// Type definitions for yeoman-generator 5.2 // Project: https://github.com/yeoman/generator, http://yeoman.io // Definitions by: Kentaro Okuno // Jay Anslow // Ika // Joshua Cherry // Arthur Corenzan // Richard Lea // Manuel Thalmann // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped // TypeScript Version: 4.2 import { spawn, SpawnOptions, SpawnSyncOptions } from 'child_process'; import { Debugger } from 'debug'; import { Data as TemplateData, Options as TemplateOptions } from 'ejs'; import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; import { Answers as InquirerAnswers, DistinctQuestion } from 'inquirer'; import { Editor, CopyOptions } from 'mem-fs-editor'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { Transform } from 'stream'; import Environment = require('yeoman-environment'); import Storage = require('./lib/util/storage'); import Logger = Environment.Logger; declare namespace Generator { /** * Provides a priority-specification for a custom queue. */ interface Priority { /** * The name for identifying the queue. */ queueName?: string | undefined; /** * The name of the method to execute. */ priorityName: string; /** * The name of the queue which this priority should be added before. */ before: string; } /** * Provides options for generators. */ interface GeneratorOptions { /** * Gets or sets additional properties. */ [name: string]: any; /** * The path to the generator. */ resolved?: string; /** * Gets or sets a collection of custom priorities. */ customPriorities?: Priority[] | undefined; /** * The environment to use for creating the generator. */ env?: Environment | undefined; /** * The destination-root to write the files to. */ destinationRoot?: string | undefined; } /** * Provides the functionality to handle callbacks. */ type Callback = /** * Handles a callback. * * @param err The error that occurred. */ (err: any) => void; /** * Represents a question. */ type Question = DistinctQuestion & { /** * A value indicating whether to store the user's previous answer. */ store?: boolean | undefined; }; /** * Provides options for registering a prompt. */ type QuestionRegistrationOptions = Question & { /** * The storage to store the answers. */ storage?: Storage | undefined; /** * A value indicating whether an option should be exported for this question. */ exportOption?: boolean | object | undefined; }; /** * Represents an answer-hash. */ type Answers = InquirerAnswers; /** * Provides a set of questions. */ type Questions = Question | Array> | Observable>; /** * Provides options for performing installations. */ interface InstallOptions { /** * A value indicating whether to run `npm install` or options to pass to `dargs` as arguments. */ npm?: boolean | object | undefined; /** * A value indicating whether to run `bower install` or options to pass to `dargs` as arguments. */ bower?: boolean | object | undefined; /** * A value indicating whether to run `yarn install` or options to pass to `dargs` as arguments. */ yarn?: boolean | object | undefined; /** * A value indicating whether messages should be logged. */ skipMessage?: boolean | undefined; } /** * Provides options for creating a new argument. */ interface ArgumentConfig { /** * Description for the argument. */ description?: string | undefined; /** * A value indicating whether the argument is required. */ required?: boolean | undefined; /** * A value indicating whether the argument is optional. */ optional?: boolean | undefined; /** * The type of the argument. */ type?: typeof String | typeof Number | typeof Array | typeof Object | undefined; /** * The default value of the argument. */ default?: any; } /** * Provides settings for creating a new generator-option. */ interface OptionConfig { /** * The type of the option. */ type: typeof Boolean | typeof String | typeof Number; /** * The option name alias (example `-h` and --help`). */ alias?: string | undefined; /** * The default value. */ default?: any; /** * The description for the option. */ description?: string | undefined; /** * A value indicating whether the option should be hidden from the help output. */ hide?: boolean | undefined; /** * The storage to persist the option */ storage?: Storage | undefined; } /** * Represents a generator-constructor. */ interface GeneratorConstructor { new(...args: any[]): Generator; } /** * Represents options for composing a generator. */ interface CompositionOptions { /** * The constructor of the generator. */ Generator: GeneratorConstructor; /** * The path to the file containing the generator. */ path: string; } type GeneratorFeaturesUniqueBy = 'argument' | 'namespacep'; /** * Represents generators feature */ interface GeneratorFeatures { /** * uniqueBy calculation method (undefined/argument/namespace) */ uniqueBy?: GeneratorFeaturesUniqueBy | undefined; /** * The Generator instance unique identifier. * The Environment will ignore duplicated identifiers. */ unique?: string | undefined; /** * Only queue methods that matches a priority */ tasksMatchingPriority?: boolean | undefined; /** * Tasks methods starts with prefix. Allows api methods (non tasks) without prefix. */ taskPrefix?: string | undefined; /** * Enable customCommitTask() */ customCommitTask?: boolean | undefined; /** * Enable customInstallTask() */ customInstallTask?: boolean | undefined; } /** * Provides options for queues. */ interface QueueOptions { /** * The name of the queue. */ queueName?: string | undefined; /** * A value indicating whether the queue should be executed only once per namespace and task-name. */ once?: boolean | undefined; /** * A value indicating whether the queue should be executed if not running yet. */ run?: boolean | undefined; } /** * Provides options for tasks. */ interface TaskOptions extends QueueOptions { /** * A method for handling errors. */ reject?: Callback | undefined; } /** * Represents a task. */ interface Task extends TaskOptions { /** * The function to queue. */ method: (...args: any) => any; /** * The name of the task. */ taskName: string; } /** * Provides settings for rendering a template. */ interface TemplateRenderOptions> { /** * A method for determining whether the template should be rendered. */ when?: ((templateData: TemplateData, generator: T) => boolean) | undefined; /** * The template file, absolute or relative to {@link Generator.templatePath `templatePath()`}. */ source: string | string[]; /** * The destination, absolute or relative to {@link Generator.destinationPath `destinationPath()`}. */ destination?: string | string[] | undefined; /** * The `ejs` options. */ templateOptions?: TemplateOptions | undefined; /** * The `mem-fs-editor` copy-options. */ copyOptions?: CopyOptions | undefined; } } /** * The {@link Generator `Generator`} class provides the common API shared by all generators. * It define options, arguments, file, prompt, log, API, etc. * * Every generator should extend this base class. */ declare class Generator extends EventEmitter { constructor(args: string | string[], options: T, features?: Generator.GeneratorFeatures); /** * The current Environment being run. */ env: Environment; /** * Provides arguments at initialization. */ args: string[]; /** * The path to the current generator. */ resolved: string; /** * The description to display in the `--help` output. */ description: string; /** * The application name. */ appname: string; /** * The `.yo-rc` config file manager. */ config: Storage; /** * The storage containing the destination-`package.json`. */ packageJson: Storage; /** * An instance of [`mem-fs-editor`](https://github.com/SBoudrias/mem-fs-editor). */ fs: Editor; /** * Provides options at initialization. */ options: T; /** * Provides the functionality to log messages. */ log: Logger; /** * The path from where the user is running `yo`. */ contextRoot: string; /** * Reads the options or a single option at the specified property-path from the `.yo-rc` config-store. * * @param path The property-path of the option to get. */ _templateData(path?: string): any; /** * Adds an argument to the class and creates an attribute getter for it. * * Arguments are different from options in several aspects. The first one * is how they are parsed from the command line, arguments are retrieved * based on their position. * * Besides, arguments are used inside your code as a property ({@link Generator.args `this.args`}), * while options are all kept in a hash ({@link Generator.options `this.options`}). * * * @param name Argument name. * @param config Argument options. * @return This generator. */ argument(name: string, config: Generator.ArgumentConfig): this; /** * Cancels all cancellable tasks. */ cancelCancellableTasks(): void; /** * Compose this generator with another one. * * @param generator The path to the generator module or an object (see examples). * @param options The options passed to the Generator. * @param returnNewGenerator Returns the created generator instead of returning this. * @return This generator or the composed generator when {@link returnNewGenerator `returnNewGenerator`} is `true`. * * @example * this.composeWith('bootstrap', { sass: true }); * * @example * this.composeWith(require.resolve('generator-bootstrap/app/main.js'), { sass: true }); * * @example * this.composeWith({ Generator: MyGenerator, path: '../generator-bootstrap/app/main.js' }, { sass: true }); * * @returns * Either returns this generator or the newly created generator. */ composeWith( generators: Array | Generator.CompositionOptions | string, options?: Generator.GeneratorOptions, returnNewGenerator?: false, ): this; /** * Compose this generator with another one. * * @param generator The path to the generator module or an object (see examples). * @param options The options passed to the Generator. * @param returnNewGenerator Returns the created generator instead of returning this. * @return This generator or the composed generator when returnNewGenerator=true * * @example * this.composeWith('bootstrap', { sass: true }); * * @example * this.composeWith(require.resolve('generator-bootstrap/app/main.js'), { sass: true }); * * @example * this.composeWith({ Generator: MyGenerator, path: '../generator-bootstrap/app/main.js' }, { sass: true }); * * @returns * Either returns this generator or the newly created generator. */ composeWith( generators: Generator.CompositionOptions | string, options: Generator.GeneratorOptions, returnNewGenerator: true, ): Generator; /** * Compose this generator with another one. * * @param generator The path to the generator module or an object (see examples). * @param options The options passed to the Generator. * @param returnNewGenerator Returns the created generator instead of returning this. * @return This generator or the composed generator when returnNewGenerator=true * * @example * this.composeWith('bootstrap', { sass: true }); * * @example * this.composeWith(require.resolve('generator-bootstrap/app/main.js'), { sass: true }); * * @example * this.composeWith({ Generator: MyGenerator, path: '../generator-bootstrap/app/main.js' }, { sass: true }); * * @returns * Either returns this generator or the newly created generator. */ composeWith( generators: Array, options: Generator.GeneratorOptions, returnNewGenerator: true, ): Generator[]; /** * Creates a new storage. * * @param storagePath The path to the `json`-file of the storage. * @param key The key in which the options are stored inside the `json`. * @param lodashPath A value indicating whether the {@link key `key`} argument should be treated as a lodash path. */ createStorage(storagePath: string, key?: string, lodashPath?: boolean): Storage; /** * Convenience debug method. */ debug: (...args: Parameters) => void; /** * Joins a path to the destination root. * * @param path The path parts. */ destinationPath(...path: string[]): string; /** * Changes the generator destination root directory. * * This path is used to find storage, when using file system helper methods * (such as {@link Generator.writeDestination `this.writeDestination`} and {@link Generator.copyDestination `this.copyDestination`}). * * @param rootPath The new destination root path. * @param skipEnvironment A value indicating whether {@link Environment.cwd `this.env.cwd`} and the current working directory shouldn't be changed. */ destinationRoot(rootPath?: string, skipEnvironment?: boolean): string; /** * Determines the name of the application. * * First checks for the name in `bower.json`, then checks for the name in `package.json`. * Finally defaults to the name of the current directory. * * @returns The name of the application. */ determineAppname(): string; /** * Adds an option to the set of generator expected options, only used to generate generator usage. * By default, generators get all the cli options parsed by nopt as a {@link Generator.options `this.options`} hash object. * * @param name The name of the option. * @param config The configuration of the option. * @returns This generator */ option(name: string, config?: Generator.OptionConfig): this; /** * Prompt user to answer questions. */ prompt(questions: Generator.Questions): Promise; /** * Queues the basic tasks of the generator. */ queueBasicTasks(): void; /** * Schedules methods on a run queue. * * @param method The method or an object containing function properties to schedule. * @param methodName The name of the method to be scheduled. * @param queueName The name of the queue to schedule on. * @param reject A callback for handling rejections. */ queueMethod( method: ((...args: any[]) => any) | Record any>, methodName?: string, queueName?: string, reject?: Generator.Callback, ): void; /** * Schedules a task on a run queue. * * @param task The task to queue. */ queueTask(task: Generator.Task): void; /** * Schedules methods on a run queue. * * @param taskGroup An object containing tasks. * @param taskOptions The options for creating the tasks. */ queueTaskGroup(taskGroup: Record any>, taskOptions?: Generator.TaskOptions): void; /** * Registers the specified {@link priorities `priorities`}. * * @param priorities * The priorities to register. */ registerPriorities(priorities: Generator.Priority[]): void; /** * Registers stored config prompts and optional option alternatives. * * @param questions * The questions to register. */ registerConfigPrompts( questions: | Generator.QuestionRegistrationOptions | Array>, ): void; /** * Adds a transform stream to the commit stream. * * @param stream An array of transform streams or a single one. */ registerTransformStream(stream: Transform | Transform[]): this; /** * Determines the root generator name (the one who's extending this generator). */ rootGeneratorName(): string; /** * Determines the root generator version (the one who's extending this generator). */ rootGeneratorVersion(): string; /** * Runs the generator, scheduling prototype methods on a run queue. * Method names will determine the order each method is run. * Methods without special names will run in default queue. * * Any method named `constructor` and any methods prefixed by a `_` won't be scheduled. */ run(): Promise; /** * Runs the generator, scheduling prototype methods on a run queue. * Method names will determine the order each method is run. * Methods without special names will run in default queue. * * Any method named `constructor` and any methods prefixed by a `_` won't be scheduled. * * @param cb The callback. * @deprecated */ // tslint:disable-next-line:unified-signatures run(cb: Generator.Callback): Promise; /** * Changes the generator source root directory. * This path is used by multiple file system methods. * * @param rootPath The new source root path. */ sourceRoot(rootPath?: string): string; /** * Joins a path to the source root. * * @param path The path parts. */ templatePath(...path: string[]): string; /** * Starts the generator again. * * @param The options to assign. */ startOver(options?: T): void; // actions/fs mixin /** * Copy file from destination folder to another destination folder. * `mem-fs-editor` method's shortcut, for more information see [mem-fs-editor](https://github.com/SBoudrias/mem-fs-editor). * Shortcut for: * ```js * this.fs.copy(this.destinationPath(from), this.destinationPath(to)) * ``` */ copyDestination: Editor['copy']; /** * Copy file from templates folder to destination folder. * `mem-fs-editor` method's shortcut, for more information see [mem-fs-editor](https://github.com/SBoudrias/mem-fs-editor). * Shortcut for: * ```js * this.fs.copy(this.templatePath(from), this.destinationPath(to)) * ``` */ copyTemplate: Editor['copy']; /** * Deletes file from destination folder. * `mem-fs-editor` method's shortcut, for more information see [mem-fs-editor](https://github.com/SBoudrias/mem-fs-editor). * Shortcut for: * ```js * this.fs.delete(this.destinationPath(filepath)) * ``` */ deleteDestination: Editor['delete']; /** * Checks whether a file exists in the destination folder. * `mem-fs-editor` method's shortcut, for more information see [mem-fs-editor](https://github.com/SBoudrias/mem-fs-editor). * Shortcut for: * ```js * this.fs.exists(this.destinationPath(filepath)) * ``` */ existsDestination: Editor['exists']; /** * Move file from destination folder to another destination folder. * `mem-fs-editor` method's shortcut, for more information see [mem-fs-editor](https://github.com/SBoudrias/mem-fs-editor). * Shortcut for: * ```js * this.fs.move(this.destinationPath(from), this.destinationPath(to)) * ``` */ moveDestination: Editor['move']; /** * Read file from destination folder. * `mem-fs-editor` method's shortcut, for more information see [mem-fs-editor](https://github.com/SBoudrias/mem-fs-editor). * Shortcut for: * ```js * this.fs.read(this.destinationPath(filepath)) * ``` */ readDestination: Editor['read']; /** * Read JSON file from destination folder. * `mem-fs-editor` method's shortcut, for more information see [mem-fs-editor](https://github.com/SBoudrias/mem-fs-editor). * Shortcut for: * ```js * this.fs.readJSON(this.destinationPath(filepath)) * ``` */ readDestinationJSON: Editor['readJSON']; /** * Read file from templates folder. * `mem-fs-editor` method's shortcut, for more information see [mem-fs-editor](https://github.com/SBoudrias/mem-fs-editor). * Shortcut for: * ```js * this.fs.read(this.templatePath(filepath)) * ``` */ readTemplate: Editor['read']; /** * Copies a template from templates folder to the destination. * * @param source The template file, absolute or relative to {@link Generator.templatePath `templatePath()`}. * @param destination The destination, absolute or relative to {@link Generator.destinationPath `destinationPath()`}. * @param templateData The `ejs`-data or the name of the storage-key to get the data from. * @param templateOptions The `ejs`-options. * @param copyOptions The `mem-fs-editor` copy options. */ renderTemplate( source: string | string[], destination?: string | string[], templateData?: TemplateData | string, templateOptions?: TemplateOptions | string, copyOptions?: CopyOptions, ): void; /** * Copies templates from the `templates` folder to the destination. * * @param templates The template files to copy. * @param templateData The ejs data or the name of the storage-key to get the data from. */ renderTemplates( templates: Array>, templateData?: TemplateData | string, ): void; /** * Write file to destination folder * `mem-fs-editor` method's shortcut, for more information see [mem-fs-editor](https://github.com/SBoudrias/mem-fs-editor). * Shortcut for: * ```js * this.fs.write(this.destinationPath(filepath)) * ``` */ writeDestination: Editor['write']; /** * Write json file to destination folder * `mem-fs-editor` method's shortcut, for more information see [mem-fs-editor](https://github.com/SBoudrias/mem-fs-editor). * Shortcut for: * ```js * this.fs.writeJSON(this.destinationPath(filepath)) * ``` */ writeDestinationJSON: Editor['writeJSON']; // actions/help mixin /** * Generates a help-text for the arguments. * * @returns A help-text for the arguments. */ argumentsHelp(): string; /** * Sets a custom {@link description `description`} for the help output. * * @param description The new description. */ desc(description: string): this; /** * Tries to get the description from a `USAGE` file one folder above the source root, otherwise uses a default description. */ help(): string; /** * Gets help text for options. */ optionsHelp(): string; /** * Gets usage information for this generator, depending on its arguments or options. */ usage(): string; // actions/spawn_command mixin /** * Normalizes a command across OS and spawns it (asynchronously). * * @param command The program to execute. * @param args A list of arguments to pass to the program. * @param opt Any cross-spawn options. */ spawnCommand(command: string, args: string[], opt?: SpawnOptions): any; /** * Normalizes a command across the OS and spawns it (synchronously). * * @param command The program to execute. * @param args A list of arguments to pass to the program * @param opt Any cross-spawn options. */ spawnCommandSync(command: string, args: string[], opt?: SpawnSyncOptions): any; // actions/install mixin /** * @deprecated * Receives a list of {@link components `components`} and an {@link options `options`} object to install through bower. * * The installation will automatically run during the run loop `install` phase. * * @param components Components to install * @param options Options to pass to `dargs` as arguments * @param spawnOptions Options to pass {@link spawn `child_process.spawn`}. */ bowerInstall(components?: string | string[], options?: object, spawnOptions?: SpawnOptions): void; /** * @deprecated * Runs `npm` and `bower`, in sequence, in the generated directory and prints a * message to let the user know. * * @example * this.installDependencies({ * bower: true, * npm: true * }).then(() => console.log('Everything is ready!')); * * @example * this.installDependencies({ * yarn: {force: true}, * npm: false * }).then(() => console.log('Everything is ready!')); * */ installDependencies(options?: Generator.InstallOptions): void; /** * @deprecated * Receives a list of {@link packages `packages`} and an {@link options `options`} object to install through npm. * * The installation will automatically run during the run loop `install` phase. * * @param packages Packages to install * @param options Options to pass to `dargs` as arguments * @param spawnOptions Options to pass {@link spawn `child_process.spawn`}. */ npmInstall(packages?: string | string[], options?: object, spawnOptions?: SpawnOptions): void; /** * @deprecated * Combine package manager cmd line arguments and run the `install` command. * * During the `install` step, every command will be scheduled to run once, on the * run loop. * * @param installer Which package manager to use * @param paths Packages to install. Use an empty string for `npm install` * @param options Options to pass to `dargs` as arguments * @param spawnOptions Options to pass {@link spawn `child_process.spawn`}. */ scheduleInstallTask( installer: string, paths?: string | string[], options?: object, spawnOptions?: SpawnOptions, ): void; /** * @deprecated * Receives a list of {@link packages `packages`} and an {@link options `options`} object to install through npm. * * The installation will automatically run during the run loop `install` phase. * * @param packages Packages to install * @param options Options to pass to `dargs` as arguments * @param spawnOptions Options to pass {@link spawn `child_process.spawn`}. */ yarnInstall(packages?: string | string[], options?: object, spawnOptions?: SpawnOptions): void; // actions/package.json /** * Adds dependencies to the destination `package.json`. * * @param dependencies * The packages to add. * * @returns * The newly added dependencies. */ addDependencies(dependencies: Record | string | string[]): Promise>; /** * Adds development-dependencies to the destination `package.json`. * * @param devDependencies * The packages to add to the development-dependencies. * * @returns * The newly added development-dependencies. */ addDevDependencies(devDependencies: Record | string | string[]): Promise>; // actions/user mixin readonly user: { readonly git: { /** * Retrieves user's email from Git in the global scope or the project scope * (it'll take what Git will use in the current context) * @return configured git email or undefined */ email(): string; /** * Retrieves user's name from Git in the global scope or the project scope * (it'll take what Git will use in the current context) * @return configured git name or undefined */ name(): string; }; readonly github: { /** * Retrieves GitHub's username from the GitHub API * @return Resolved with the GitHub username or rejected if unable to * get the information */ username(): Promise; }; }; } export = Generator;