type WalineAbort = (reason?: any) => void; interface WalineCommentCountOptions { /** * Waline 服务端地址 * * Waline server url */ serverURL: string; /** * 评论数 CSS 选择器 * * Comment count CSS selector * * @default '.waline-comment-count' */ selector?: string; /** * 需要获取的默认路径 * * Path to be fetched by default * * @default window.location.pathname */ path?: string; /** * 错误提示消息所使用的语言 * * Language of error message * * @default navigator.language */ lang?: string; } declare const commentCount: ({ serverURL, path, selector, lang, }: WalineCommentCountOptions) => WalineAbort; declare const version: string; export { WalineCommentCountOptions, commentCount, version };