import { TSESLint } from '@typescript-eslint/experimental-utils'; import * as parser from '@typescript-eslint/parser'; import { readFileSync } from 'fs'; import rule, { Options } from '../src/rules/config'; const ruleTester = new TSESLint.RuleTester({ parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: 6, sourceType: 'module', ecmaFeatures: {}, /** * Project is needed to generate the parserServices * within @typescript-eslint/parser */ project: './tests/fixture-project/tsconfig.json', warnOnUnsupportedTypeScriptVersion: false, }, parser: require.resolve('@typescript-eslint/parser'), }); /** * Inline rules should be supported */ const tslintRulesConfig: Options = [ { rules: { semicolon: [true, 'always'], }, }, ]; /** * Custom rules directories should be supported */ const tslintRulesDirectoryConfig: Options = [ { rulesDirectory: ['./tests/test-tslint-rules-directory'], rules: { 'always-fail': { severity: 'error', }, }, }, ];'tslint/config', rule, { valid: [ { code: 'var foo = true;', options: tslintRulesConfig, filename: './tests/fixture-project/1.ts', }, { filename: './tests/test-project/file-spec.ts', code: readFileSync('./tests/test-project/file-spec.ts', 'utf8').replace( /\n/g, ' ', ), parserOptions: { project: `${__dirname}/test-project/tsconfig.json`, }, options: tslintRulesConfig, }, { code: 'throw "should be ok because rule is not loaded";', options: tslintRulesConfig, filename: './tests/fixture-project/2.ts', }, ], invalid: [ { options: [{ lintFile: './tests/test-project/tslint.json' }], code: 'throw "err" // no-string-throw', output: 'throw new Error("err") // no-string-throw', filename: './tests/fixture-project/3.ts', errors: [ { messageId: 'failure', data: { message: 'Throwing plain strings (not instances of Error) gives no stack traces', ruleName: 'no-string-throw', }, }, ], }, { code: 'var foo = true // semicolon', options: tslintRulesConfig, output: 'var foo = true; // semicolon', filename: './tests/fixture-project/4.ts', errors: [ { messageId: 'failure', data: { message: 'Missing semicolon', ruleName: 'semicolon', }, line: 1, column: 15, }, ], }, { code: 'var foo = true // fail', options: tslintRulesDirectoryConfig, output: 'var foo = true // fail', filename: './tests/fixture-project/5.ts', errors: [ { messageId: 'failure', data: { message: 'failure', ruleName: 'always-fail', }, line: 1, column: 1, }, ], }, { filename: './tests/test-project/source.ts', code: readFileSync('./tests/test-project/source.ts', 'utf8').replace( /\n/g, ' ', ), parserOptions: { project: `${__dirname}/test-project/tsconfig.json`, }, options: [ { rulesDirectory: [ `${__dirname}/../../../node_modules/tslint/lib/rules`, ], rules: { 'restrict-plus-operands': true }, }, ], errors: [ { messageId: 'failure', data: { message: 'Operands of \'+\' operation must either be both strings or both numbers or both bigints, but found 1 + "2". Consider using template literals.', ruleName: 'restrict-plus-operands', }, }, ], }, ], }); describe('tslint/error', () => { function testOutput(code: string, config: TSESLint.Linter.Config): void { const linter = new TSESLint.Linter(); linter.defineRule('tslint/config', rule); linter.defineParser('@typescript-eslint/parser', parser); expect(() => linter.verify(code, config)).toThrow( 'You have used a rule which requires parserServices to be generated. You must therefore provide a value for the "parserOptions.project" property for @typescript-eslint/parser.', ); } it('should error on missing project', () => { testOutput('foo;', { rules: { 'tslint/config': [2, tslintRulesConfig], }, parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser', }); }); it('should error on default parser', () => { testOutput('foo;', { parserOptions: { project: `${__dirname}/test-project/tsconfig.json`, }, rules: { 'tslint/config': [2, tslintRulesConfig], }, }); }); it('should not crash if there are no tslint rules specified', () => { const linter = new TSESLint.Linter(); jest.spyOn(console, 'warn').mockImplementation(); linter.defineRule('tslint/config', rule); linter.defineParser('@typescript-eslint/parser', parser); expect(() => linter.verify( 'foo;', { parserOptions: { project: `${__dirname}/test-project/tsconfig.json`, }, rules: { 'tslint/config': [2, {}], }, parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser', }, `${__dirname}/test-project/extra.ts`, ), ).not.toThrow(); expect(console.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.stringContaining( `Tried to lint ${__dirname}/test-project/extra.ts but found no valid, enabled rules for this file type and file path in the resolved configuration.`, ), ); jest.resetAllMocks(); }); });