/* We purposely don't generate types for our plugin because TL;DR: 1) there's no real reason that anyone should do a typed import of our rules, 2) it would require us to change our code so there aren't as many inferred types This type declaration exists as a hacky way to add a type to the export for our internal packages that require it. *** Long reason *** When you turn on declaration files, TS requires all types to be "fully resolvable" without changes to the code. All of our lint rules `export default createRule(...)`, which means they all implicitly reference the `TSESLint.Rule` type for the export. TS wants to transpile each rule file to this `.d.ts` file: ```ts import type { TSESLint } from '@typescript-eslint/utils'; declare const _default: TSESLint.RuleModule; export default _default; ``` Because we don't import `TSESLint` in most files, it means that TS would have to insert a new import during the declaration emit to make this work. However TS wants to avoid adding new imports to the file because a new module could have type side-effects (like global augmentation) which could cause weird type side-effects in the decl file that wouldn't exist in source TS file. So TS errors on most of our rules with the following error: ``` The inferred type of 'default' cannot be named without a reference to '../../../../node_modules/@typescript-eslint/utils/src/ts-eslint/Rule'. This is likely not portable. A type annotation is necessary. ts(2742) ``` */ import type { RuleModule } from '@typescript-eslint/utils/ts-eslint'; export type TypeScriptESLintRules = Record< string, RuleModule >; declare const rules: TypeScriptESLintRules; // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-default-export export default rules;