import { Linter } from './Linter'; import { RuleListener, RuleMetaData, RuleModule } from './Rule'; declare class CLIEngineBase { /** * Creates a new instance of the core CLI engine. * @param providedOptions The options for this instance. */ constructor(options: CLIEngine.Options); /** * Add a plugin by passing its configuration * @param name Name of the plugin. * @param pluginObject Plugin configuration object. */ addPlugin(name: string, pluginObject: Linter.Plugin): void; /** * Executes the current configuration on an array of file and directory names. * @param patterns An array of file and directory names. * @returns The results for all files that were linted. */ executeOnFiles(patterns: string[]): CLIEngine.LintReport; /** * Executes the current configuration on text. * @param text A string of JavaScript code to lint. * @param filename An optional string representing the texts filename. * @param warnIgnored Always warn when a file is ignored * @returns The results for the linting. */ executeOnText(text: string, filename?: string, warnIgnored?: boolean): CLIEngine.LintReport; /** * Returns a configuration object for the given file based on the CLI options. * This is the same logic used by the ESLint CLI executable to determine configuration for each file it processes. * @param filePath The path of the file to retrieve a config object for. * @returns A configuration object for the file. */ getConfigForFile(filePath: string): Linter.Config; /** * Returns the formatter representing the given format. * @param format The name of the format to load or the path to a custom formatter. * @returns The formatter function. */ getFormatter(format?: string): CLIEngine.Formatter; /** * Checks if a given path is ignored by ESLint. * @param filePath The path of the file to check. * @returns Whether or not the given path is ignored. */ isPathIgnored(filePath: string): boolean; /** * Resolves the patterns passed into `executeOnFiles()` into glob-based patterns for easier handling. * @param patterns The file patterns passed on the command line. * @returns The equivalent glob patterns. */ resolveFileGlobPatterns(patterns: string[]): string[]; getRules(): Map>; /** * Returns results that only contains errors. * @param results The results to filter. * @returns The filtered results. */ static getErrorResults(results: CLIEngine.LintResult[]): CLIEngine.LintResult[]; /** * Returns the formatter representing the given format or null if the `format` is not a string. * @param format The name of the format to load or the path to a custom formatter. * @returns The formatter function. */ static getFormatter(format?: string): CLIEngine.Formatter; /** * Outputs fixes from the given results to files. * @param report The report object created by CLIEngine. */ static outputFixes(report: CLIEngine.LintReport): void; static version: string; } declare namespace CLIEngine { interface Options { allowInlineConfig?: boolean; baseConfig?: false | { [name: string]: unknown; }; cache?: boolean; cacheFile?: string; cacheLocation?: string; configFile?: string; cwd?: string; envs?: string[]; errorOnUnmatchedPattern?: boolean; extensions?: string[]; fix?: boolean; globals?: string[]; ignore?: boolean; ignorePath?: string; ignorePattern?: string | string[]; useEslintrc?: boolean; parser?: string; parserOptions?: Linter.ParserOptions; plugins?: string[]; resolvePluginsRelativeTo?: string; rules?: { [name: string]: Linter.RuleLevel | Linter.RuleLevelAndOptions; }; rulePaths?: string[]; reportUnusedDisableDirectives?: boolean; } interface LintResult { filePath: string; messages: Linter.LintMessage[]; errorCount: number; warningCount: number; fixableErrorCount: number; fixableWarningCount: number; output?: string; source?: string; } interface LintReport { results: LintResult[]; errorCount: number; warningCount: number; fixableErrorCount: number; fixableWarningCount: number; usedDeprecatedRules: DeprecatedRuleUse[]; } interface DeprecatedRuleUse { ruleId: string; replacedBy: string[]; } interface LintResultData { rulesMeta: { [ruleId: string]: RuleMetaData; }; } type Formatter = (results: LintResult[], data?: LintResultData) => string; } declare const CLIEngine_base: typeof CLIEngineBase; /** * The underlying utility that runs the ESLint command line interface. This object will read the filesystem for * configuration and file information but will not output any results. Instead, it allows you direct access to the * important information so you can deal with the output yourself. * @deprecated use the ESLint class instead */ declare class CLIEngine extends CLIEngine_base { } export { CLIEngine }; //#