import { AnimationStyles } from '@fluentui/theme/lib/motion/AnimationStyles'; import { AnimationVariables } from '@fluentui/theme/lib/motion/AnimationStyles'; import { concatStyleSets } from '@uifabric/merge-styles'; import { concatStyleSetsWithProps } from '@uifabric/merge-styles'; import { createFontStyles } from '@fluentui/theme/lib/fonts/index'; import { createTheme } from '@fluentui/theme/lib/createTheme'; import { DefaultEffects } from '@fluentui/theme/lib/effects/DefaultEffects'; import { DefaultFontStyles } from '@fluentui/theme/lib/fonts/DefaultFontStyles'; import { DefaultPalette } from '@fluentui/theme/lib/colors/DefaultPalette'; import { fontFace } from '@uifabric/merge-styles'; import { FontSizes } from '@fluentui/theme/lib/fonts/index'; import { FontWeights } from '@fluentui/theme/lib/fonts/index'; import { IAnimationStyles } from '@fluentui/theme/lib/types/IAnimationStyles'; import { IAnimationVariables } from '@fluentui/theme/lib/types/IAnimationStyles'; import { IconFontSizes } from '@fluentui/theme/lib/fonts/index'; import { ICSPSettings } from '@uifabric/merge-styles'; import { ICustomizerContext } from '@uifabric/utilities'; import { IEffects } from '@fluentui/theme/lib/types/IEffects'; import { IFontFace } from '@uifabric/merge-styles'; import { IFontStyles } from '@fluentui/theme/lib/types/IFontStyles'; import { IFontWeight } from '@uifabric/merge-styles'; import { InjectionMode } from '@uifabric/merge-styles'; import { IPalette } from '@fluentui/theme/lib/types/IPalette'; import { IPartialTheme } from '@fluentui/theme/lib/types/ITheme'; import { IProcessedStyleSet } from '@uifabric/merge-styles'; import { IRawStyle } from '@uifabric/merge-styles'; import { IScheme } from '@fluentui/theme/lib/types/ITheme'; import { ISchemeNames } from '@fluentui/theme/lib/types/ITheme'; import { ISemanticColors } from '@fluentui/theme/lib/types/ISemanticColors'; import { ISemanticTextColors } from '@fluentui/theme/lib/types/ISemanticTextColors'; import { ISpacing } from '@fluentui/theme/lib/types/ISpacing'; import { IStyle } from '@uifabric/merge-styles'; import { IStyleSet } from '@uifabric/merge-styles'; import { IStyleSheetConfig } from '@uifabric/merge-styles'; import { ITheme } from '@fluentui/theme/lib/types/ITheme'; import { keyframes } from '@uifabric/merge-styles'; import { mergeStyles } from '@uifabric/merge-styles'; import { mergeStyleSets } from '@uifabric/merge-styles'; import { registerDefaultFontFaces } from '@fluentui/theme/lib/fonts/DefaultFontStyles'; import { Stylesheet } from '@uifabric/merge-styles'; /** * {@docCategory AnimationClassNames} */ export declare const AnimationClassNames: { [key in keyof IAnimationStyles]?: string; }; export { AnimationStyles } export { AnimationVariables } /** * Builds a class names object from a given map. * * @param styles - Map of unprocessed styles. * @returns Map of property name to class name. */ export declare function buildClassMap(styles: T): { [key in keyof T]?: string; }; export declare const ColorClassNames: IColorClassNames; export { concatStyleSets } export { concatStyleSetsWithProps } declare function _continuousPulseAnimationDouble(beaconColorOne: string, beaconColorTwo: string, innerDimension: string, outerDimension: string, borderWidth: string): string; declare function _continuousPulseAnimationSingle(beaconColorOne: string, beaconColorTwo: string, innerDimension: string, outerDimension: string, borderWidth: string): string; declare function _createDefaultAnimation(animationName: string, delayLength?: string): IRawStyle; export { createFontStyles } export { createTheme } export { DefaultEffects } export { DefaultFontStyles } export { DefaultPalette } /** * @deprecated Use `HighContrastSelector` */ export declare const EdgeChromiumHighContrastSelector = "@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active), screen and (forced-colors: active)"; /** * Generates style to clear browser specific focus styles. */ export declare function focusClear(): IRawStyle; /** * {@docCategory FontClassNames} */ export declare const FontClassNames: { [key in keyof IFontStyles]?: string; }; export { fontFace } export { FontSizes } export { FontWeights } /** * The style which turns off high contrast adjustment in (only) Edge Chromium browser. * @deprecated Use `getHighContrastNoAdjustStyle` */ export declare function getEdgeChromiumNoHighContrastAdjustSelector(): { [EdgeChromiumHighContrastSelector]: IRawStyle; }; /** * - Generates a style used to fade out an overflowing content by defining a style for an :after pseudo element. * - Apply it to the :after selector for all combination of states the parent of content might have (normal, hover, * selected, focus). * - Requires the target to have position set to relative and overflow set to hidden. * * @example * ```tsx * // Assuming the following DOM structure and the different background colors coming from * // the parent holding the content. *
* Overflown Content *
* ``` * ```ts * // This is how the style set would look in Component.styles.ts * const { bodyBackground } = theme.semanticColors; * const { neutralLighter } = theme.palette; * * // The second argument of getFadedOverflowStyle function is a string representing a key of * // ISemanticColors or IPalette. * * const styles = { * parent: [ * backgroundColor: bodyBackground, * selectors: { * '&:hover: { * backgroundColor: neutralLighter * }, * '$content:after': { * ...getFadedOverflowStyle(theme, 'bodyBackground') * }, * '&:hover $content:after': { * ...getFadedOverflowStyle(theme, 'neutralLighter') * } * } * ], * content: [ * width: '100%', * display: 'inline-block', * position: 'relative', * overflow: 'hidden' * ] * } * ``` * @param theme - The theme object to use. * @param color - The background color to fade out to. Accepts only keys of ISemanticColors or IPalette. * Defaults to 'bodyBackground'. * @param direction - The direction of the overflow. Defaults to horizontal. * @param width - The width of the fading overflow. Vertical direction defaults it to 100% vs 20px when horizontal. * @param height - The Height of the fading overflow. Vertical direction defaults it to 50% vs 100% when horizontal. * @returns The style object. */ export declare function getFadedOverflowStyle(theme: ITheme, color?: keyof ISemanticColors | keyof IPalette, direction?: 'horizontal' | 'vertical', width?: string | number, height?: string | number): IRawStyle; /** * Generates a style which can be used to set a border on focus. * * @param theme - The theme object to use. * @param inset - The number of pixels to inset the border (default 0) * @param width - The border width in pixels (default 1) * @param color - Color of the outline (default `theme.palette.neutralSecondary`) * @returns The style object. */ export declare function getFocusOutlineStyle(theme: ITheme, inset?: number, width?: number, color?: string): IRawStyle; /** * Generates a focus style which can be used to define an :after focus border. * * @param theme - The theme object to use. * @param options - Options to customize the focus border. * @returns The style object. */ export declare function getFocusStyle(theme: ITheme, options?: IGetFocusStylesOptions): IRawStyle; /** * Generates a focus style which can be used to define an :after focus border. * * @param theme - The theme object to use. * @param inset - The number of pixels to inset the border. * @param position - The positioning applied to the container. Must * be 'relative' or 'absolute' so that the focus border can live around it. * @param highContrastStyle - Style for high contrast mode. * @param borderColor - Color of the border. * @param outlineColor - Color of the outline. * @param isFocusedOnly - If the styles should apply on focus or not. * @returns The style object. * @deprecated Use the object parameter version instead. */ export declare function getFocusStyle(theme: ITheme, inset?: number, position?: 'relative' | 'absolute', highContrastStyle?: IRawStyle | undefined, borderColor?: string, outlineColor?: string, isFocusedOnly?: boolean): IRawStyle; /** * Checks for the `disableGlobalClassNames` property on the `theme` to determine if it should return `classNames` * Note that calls to this function are memoized. * * @param classNames - The collection of global class names that apply when the flag is false. Make sure to pass in * the same instance on each call to benefit from memoization. * @param theme - The theme to check the flag on * @param disableGlobalClassNames - Optional. Explicitly opt in/out of disabling global classnames. Defaults to false. */ export declare function getGlobalClassNames(classNames: GlobalClassNames, theme: ITheme, disableGlobalClassNames?: boolean): GlobalClassNames; /** * The style which turns off high contrast adjustment in browsers. */ export declare function getHighContrastNoAdjustStyle(): IRawStyle; /** * Gets an icon definition. If an icon is requested but the subset has yet to be registered, * it will get registered immediately. * * @public * @param name - Name of icon. */ export declare function getIcon(name?: string): IIconRecord | undefined; /** * Gets an icon classname. You should be able to add this classname to an I tag with no * additional classnames, and render the icon. * * @public */ export declare function getIconClassName(name: string): string; /** * Generates text input border styles on focus. * * @param borderColor - Color of the border. * @param borderRadius - Radius of the border. * @param borderType - Type of the border. * @param borderPosition - Position of the border relative to the input element (default to -1 * as it's the most common border width of the input element) * @returns The style object. */ export declare const getInputFocusStyle: (borderColor: string, borderRadius: string | number, borderType?: "border" | "borderBottom", borderPosition?: number) => IRawStyle; /** * Generates placeholder style for each of the browsers supported by office-ui-fabric-react. * @param styles - The style to use. * @returns The placeholder style object for each browser depending on the placeholder directive it uses. */ export declare function getPlaceholderStyles(styles: IStyle): IStyle; export declare function getScreenSelector(min: number | undefined, max: number | undefined): string; /** * Gets the theme object * @param depComments - Whether to include deprecated tags as comments for deprecated slots. */ export declare function getTheme(depComments?: boolean): ITheme; /** * @internal * This function is still in experimental phase in support of Foundation experimental development. * Its API signature and existence are subject to change. * * Modify context to activate the specified scheme or theme. For schemes, look in context (if available) and fall back * to global Customizations. If both scheme and theme are specified, scheme will be looked up in theme. In this case, * scheme must be present in theme arg, otherwise new context will default to theme arg (there is no fallback to * settings to look up scheme.) * * @param context - Context in which to get schemed customizations. * @param scheme - Scheme to get customizations for from theme arg (if supplied) OR from context and global settings. * @param theme - Theme to merge into context. * @returns modified schemed context if scheme is valid and not already applied, unmodified context otherwise. */ export declare function getThemedContext(context: ICustomizerContext, scheme?: ISchemeNames, theme?: ITheme): ICustomizerContext; export declare type GlobalClassNames = Record; export declare const hiddenContentStyle: IRawStyle; export declare const HighContrastSelector = "@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active), screen and (forced-colors: active)"; export declare const HighContrastSelectorBlack = "@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: white-on-black), screen and (forced-colors: active) and (prefers-color-scheme: dark)"; export declare const HighContrastSelectorWhite = "@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: black-on-white), screen and (forced-colors: active) and (prefers-color-scheme: light)"; export { IAnimationStyles } export { IAnimationVariables } /** * {@docCategory IColorClassNames} */ declare interface IColorClassNames { themeDarker: string; themeDarkerHover: string; themeDarkerBackground: string; themeDarkerBackgroundHover: string; themeDarkerBorder: string; themeDarkerBorderHover: string; themeDark: string; themeDarkHover: string; themeDarkBackground: string; themeDarkBackgroundHover: string; themeDarkBorder: string; themeDarkBorderHover: string; themeDarkAlt: string; themeDarkAltHover: string; themeDarkAltBackground: string; themeDarkAltBackgroundHover: string; themeDarkAltBorder: string; themeDarkAltBorderHover: string; themePrimary: string; themePrimaryHover: string; themePrimaryBackground: string; themePrimaryBackgroundHover: string; themePrimaryBorder: string; themePrimaryBorderHover: string; themeSecondary: string; themeSecondaryHover: string; themeSecondaryBackground: string; themeSecondaryBackgroundHover: string; themeSecondaryBorder: string; themeSecondaryBorderHover: string; themeTertiary: string; themeTertiaryHover: string; themeTertiaryBackground: string; themeTertiaryBackgroundHover: string; themeTertiaryBorder: string; themeTertiaryBorderHover: string; themeLight: string; themeLightHover: string; themeLightBackground: string; themeLightBackgroundHover: string; themeLightBorder: string; themeLightBorderHover: string; themeLighter: string; themeLighterHover: string; themeLighterBackground: string; themeLighterBackgroundHover: string; themeLighterBorder: string; themeLighterBorderHover: string; themeLighterAlt: string; themeLighterAltHover: string; themeLighterAltBackground: string; themeLighterAltBackgroundHover: string; themeLighterAltBorder: string; themeLighterAltBorderHover: string; black: string; blackHover: string; blackBackground: string; blackBackgroundHover: string; blackBorder: string; blackBorderHover: string; blackTranslucent40: string; blackTranslucent40Hover: string; blackTranslucent40Background: string; blackTranslucent40BackgroundHover: string; blackTranslucent40Border: string; blackTranslucent40BorderHover: string; neutralDark: string; neutralDarkHover: string; neutralDarkBackground: string; neutralDarkBackgroundHover: string; neutralDarkBorder: string; neutralDarkBorderHover: string; neutralPrimary: string; neutralPrimaryHover: string; neutralPrimaryBackground: string; neutralPrimaryBackgroundHover: string; neutralPrimaryBorder: string; neutralPrimaryBorderHover: string; neutralPrimaryAlt: string; neutralPrimaryAltHover: string; neutralPrimaryAltBackground: string; neutralPrimaryAltBackgroundHover: string; neutralPrimaryAltBorder: string; neutralPrimaryAltBorderHover: string; neutralSecondary: string; neutralSecondaryHover: string; neutralSecondaryBackground: string; neutralSecondaryBackgroundHover: string; neutralSecondaryBorder: string; neutralSecondaryBorderHover: string; neutralSecondaryAlt: string; neutralSecondaryAltHover: string; neutralSecondaryAltBackground: string; neutralSecondaryAltBackgroundHover: string; neutralSecondaryAltBorder: string; neutralSecondaryAltBorderHover: string; neutralTertiary: string; neutralTertiaryHover: string; neutralTertiaryBackground: string; neutralTertiaryBackgroundHover: string; neutralTertiaryBorder: string; neutralTertiaryBorderHover: string; neutralTertiaryAlt: string; neutralTertiaryAltHover: string; neutralTertiaryAltBackground: string; neutralTertiaryAltBackgroundHover: string; neutralTertiaryAltBorder: string; neutralTertiaryAltBorderHover: string; neutralQuaternary: string; neutralQuaternaryHover: string; neutralQuaternaryBackground: string; neutralQuaternaryBackgroundHover: string; neutralQuaternaryBorder: string; neutralQuaternaryBorderHover: string; neutralQuaternaryAlt: string; neutralQuaternaryAltHover: string; neutralQuaternaryAltBackground: string; neutralQuaternaryAltBackgroundHover: string; neutralQuaternaryAltBorder: string; neutralQuaternaryAltBorderHover: string; neutralLight: string; neutralLightHover: string; neutralLightBackground: string; neutralLightBackgroundHover: string; neutralLightBorder: string; neutralLightBorderHover: string; neutralLighter: string; neutralLighterHover: string; neutralLighterBackground: string; neutralLighterBackgroundHover: string; neutralLighterBorder: string; neutralLighterBorderHover: string; neutralLighterAlt: string; neutralLighterAltHover: string; neutralLighterAltBackground: string; neutralLighterAltBackgroundHover: string; neutralLighterAltBorder: string; neutralLighterAltBorderHover: string; white: string; whiteHover: string; whiteBackground: string; whiteBackgroundHover: string; whiteBorder: string; whiteBorderHover: string; whiteTranslucent40: string; whiteTranslucent40Hover: string; whiteTranslucent40Background: string; whiteTranslucent40BackgroundHover: string; whiteTranslucent40Border: string; whiteTranslucent40BorderHover: string; yellow: string; yellowHover: string; yellowBackground: string; yellowBackgroundHover: string; yellowBorder: string; yellowBorderHover: string; yellowLight: string; yellowLightHover: string; yellowLightBackground: string; yellowLightBackgroundHover: string; yellowLightBorder: string; yellowLightBorderHover: string; orange: string; orangeHover: string; orangeBackground: string; orangeBackgroundHover: string; orangeBorder: string; orangeBorderHover: string; orangeLight: string; orangeLightHover: string; orangeLightBackground: string; orangeLightBackgroundHover: string; orangeLightBorder: string; orangeLightBorderHover: string; orangeLighter: string; orangeLighterHover: string; orangeLighterBackground: string; orangeLighterBackgroundHover: string; orangeLighterBorder: string; orangeLighterBorderHover: string; redDark: string; redDarkHover: string; redDarkBackground: string; redDarkBackgroundHover: string; redDarkBorder: string; redDarkBorderHover: string; red: string; redHover: string; redBackground: string; redBackgroundHover: string; redBorder: string; redBorderHover: string; magentaDark: string; magentaDarkHover: string; magentaDarkBackground: string; magentaDarkBackgroundHover: string; magentaDarkBorder: string; magentaDarkBorderHover: string; magenta: string; magentaHover: string; magentaBackground: string; magentaBackgroundHover: string; magentaBorder: string; magentaBorderHover: string; magentaLight: string; magentaLightHover: string; magentaLightBackground: string; magentaLightBackgroundHover: string; magentaLightBorder: string; magentaLightBorderHover: string; purpleDark: string; purpleDarkHover: string; purpleDarkBackground: string; purpleDarkBackgroundHover: string; purpleDarkBorder: string; purpleDarkBorderHover: string; purple: string; purpleHover: string; purpleBackground: string; purpleBackgroundHover: string; purpleBorder: string; purpleBorderHover: string; purpleLight: string; purpleLightHover: string; purpleLightBackground: string; purpleLightBackgroundHover: string; purpleLightBorder: string; purpleLightBorderHover: string; blueDark: string; blueDarkHover: string; blueDarkBackground: string; blueDarkBackgroundHover: string; blueDarkBorder: string; blueDarkBorderHover: string; blueMid: string; blueMidHover: string; blueMidBackground: string; blueMidBackgroundHover: string; blueMidBorder: string; blueMidBorderHover: string; blue: string; blueHover: string; blueBackground: string; blueBackgroundHover: string; blueBorder: string; blueBorderHover: string; blueLight: string; blueLightHover: string; blueLightBackground: string; blueLightBackgroundHover: string; blueLightBorder: string; blueLightBorderHover: string; tealDark: string; tealDarkHover: string; tealDarkBackground: string; tealDarkBackgroundHover: string; tealDarkBorder: string; tealDarkBorderHover: string; teal: string; tealHover: string; tealBackground: string; tealBackgroundHover: string; tealBorder: string; tealBorderHover: string; tealLight: string; tealLightHover: string; tealLightBackground: string; tealLightBackgroundHover: string; tealLightBorder: string; tealLightBorderHover: string; greenDark: string; greenDarkHover: string; greenDarkBackground: string; greenDarkBackgroundHover: string; greenDarkBorder: string; greenDarkBorderHover: string; green: string; greenHover: string; greenBackground: string; greenBackgroundHover: string; greenBorder: string; greenBorderHover: string; greenLight: string; greenLightHover: string; greenLightBackground: string; greenLightBackgroundHover: string; greenLightBorder: string; greenLightBorderHover: string; } export { IconFontSizes } export { ICSPSettings } export { IEffects } export { IFontFace } export { IFontStyles } export { IFontWeight } export declare interface IGetFocusStylesOptions { /** * The number of pixels to inset the border. * @defaultvalue 0 */ inset?: number; /** * The width of the border in pixels. * @defaultvalue 1 */ width?: number; /** * The positioning applied to the container. * Must be 'relative' or 'absolute' so that the focus border can live around it. * @defaultvalue 'relative' */ position?: 'relative' | 'absolute'; /** * Style for high contrast mode. */ highContrastStyle?: IRawStyle; /** * Color of the border. * @defaultvalue theme.palette.white */ borderColor?: string; /** * Color of the outline. * @defaultvalue theme.palette.neutralSecondary */ outlineColor?: string; /** * If the styles should apply on `:focus` pseudo element. * @defaultvalue true */ isFocusedOnly?: boolean; } export declare interface IIconOptions { /** * By default, registering the same set of icons will generate a console warning per duplicate icon * registered, because this scenario can create unexpected consequences. * * Some scenarios include: * * Icon set was previously registered using a different base url. * Icon set was previously registered but a different version was provided. * Icons in a previous registered set overlap with a new set. * * To simply ignore previously registered icons, you can specify to disable warnings. This means * that if an icon which was previous registered is registered again, it will be silently ignored. * However, consider whether the problems listed above will cause issues. **/ disableWarnings: boolean; /** * @deprecated * Use 'disableWarnings' instead. */ warnOnMissingIcons?: boolean; } export declare interface IIconRecord { code: string | undefined; subset: IIconSubsetRecord; } export declare interface IIconSubset { fontFace?: IFontFace; icons: { [key: string]: string | JSX.Element; }; style?: IRawStyle; /** * Indicates to the icon renderer that it is safe to merge any props on the original `Icon` element * onto the child content element registered for the icon which are valid for HTML images. */ mergeImageProps?: boolean; } export declare interface IIconSubsetRecord extends IIconSubset { isRegistered?: boolean; className?: string; } export { InjectionMode } export { IPalette } export { IPartialTheme } export { IProcessedStyleSet } export { IRawStyle } export { IScheme } export { ISchemeNames } export { ISemanticColors } export { ISemanticTextColors } export { ISpacing } export { IStyle } export { IStyleSet } export { IStyleSheetConfig } export { ITheme } export { keyframes } /** * Applies the theme, while filling in missing slots. * @param theme - Partial theme object. * @param depComments - Whether to include deprecated tags as comments for deprecated slots. */ export declare function loadTheme(theme: IPartialTheme, depComments?: boolean): ITheme; export { mergeStyles } export { mergeStyleSets } export declare const normalize: IRawStyle; export declare const noWrap: IRawStyle; export declare const PulsingBeaconAnimationStyles: { continuousPulseAnimationDouble: typeof _continuousPulseAnimationDouble; continuousPulseAnimationSingle: typeof _continuousPulseAnimationSingle; createDefaultAnimation: typeof _createDefaultAnimation; }; export { registerDefaultFontFaces } /** * Remaps one icon name to another. */ export declare function registerIconAlias(iconName: string, mappedToName: string): void; /** * Registers a given subset of icons. * * @param iconSubset - the icon subset definition. */ export declare function registerIcons(iconSubset: IIconSubset, options?: Partial): void; /** * Registers a callback that gets called whenever the theme changes. * This should only be used when the component cannot automatically get theme changes through its state. * This will not register duplicate callbacks. */ export declare function registerOnThemeChangeCallback(callback: (theme: ITheme) => void): void; /** * See registerOnThemeChangeCallback(). * Removes previously registered callbacks. */ export declare function removeOnThemeChangeCallback(callback: (theme: ITheme) => void): void; export declare const ScreenWidthMaxLarge: number; export declare const ScreenWidthMaxMedium: number; export declare const ScreenWidthMaxSmall: number; export declare const ScreenWidthMaxXLarge: number; export declare const ScreenWidthMaxXXLarge: number; export declare const ScreenWidthMinLarge = 640; export declare const ScreenWidthMinMedium = 480; export declare const ScreenWidthMinSmall = 320; export declare const ScreenWidthMinUhfMobile = 768; export declare const ScreenWidthMinXLarge = 1024; export declare const ScreenWidthMinXXLarge = 1366; export declare const ScreenWidthMinXXXLarge = 1920; /** * Sets the icon options. * * @public */ export declare function setIconOptions(options: Partial): void; export { Stylesheet } export declare const ThemeSettingName = "theme"; /** * Unregisters icons by name. * * @param iconNames - List of icons to unregister. */ export declare function unregisterIcons(iconNames: string[]): void; export declare namespace ZIndexes { const Nav: number; /** * @deprecated ScrollablePane */ const ScrollablePane: number; const FocusStyle: number; const Coachmark: number; const Layer: number; const KeytipLayer: number; } export { }