/** @module rx */ /** */ import "rxjs/add/operator/mergeMap"; import "rxjs/add/operator/map"; import { Observable } from "rxjs/Observable"; import { Transition, UIRouter, StateDeclaration, UIRouterPlugin } from "@uirouter/core"; export interface StatesChangedEvent { currentStates: StateDeclaration[]; registered: StateDeclaration[]; deregistered: StateDeclaration[]; } declare module '@uirouter/core/lib/globals' { interface UIRouterGlobals { states$?: Observable; start$?: Observable; success$?: Observable; params$?: Observable<{ [paramName: string]: any; }>; } } /** Augments UIRouterGlobals with observables for transition starts, successful transitions, and state parameters */ export declare class UIRouterRx implements UIRouterPlugin { name: string; private deregisterFns; constructor(router: UIRouter); dispose(): void; } export declare const UIRouterRxPlugin: typeof UIRouterRx;