import * as ts from 'typescript'; import type { TSESTree, TSNode } from './ts-estree'; import { AST_NODE_TYPES, AST_TOKEN_TYPES } from './ts-estree'; declare const SyntaxKind: typeof ts.SyntaxKind; type LogicalOperatorKind = ts.SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandToken | ts.SyntaxKind.BarBarToken | ts.SyntaxKind.QuestionQuestionToken; interface TokenToText extends TSESTree.PunctuatorTokenToText, TSESTree.BinaryOperatorToText { [SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword]: 'import'; [SyntaxKind.NewKeyword]: 'new'; [SyntaxKind.KeyOfKeyword]: 'keyof'; [SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword]: 'readonly'; [SyntaxKind.UniqueKeyword]: 'unique'; } type AssignmentOperatorKind = keyof TSESTree.AssignmentOperatorToText; type BinaryOperatorKind = keyof TSESTree.BinaryOperatorToText; type DeclarationKind = TSESTree.VariableDeclaration['kind']; /** * Returns true if the given ts.Token is a logical operator * @param operator the operator token * @returns is a logical operator */ export declare function isLogicalOperator(operator: ts.BinaryOperatorToken): operator is ts.Token; export declare function isESTreeBinaryOperator(operator: ts.BinaryOperatorToken): operator is ts.Token; type TokenForTokenKind = T extends keyof TokenToText ? TokenToText[T] : string | undefined; /** * Returns the string form of the given TSToken SyntaxKind * @param kind the token's SyntaxKind * @returns the token applicable token as a string */ export declare function getTextForTokenKind(kind: T): TokenForTokenKind; /** * Returns true if the given ts.Node is a valid ESTree class member * @param node TypeScript AST node * @returns is valid ESTree class member */ export declare function isESTreeClassMember(node: ts.Node): boolean; /** * Checks if a ts.Node has a modifier * @param modifierKind TypeScript SyntaxKind modifier * @param node TypeScript AST node * @returns has the modifier specified */ export declare function hasModifier(modifierKind: ts.KeywordSyntaxKind, node: ts.Node): boolean; /** * Get last last modifier in ast * @param node TypeScript AST node * @returns returns last modifier if present or null */ export declare function getLastModifier(node: ts.Node): ts.Modifier | null; /** * Returns true if the given ts.Token is a comma * @param token the TypeScript token * @returns is comma */ export declare function isComma(token: ts.Node): token is ts.Token; /** * Returns true if the given ts.Node is a comment * @param node the TypeScript node * @returns is comment */ export declare function isComment(node: ts.Node): boolean; /** * Returns the binary expression type of the given ts.Token * @param operator the operator token * @returns the binary expression type */ export declare function getBinaryExpressionType(operator: ts.BinaryOperatorToken): { type: AST_NODE_TYPES.AssignmentExpression; operator: TokenForTokenKind; } | { type: AST_NODE_TYPES.BinaryExpression; operator: TokenForTokenKind; } | { type: AST_NODE_TYPES.LogicalExpression; operator: TokenForTokenKind; }; /** * Returns line and column data for the given positions, * @param pos position to check * @param ast the AST object * @returns line and column */ export declare function getLineAndCharacterFor(pos: number, ast: ts.SourceFile): TSESTree.Position; /** * Returns line and column data for the given start and end positions, * for the given AST * @param range start end data * @param ast the AST object * @returns the loc data */ export declare function getLocFor(range: TSESTree.Range, ast: ts.SourceFile): TSESTree.SourceLocation; /** * Check whatever node can contain directive * @returns returns true if node can contain directive */ export declare function canContainDirective(node: ts.Block | ts.ClassStaticBlockDeclaration | ts.ModuleBlock | ts.SourceFile): boolean; /** * Returns range for the given ts.Node * @param node the ts.Node or ts.Token * @param ast the AST object * @returns the range data */ export declare function getRange(node: Pick, ast: ts.SourceFile): [number, number]; /** * Returns true if a given ts.Node is a JSX token * @param node ts.Node to be checked * @returns is a JSX token */ export declare function isJSXToken(node: ts.Node): boolean; /** * Returns the declaration kind of the given ts.Node * @param node TypeScript AST node * @returns declaration kind */ export declare function getDeclarationKind(node: ts.VariableDeclarationList): DeclarationKind; /** * Gets a ts.Node's accessibility level * @param node The ts.Node * @returns accessibility "public", "protected", "private", or null */ export declare function getTSNodeAccessibility(node: ts.Node): 'private' | 'protected' | 'public' | undefined; /** * Finds the next token based on the previous one and its parent * Had to copy this from TS instead of using TS's version because theirs doesn't pass the ast to getChildren * @param previousToken The previous TSToken * @param parent The parent TSNode * @param ast The TS AST * @returns the next TSToken */ export declare function findNextToken(previousToken: ts.TextRange, parent: ts.Node, ast: ts.SourceFile): ts.Node | undefined; /** * Find the first matching ancestor based on the given predicate function. * @param node The current ts.Node * @param predicate The predicate function to apply to each checked ancestor * @returns a matching parent ts.Node */ export declare function findFirstMatchingAncestor(node: ts.Node, predicate: (node: ts.Node) => boolean): ts.Node | undefined; /** * Returns true if a given ts.Node has a JSX token within its hierarchy * @param node ts.Node to be checked * @returns has JSX ancestor */ export declare function hasJSXAncestor(node: ts.Node): boolean; /** * Unescape the text content of string literals, e.g. & -> & * @param text The escaped string literal text. * @returns The unescaped string literal text. */ export declare function unescapeStringLiteralText(text: string): string; /** * Returns true if a given ts.Node is a computed property * @param node ts.Node to be checked * @returns is Computed Property */ export declare function isComputedProperty(node: ts.Node): node is ts.ComputedPropertyName; /** * Returns true if a given ts.Node is optional (has QuestionToken) * @param node ts.Node to be checked * @returns is Optional */ export declare function isOptional(node: { questionToken?: ts.QuestionToken; }): boolean; /** * Returns true if the node is an optional chain node */ export declare function isChainExpression(node: TSESTree.Node): node is TSESTree.ChainExpression; /** * Returns true of the child of property access expression is an optional chain */ export declare function isChildUnwrappableOptionalChain(node: ts.CallExpression | ts.ElementAccessExpression | ts.NonNullExpression | ts.PropertyAccessExpression, child: TSESTree.Node): boolean; /** * Returns the type of a given ts.Token * @param token the ts.Token * @returns the token type */ export declare function getTokenType(token: ts.Identifier | ts.Token): Exclude; /** * Extends and formats a given ts.Token, for a given AST * @param token the ts.Token * @param ast the AST object * @returns the converted Token */ export declare function convertToken(token: ts.Token, ast: ts.SourceFile): TSESTree.Token; /** * Converts all tokens for the given AST * @param ast the AST object * @returns the converted Tokens */ export declare function convertTokens(ast: ts.SourceFile): TSESTree.Token[]; export declare class TSError extends Error { readonly fileName: string; readonly location: { start: { line: number; column: number; offset: number; }; end: { line: number; column: number; offset: number; }; }; constructor(message: string, fileName: string, location: { start: { line: number; column: number; offset: number; }; end: { line: number; column: number; offset: number; }; }); get index(): number; get lineNumber(): number; get column(): number; } /** * @param message the error message * @param ast the AST object * @param startIndex the index at which the error starts * @param endIndex the index at which the error ends * @returns converted error object */ export declare function createError(message: string, ast: ts.SourceFile, startIndex: number, endIndex?: number): TSError; export declare function nodeHasIllegalDecorators(node: ts.Node): node is ts.Node & { illegalDecorators: ts.Node[]; }; /** * @param n the TSNode * @param ast the TS AST */ export declare function nodeHasTokens(n: ts.Node, ast: ts.SourceFile): boolean; /** * Like `forEach`, but suitable for use with numbers and strings (which may be falsy). */ export declare function firstDefined(array: readonly T[] | undefined, callback: (element: T, index: number) => U | undefined): U | undefined; export declare function identifierIsThisKeyword(id: ts.Identifier): boolean; export declare function isThisIdentifier(node: ts.Node | undefined): node is ts.Identifier; export declare function isThisInTypeQuery(node: ts.Node): boolean; export declare function nodeIsPresent(node: ts.Node | undefined): node is ts.Node; export declare function getContainingFunction(node: ts.Node): ts.SignatureDeclaration | undefined; export declare function nodeCanBeDecorated(node: TSNode): boolean; export declare function isValidAssignmentTarget(node: ts.Node): boolean; export declare function getNamespaceModifiers(node: ts.ModuleDeclaration): ts.Modifier[] | undefined; export {}; //#