/// import { Plugin } from "webpack"; export = WebpackBar; declare class WebpackBar extends Plugin { constructor(options?: WebpackBar.Options); state: WebpackBar.State; } declare namespace WebpackBar { interface Stats { count: number; time: [number, number]; } class Profile { requests: any[]; name: string; constructor(name: string); getStats(): { ext: Stats; loader: Stats }; } interface State { isRunning: boolean; color: string; profile: Profile | null; } interface SharedState { [name: string]: State; } interface Options { /** Display name */ name?: string | undefined; /** Color output of the progress bar */ color?: string | undefined; /** Enable the profiler for files and loaders */ profile?: boolean | undefined; /** Stream to write to */ stream?: NodeJS.WriteStream | undefined; /** Minimal output */ minimal?: boolean | undefined; /** Show compiled in time */ compiledIn?: boolean | undefined; /** Function called when all builds are finished */ done?: ((sharedState: SharedState, ctx: WebpackBar) => void) | undefined; } }