import { TSESTree, ParserServices } from '../ts-estree'; import { ParserOptions as TSParserOptions } from './ParserOptions'; import { RuleCreateFunction, RuleFix, RuleModule, SharedConfigurationSettings } from './Rule'; import { Scope } from './Scope'; import { SourceCode } from './SourceCode'; declare class LinterBase { /** * Initialize the Linter. * @param config the config object */ constructor(config?: Linter.LinterOptions); /** * Define a new parser module * @param parserId Name of the parser * @param parserModule The parser object */ defineParser(parserId: string, parserModule: Linter.ParserModule): void; /** * Defines a new linting rule. * @param ruleId A unique rule identifier * @param ruleModule Function from context to object mapping AST node types to event handlers */ defineRule(ruleId: string, ruleModule: RuleModule | RuleCreateFunction): void; /** * Defines many new linting rules. * @param rulesToDefine map from unique rule identifier to rule */ defineRules(rulesToDefine: Record | RuleCreateFunction>): void; /** * Gets an object with all loaded rules. * @returns All loaded rules */ getRules(): Map>; /** * Gets the `SourceCode` object representing the parsed source. * @returns The `SourceCode` object. */ getSourceCode(): SourceCode; /** * Verifies the text against the rules specified by the second argument. * @param textOrSourceCode The text to parse or a SourceCode object. * @param config An ESLintConfig instance to configure everything. * @param filenameOrOptions The optional filename of the file being checked. * If this is not set, the filename will default to '' in the rule context. * If this is an object, then it has "filename", "allowInlineConfig", and some properties. * @returns The results as an array of messages or an empty array if no messages. */ verify(textOrSourceCode: SourceCode | string, config: Linter.Config, filenameOrOptions?: string | Linter.VerifyOptions): Linter.LintMessage[]; /** * Performs multiple autofix passes over the text until as many fixes as possible have been applied. * @param text The source text to apply fixes to. * @param config The ESLint config object to use. * @param options The ESLint options object to use. * @returns The result of the fix operation as returned from the SourceCodeFixer. */ verifyAndFix(code: string, config: Linter.Config, options: Linter.FixOptions): Linter.FixReport; /** * The version from package.json. */ readonly version: string; /** * The version from package.json. */ static readonly version: string; } declare namespace Linter { export interface LinterOptions { /** * path to a directory that should be considered as the current working directory. */ cwd?: string; } export type Severity = 0 | 1 | 2; export type SeverityString = 'off' | 'warn' | 'error'; export type RuleLevel = Severity | SeverityString; export type RuleLevelAndOptions = [RuleLevel, ...unknown[]]; export type RuleEntry = RuleLevel | RuleLevelAndOptions; export type RulesRecord = Partial>; export type GlobalVariableOption = 'readonly' | 'writable' | 'off' | boolean; interface BaseConfig { $schema?: string; /** * The environment settings. */ env?: { [name: string]: boolean; }; /** * The path to other config files or the package name of shareable configs. */ extends?: string | string[]; /** * The global variable settings. */ globals?: { [name: string]: GlobalVariableOption; }; /** * The flag that disables directive comments. */ noInlineConfig?: boolean; /** * The override settings per kind of files. */ overrides?: ConfigOverride[]; /** * The path to a parser or the package name of a parser. */ parser?: string; /** * The parser options. */ parserOptions?: ParserOptions; /** * The plugin specifiers. */ plugins?: string[]; /** * The processor specifier. */ processor?: string; /** * The flag to report unused `eslint-disable` comments. */ reportUnusedDisableDirectives?: boolean; /** * The rule settings. */ rules?: RulesRecord; /** * The shared settings. */ settings?: SharedConfigurationSettings; } export interface ConfigOverride extends BaseConfig { excludedFiles?: string | string[]; files: string | string[]; } export interface Config extends BaseConfig { /** * The glob patterns that ignore to lint. */ ignorePatterns?: string | string[]; /** * The root flag. */ root?: boolean; } export type ParserOptions = TSParserOptions; export interface VerifyOptions { /** * Allow/disallow inline comments' ability to change config once it is set. Defaults to true if not supplied. * Useful if you want to validate JS without comments overriding rules. */ allowInlineConfig?: boolean; /** * if `true` then the linter doesn't make `fix` properties into the lint result. */ disableFixes?: boolean; /** * the filename of the source code. */ filename?: string; /** * the predicate function that selects adopt code blocks. */ filterCodeBlock?: (filename: string, text: string) => boolean; /** * postprocessor for report messages. * If provided, this should accept an array of the message lists * for each code block returned from the preprocessor, apply a mapping to * the messages as appropriate, and return a one-dimensional array of * messages. */ postprocess?: Processor['postprocess']; /** * preprocessor for source text. * If provided, this should accept a string of source text, and return an array of code blocks to lint. */ preprocess?: Processor['preprocess']; /** * Adds reported errors for unused `eslint-disable` directives. */ reportUnusedDisableDirectives?: boolean | SeverityString; } export interface FixOptions extends VerifyOptions { /** * Determines whether fixes should be applied. */ fix?: boolean; } export interface LintSuggestion { desc: string; fix: RuleFix; messageId?: string; } export interface LintMessage { /** * The 1-based column number. */ column: number; /** * The 1-based column number of the end location. */ endColumn?: number; /** * The 1-based line number of the end location. */ endLine?: number; /** * If `true` then this is a fatal error. */ fatal?: true; /** * Information for autofix. */ fix?: RuleFix; /** * The 1-based line number. */ line: number; /** * The error message. */ message: string; messageId?: string; nodeType: string; /** * The ID of the rule which makes this message. */ ruleId: string | null; /** * The severity of this message. */ severity: Severity; source: string | null; /** * Information for suggestions */ suggestions?: LintSuggestion[]; } export interface FixReport { /** * True, if the code was fixed */ fixed: boolean; /** * Fixed code text (might be the same as input if no fixes were applied). */ output: string; /** * Collection of all messages for the given code */ messages: LintMessage[]; } export type ParserModule = { parse(text: string, options?: ParserOptions): TSESTree.Program; } | { parseForESLint(text: string, options?: ParserOptions): ESLintParseResult; }; export interface ESLintParseResult { ast: TSESTree.Program; parserServices?: ParserServices; scopeManager?: Scope.ScopeManager; visitorKeys?: SourceCode.VisitorKeys; } export interface Processor { /** * The function to extract code blocks. */ preprocess?: (text: string, filename: string) => Array; /** * The function to merge messages. */ postprocess?: (messagesList: Linter.LintMessage[][], filename: string) => Linter.LintMessage[]; /** * If `true` then it means the processor supports autofix. */ supportsAutofix?: boolean; } export interface Environment { /** * The definition of global variables. */ globals?: Record; /** * The parser options that will be enabled under this environment. */ parserOptions?: ParserOptions; } export interface Plugin { /** * The definition of plugin configs. */ configs?: Record; /** * The definition of plugin environments. */ environments?: Record; /** * The definition of plugin processors. */ processors?: Record; /** * The definition of plugin rules. */ rules?: Record>; } export {}; } declare const Linter_base: typeof LinterBase; /** * The Linter object does the actual evaluation of the JavaScript code. It doesn't do any filesystem operations, it * simply parses and reports on the code. In particular, the Linter object does not process configuration objects * or files. */ declare class Linter extends Linter_base { } export { Linter }; //#