import ChainableWebpackConfig = require('webpack-chain') import { Configuration as WebpackOptions } from 'webpack' type PredefinedOptions = T & { [key: string]: any } type PageEntry = string | string[]; interface PageConfig { entry: PageEntry; [key: string]: any; } interface LoaderOptions { css?: object; sass?: object; scss?: object; less?: object; stylus?: object; postcss?: object; } // mini-css-extract-plugin options interface ExtractOptions { filename?: string; chunkFilename?: string; } interface CSSOptions { /** * Default: `true` * * By default, only files that ends in `*.module.[ext]` are treated as CSS modules */ requireModuleExtension?: boolean; /** * Default: `true` * * Whether to extract CSS in your components into a standalone CSS files (instead of inlined in JavaScript and injected dynamically) */ extract?: boolean | ExtractOptions; /** * Default: `false` * * Whether to enable source maps for CSS. Setting this to `true` may affect build performance */ sourceMap?: boolean; /** * Default: `{}` * * Pass options to CSS-related loaders */ loaderOptions?: LoaderOptions; } interface ProjectOptions { /** * Default: `'/'` * * The base URL your application bundle will be deployed at */ publicPath?: string; /** * Default: `'dist'` * * The directory where the production build files will be generated in when running `vue-cli-service build` */ outputDir?: string; /** * Default: `''` * * A directory (relative to `outputDir`) to nest generated static assets (js, css, img, fonts) under */ assetsDir?: string; /** * Default: `'index.html'` * * Specify the output path for the generated `index.html` (relative to `outputDir`). Can also be an absolute path */ indexPath?: string; /** * Default: `true` * * By default, generated static assets contains hashes in their filenames for better caching control */ filenameHashing?: boolean; /** * Default: `false` * * Whether to use the build of Vue core that includes the runtime compiler */ runtimeCompiler?: boolean; /** * Default: `false` * * If set to `true`, all dependencies in `node_modules` will be transpiled by Babel; * Or, if you only want to selectively transpile some of the dependencies, you can list them * in this option. */ transpileDependencies?: boolean | Array; /** * Default: `true` * * Setting this to `false` can speed up production builds if you don't need source maps for production */ productionSourceMap?: boolean; /** * Default: `require('os').cpus().length > 1` * * Whether to use `thread-loader` for Babel or TypeScript transpilation */ parallel?: boolean | number; /** * [All options for `webpack-dev-server`]( are supported */ devServer?: { proxy?: string | object, [key: string]: any }; /** * Default: `undefined` * * Build the app in multi-page mode */ pages?: { [key: string]: PageEntry | PageConfig; }; /** * Default: `undefined` * * Configure the `crossorigin` attribute on `` and `