/** @publicapi @module ng1 */ /** */ import { LocationConfig, LocationServices, UIRouter } from '@uirouter/core'; import { ILocationService, ILocationProvider, IWindowService } from 'angular'; /** * Implements UI-Router LocationServices and LocationConfig using Angular 1's $location service * @internalapi */ export declare class Ng1LocationServices implements LocationConfig, LocationServices { private $locationProvider; private $location; private $sniffer; private $browser; private $window; path: any; search: any; hash: any; hashPrefix: any; port: any; protocol: any; host: any; private _baseHref; private _urlListeners; /** * Applys ng1-specific path parameter encoding * * The Angular 1 `$location` service is a bit weird. * It doesn't allow slashes to be encoded/decoded bi-directionally. * * See the writeup at https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/issues/2598 * * This code patches the `path` parameter type so it encoded/decodes slashes as ~2F * * @param router */ static monkeyPatchPathParameterType(router: UIRouter): void; dispose(): void; constructor($locationProvider: ILocationProvider); onChange(callback: Function): () => Function[]; html5Mode(): any; baseHref(): any; url(newUrl?: string, replace?: boolean, state?: any): string; _runtimeServices($rootScope: any, $location: ILocationService, $sniffer: any, $browser: any, $window: IWindowService): void; }