import type { SpawnOptions } from 'node:child_process';
import { SevereServiceError } from 'webdriverio';
import type { Capabilities, Options, Services } from '@wdio/types';
import { CompilerOptions } from './constants.js';
import type { OnCompleteResult, ParsedAnswers, ProjectProps, Questionnair, ReplCommandArguments, SupportedPackage } from './types.js';
export declare const renderFile: (path: string, data: Record) => Promise;
export declare class HookError extends SevereServiceError {
origin: string;
constructor(message: string, origin: string);
* run service launch sequences
export declare function runServiceHook(launcher: Services.ServiceInstance[], hookName: keyof Services.HookFunctions, ...args: any[]): Promise;
* Run hook in service launcher
* @param {Array|Function} hook - can be array of functions or single function
* @param {object} config
* @param {object} capabilities
export declare function runLauncherHook(hook: Function | Function[], ...args: any[]): Promise;
* Run onCompleteHook in Launcher
* @param {Array|Function} onCompleteHook - can be array of functions or single function
* @param {*} config
* @param {*} capabilities
* @param {*} exitCode
* @param {*} results
export declare function runOnCompleteHook(onCompleteHook: Function | Function[], config: Options.Testrunner, capabilities: Capabilities.RemoteCapabilities, exitCode: number, results: OnCompleteResult): Promise<(0 | 1)[]>;
* get runner identification by caps
export declare function getRunnerName(caps?: Capabilities.DesiredCapabilities): string;
export declare function findInConfig(config: string, type: string): RegExpMatchArray | null;
export declare function replaceConfig(config: string, type: string, name: string): string | undefined;
export declare function addServiceDeps(names: SupportedPackage[], packages: string[], update?: boolean): void;
* @todo add JSComments
export declare function convertPackageHashToObject(pkg: string, hash?: string): SupportedPackage;
export declare function getSerenityPackages(answers: Questionnair): string[];
export declare function getCapabilities(arg: ReplCommandArguments): Promise<{
capabilities: {
deviceName: string;
platformVersion: string;
udid: string;
platformName: string;
automationName: string;
app: string;
browserName?: undefined;
} | {
capabilities: {
deviceName: string;
platformVersion: string;
udid: string;
platformName: string;
automationName: string;
browserName: string;
} | {
capabilities: {
alwaysMatch: WebdriverIO.Capabilities;
firstMatch: WebdriverIO.Capabilities[];
browserName?: undefined;
} | {
capabilities: {
browserName: string;
* Checks if certain directory has babel configuration files
* @param rootDir directory where this function checks for Babel signs
* @returns true, if a babel config was found, otherwise false
export declare function hasBabelConfig(rootDir: string): Promise;
* detect if project has a compiler file
export declare function detectCompiler(answers: Questionnair): Promise;
* Check if package is installed
* @param {string} package to check existance for
export declare function hasPackage(pkg: string): Promise;
* generate test files based on CLI answers
export declare function generateTestFiles(answers: ParsedAnswers): Promise;
export declare function generateBrowserRunnerTestFiles(answers: ParsedAnswers): Promise;
export declare function getAnswers(yes: boolean): Promise;
export declare function getPathForFileGeneration(answers: Questionnair, projectRootDir: string): {
destSpecRootPath: string;
destStepRootPath: string;
destPageObjectRootPath: string;
destSerenityLibRootPath: string;
relativePath: string;
export declare function getDefaultFiles(answers: Questionnair, pattern: string): Promise;
* Ensure core WebdriverIO packages have the same version as cli so that if someone
* installs `@wdio/cli@next` and runs the wizard, all related packages have the same version.
* running `matchAll` to a version like "8.0.0-alpha.249+4bc237701", results in:
* ['8.0.0-alpha.249+4bc237701', '8', '0', '0', 'alpha', '249', '4bc237701']
export declare function specifyVersionIfNeeded(packagesToInstall: string[], version: string, npmTag: string): string[];
* Receive project properties
* @returns {@type ProjectProps} if a package.json can be found in cwd or parent directories, otherwise undefined
* which means that a new project can be created
export declare function getProjectProps(cwd?: string): Promise;
export declare function runProgram(command: string, args: string[], options: SpawnOptions): Promise;
* create package.json if not already existing
export declare function createPackageJSON(parsedAnswers: ParsedAnswers): Promise;
export declare function npmInstall(parsedAnswers: ParsedAnswers, npmTag: string): Promise;
* detect the package manager that was used
export declare function detectPackageManager(argv?: string[]): "npm" | "yarn" | "pnpm" | "bun";
* add ts-node if TypeScript is desired but not installed
export declare function setupTypeScript(parsedAnswers: ParsedAnswers): Promise;
* add @babel/register package if not installed
export declare function setupBabel(parsedAnswers: ParsedAnswers): Promise;
export declare function createWDIOConfig(parsedAnswers: ParsedAnswers): Promise;
* Get project root directory based on questionair answers
* @param answers questionair answers
* @param projectProps project properties received via `getProjectProps`
* @returns project root path
export declare function getProjectRoot(parsedAnswers?: Questionnair): Promise;
export declare function createWDIOScript(parsedAnswers: ParsedAnswers): Promise;
export declare function runAppiumInstaller(parsedAnswers: ParsedAnswers): Promise>;
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