import { expectError, expectType } from 'tsd' import Uppy = require('../') import DefaultStore = require('@uppy/store-default') { const uppy = Uppy() uppy.addFile({ data: new Blob([new ArrayBuffer(1024)], { type: 'application/octet-stream' }) }) uppy.upload().then(result => { expectType>(result.successful[0]) expectType>(result.failed[0]) }) } { const store = DefaultStore() const uppy = Uppy({ store }) } { const uppy = Uppy() // this doesn't exist but type checking works anyway :) const f = uppy.getFile('virtual') if (f && f.progress && f.progress.uploadStarted === null) { f.progress.uploadStarted = } if (f && f.response && f.response.status === 200) { expectType(f.response.body) } expectType(f.response!.status) } { type Meta = {} type ResponseBody = { averageColor: string } const uppy = Uppy() const f = uppy.getFile('virtual')! expectType(f.response!.body) } { const uppy = Uppy() uppy.addFile({ name: 'empty.json', data: new Blob(['null'], { type: 'application/json' }), meta: { path: 'path/to/file' } }) } { interface SomeOptions extends Uppy.PluginOptions { types: 'are checked' } class SomePlugin extends Uppy.Plugin {} const untypedUppy = Uppy() untypedUppy.use(SomePlugin, { types: 'are unchecked' }) const typedUppy = Uppy() expectError(typedUppy.use(SomePlugin, { types: 'are unchecked' })) typedUppy.use(SomePlugin, { types: 'are checked' }) // strictly-typed instance can be cast to a loosely-typed instance const widenUppy: Uppy.Uppy = Uppy() // and disables the type checking widenUppy.use(SomePlugin, { random: 'nonsense' }) } { const uppy = Uppy() // can emit events with internal event types uppy.emit('upload') uppy.emit('complete', () => {}) uppy.emit('error', () => {}) // can emit events with custom event types uppy.emit('dashboard:modal-closed', () => {}) // can register listners for internal events uppy.on('upload', () => {}) uppy.on('complete', () => {}) uppy.on('error', () => {}) // can register listners on custom events uppy.on('dashboard:modal-closed', () => {}) } { const uppy = Uppy() uppy.setOptions({ restrictions: { allowedFileTypes: ['.png'] } }) expectError(uppy.setOptions({ restrictions: false })) expectError(uppy.setOptions({ unknownKey: false })) } { interface TestOptions extends Uppy.PluginOptions { testOption: string } class TestPlugin extends Uppy.Plugin {} const strict = Uppy().use(TestPlugin, { testOption: 'hello' }) ;(strict.getPlugin('TestPlugin') as TestPlugin).setOptions({ testOption: 'world' }) expectError((strict.getPlugin('TestPlugin') as TestPlugin).setOptions({ testOption: 0 })) expectError((strict.getPlugin('TestPlugin') as TestPlugin).setOptions({ unknownKey: false })) }