import type { Capabilities, Options, Services } from '@wdio/types'; import { ModuleRequireService } from '../utils'; declare type Spec = string | string[]; interface TestrunnerOptionsWithParameters extends Omit { watch?: boolean; spec?: string[]; suite?: string[]; capabilities?: Capabilities.RemoteCapabilities; } interface MergeConfig extends Omit, 'specs' | 'exclude'> { specs?: Spec[]; exclude?: string[]; } interface CurrentPathFinder { getcwd(): string; } interface LoadConfigFile { loadFile(path: string): T; } interface IsFileDetector { isFile(path: string): boolean; } interface DeterminesAbsolutePath { ensureAbsolutePath(path: string): string; } interface Globber { glob(pattern: string): string[]; } export interface PathService extends CurrentPathFinder, LoadConfigFile, IsFileDetector, Globber, DeterminesAbsolutePath { } export default class ConfigParser { private _config; private _capabilities; private _pathService; private _moduleRequireService; constructor(pathService?: PathService, moduleRequireService?: ModuleRequireService); autoCompile(): void; /** * merges config file with default values * @param {String} filename path of file relative to current directory */ addConfigFile(filename: string): void; /** * merge external object with config object * @param {Object} object desired object to merge into the config object */ merge(object?: MergeConfig): void; /** * Add hooks from an existing service to the runner config. * @param {Object} service - an object that contains hook methods. */ addService(service: Services.Hooks): void; /** * get excluded files from config pattern */ getSpecs(capSpecs?: string[], capExclude?: string[]): Spec[]; /** * sets config attribute with file paths from filtering * options from cli argument * * @param {String[]} cliArgFileList list of files in a string form * @param {Object} config config object that stores the spec and exclude attributes * cli argument * @return {String[]} List of files that should be included or excluded */ setFilePathToFilterOptions(cliArgFileList: string[], config: Spec[]): string[]; /** * return configs */ getConfig(): Required; /** * return capabilities */ getCapabilities(i?: number): Capabilities.DesiredCapabilities | Capabilities.W3CCapabilities | Capabilities.RemoteCapabilities; /** * returns a flattened list of globbed files * * @param {String[] | String[][]} filenames list of files to glob * @param {Boolean} flag to indicate omission of warnings * @param {FileSystemPathService} file system path service for expanding globbed file names * @param {number} hierarchy depth to prevent recursive calling beyond a depth of 1 * @return {String[] | String[][]} list of files */ static getFilePaths(patterns: Spec[], omitWarnings?: boolean, findAndGlob?: CurrentPathFinder & Globber & DeterminesAbsolutePath, hierarchyDepth?: number): Spec[]; /** * returns specs files with the excludes filtered * * @param {String[] | String[][]} spec files - list of spec files * @param {String[]} exclude files - list of exclude files * @return {String[] | String[][]} list of spec files with excludes removed */ filterSpecs(specs: Spec[], exclude: string[]): Spec[]; } export {}; //#