import { Command } from "commander"; import { EventEmitter } from "events"; import { ExecaChildProcess, ExecaSyncReturnValue, Options, SyncOptions } from "execa"; import * as inquirer from "inquirer"; import { Store as MemFsStore } from "mem-fs"; import * as Generator from "yeoman-generator"; import Storage = require("yeoman-generator/lib/util/storage"); import TerminalAdapter = require("./lib/adapter"); import { Logger as LoggerBase } from "./lib/util/log"; import util = require("./lib/util/util"); import Conflicter = require("./lib/util/conflicter"); import { Stream, Transform } from "stream"; /** * `Environment` object is responsible of handling the lifecycle and bootstrap * of generators in a specific environment (your app). * * It provides a high-level API to create and run generators, as well as further * tuning where and how a generator is resolved. * * An environment is created using a list of `arguments` and a Hash of `options`. * Usually, this is the list of arguments you get back from your CLI options parser. * * An optional adapter can be passed to provide interaction in non-CLI environment * (e.g. IDE plugins), otherwise a `TerminalAdapter` is instantiated by default */ declare class Environment extends EventEmitter { /** * The utilities of the module. */ static util: typeof util; /** * The arguments passed to this environment. */ arguments: string[]; /** * The options of the environment. */ options: TOptions; /** * The adapter of the environment. */ adapter: TerminalAdapter; /** * The working-directory of the environment. */ cwd: string; /** * The config-storage of the environment. */ store: Storage; /** * The file-system of the environment. */ sharedFs: MemFsStore; /** * The file-paths to look for generators (such as `lib/generators/`). */ lookups: string[]; /** * The alias-settings of the environment. */ aliases: Environment.Alias[]; /** * Initializes a new instance of the `Environment` class. * * @param args The arguments to pass to the environment. * @param opts The options for the environment. * @param adapter A `TerminalAdapter` instance for handling input/output. */ constructor(args?: string | string[], opts?: TOptions, adapter?: Environment.Adapter); /** * Creates a new `Environment` instance. * * @param args The arguments to pass to the environment. * @param opts The options for the environment. * @param adapter A `TerminalAdapter` instance for handling input/output. * @returns The newly created environment. */ static createEnv( args?: string | string[], opts?: TOptions, adapter?: Environment.Adapter, ): Environment; /** * Creates a new `Environment` instance with the specified `version`. * * @param version The version of the environment. * @param args The arguments to pass to the environment. * @param opts The options for the environment. * @param adapter A `TerminalAdapter` instance for handling input/output. * @returns The newly created environment. */ static createEnvWithVersion( version: string, args?: string | string[], opts?: TOptions, adapter?: Environment.Adapter, ): Environment; /** * Makes sure the Environment present expected methods if an old version is passed to a Generator. * * @param env The environment to update. * @returns The updated `env`. */ static enforceUpdate(env: TEnv): TEnv; /** * Invokes a lookup for a specific generator. * * @param namespace The namespace of the generator to search. * @param options Options for searching the generator. * @returns The paths to the generators which were found. */ static lookupGenerator(namespace: string, options?: Environment.ArrayGeneratorLookupOptions): string[]; /** * Invokes a lookup for a specific generator. * * @param namespace The namespace of the generator to search. * @param options Options for searching the generator. * @returns The path to the generator which was found. */ static lookupGenerator(namespace: string, options?: Environment.SingleGeneratorLookupOptions): string; /** * Converts a generator namespace to its name. * * @param namespace The generator namespace. */ static namespaceToName(namespace: string): string; /** * Prepares a command for cli support. * * @param generatorClass The generator class to create a command for. * @returns The prepared command. */ static prepareCommand(generatorClass: Generator.GeneratorConstructor): Command; /** * Prepares a command for cli support. * * @param command The command to prepare. * @param generatorClass The constructor of the generator to prepare the command for. * @returns The prepared command. */ static prepareGeneratorCommand(command: Command, generatorClass: Generator.GeneratorConstructor): Command; /** * Gets the alias for the specified `name`. */ alias(name: string): string; /** * Creates an alias. * * Alias allows the `get()` and `lookup()` methods to search in alternate filepath for a given namespaces. * It's used for example to map `generator-*` npm package to their namespace equivalent (without the generator- prefix), * or to default a single namespace like `angular` to `angular:app` or `angular:all`. * * If multiple aliases are defined, then the replacement is recursive, replacing each alias in reverse order. * * An alias can be a single String or a Regular Expression. * The finding is done based on .match(). * * @param match The name to match. * @param value The replacement for the specified `match`. * * @example * env.alias(/^([a-zA-Z0-9:\*]+)$/, 'generator-$1'); * env.alias(/^([^:]+)$/, '$1:app'); * env.alias(/^([^:]+)$/, '$1:all'); * env.alias('foo'); * // => generator-foo:all */ alias(match: string | RegExp, value: string): void; /** * Applies the specified transform streams to the files in the `sharedFs`. * * @param transformStreams The transforms to apply. * @param stream The file stream to apply the transforms on. */ applyTransforms(transformStreams: Transform[], stream?: NodeJS.ReadableStream): Promise; /** * Commits the `mem-fs` to the disk. * * @param stream The files to commit. */ commitSharedFs(stream: Stream): Promise; /** * Composes with a generator. * * @param namespaceOrPath The namespace of the generator or the path to a generator. * @param args The options to pass to the generator. * @param options The options to pass to the generator. * @returns The instantiated generator or a singleton instance. */ composeWith(namespaceOrPath: string, args: string[], options: Generator.GeneratorOptions): Generator; /** * Creates a new generator. * * @param namespaceOrPath The namespace of the generator or the path to a generator. * @param args The arguments to pass to the generator. * @param options The options to pass to the generator. * @returns Either the newly created generator or the error that occurred. */ create( namespaceOrPath: string, args: string[], options?: Environment.InstantiateOptions, ): Generator | Error; /** * Handles the specified `error`. * * The `error`-event is emitted with the specified `error` object. * If no `error` listener is registered, the error is thrown. * * @param error An object representing the error. */ error(error: Error | object): Error; /** * Searches npm for every available generator. * Generators are npm-packages whose name starts with `generator-` and that are placed in the top level `node_module` path. * They can be installed globally or locally. * * @deprecated * @param list The paths to search for generators. * @param options The options for looking for generators. */ findGeneratorsIn(list: string[], options?: Environment.GeneratorsInOptions): string[]; /** * Gets a single constructor of a generator from the registered list of generators. * * The lookup is based on generator's namespace, "walking up" the namespaces until a matching is found. * Eg. if an `angular:common` namespace is registered, and we try to get `angular:common:all`, * then we get `angular:common` as a fallback (unless an `angular:common:all` generator is registered). * * @param namespaceOrPath The namespace of the generator or the path to a generator. * @returns The constructor of the generator registered under the namespace. */ get(namespaceOrPath: string): typeof Generator | undefined; /** * Gets a constructor of a generator by the path instead of the namespace. * * @param path The path to the generator. * @returns The constructor of the generator found at the location. */ getByPath(path: string): typeof Generator | undefined; /** * Gets the names of the registered generators. */ getGeneratorNames(): string[]; /** * Gets metadata of the registered generators. */ getGeneratorsMeta(): Record; /** * Gets paths to directories to look for npm-packages (such as `./node_modules`). * * @deprecated */ getNpmPaths(options?: Environment.NpmPathsOptions): string[]; /** * Gets the most recent path to the generator by its namespace. * * @param namespace The namespace of the generator. */ getPackagePath(namespace: string): string; /** * Gets all paths which have been populated for a generator by its namespace. * * @param namespace The namespace of the generator. */ getPackagePaths(namespace: string): string[]; /** * Gets the namespaces of all registered generators. */ getRegisteredPackages(): string[]; /** * Gets the version of this `Environment` object. */ getVersion(): string; /** * Gets the version of the specified `dependency`. * * @param dependency The name of the dependency. */ // tslint:disable-next-line:unified-signatures getVersion(dependency: string): string; /** * Outputs general help and usage for the specified `command`. * Optionally, if generators have been registered, a list of available generators is displayed. * * @param command `The name of the command to get help for. */ help(command?: string): string; /** * Installs generators at the custom local repository and registers them. * * @param packages The package-names with the corresponding versions to install. */ installLocalGenerators(packages: Record): boolean; /** * Instantiates a generator. * * @param generator The constructor of the generator. * @param args The arguments to pass to the generator. * @param options The options to pass to the generator. */ instantiate( generator: Generator.GeneratorConstructor, args: string[], options: Environment.InstantiateOptions, ): Generator; /** * Checks whether a package with the specified `packageNamespace` has been registered. * * @param packageNamespace The package-namespace to check. * @returns A value indicating whether a package with the specified `packageNamespace` has been registered. */ isPackageRegistered(packageNamespace?: string): boolean; /** * Applies the specified `options` to the environment. * * @param options The options to load. * @returns The new options of the environment. */ loadEnvironmentOptions(options: Environment.Options): Environment.Options; /** * Loads the specified `options` into the environment for passing to the generators. * * @param options The options to load. * @return the new shared options of the environment. */ loadSharedOptions(options: Generator.GeneratorOptions): Generator.GeneratorOptions; /** * Searches for generators and their sub-generators. * * A generator is a `:lookup/:name/index.js` file placed inside an npm package. * * Default lookups are: * - `./` * - `./generators/` * - `./lib/generators/` * * So the index file `node_modules/generator-dummy/lib/generators/yo/index.js` would be registered as `dummy:yo` generator. * * @param options The options for the lookup. * @returns A list of generators. */ lookup(options?: Environment.LookupOptions): Environment.LookupGeneratorMeta[]; /** * Searches and registers generators inside the custom local repository. * * @param packagesToLookup The patterns of the packages to lookup. */ lookupLocalPackages(packagesToLookup?: string[]): Environment.LookupGeneratorMeta[]; /** * Converts the specified `filePath` to a namespace. * * @param filePath The path to convert. * @param lookups The path-part to exclude (such as `lib/generators`). */ namespace(filePath: string, lookups?: string[]): string; /** * Gets a list of all registered namespaces. */ namespaces(): string[]; /** * Queue's the environment's commit task. */ queueConflicter(): void; /** * Queues the specified `generator`. * * @param generator The generator to queue. * @param schedule A value indicating whether the execution of the generator should be scheduled. * @returns The queued generator. */ queueGenerator(generator: Generator, schedule?: boolean): Generator; /** * Queues the package manager installation task. */ queuePackageManagerInstall(): void; /** * Registers a specific `generator` to this environment. * This generator is stored under the provided `namespace` or, if not specified, a default namespace format. * * @param name The filepath to the generator or an npm package name. * @param namespace The namespace under which the generator should be registered. * @param packagePath The path to the npm package of the generator. */ register(name: string, namespace?: string, packagePath?: string): this; /** * Registers a stubbed generator to this environment. * * @param generator The generator constructor. * @param namespace The namespace under which the generator should be registered. * @param resolved The file-path to the generator. * @param packagePath The path to the npm package of the generator. */ registerStub( generator: Generator.GeneratorConstructor, namespace: string, resolved?: string, packagePath?: string, ): this; /** * Resolves the path of the specified module. * * @param moduleId The name of the module. * @returns The resolved path to the module. */ resolveModulePath(moduleId: string): string; /** * Resolves a package name with a specific version. * * @param packageName The name of the package to resolve. * @param packageVersion The version or the version range of the package to resolve. */ resolvePackage(packageName: string, packageVersion: string): [string, string]; /** * Gets the first generator that was queued to run in this environment. */ rootGenerator(): Generator; /** * Tries to locate and run a specific generator. * The lookup is done depending on the provided arguments, options and the list of registered generators. * * When the environment was unable to resolve a generator, an error is raised. * * @param args The arguments to pass to the generator. * @param options The options to pass to the generator. */ run(args: string | [string, ...string[]], options?: Generator.GeneratorOptions): Promise; /** * Runs the specified generator. * * See [#101]( for more info. * * @param generator The generator to run. */ runGenerator(generator: Generator): Promise; /** * Starts the environment queue. * * @param options The conflicter options. */ start(options: Conflicter.ConflicterOptions): Promise; /** * Spawns a command asynchronously. * * @param command The command to execute. * @param args The arguments to pass to the program. * @param options The options to use for running the command. */ spawnCommand(command: string, args: string[], options: Options): ExecaChildProcess; /** * Spawns a command synchronously. * * @param command The command to execute. * @param args The arguments to pass to the program. * @param options The options to use for running the command. */ spawnCommandSync(command: string, args: string[], options: SyncOptions): ExecaSyncReturnValue; } declare namespace Environment { /** * Represents a component for logging messages. */ type Logger = LoggerBase; /** * Represents a question. */ type Question = inquirer.DistinctQuestion; /** * Represents a collection of questions. */ type Questions = inquirer.QuestionCollection; /** * Represents an answer-hash. */ type Answers = inquirer.Answers; /** * Represents an adapter. */ type Adapter = TerminalAdapter; /** * Represents an alias. */ interface Alias { /** * The pattern to match. */ match: RegExp; /** * The replacement of the `match`. */ value: string; } /** * Represents options for an `Environment`. */ interface Options { /** * The working-directory of the environment. */ cwd?: string | undefined; /** * A value indicating whether the experimental features should be enabled. */ experimental?: boolean; /** * The options to pass to generators. */ sharedOptions?: Generator.GeneratorOptions; /** * A console instance for logging messages. */ console?: Console; /** * A stream for receiving data from. */ stdin?: Stream; /** * A stream to write normal messages to. */ stdout?: Stream; /** * A stream to write error messages to. */ stderr?: Stream; /** * Additional options. */ [key: string]: any; } /** * Provides information about a generator. */ interface GeneratorMeta { /** * The resolved path to the generator. */ resolved: string; /** * The namespace of the generator. */ namespace: string; /** * The path to the package containing the generator. */ packagePath: string; } /** * Provides information about a generator. */ interface LookupGeneratorMeta extends GeneratorMeta { /** * A value indicating whether the generator could be registered. */ registered: boolean; } /** * Provides options for instantiating a generator. */ interface InstantiateOptions { /** * The arguments to pass to the generator. */ arguments?: string | string[] | undefined; /** * The options for creating the generator. */ options?: TOptions | undefined; } /** * Provides options for lookups. */ interface LookupOptionBase { /** * A value indicating whether globally installed packages should be ignored. */ localOnly?: boolean | undefined; } /** * Provides options for generator-lookups. */ interface GeneratorLookupOptions extends LookupOptionBase { /** * A value indicating whether the path to the package should be returned instead of the path to the generator. */ packagePath?: boolean | undefined; /** * A value indicating whether only one result should be returned. */ singleResult?: boolean | undefined; } /** * Provides options for single generator lookups. */ interface SingleGeneratorLookupOptions extends GeneratorLookupOptions { /** * @inheritdoc */ singleResult: true; } /** * Provides options array generator lookups. */ interface ArrayGeneratorLookupOptions extends GeneratorLookupOptions { /** * @inheritdoc */ singleResult?: false | undefined; } /** * Provides options for the `getNpmPaths` method. */ interface NpmPathsOptions extends LookupOptionBase { /** * A value indicating whether paths which don't end with a supported directory-name should be filtered (unless they are part of `NODE_PATH`). */ filterPaths?: boolean | undefined; } /** * Provides options for the `lookup` method. */ interface LookupOptions extends LookupOptionBase { /** * The paths to look for generators. */ packagePaths?: string[] | undefined; /** * The repüository paths to look for generator packages. */ npmPaths?: string[] | undefined; /** * The file-patterns to look for. */ filePatterns?: string[] | undefined; /** * The package patterns to look for. */ packagePatterns?: string[] | undefined; /** * A value indicating whether the lookup should be stopped after finding the first result. */ singleResult?: boolean | undefined; /** * The `deep` option to pass to `globby`. */ globbyDeep?: number | undefined; } /** * Provides options for the `findGeneratorsIn` method. */ interface GeneratorsInOptions { /** * The package-patterns to look for. */ packagePatterns?: string[] | undefined; } /** * Provides the functionality to handle callbacks. */ type Callback = /** * Handles a callback. * * @param err The error that occurred. */ (err: Error | null) => void; } export = Environment;