handler, ): webpack.Compiler.Watching | webpack.Compiler; declare function webpack(options?: webpack.Configuration): webpack.Compiler; declare function webpack( options: | webpack.Configuration[] | webpack.MultiConfigurationFactory, handler: webpack.MultiCompiler.Handler ): webpack.MultiWatching | webpack.MultiCompiler; declare function webpack(options: webpack.Configuration[]): webpack.MultiCompiler; declare namespace webpack { /** Webpack package version. */ const version: string | undefined; interface Configuration { /** Enable production optimizations or development hints. */ mode?: "development" | "production" | "none"; /** Name of the configuration. Used when loading multiple configurations. */ name?: string; /** * The base directory (absolute path!) for resolving the `entry` option. * If `output.pathinfo` is set, the included pathinfo is shortened to this directory. */ context?: string; entry?: string | string[] | Entry | EntryFunc; /** Choose a style of source mapping to enhance the debugging process. These values can affect build and rebuild speed dramatically. */ devtool?: Options.Devtool; /** Options affecting the output. */ output?: Output; /** Options affecting the normal modules (NormalModuleFactory) */ module?: Module; /** Options affecting the resolving of modules. */ resolve?: Resolve; /** Like resolve but for loaders. */ resolveLoader?: ResolveLoader; /** * Specify dependencies that shouldn’t be resolved by webpack, but should become dependencies of the resulting bundle. * The kind of the dependency depends on output.libraryTarget. */ externals?: ExternalsElement | ExternalsElement[]; /** * - "web" Compile for usage in a browser-like environment (default). * - "webworker" Compile as WebWorker. * - "node" Compile for usage in a node.js-like environment (use require to load chunks). * - "async-node" Compile for usage in a node.js-like environment (use fs and vm to load chunks async). * - "node-webkit" Compile for usage in webkit, uses jsonp chunk loading but also supports builtin node.js modules plus require(“nw.gui”) (experimental) * - "atom" Compile for usage in electron (formerly known as atom-shell), supports require for modules necessary to run Electron. * - "electron-renderer" Compile for Electron for renderer process, providing a target using JsonpTemplatePlugin, FunctionModulePlugin for browser * environments and NodeTargetPlugin and ExternalsPlugin for CommonJS and Electron built-in modules. * - "electron-preload" Compile for Electron for renderer process, providing a target using NodeTemplatePlugin with asyncChunkLoading set to true, * FunctionModulePlugin for browser environments and NodeTargetPlugin and ExternalsPlugin for CommonJS and Electron built-in modules. * - "electron-main" Compile for Electron for main process. * - "atom" Alias for electron-main. * - "electron" Alias for electron-main. */ target?: 'web' | 'webworker' | 'node' | 'async-node' | 'node-webkit' | 'atom' | 'electron' | 'electron-renderer' | 'electron-preload' | 'electron-main' | ((compiler?: any) => void); /** Report the first error as a hard error instead of tolerating it. */ bail?: boolean; /** Capture timing information for each module. */ profile?: boolean; /** Cache generated modules and chunks to improve performance for multiple incremental builds. */ cache?: boolean | object; /** Enter watch mode, which rebuilds on file change. */ watch?: boolean; watchOptions?: Options.WatchOptions; /** Include polyfills or mocks for various node stuff */ node?: Node | false; /** Set the value of require.amd and define.amd. */ amd?: { [moduleName: string]: boolean }; /** Used for recordsInputPath and recordsOutputPath */ recordsPath?: string; /** Load compiler state from a json file. */ recordsInputPath?: string; /** Store compiler state to a json file. */ recordsOutputPath?: string; /** Add additional plugins to the compiler. */ plugins?: Plugin[]; /** Stats options for logging */ stats?: Options.Stats; /** Performance options */ performance?: Options.Performance | false; /** Limit the number of parallel processed modules. Can be used to fine tune performance or to get more reliable profiling results */ parallelism?: number; /** Optimization options */ optimization?: Options.Optimization; } interface CliConfigOptions { config?: string; mode?: Configuration["mode"]; env?: string; 'config-register'?: string; configRegister?: string; 'config-name'?: string; configName?: string; } type ConfigurationFactory = (( env: string | Record | undefined, args: CliConfigOptions, ) => Configuration | Promise); type MultiConfigurationFactory = (( env: string | Record | undefined, args: CliConfigOptions, ) => Configuration[] | Promise); interface Entry { [name: string]: string | string[]; } type EntryFunc = () => (string | string[] | Entry | Promise); interface DevtoolModuleFilenameTemplateInfo { identifier: string; shortIdentifier: string; resource: any; resourcePath: string; absoluteResourcePath: string; allLoaders: any[]; query: string; moduleId: string; hash: string; } interface Output { /** When used in tandem with output.library and output.libraryTarget, this option allows users to insert comments within the export wrapper. */ auxiliaryComment?: string | AuxiliaryCommentObject; /** The filename of the entry chunk as relative path inside the output.path directory. */ filename?: string | ((chunkData: ChunkData) => string); /** The filename of non-entry chunks as relative path inside the output.path directory. */ chunkFilename?: string; /** Number of milliseconds before chunk request expires, defaults to 120,000. */ chunkLoadTimeout?: number; /** This option enables cross-origin loading of chunks. */ crossOriginLoading?: string | boolean; /** The JSONP function used by webpack for asnyc loading of chunks. */ jsonpFunction?: string; /** Allows customization of the script type webpack injects script tags into the DOM to download async chunks. */ jsonpScriptType?: 'text/javascript' | 'module'; /** Filename template string of function for the sources array in a generated SourceMap. */ devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate?: string | ((info: DevtoolModuleFilenameTemplateInfo) => string); /** Similar to output.devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate, but used in the case of duplicate module identifiers. */ devtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate?: string | ((info: DevtoolModuleFilenameTemplateInfo) => string); /** * Enable line to line mapped mode for all/specified modules. * Line to line mapped mode uses a simple SourceMap where each line of the generated source is mapped to the same line of the original source. * It’s a performance optimization. Only use it if your performance need to be better and you are sure that input lines match which generated lines. * true enables it for all modules (not recommended) */ devtoolLineToLine?: boolean; /** This option determines the modules namespace used with the output.devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate. */ devtoolNamespace?: string; /** The filename of the Hot Update Chunks. They are inside the output.path directory. */ hotUpdateChunkFilename?: string; /** The JSONP function used by webpack for async loading of hot update chunks. */ hotUpdateFunction?: string; /** The filename of the Hot Update Main File. It is inside the output.path directory. */ hotUpdateMainFilename?: string; /** If set, export the bundle as library. output.library is the name. */ library?: string | string[] | {[key: string]: string}; /** * Which format to export the library: * - "var" - Export by setting a variable: var Library = xxx (default) * - "this" - Export by setting a property of this: this["Library"] = xxx * - "commonjs" - Export by setting a property of exports: exports["Library"] = xxx * - "commonjs2" - Export by setting module.exports: module.exports = xxx * - "amd" - Export to AMD (optionally named) * - "umd" - Export to AMD, CommonJS2 or as property in root * - "window" - Assign to window * - "assign" - Assign to a global variable * - "jsonp" - Generate Webpack JSONP module * - "system" - Generate a SystemJS module */ libraryTarget?: LibraryTarget; /** Configure which module or modules will be exposed via the `libraryTarget` */ libraryExport?: string | string[]; /** If output.libraryTarget is set to umd and output.library is set, setting this to true will name the AMD module. */ umdNamedDefine?: boolean; /** The output directory as absolute path. */ path?: string; /** Include comments with information about the modules. */ pathinfo?: boolean; /** The output.path from the view of the Javascript / HTML page. */ publicPath?: string; /** The filename of the SourceMaps for the JavaScript files. They are inside the output.path directory. */ sourceMapFilename?: string; /** Prefixes every line of the source in the bundle with this string. */ sourcePrefix?: string; /** The encoding to use when generating the hash, defaults to 'hex' */ hashDigest?: 'hex' | 'latin1' | 'base64'; /** The prefix length of the hash digest to use, defaults to 20. */ hashDigestLength?: number; /** Algorithm used for generation the hash (see node.js crypto package) */ hashFunction?: string | ((algorithm: string, options?: any) => any); /** An optional salt to update the hash via Node.JS' hash.update. */ hashSalt?: string; /** An expression which is used to address the global object/scope in runtime code. */ globalObject?: string; /** * Use the future version of asset emitting logic, which allows freeing memory of assets after emitting. * It could break plugins which assume that assets are still readable after they were emitted. * @deprecated - will be removed in webpack v5.0.0 and this behaviour will become the new default. */ futureEmitAssets?: boolean; } type LibraryTarget = 'var' | 'assign' | 'this' | 'window' | 'global' | 'commonjs' | 'commonjs2' | 'amd' | 'umd' | 'jsonp' | 'system'; type AuxiliaryCommentObject = { [P in LibraryTarget]: string }; interface ChunkData { chunk: compilation.Chunk; } interface Module { /** A RegExp or an array of RegExps. Don’t parse files matching. */ noParse?: RegExp | RegExp[] | ((content: string) => boolean); unknownContextRequest?: string; unknownContextRecursive?: boolean; unknownContextRegExp?: RegExp; unknownContextCritical?: boolean; exprContextRequest?: string; exprContextRegExp?: RegExp; exprContextRecursive?: boolean; exprContextCritical?: boolean; wrappedContextRegExp?: RegExp; wrappedContextRecursive?: boolean; wrappedContextCritical?: boolean; strictExportPresence?: boolean; /** An array of rules applied for modules. */ rules: RuleSetRule[]; } interface Resolve { /** * A list of directories to resolve modules from. * * Absolute paths will be searched once. * * If an entry is relative, will be resolved using node's resolution algorithm * relative to the requested file. * * Defaults to `["node_modules"]` */ modules?: string[]; /** * A list of package description files to search for. * * Defaults to `["package.json"]` */ descriptionFiles?: string[]; /** * A list of fields in a package description object to use for finding * the entry point. * * Defaults to `["browser", "module", "main"]` or `["module", "main"]`, * depending on the value of the `target` `Configuration` value. */ mainFields?: string[] | string[][]; /** * A list of fields in a package description object to try to parse * in the same format as the `alias` resolve option. * * Defaults to `["browser"]` or `[]`, depending on the value of the * `target` `Configuration` value. * * @see alias */ aliasFields?: string[] | string[][]; /** * A list of file names to search for when requiring directories that * don't contain a package description file. * * Defaults to `["index"]`. */ mainFiles?: string[]; /** * A list of file extensions to try when requesting files. * * An empty string is considered invalid. */ extensions?: string[]; /** * If true, requires that all requested paths must use an extension * from `extensions`. */ enforceExtension?: boolean; /** * Replace the given module requests with other modules or paths. * * @see aliasFields */ alias?: { [key: string]: string; }; /** * Whether to use a cache for resolving, or the specific object * to use for caching. Sharing objects may be useful when running * multiple webpack compilers. * * Defaults to `true`. */ unsafeCache?: {} | boolean; /** * A function used to decide whether to cache the given resolve request. * * Defaults to `() => true`. */ cachePredicate?(data: { path: string, request: string }): boolean; /** * A list of additional resolve plugins which should be applied. */ plugins?: ResolvePlugin[]; /** * Whether to resolve symlinks to their symlinked location. * * Defaults to `true` */ symlinks?: boolean; /** * If unsafe cache is enabled, includes request.context in the cache key. * This option is taken into account by the enhanced-resolve module. * Since webpack 3.1.0 context in resolve caching is ignored when resolve or resolveLoader plugins are provided. * This addresses a performance regression. */ cacheWithContext?: boolean; /** * A list of directories where requests of server-relative URLs * (starting with '/') are resolved, defaults to context configuration option. * On non-Windows systems these requests are resolved as an absolute path first. */ roots?: string[]; } interface ResolveLoader extends Resolve { /** * List of strings to append to a loader's name when trying to resolve it. */ moduleExtensions?: string[]; enforceModuleExtension?: boolean; } type ExternalsElement = string | RegExp | ExternalsObjectElement | ExternalsFunctionElement; interface ExternalsObjectElement { [key: string]: boolean | string | string[] | Record; } interface ExternalsFunctionCallback { /** * Invoke with no arguments to not externalize */ (): void; /** * Callback with an Error */ (error: {}): void; /* tslint:disable-line:unified-signatures */ /** * Externalize the dependency */ (error: null, result: string | string[] | ExternalsObjectElement, type?: string): void; } type ExternalsFunctionElement = (context: any, request: any, callback: ExternalsFunctionCallback) => any; interface Node { console?: boolean | 'mock'; process?: boolean | 'mock'; global?: boolean; __filename?: boolean | 'mock'; __dirname?: boolean | 'mock'; Buffer?: boolean | 'mock'; setImmediate?: boolean | 'mock' | 'empty'; [nodeBuiltin: string]: boolean | 'mock' | 'empty' | undefined; } interface NewLoader { loader: string; options?: { [name: string]: any }; } type Loader = string | NewLoader; interface ParserOptions { [optName: string]: any; system?: boolean; } type RuleSetCondition = | RegExp | string | ((path: string) => boolean) | RuleSetConditions | { /** * Logical AND */ and?: RuleSetCondition[]; /** * Exclude all modules matching any of these conditions */ exclude?: RuleSetCondition; /** * Exclude all modules matching not any of these conditions */ include?: RuleSetCondition; /** * Logical NOT */ not?: RuleSetCondition[]; /** * Logical OR */ or?: RuleSetCondition[]; /** * Exclude all modules matching any of these conditions */ test?: RuleSetCondition; }; // A hack around circular type referencing interface RuleSetConditions extends Array {} interface RuleSetRule { /** * Enforce this rule as pre or post step */ enforce?: "pre" | "post"; /** * Shortcut for resource.exclude */ exclude?: RuleSetCondition; /** * Shortcut for resource.include */ include?: RuleSetCondition; /** * Match the issuer of the module (The module pointing to this module) */ issuer?: RuleSetCondition; /** * Shortcut for use.loader */ loader?: RuleSetUse; /** * Shortcut for use.loader */ loaders?: RuleSetUse; /** * Only execute the first matching rule in this array */ oneOf?: RuleSetRule[]; /** * Shortcut for use.options */ options?: RuleSetQuery; /** * Options for parsing */ parser?: { [k: string]: any }; /** * Options for the resolver */ resolve?: Resolve; /** * Flags a module as with or without side effects */ sideEffects?: boolean; /** * Shortcut for use.query */ query?: RuleSetQuery; /** * Module type to use for the module */ type?: "javascript/auto" | "javascript/dynamic" | "javascript/esm" | "json" | "webassembly/experimental"; /** * Match the resource path of the module */ resource?: RuleSetCondition; /** * Match the resource query of the module */ resourceQuery?: RuleSetCondition; /** * Match the child compiler name */ compiler?: RuleSetCondition; /** * Match and execute these rules when this rule is matched */ rules?: RuleSetRule[]; /** * Shortcut for resource.test */ test?: RuleSetCondition; /** * Modifiers applied to the module when rule is matched */ use?: RuleSetUse; } type RuleSetUse = | RuleSetUseItem | RuleSetUseItem[] | ((data: any) => RuleSetUseItem | RuleSetUseItem[]); interface RuleSetLoader { /** * Loader name */ loader?: string; /** * Loader options */ options?: RuleSetQuery; /** * Unique loader identifier */ ident?: string; /** * Loader query */ query?: RuleSetQuery; } type RuleSetUseItem = | string | RuleSetLoader | ((data: any) => string | RuleSetLoader); type RuleSetQuery = | string | { [k: string]: any }; /** * @deprecated Use RuleSetCondition instead */ type Condition = RuleSetCondition; /** * @deprecated Use RuleSetRule instead */ type Rule = RuleSetRule; namespace Options { type Devtool = 'eval' | 'inline-source-map' | 'cheap-eval-source-map' | 'cheap-source-map' | 'cheap-module-eval-source-map' | 'cheap-module-source-map' | 'eval-source-map' | 'source-map' | 'nosources-source-map' | 'hidden-source-map' | 'nosources-source-map' | 'inline-cheap-source-map' | 'inline-cheap-module-source-map' | '@eval' | '@inline-source-map' | '@cheap-eval-source-map' | '@cheap-source-map' | '@cheap-module-eval-source-map' | '@cheap-module-source-map' | '@eval-source-map' | '@source-map' | '@nosources-source-map' | '@hidden-source-map' | '@nosources-source-map' | '#eval' | '#inline-source-map' | '#cheap-eval-source-map' | '#cheap-source-map' | '#cheap-module-eval-source-map' | '#cheap-module-source-map' | '#eval-source-map' | '#source-map' | '#nosources-source-map' | '#hidden-source-map' | '#nosources-source-map' | '#@eval' | '#@inline-source-map' | '#@cheap-eval-source-map' | '#@cheap-source-map' | '#@cheap-module-eval-source-map' | '#@cheap-module-source-map' | '#@eval-source-map' | '#@source-map' | '#@nosources-source-map' | '#@hidden-source-map' | '#@nosources-source-map' | boolean | string; interface Performance { /** This property allows webpack to control what files are used to calculate performance hints. */ assetFilter?(assetFilename: string): boolean; /** * Turns hints on/off. In addition, tells webpack to throw either an error or a warning when hints are * found. This property is set to "warning" by default. */ hints?: 'warning' | 'error' | false; /** * An asset is any emitted file from webpack. This option controls when webpack emits a performance hint * based on individual asset size. The default value is 250000 (bytes). */ maxAssetSize?: number; /** * An entrypoint represents all assets that would be utilized during initial load time for a specific entry. * This option controls when webpack should emit performance hints based on the maximum entrypoint size. * The default value is 250000 (bytes). */ maxEntrypointSize?: number; } type Stats = Stats.ToStringOptions; type WatchOptions = ICompiler.WatchOptions; interface CacheGroupsOptions { /** Assign modules to a cache group */ test?: ((...args: any[]) => boolean) | string | RegExp; /** Select chunks for determining cache group content (defaults to \"initial\", \"initial\" and \"all\" requires adding these chunks to the HTML) */ chunks?: "initial" | "async" | "all" | ((chunk: compilation.Chunk) => boolean); /** Ignore minimum size, minimum chunks and maximum requests and always create chunks for this cache group */ enforce?: boolean; /** Priority of this cache group */ priority?: number; /** Minimal size for the created chunk */ minSize?: number; /** Maximum size for the created chunk */ maxSize?: number; /** Minimum number of times a module has to be duplicated until it's considered for splitting */ minChunks?: number; /** Maximum number of requests which are accepted for on-demand loading */ maxAsyncRequests?: number; /** Maximum number of initial chunks which are accepted for an entry point */ maxInitialRequests?: number; /** Try to reuse existing chunk (with name) when it has matching modules */ reuseExistingChunk?: boolean; /** Give chunks created a name (chunks with equal name are merged) */ name?: boolean | string | ((...args: any[]) => any); } interface SplitChunksOptions { /** Select chunks for determining shared modules (defaults to \"async\", \"initial\" and \"all\" requires adding these chunks to the HTML) */ chunks?: "initial" | "async" | "all" | ((chunk: compilation.Chunk) => boolean); /** Minimal size for the created chunk */ minSize?: number; /** Maximum size for the created chunk */ maxSize?: number; /** Minimum number of times a module has to be duplicated until it's considered for splitting */ minChunks?: number; /** Maximum number of requests which are accepted for on-demand loading */ maxAsyncRequests?: number; /** Maximum number of initial chunks which are accepted for an entry point */ maxInitialRequests?: number; /** Give chunks created a name (chunks with equal name are merged) */ name?: boolean | string | ((...args: any[]) => any); /** Assign modules to a cache group (modules from different cache groups are tried to keep in separate chunks) */ cacheGroups?: false | string | ((...args: any[]) => any) | RegExp | { [key: string]: CacheGroupsOptions | false }; /** Override the default name separator (~) when generating names automatically (name: true) */ automaticNameDelimiter?: string; } interface RuntimeChunkOptions { /** The name or name factory for the runtime chunks. */ name?: string | ((...args: any[]) => any); } interface Optimization { /** * Modules are removed from chunks when they are already available in all parent chunk groups. * This reduces asset size. Smaller assets also result in faster builds since less code generation has to be performed. */ removeAvailableModules?: boolean; /** Empty chunks are removed. This reduces load in filesystem and results in faster builds. */ removeEmptyChunks?: boolean; /** Equal chunks are merged. This results in less code generation and faster builds. */ mergeDuplicateChunks?: boolean; /** Chunks which are subsets of other chunks are determined and flagged in a way that subsets don’t have to be loaded when the bigger chunk has been loaded. */ flagIncludedChunks?: boolean; /** Give more often used ids smaller (shorter) values. */ occurrenceOrder?: boolean; /** Determine exports for each module when possible. This information is used by other optimizations or code generation. I. e. to generate more efficient code for export * from. */ providedExports?: boolean; /** * Determine used exports for each module. This depends on optimization.providedExports. This information is used by other optimizations or code generation. * I. e. exports are not generated for unused exports, export names are mangled to single char identifiers when all usages are compatible. * DCE in minimizers will benefit from this and can remove unused exports. */ usedExports?: boolean; /** * Recognise the sideEffects flag in package.json or rules to eliminate modules. This depends on optimization.providedExports and optimization.usedExports. * These dependencies have a cost, but eliminating modules has positive impact on performance because of less code generation. It depends on your codebase. * Try it for possible performance wins. */ sideEffects?: boolean; /** Tries to find segments of the module graph which can be safely concatenated into a single module. Depends on optimization.providedExports and optimization.usedExports. */ concatenateModules?: boolean; /** Finds modules which are shared between chunk and splits them into separate chunks to reduce duplication or separate vendor modules from application modules. */ splitChunks?: SplitChunksOptions | false; /** Create a separate chunk for the webpack runtime code and chunk hash maps. This chunk should be inlined into the HTML */ runtimeChunk?: boolean | "single" | "multiple" | RuntimeChunkOptions; /** Avoid emitting assets when errors occur. */ noEmitOnErrors?: boolean; /** Instead of numeric ids, give modules readable names for better debugging. */ namedModules?: boolean; /** Instead of numeric ids, give chunks readable names for better debugging. */ namedChunks?: boolean; /** Tells webpack which algorithm to use when choosing module ids. Default false. */ moduleIds?: boolean | "natural" | "named" | "hashed" | "size" | "total-size"; /** Tells webpack which algorithm to use when choosing chunk ids. Default false. */ chunkIds?: boolean | "natural" | "named" | "size" | "total-size"; /** Defines the process.env.NODE_ENV constant to a compile-time-constant value. This allows to remove development only code from code. */ nodeEnv?: string | false; /** Use the minimizer (optimization.minimizer, by default uglify-js) to minimize output assets. */ minimize?: boolean; /** Minimizer(s) to use for minimizing the output */ minimizer?: Array; /** Generate records with relative paths to be able to move the context folder". */ portableRecords?: boolean; } } /** * @see https://webpack.js.org/api/logging/ * @since 4.39.0 */ interface Logger { error(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void; warn(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void; info(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void; log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void; debug(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void; trace(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void; group(...label: any[]): void; groupEnd(): void; groupCollapsed(...label: any[]): void; status(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void; clear(): void; profile(label?: string): void; profileEnd(label?: string): void; } namespace debug { interface ProfilingPluginOptions { /** A relative path to a custom output file (json) */ outputPath?: string; } /** * Generate Chrome profile file which includes timings of plugins execution. Outputs `events.json` file by * default. It is possible to provide custom file path using `outputPath` option. * * In order to view the profile file: * * Run webpack with ProfilingPlugin. * * Go to Chrome, open the Profile Tab. * * Drag and drop generated file (events.json by default) into the profiler. * * It will then display timeline stats and calls per plugin! */ class ProfilingPlugin extends Plugin { constructor(options?: ProfilingPluginOptions); } } type LibraryExport = string | string[]; interface AssetInfo { /** * true, if the asset can be long term cached forever (contains a hash) */ immutable?: boolean; /** * the value(s) of the full hash used for this asset */ fullhash?: LibraryExport; /** * the value(s) of the chunk hash used for this asset */ chunkhash?: LibraryExport; /** * the value(s) of the module hash used for this asset */ modulehash?: LibraryExport; /** * the value(s) of the content hash used for this asset */ contenthash?: LibraryExport; /** * size in bytes, only set after asset has been emitted */ size?: number; /** * true, when asset is only used for development and doesn't count towards user-facing assets */ development?: boolean; /** * true, when asset ships data for updating an existing application (HMR) */ hotModuleReplacement?: boolean; /** * object of pointers to other assets, keyed by type of relation (only points from parent to child) */ related?: Record; } namespace compilation { class Asset { /** * the filename of the asset */ name: string; /** * source of the asset */ source: Source; /** * info about the asset */ info: AssetInfo; } class DependenciesBlock { } class Module extends DependenciesBlock { constructor(type: string, context?: string); type: string; context: string | null; debugId: number; hash: string | undefined; renderedHash: string | undefined; resolveOptions: any; factoryMeta: any; warnings: any[]; errors: any[]; buildMeta: any; buildInfo: any; reasons: any[]; _chunks: SortableSet; id: number | string | null; index: number | null; index2: number | null; depth: number | null; issuer: Module | null; profile: any; prefetched: boolean; built: boolean; used: null | boolean; usedExports: false | true | string[] | null; optimizationBailout: string | any[]; _rewriteChunkInReasons: { oldChunk: Chunk, newChunks: Chunk[] } | undefined; useSourceMap: boolean; _source: any; exportsArgument: string | 'exports'; moduleArgument: string | 'module'; disconnect(): void; unseal(): void; setChunks(chunks: Chunk[]): void; addChunk(chunk: Chunk): boolean; removeChunk(chunk: Chunk): boolean; isInChunk(chunk: Chunk): boolean; isEntryModule(): boolean; optional: boolean; getChunks(): Chunk[]; getNumberOfChunks: number; chunksIterable: SortableSet; hasEqualsChunks(module: Module): boolean; addReason(module: Module, dependency: any, explanation: any): void; removeReason(module: Module, dependency: any): boolean; hasReasonForChunk(chunk: Chunk): boolean; hasReasons(): boolean; rewriteChunkInReasons(oldChunk: Chunk, newChunks: Chunk[]): void; _doRewriteChunkInReasons(oldChunk: Chunk, newChunks: Chunk[]): void; isUsed(exportName?: string): boolean | string; isProvided(exportName: string): boolean | null; toString(): string; needRebuild(fileTimestamps: any, contextTimestamps: any): boolean; updateHash(hash: any): void; sortItems(sortChunks?: boolean): void; unbuild(): void; } class Record { } class Chunk { constructor(name?: string); id: number | null; ids: number[] | null; debugId: number; name: string; preventIntegration: boolean; entryModule: Module | undefined; _modules: SortableSet; filenameTemplate: string | undefined; _groups: SortableSet; files: string[]; rendered: boolean; hash: string | undefined; contentHash: object; renderedHash: string | undefined; chunkReason: string | undefined; extraAsync: boolean; removedModules: any; hasRuntime(): boolean; canBeInitial(): boolean; isOnlyInitial(): boolean; hasEntryModule(): boolean; addModule(module: Module): boolean; removeModule(module: Module): boolean; setModules(modules: Module[]): void; getNumberOfModules(): number; // Internally returns this._modules // So it should have the same type as this._modules modulesIterable: SortableSet; addGroup(chunkGroup: ChunkGroup): boolean; removeGroup(chunkGroup: ChunkGroup): boolean; isInGroup(chunkGroup: ChunkGroup): boolean; getNumberOfGroups(): number; // Internally returns this._groups // So it should have the same type as this._groups groupsIterable: SortableSet; compareTo(otherChunk: Chunk): -1 | 0 | 1; containsModule(module: Module): boolean; getModules(): Module[]; getModulesIdent(): any[]; remove(reason?: string): void; moveModule(module: Module, otherChunk: Chunk): void; integrate(otherChunk: Chunk, reason: string): boolean; split(newChunk: Chunk): void; isEmpty(): boolean; updateHash(hash: any): void; canBeIntegrated(otherChunk: Chunk): boolean; addMultiplierAndOverhead( size: number, options: { chunkOverhead?: number; entryChunkMultiplicator?: number }, ): number; modulesSize(): number; size(options?: { chunkOverhead?: number; entryChunkMultiplicator?: number }): number; integratedSize(otherChunk: Chunk, options: any): number | false; sortModules( sortByFn: (module1: Module, module2: Module) => -1 | 0 | 1 ): void; sortItems(): void; getAllAsyncChunks(): Set; getChunkMaps(realHash: boolean): { hash: any; contentHash: any; name: any; }; getChildIdsByOrders(): any; getChildIdsByOrdersMap(includeDirectChildren?: boolean): any; // tslint:disable-next-line:ban-types getChunkModuleMaps(filterFn: Function): { id: any; hash: any }; hasModuleInGraph( filterFn: (module: Module) => boolean, filterChunkFn: (chunk: Chunk) => boolean ): boolean; toString(): string; } type GroupOptions = string | { name?: string; }; class ChunkGroup { chunks: Chunk[]; childrenIterable: SortableSet; parentsIterable: SortableSet; insertChunk(chunk: Chunk, before: Chunk): boolean; getNumberOfChildren(): number; setModuleIndex(module: Module, index: number): void; getModuleIndex(module: Module): number | undefined; setModuleIndex2(module: Module, index: number): void; getModuleIndex2(module: Module): number | undefined; addChild(chunk: ChunkGroup): boolean; removeChild(chunk: ChunkGroup): boolean; setParents(newParents: Iterable): void; } class ChunkHash { update(data: string | Buffer, inputEncoding?: string): ChunkHash; } interface SourcePosition { line: number; column?: number; } interface RealDependencyLocation { start: SourcePosition; end?: SourcePosition; index?: number; } interface SynteticDependencyLocation { name: string; index?: number; } type DependencyLocation = SynteticDependencyLocation | RealDependencyLocation; class Dependency { constructor(); getResourceIdentifier(): any; getReference(): any; getExports(): any; getWarnings(): any; getErrors(): any; updateHash(hash: any): void; disconnect(): void; static compare(a: any, b: any): any; } interface NormalModuleFactoryHooks { resolver: SyncWaterfallHook; factory: SyncWaterfallHook; beforeResolve: AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook; afterResolve: AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook; createModule: SyncBailHook; module: SyncWaterfallHook; createParser: HookMap; parser: HookMap; createGenerator: HookMap; generator: HookMap; } class NormalModuleFactory extends Tapable { hooks: NormalModuleFactoryHooks; } namespace normalModuleFactory { interface ParserHooks { evaluateTypeof: HookMap; evaluate: HookMap; evaluateIdentifier: HookMap; evaluateDefinedIdentifier: HookMap; evaluateCallExpressionMember: HookMap; statement: SyncBailHook; statementIf: SyncBailHook; label: HookMap; import: SyncBailHook; importSpecifier: SyncBailHook; export: SyncBailHook; exportImport: SyncBailHook; exportDeclaration: SyncBailHook; exportExpression: SyncBailHook; exportSpecifier: SyncBailHook; exportImportSpecifier: SyncBailHook; varDeclaration: SyncBailHook; varDeclarationLet: HookMap; varDeclarationConst: HookMap; varDeclarationVar: HookMap; canRename: HookMap; rename: HookMap; assigned: HookMap; typeof: HookMap; importCall: SyncBailHook; call: HookMap; callAnyMember: HookMap; new: HookMap; expression: HookMap; expressionAnyMember: HookMap; expressionConditionalOperator: SyncBailHook; expressionLogicalOperator: SyncBailHook; program: SyncBailHook; } class Parser extends Tapable { hooks: ParserHooks; } } interface ContextModuleFactoryHooks { beforeResolve: AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook; afterResolve: AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook; contextModuleFiles: SyncWaterfallHook; alternatives: AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook; } class ContextModuleFactory extends Tapable { hooks: ContextModuleFactoryHooks; } class DllModuleFactory extends Tapable { hooks: {}; } interface CompilationHooks { buildModule: SyncHook; rebuildModule: SyncHook; failedModule: SyncHook; succeedModule: SyncHook; finishModules: SyncHook; finishRebuildingModule: SyncHook; unseal: SyncHook; seal: SyncHook; optimizeDependenciesBasic: SyncBailHook; optimizeDependencies: SyncBailHook; optimizeDependenciesAdvanced: SyncBailHook; afterOptimizeDependencies: SyncHook; optimize: SyncHook; optimizeModulesBasic: SyncBailHook; optimizeModules: SyncBailHook; optimizeModulesAdvanced: SyncBailHook; afterOptimizeModules: SyncHook; optimizeChunksBasic: SyncBailHook; optimizeChunks: SyncBailHook; optimizeChunksAdvanced: SyncBailHook; afterOptimizeChunks: SyncHook; optimizeTree: AsyncSeriesHook; afterOptimizeTree: SyncHook; optimizeChunkModulesBasic: SyncBailHook; optimizeChunkModules: SyncBailHook; optimizeChunkModulesAdvanced: SyncBailHook; afterOptimizeChunkModules: SyncHook; shouldRecord: SyncBailHook; reviveModules: SyncHook; optimizeModuleOrder: SyncHook; advancedOptimizeModuleOrder: SyncHook; beforeModuleIds: SyncHook; moduleIds: SyncHook; optimizeModuleIds: SyncHook; afterOptimizeModuleIds: SyncHook; reviveChunks: SyncHook; optimizeChunkOrder: SyncHook; beforeChunkIds: SyncHook; optimizeChunkIds: SyncHook; afterOptimizeChunkIds: SyncHook; recordModules: SyncHook; recordChunks: SyncHook; beforeHash: SyncHook; afterHash: SyncHook; recordHash: SyncHook; record: SyncHook; beforeModuleAssets: SyncHook; shouldGenerateChunkAssets: SyncBailHook; beforeChunkAssets: SyncHook; additionalChunkAssets: SyncHook; records: SyncHook; additionalAssets: AsyncSeriesHook; optimizeChunkAssets: AsyncSeriesHook; afterOptimizeChunkAssets: SyncHook; optimizeAssets: AsyncSeriesHook; afterOptimizeAssets: SyncHook; needAdditionalSeal: SyncBailHook; afterSeal: AsyncSeriesHook; chunkHash: SyncHook; moduleAsset: SyncHook; chunkAsset: SyncHook; assetPath: SyncWaterfallHook; needAdditionalPass: SyncBailHook; childCompiler: SyncHook; normalModuleLoader: SyncHook; optimizeExtractedChunksBasic: SyncBailHook; optimizeExtractedChunks: SyncBailHook; optimizeExtractedChunksAdvanced: SyncBailHook; afterOptimizeExtractedChunks: SyncHook; } interface CompilationModule { module: any; issuer: boolean; build: boolean; dependencies: boolean; } class MainTemplate extends Tapable { hooks: { jsonpScript?: SyncWaterfallHook; require: SyncWaterfallHook; requireExtensions: SyncWaterfallHook; requireEnsure: SyncWaterfallHook; localVars: SyncWaterfallHook; afterStartup: SyncWaterfallHook; hash: SyncHook; hashForChunk: SyncHook; }; outputOptions: Output; requireFn: string; renderRequireFunctionForModule(hash: string, chunk: Chunk, varModuleId?: number | string): string; renderAddModule(hash: string, chunk: Chunk, varModuleId: number | string | undefined, varModule: string): string; } class ChunkTemplate extends Tapable {} class HotUpdateChunkTemplate extends Tapable {} class RuntimeTemplate {} interface ModuleTemplateHooks { content: SyncWaterfallHook; module: SyncWaterfallHook; render: SyncWaterfallHook; package: SyncWaterfallHook; hash: SyncHook; } class ModuleTemplate extends Tapable { hooks: ModuleTemplateHooks; } class Compilation extends Tapable { hooks: CompilationHooks; compiler: Compiler; resolverFactory: any; inputFileSystem: any; requestShortener: any; outputOptions: any; bail: any; profile: any; performance: any; mainTemplate: MainTemplate; chunkTemplate: ChunkTemplate; hotUpdateChunkTemplate: HotUpdateChunkTemplate; runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate; moduleTemplates: { javascript: ModuleTemplate; webassembly: ModuleTemplate; }; isChild(): boolean; context: string; outputPath: string; entries: any[]; _preparedEntrypoints: any[]; entrypoints: Map; chunks: any[]; chunkGroups: any[]; namedChunkGroups: Map; namedChunks: Map; modules: any[]; _modules: Map; cache: any; records: any; nextFreeModuleIndex: any; nextFreeModuleIndex2: any; additionalChunkAssets: any[]; assets: any; errors: any[]; warnings: any[]; children: any[]; dependencyFactories: Map; dependencyTemplates: Map; childrenCounters: any; usedChunkIds: any; usedModuleIds: any; fileTimestamps: Map; contextTimestamps: Map; fileDependencies: SortableSet; contextDependencies: SortableSet; missingDependencies: SortableSet; hash?: string; getStats(): Stats; addChunkInGroup(groupOptions: GroupOptions): ChunkGroup; addChunkInGroup(groupOptions: GroupOptions, module: Module, loc: DependencyLocation, request: string): ChunkGroup; addModule(module: CompilationModule, cacheGroup: any): any; // tslint:disable-next-line:ban-types addEntry(context: any, entry: any, name: any, callback: Function): void; getPath(filename: string, data: { hash?: any, chunk?: any, filename?: string, basename?: string, query?: any, contentHashType?: string, contentHash?: string, }): string; getAsset(name: string): Readonly; updateAsset( file: string, newSourceOrFunction: Source | ((arg0: Source) => Source), assetInfoUpdateOrFunction?: AssetInfo | ((arg0: AssetInfo) => AssetInfo) ): void; /** * @deprecated Compilation.applyPlugins is deprecated. Use new API on `.hooks` instead */ applyPlugins(name: string, ...args: any[]): void; getLogger(pluginName: string): Logger; } interface CompilerHooks { shouldEmit: SyncBailHook; done: AsyncSeriesHook; additionalPass: AsyncSeriesHook; beforeRun: AsyncSeriesHook; run: AsyncSeriesHook; emit: AsyncSeriesHook; afterEmit: AsyncSeriesHook; thisCompilation: SyncHook; compilation: SyncHook; normalModuleFactory: SyncHook; contextModuleFactory: SyncHook; beforeCompile: AsyncSeriesHook<{}>; compile: SyncHook<{}>; make: AsyncParallelHook; afterCompile: AsyncSeriesHook; watchRun: AsyncSeriesHook; failed: SyncHook; invalid: SyncHook; watchClose: SyncHook; environment: SyncHook; afterEnvironment: SyncHook; afterPlugins: SyncHook; afterResolvers: SyncHook; entryOption: SyncBailHook; } interface MultiStats { stats: Stats[]; hash: string; /** Returns true if there were errors while compiling. */ hasErrors(): boolean; /** Returns true if there were warnings while compiling. */ hasWarnings(): boolean; /** Returns compilation information as a JSON object. */ toJson(options?: Stats.ToJsonOptions): Stats.ToJsonOutput; /** Returns a formatted string of the compilation information (similar to CLI output). */ toString(options?: Stats.ToStringOptions): string; } interface MultiCompilerHooks { done: SyncHook; invalid: SyncHook; run: AsyncSeriesHook; watchClose: SyncHook; watchRun: AsyncSeriesHook; } } // tslint:disable-next-line:interface-name interface ICompiler { run(handler: ICompiler.Handler | ICompiler.MultiHandler): void; watch(watchOptions: ICompiler.WatchOptions, handler: ICompiler.Handler | ICompiler.MultiHandler): Watching; } namespace ICompiler { import MultiStats = compilation.MultiStats; type Handler = (err: Error, stats: Stats) => void; type MultiHandler = (err: Error, stats: MultiStats) => void; interface WatchOptions { /** * Add a delay before rebuilding once the first file changed. This allows webpack to aggregate any other * changes made during this time period into one rebuild. * Pass a value in milliseconds. Default: 300. */ aggregateTimeout?: number; /** * For some systems, watching many file systems can result in a lot of CPU or memory usage. * It is possible to exclude a huge folder like node_modules. * It is also possible to use anymatch patterns. */ ignored?: anymatch.Matcher; /** Turn on polling by passing true, or specifying a poll interval in milliseconds. */ poll?: boolean | number; } } interface Watching { close(callback: () => void): void; invalidate(): void; } interface InputFileSystem { purge?(): void; readFile(path: string, callback: (err: Error | undefined | null, contents: Buffer) => void): void; readFileSync(path: string): Buffer; readlink(path: string, callback: (err: Error | undefined | null, linkString: string) => void): void; readlinkSync(path: string): string; stat(path: string, callback: (err: Error | undefined | null, stats: any) => void): void; statSync(path: string): any; } interface OutputFileSystem { join(...paths: string[]): string; mkdir(path: string, callback: (err: Error | undefined | null) => void): void; mkdirp(path: string, callback: (err: Error | undefined | null) => void): void; rmdir(path: string, callback: (err: Error | undefined | null) => void): void; unlink(path: string, callback: (err: Error | undefined | null) => void): void; writeFile(path: string, data: any, callback: (err: Error | undefined | null) => void): void; } interface SortableSet extends Set { sortWith(sortFn: (a: T, b: T) => number): void; sort(): void; getFromCache(fn: (set: SortableSet) => T[]): T[]; getFromUnorderedCache(fn: (set: SortableSet) => string|number|T[]): any; } class Compiler extends Tapable implements ICompiler { constructor(); hooks: compilation.CompilerHooks; _pluginCompat: SyncBailHook; name: string; isChild(): boolean; context: string; outputPath: string; options: Configuration; inputFileSystem: InputFileSystem; outputFileSystem: OutputFileSystem; fileTimestamps: Map; contextTimestamps: Map; run(handler: Compiler.Handler): void; watch(watchOptions: Compiler.WatchOptions, handler: Compiler.Handler): Compiler.Watching; getInfrastructureLogger(name: string): Logger; } namespace Compiler { type Handler = ICompiler.Handler; type WatchOptions = ICompiler.WatchOptions; class Watching implements Watching { constructor(compiler: Compiler, watchOptions: Watching.WatchOptions, handler: Watching.Handler); close(callback: () => void): void; invalidate(): void; } namespace Watching { type WatchOptions = ICompiler.WatchOptions; type Handler = ICompiler.Handler; } } abstract class MultiCompiler extends Tapable implements ICompiler { compilers: Compiler[]; hooks: compilation.MultiCompilerHooks; run(handler: MultiCompiler.Handler): void; watch(watchOptions: MultiCompiler.WatchOptions, handler: MultiCompiler.Handler): MultiWatching; } namespace MultiCompiler { type Handler = ICompiler.MultiHandler; type WatchOptions = ICompiler.WatchOptions; } abstract class MultiWatching implements Watching { close(callback: () => void): void; invalidate(): void; } abstract class Plugin implements Tapable.Plugin { apply(compiler: Compiler): void; } // Compatibility with webpack@5's own types // See https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/11630 // tslint:disable-next-line no-empty-interface interface WebpackPluginInstance extends Plugin {} // tslint:disable-next-line no-empty-interface interface Chunk extends compilation.Chunk {} abstract class ResolvePlugin implements Tapable.Plugin { apply(resolver: any /* EnhancedResolve.Resolver */): void; } class Stats { compilation: compilation.Compilation; hash?: string; startTime?: number; endTime?: number; static filterWarnings( warnings: string[], warningsFilter?: Array boolean)> ): string[]; /** * Returns the default json options from the stats preset. * @param preset The preset to be transformed into json options. */ static presetToOptions(preset?: Stats.Preset): Stats.ToJsonOptionsObject; constructor(compilation: compilation.Compilation); formatFilePath(filePath: string): string; /** Returns true if there were errors while compiling. */ hasErrors(): boolean; /** Returns true if there were warnings while compiling. */ hasWarnings(): boolean; /** Remove a prefixed "!" that can be specified to reverse sort order */ normalizeFieldKey(field: string): string; /** if a field is prefixed by a "!" reverse sort order */ sortOrderRegular(field: string): boolean; /** Returns compilation information as a JSON object. */ toJson(options?: Stats.ToJsonOptions, forToString?: boolean): Stats.ToJsonOutput; /** Returns a formatted string of the compilation information (similar to CLI output). */ toString(options?: Stats.ToStringOptions): string; } namespace Stats { type Preset = boolean | 'errors-only' | 'errors-warnings' | 'minimal' | 'none' | 'normal' | 'verbose'; interface ToJsonOptionsObject { /** fallback value for stats options when an option is not defined (has precedence over local webpack defaults) */ all?: boolean; /** Add asset Information */ assets?: boolean; /** Sort assets by a field */ assetsSort?: string; /** Add built at time information */ builtAt?: boolean; /** Add information about cached (not built) modules */ cached?: boolean; /** Show cached assets (setting this to `false` only shows emitted files) */ cachedAssets?: boolean; /** Add children information */ children?: boolean; /** Add information about the `namedChunkGroups` */ chunkGroups?: boolean; /** Add built modules information to chunk information */ chunkModules?: boolean; /** Add the origins of chunks and chunk merging info */ chunkOrigins?: boolean; /** Add chunk information (setting this to `false` allows for a less verbose output) */ chunks?: boolean; /** Sort the chunks by a field */ chunksSort?: string; /** Context directory for request shortening */ context?: string; /** Display the distance from the entry point for each module */ depth?: boolean; /** Display the entry points with the corresponding bundles */ entrypoints?: boolean; /** Add --env information */ env?: boolean; /** Add errors */ errors?: boolean; /** Add details to errors (like resolving log) */ errorDetails?: boolean; /** Exclude assets from being displayed in stats */ excludeAssets?: StatsExcludeFilter; /** Exclude modules from being displayed in stats */ excludeModules?: StatsExcludeFilter; /** See excludeModules */ exclude?: StatsExcludeFilter; /** Add the hash of the compilation */ hash?: boolean; /** Set the maximum number of modules to be shown */ maxModules?: number; /** Add built modules information */ modules?: boolean; /** Sort the modules by a field */ modulesSort?: string; /** Show dependencies and origin of warnings/errors */ moduleTrace?: boolean; /** Add public path information */ publicPath?: boolean; /** Add information about the reasons why modules are included */ reasons?: boolean; /** Add the source code of modules */ source?: boolean; /** Add timing information */ timings?: boolean; /** Add webpack version information */ version?: boolean; /** Add warnings */ warnings?: boolean; /** Show which exports of a module are used */ usedExports?: boolean; /** Filter warnings to be shown */ warningsFilter?: string | RegExp | Array | ((warning: string) => boolean); /** Show performance hint when file size exceeds `performance.maxAssetSize` */ performance?: boolean; /** Show the exports of the modules */ providedExports?: boolean; } type ToJsonOptions = Preset | ToJsonOptionsObject; interface ChunkGroup { assets: string[]; chunks: Array; children: Record; name: string; }>; childAssets: Record; isOverSizeLimit?: boolean; } type ReasonType = 'amd define' | 'amd require array' | 'amd require context' | 'amd require' | 'cjs require context' | 'cjs require' | 'context element' | 'delegated exports' | 'delegated source' | 'dll entry' | 'accepted harmony modules' | 'harmony accept' | 'harmony export expression' | 'harmony export header' | 'harmony export imported specifier' | 'harmony export specifier' | 'harmony import specifier' | 'harmony side effect evaluation' | 'harmony init' | 'import() context development' | 'import() context production' | 'import() eager' | 'import() weak' | 'import()' | 'json exports' | 'loader' | 'module.hot.accept' | 'module.hot.decline' | 'multi entry' | 'null' | 'prefetch' | 'require.context' | 'require.ensure' | 'require.ensure item' | 'require.include' | 'require.resolve' | 'single entry' | 'wasm export import' | 'wasm import'; interface Reason { moduleId: number | string | null; moduleIdentifier: string | null; module: string | null; moduleName: string | null; type: ReasonType; explanation?: string; userRequest: string; loc: string; } interface FnModules { assets?: string[]; built: boolean; cacheable: boolean; chunks: Array; depth?: number; errors: number; failed: boolean; filteredModules?: boolean; id: number | string; identifier: string; index: number; index2: number; issuer: string | undefined; issuerId: number | string | undefined; issuerName: string | undefined; issuerPath: Array<{ id: number | string; identifier: string; name: string; profile: any; // TODO }>; modules: FnModules[]; name: string; optimizationBailout?: string; optional: boolean; prefetched: boolean; profile: any; // TODO providedExports?: any; // TODO reasons: Reason[]; size: number; source?: string; usedExports?: boolean; warnings: number; } interface ToJsonOutput { _showErrors: boolean; _showWarnings: boolean; assets?: Array<{ chunks: Array; chunkNames: string[]; emitted: boolean; isOverSizeLimit?: boolean; name: string; size: number; }>; assetsByChunkName?: Record; builtAt?: number; children?: Array; chunks?: Array<{ children: number[]; childrenByOrder: Record; entry: boolean; files: string[]; filteredModules?: number; hash?: string; id: number | string; initial: boolean; modules?: FnModules[]; names: string[]; origins?: Array<{ moduleId?: string | number; module: string; moduleIdentifier: string; moduleName: string; loc: string; request: string; reasons: string[]; }>; parents: number[]; reason?: string; recorded?: boolean; rendered: boolean; size: number; siblings: number[]; }>; entrypoints?: Record; errors: string[]; env?: Record; filteredAssets?: number; filteredModules?: boolean; hash?: string; modules?: FnModules[]; namedChunkGroups?: Record; needAdditionalPass?: boolean; outputPath?: string; publicPath?: string; time?: number; version?: string; warnings: string[]; } type StatsExcludeFilter = string | string[] | RegExp | RegExp[] | ((assetName: string) => boolean) | Array<(assetName: string) => boolean>; interface ToStringOptionsObject extends ToJsonOptionsObject { /** `webpack --colors` equivalent */ colors?: boolean | string; } type ToStringOptions = Preset | ToStringOptionsObject; } /** * Plugins */ class BannerPlugin extends Plugin { constructor(options: string | BannerPlugin.Options); } namespace BannerPlugin { type Filter = string | RegExp; interface Options { banner: string; entryOnly?: boolean; exclude?: Filter | Filter[]; include?: Filter | Filter[]; raw?: boolean; test?: Filter | Filter[]; } } class ContextReplacementPlugin extends Plugin { constructor(resourceRegExp: any, newContentResource?: any, newContentRecursive?: any, newContentRegExp?: any); } class DefinePlugin extends Plugin { constructor(definitions: {[key: string]: DefinePlugin.CodeValueObject}); static runtimeValue( fn: ({ module }: { module: compilation.Module }) => DefinePlugin.CodeValuePrimitive, fileDependencies?: true | string[] ): DefinePlugin.RuntimeValue; } namespace DefinePlugin { class RuntimeValue { constructor( fn: ({ module }: { module: compilation.Module }) => CodeValuePrimitive, fileDependencies?: string[] ); exec(parser: compilation.normalModuleFactory.Parser): CodeValuePrimitive; } type CodeValuePrimitive = string | number | boolean | RegExp | RuntimeValue | null | undefined; type CodeValueObject = CodeValuePrimitive | {[key: string]: CodeValueObject}; } class DllPlugin extends Plugin { constructor(options: DllPlugin.Options | DllPlugin.Options[]); } namespace DllPlugin { interface Options { /** * The context of requests in the manifest file. * * Defaults to the webpack context. */ context?: string; /** * The name of the exposed DLL function (keep consistent with `output.library`). */ name: string; /** * The absolute path to the manifest json file (output). */ path: string; } } class DllReferencePlugin extends Plugin { constructor(options: DllReferencePlugin.Options); } namespace DllReferencePlugin { interface Options { /** * The mappings from the request to module ID. * * Defaults to `manifest.content`. */ content?: any; /** * The context of requests in the manifest (or content property). * * This is an absolute path. */ context: string; /** * An object containing `content` and `name`. */ manifest: { content: string, name: string } | string; /** * The name where the DLL is exposed. * * Defaults to `manifest.name`. * * See also `externals`. */ name?: string; /** * The prefix which is used for accessing the content of the DLL. */ scope?: string; /** * The type how the DLL is exposed. * * Defaults to `"var"`. * * See also `externals`. */ sourceType?: string; } } class EvalSourceMapDevToolPlugin extends Plugin { constructor(options?: false | string | EvalSourceMapDevToolPlugin.Options); } namespace EvalSourceMapDevToolPlugin { interface Options { append?: false | string; columns?: boolean; lineToLine?: boolean | { exclude?: Condition | Condition[]; include?: Condition | Condition[]; test?: Condition | Condition[]; }; module?: boolean; moduleFilenameTemplate?: string; sourceRoot?: string; } } class ExtendedAPIPlugin extends Plugin { constructor(); } class ExternalsPlugin extends Plugin { constructor(type: string, externals: ExternalsElement); } class HashedModuleIdsPlugin extends Plugin { constructor(options?: { hashFunction?: string, hashDigest?: string, hashDigestLength?: number }); } class HotModuleReplacementPlugin extends Plugin { constructor(options?: any); } class IgnorePlugin extends Plugin { constructor(requestRegExp: any, contextRegExp?: any); } class LoaderOptionsPlugin extends Plugin { constructor(options: any); } /** @deprecated use config.optimization.namedModules */ class NamedModulesPlugin extends Plugin { constructor(); } class NamedChunksPlugin extends Plugin { constructor(nameResolver?: (chunk: any) => string | null); } /** @deprecated use config.optimization.noEmitOnErrors */ class NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin extends Plugin { constructor(); } class NormalModuleReplacementPlugin extends Plugin { constructor(resourceRegExp: any, newResource: any); } class PrefetchPlugin extends Plugin { // tslint:disable-next-line:unified-signatures constructor(context: any, request: any); constructor(request: any); } class ProgressPlugin extends Plugin { constructor(options?: ProgressPlugin.Options | ProgressPlugin.Handler); } namespace ProgressPlugin { /** * A handler function which will be called when webpack hooks report progress */ type Handler = (percentage: number, msg: string, ...args: string[]) => void; interface Options { /** * Show active modules count and one active module in progress message * Default: true */ activeModules?: boolean; /** * Show entries count in progress message * Default: false */ entries?: boolean; /** * Function that executes for every progress step */ handler?: Handler; /** * Show modules count in progress message * Default: true */ modules?: boolean; /** * Minimum modules count to start with, only for mode = modules * Default: 500 */ modulesCount?: number; /** * Collect profile data for progress steps * Default: false */ profile?: boolean | null; } } class EnvironmentPlugin extends Plugin { constructor(envs: string[] | { [key: string]: any }); } class ProvidePlugin extends Plugin { constructor(definitions: { [key: string]: any }); } class SplitChunksPlugin extends Plugin { constructor(options?: Options.SplitChunksOptions); } class SourceMapDevToolPlugin extends Plugin { constructor(options?: null | false | string | SourceMapDevToolPlugin.Options); } namespace SourceMapDevToolPlugin { /** @todo extend EvalSourceMapDevToolPlugin.Options */ interface Options { append?: false | string; columns?: boolean; exclude?: Condition | Condition[]; fallbackModuleFilenameTemplate?: string; filename?: null | false | string; include?: Condition | Condition[]; lineToLine?: boolean | { exclude?: Condition | Condition[]; include?: Condition | Condition[]; test?: Condition | Condition[]; }; module?: boolean; moduleFilenameTemplate?: string; noSources?: boolean; publicPath?: string; sourceRoot?: null | string; test?: Condition | Condition[]; } } class WatchIgnorePlugin extends Plugin { constructor(paths: Array); } class SingleEntryPlugin extends Plugin { constructor(context: string, entry: string, name: string); } namespace optimize { /** @deprecated use config.optimization.concatenateModules */ class ModuleConcatenationPlugin extends Plugin { } class AggressiveMergingPlugin extends Plugin { constructor(options?: AggressiveMergingPlugin.Options); } namespace AggressiveMergingPlugin { interface Options { /** * When options.moveToParents is set, moving to an entry chunk is more expensive. * Defaults to 10, which means moving to an entry chunk is ten times more expensive than moving to a * normal chunk. */ entryChunkMultiplicator?: number; /** * A factor which defines the minimum required size reduction for chunk merging. * Defaults to 1.5 which means that the total size needs to be reduced by 50% for chunk merging. */ minSizeReduce?: number; /** * When set, modules that are not in both merged chunks are moved to all parents of the chunk. * Defaults to false. */ moveToParents?: boolean; } } class AggressiveSplittingPlugin extends Plugin { constructor(options?: AggressiveSplittingPlugin.Options); } namespace AggressiveSplittingPlugin { interface Options { /** * Size in byte. * Only chunks bigger than the specified minSize are stored in records. * This ensures the chunks fill up as your application grows, * instead of creating too many chunks for every change. * * Default: 30720 */ minSize: 30000; /** * Size in byte. * maximum size prefered for each chunk. * * Default: 51200 */ maxSize: 50000; chunkOverhead: 0; entryChunkMultiplicator: 1; } } /** @deprecated */ class DedupePlugin extends Plugin { constructor(); } class LimitChunkCountPlugin extends Plugin { constructor(options: any); } class MinChunkSizePlugin extends Plugin { constructor(options: any); } class OccurrenceOrderPlugin extends Plugin { constructor(preferEntry: boolean); } class UglifyJsPlugin extends Plugin { constructor(options?: UglifyJsPlugin.Options); } namespace UglifyJsPlugin { type CommentFilter = (astNode: any, comment: any) => boolean; interface Options extends UglifyJS.MinifyOptions { beautify?: boolean; comments?: boolean | RegExp | CommentFilter; exclude?: Condition | Condition[]; include?: Condition | Condition[]; /** Parallelization can speedup your build significantly and is therefore highly recommended. */ parallel?: boolean | { cache: boolean, workers: boolean | number }; sourceMap?: boolean; test?: Condition | Condition[]; } } } namespace dependencies { } namespace loader { interface Loader extends Function { (this: LoaderContext, source: string | Buffer, sourceMap?: RawSourceMap): string | Buffer | void | undefined; /** * The order of chained loaders are always called from right to left. * But, in some cases, loaders do not care about the results of the previous loader or the resource. * They only care for metadata. The pitch method on the loaders is called from left to right before the loaders are called (from right to left). * If a loader delivers a result in the pitch method the process turns around and skips the remaining loaders, * continuing with the calls to the more left loaders. data can be passed between pitch and normal call. */ pitch?(this: LoaderContext, remainingRequest: string, precedingRequest: string, data: any): any; /** * By default, the resource file is treated as utf-8 string and passed as String to the loader. * By setting raw to true the loader is passed the raw Buffer. * Every loader is allowed to deliver its result as String or as Buffer. * The compiler converts them between loaders. */ raw?: boolean; } type loaderCallback = ( err: Error | undefined | null, content?: string | Buffer, sourceMap?: string | RawSourceMap ) => void; interface LoaderContext { /** * Loader API version. Currently 2. * This is useful for providing backwards compatibility. * Using the version you can specify custom logic or fallbacks for breaking changes. */ version: string; /** * The directory of the module. Can be used as context for resolving other stuff. * In the example: /abc because resource.js is in this directory */ context: string; /** * Starting with webpack 4, the formerly `this.options.context` is provided as `this.rootContext`. */ rootContext: string; /** * The resolved request string. * In the example: "/abc/loader1.js?xyz!/abc/node_modules/loader2/index.js!/abc/resource.js?rrr" */ request: string; /** * A string or any object. The query of the request for the current loader. */ query: any; /** * A data object shared between the pitch and the normal phase. */ data?: any; callback: loaderCallback; /** * Make this loader async. */ async(): loaderCallback | undefined; /** * Make this loader result cacheable. By default it's not cacheable. * A cacheable loader must have a deterministic result, when inputs and dependencies haven't changed. * This means the loader shouldn't have other dependencies than specified with this.addDependency. * Most loaders are deterministic and cacheable. */ cacheable(flag?: boolean): void; /** * An array of all the loaders. It is writeable in the pitch phase. * loaders = [{request: string, path: string, query: string, module: function}] * * In the example: * [ * { request: "/abc/loader1.js?xyz", * path: "/abc/loader1.js", * query: "?xyz", * module: [Function] * }, * { request: "/abc/node_modules/loader2/index.js", * path: "/abc/node_modules/loader2/index.js", * query: "", * module: [Function] * } * ] */ loaders: any[]; /** * The index in the loaders array of the current loader. * In the example: in loader1: 0, in loader2: 1 */ loaderIndex: number; /** * The resource part of the request, including query. * In the example: "/abc/resource.js?rrr" */ resource: string; /** * The resource file. * In the example: "/abc/resource.js" */ resourcePath: string; /** * The query of the resource. * In the example: "?rrr" */ resourceQuery: string; /** * Emit a warning. */ emitWarning(message: string | Error): void; /** * Emit a error. */ emitError(message: string | Error): void; /** * Execute some code fragment like a module. * * Don't use require(this.resourcePath), use this function to make loaders chainable! * */ exec(code: string, filename: string): any; /** * Resolves the given request to a module, applies all configured loaders and calls * back with the generated source, the sourceMap and the module instance (usually an * instance of NormalModule). Use this function if you need to know the source code * of another module to generate the result. */ loadModule(request: string, callback: (err: Error | null, source: string, sourceMap: RawSourceMap, module: Module) => void): any; /** * Resolve a request like a require expression. */ resolve(context: string, request: string, callback: (err: Error, result: string) => void): any; /** * Resolve a request like a require expression. */ resolveSync(context: string, request: string): string; /** * Adds a file as dependency of the loader result in order to make them watchable. * For example, html-loader uses this technique as it finds src and src-set attributes. * Then, it sets the url's for those attributes as dependencies of the html file that is parsed. */ addDependency(file: string): void; /** * Adds a file as dependency of the loader result in order to make them watchable. * For example, html-loader uses this technique as it finds src and src-set attributes. * Then, it sets the url's for those attributes as dependencies of the html file that is parsed. */ dependency(file: string): void; /** * Add a directory as dependency of the loader result. */ addContextDependency(directory: string): void; /** * Remove all dependencies of the loader result. Even initial dependencies and these of other loaders. Consider using pitch. */ clearDependencies(): void; /** * Pass values to the next loader. * If you know what your result exports if executed as module, set this value here (as a only element array). */ value: any; /** * Passed from the last loader. * If you would execute the input argument as module, consider reading this variable for a shortcut (for performance). */ inputValue: any; /** * A boolean flag. It is set when in debug mode. */ debug: boolean; /** * Should the result be minimized. */ minimize: boolean; /** * Should a SourceMap be generated. */ sourceMap: boolean; /** * Target of compilation. Passed from configuration options. * Example values: "web", "node" */ target: 'web' | 'webworker' | 'async-node' | 'node' | 'electron-main' | 'electron-renderer' | 'node-webkit' | string; /** * This boolean is set to true when this is compiled by webpack. * * Loaders were originally designed to also work as Babel transforms. * Therefore if you write a loader that works for both, you can use this property to know if * there is access to additional loaderContext and webpack features. */ webpack: boolean; /** * Emit a file. This is webpack-specific. */ emitFile(name: string, content: Buffer | string, sourceMap: any): void; /** * Access to the compilation's inputFileSystem property. */ fs: any; /** * Which mode is webpack running. */ mode: 'production' | 'development' | 'none'; /** * Hacky access to the Compilation object of webpack. */ _compilation: any; /** * Hacky access to the Compiler object of webpack. */ _compiler: Compiler; /** * Hacky access to the Module object being loaded. */ _module: any; /** Flag if HMR is enabled */ hot: boolean; } } namespace Template { function getFunctionContent(fn: (...args: any[]) => any): string; function toIdentifier(str: string): string; function toComment(str: string): string; function toNormalComment(str: string): string; function toPath(str: string): string; function numberToIdentifer(n: number): string; function indent(s: string | string[]): string; function prefix(s: string | string[], prefix: string): string; function asString(str: string | string[]): string; function getModulesArrayBounds(modules: ReadonlyArray<{ id: string | number; }>): [number, number] | false; function renderChunkModules( chunk: compilation.Chunk, filterFn: (module: compilation.Module, num: number) => boolean, moduleTemplate: compilation.ModuleTemplate, dependencyTemplates: any, prefix?: string, ): ConcatSource; } /** @deprecated */ namespace compiler { /** @deprecated use webpack.Compiler */ // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unnecessary-qualifier type Compiler = webpack.Compiler; /** @deprecated use webpack.Compiler.Watching */ type Watching = Compiler.Watching; /** @deprecated use webpack.Compiler.WatchOptions */ type WatchOptions = Compiler.WatchOptions; /** @deprecated use webpack.Stats */ // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unnecessary-qualifier type Stats = webpack.Stats; /** @deprecated use webpack.Stats.ToJsonOptions */ type StatsOptions = Stats.ToJsonOptions; /** @deprecated use webpack.Stats.ToStringOptions */ type StatsToStringOptions = Stats.ToStringOptions; /** @deprecated use webpack.Compiler.Handler */ type CompilerCallback = Compiler.Handler; } /** @deprecated use webpack.Options.Performance */ type PerformanceOptions = Options.Performance; /** @deprecated use webpack.Options.WatchOptions */ type WatchOptions = Options.WatchOptions; /** @deprecated use webpack.EvalSourceMapDevToolPlugin.Options */ type EvalSourceMapDevToolPluginOptions = EvalSourceMapDevToolPlugin.Options; /** @deprecated use webpack.SourceMapDevToolPlugin.Options */ type SourceMapDevToolPluginOptions = SourceMapDevToolPlugin.Options; /** @deprecated use webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin.CommentFilter */ type UglifyCommentFunction = optimize.UglifyJsPlugin.CommentFilter; /** @deprecated use webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin.Options */ type UglifyPluginOptions = optimize.UglifyJsPlugin.Options; }