/** @publicapi @module ng1 */ /** */ import { Obj } from '@uirouter/core'; /** @hidden */ export declare const resolveFactory: () => { /** * Asynchronously injects a resolve block. * * This emulates most of the behavior of the ui-router 0.2.x $resolve.resolve() service API. * * ### Not bundled by default * * This API is no longer not part of the standard `@uirouter/angularjs` bundle. * For users of the prebuilt bundles, add the `release/resolveService.min.js` UMD bundle. * For bundlers (webpack, browserify, etc), add `@uirouter/angularjs/lib/legacy/resolveService`. * * --- * * Given an object `invocables`, where keys are strings and values are injectable functions, * injects each function, and waits for the resulting promise to resolve. * When all resulting promises are resolved, returns the results as an object. * * #### Example: * ```js * let invocables = { * foo: [ '$http', ($http) => * $http.get('/api/foo').then(resp => resp.data) ], * bar: [ 'foo', '$http', (foo, $http) => * $http.get('/api/bar/' + foo.barId).then(resp => resp.data) ] * } * $resolve.resolve(invocables) * .then(results => console.log(results.foo, results.bar)) * // Logs foo and bar: * // { id: 123, barId: 456, fooData: 'foo data' } * // { id: 456, barData: 'bar data' } * ``` * * @param invocables an object which looks like an [[StateDeclaration.resolve]] object; keys are resolve names and values are injectable functions * @param locals key/value pre-resolved data (locals) * @param parent a promise for a "parent resolve" */ resolve: (invocables: { [key: string]: Function; }, locals?: {}, parent?: Promise) => Promise; };