import type { Services, Options } from '@wdio/types'; import type { MochaOpts as MochaOptsImport, FrameworkMessage, MochaError } from './types.js'; import type { EventEmitter } from 'node:events'; type EventTypes = 'hook' | 'test' | 'suite'; interface ParsedConfiguration extends Required { rootDir: string; mochaOpts: MochaOptsImport; } /** * Mocha runner */ declare class MochaAdapter { private _cid; private _config; private _specs; private _capabilities; private _reporter; private _mocha?; private _runner?; private _specLoadError?; private _level; private _hasTests; private _suiteIds; private _suiteCnt; private _hookCnt; private _testCnt; private _suiteStartDate; constructor(_cid: string, _config: ParsedConfiguration, _specs: string[], _capabilities: WebdriverIO.Capabilities, _reporter: EventEmitter); init(): Promise; _loadFiles(mochaOpts: MochaOptsImport): Promise; hasTests(): boolean; run(): Promise; /** * Hooks which are added as true Mocha hooks need to call done() to notify async */ wrapHook(hookName: keyof Services.HookFunctions): () => Promise; prepareMessage(hookName: keyof Services.HookFunctions): import("./types.js").FormattedMessage; emit(event: string, payload: any, err?: MochaError): void; getSyncEventIdStart(type: EventTypes): string; getSyncEventIdEnd(type: EventTypes): string; getUID(message: FrameworkMessage): string; } declare const adapterFactory: { init?: Function; }; export default adapterFactory; export { MochaAdapter, adapterFactory }; export * from './types.js'; declare global { namespace WebdriverIO { interface MochaOpts extends MochaOptsImport { } } } //#