import minimist = require('minimist') import ChainableConfig = require('webpack-chain') import webpack = require('webpack') import WebpackDevServer = require('webpack-dev-server') import express = require('express') // @types/webpack-dev-server depends on @types/express import { ProjectOptions, ConfigFunction } from './ProjectOptions' type RegisterCommandFn = (args: minimist.ParsedArgs, rawArgv: string[]) => any type RegisterCommandOpts = Partial<{ description: string usage: string options: { [flags: string]: string } details: string }> type WebpackChainFn = (chainableConfig: ChainableConfig) => void type webpackRawConfigFn = ((config: webpack.Configuration) => webpack.Configuration | void) | webpack.Configuration type DevServerConfigFn = (app: express.Application, server: WebpackDevServer) => void interface CacheConfig { cacheDirectory: string cacheIdentifier: string } declare class PluginAPI { id: string service: any readonly version: string assertVersion(range: number | string): void /** * Current working directory. */ getCwd(): string /** * Resolve path for a project. * * @param _path - Relative path from project root * @return The resolved absolute path. */ resolve(_path: string): string /** * Check if the project has a given plugin. * * @param id - Plugin id, can omit the (@vue/|vue-|@scope/vue)-cli-plugin- prefix * @return `boolean` */ hasPlugin(id: string): boolean /** * Register a command that will become available as `vue-cli-service [name]`. * * @param name * @param [opts] * @param fn */ registerCommand(name: string, fn: RegisterCommandFn): void registerCommand(name: string, opts: RegisterCommandOpts, fn: RegisterCommandFn): void /** * Register a function that will receive a chainable webpack config * the function is lazy and won't be called until `resolveWebpackConfig` is * called * * @param fn */ chainWebpack(fn: WebpackChainFn): void /** * Register * - a webpack configuration object that will be merged into the config * OR * - a function that will receive the raw webpack config. * the function can either mutate the config directly or return an object * that will be merged into the config. * * @param fn */ configureWebpack(fn: webpackRawConfigFn): void /** * Register a dev serve config function. It will receive the express `app` * instance of the dev server. * * @param fn */ configureDevServer(fn: DevServerConfigFn): void /** * Resolve the final raw webpack config, that will be passed to webpack. * * @param [chainableConfig] * @return Raw webpack config. */ resolveWebpackConfig(chainableConfig?: ChainableConfig): webpack.Configuration /** * Resolve an intermediate chainable webpack config instance, which can be * further tweaked before generating the final raw webpack config. * You can call this multiple times to generate different branches of the * base webpack config. * See * * @return ChainableWebpackConfig */ resolveChainableWebpackConfig(): ChainableConfig /** * Generate a cache identifier from a number of variables */ genCacheConfig(id: string, partialIdentifier: any, configFiles?: string | string[]): CacheConfig } /** * Service plugin serves for modifying webpack config, * creating new vue-cli service commands or changing existing commands * * @param api - A PluginAPI instance * @param options - An object containing project local options specified in vue.config.js, * or in the "vue" field in package.json. */ type ServicePlugin = ( api: PluginAPI, options: ProjectOptions ) => any export { ProjectOptions, ServicePlugin, PluginAPI } type UserConfig = ProjectOptions | ConfigFunction export function defineConfig(config: UserConfig): UserConfig