export { default } from 'mocha'; export interface MochaOpts { /** * The `require` option is useful when you want to add or extend some * basic functionality (WebdriverIO framework option). */ require?: string[]; /** * Use the given module(s) to compile files. Compilers will be included * before requires (WebdriverIO framework option). */ compilers?: string[]; /** * Propagate uncaught errors? */ allowUncaught?: boolean; /** * Force done callback or promise? */ asyncOnly?: boolean; /** * Bail after first test failure? */ bail?: boolean; /** * Check for global variable leaks? */ checkLeaks?: boolean; /** * Delay root suite execution? */ delay?: boolean; /** * Test filter given string. */ fgrep?: string; /** * Tests marked only fail the suite? */ forbidOnly?: boolean; /** * Pending tests fail the suite? */ forbidPending?: boolean; /** * Full stacktrace upon failure? */ fullTrace?: boolean; /** * Variables expected in global scope. */ global?: string[]; /** * Test filter given regular expression. */ grep?: RegExp | string; /** * Invert test filter matches? */ invert?: boolean; /** * Number of times to retry failed tests. */ retries?: number; /** * Timeout threshold value. */ timeout?: number | string; /** * Set test UI to one of the built-in test interfaces. */ ui?: 'bdd' | 'tdd' | 'qunit' | 'exports'; } export interface MochaError { name: string; message: string; stack: string; type: string; expected: unknown; actual: unknown; } export interface FrameworkMessage { type: string; payload?: unknown; err?: MochaError; } export interface FormattedMessage { type: string; cid?: string; specs?: string[]; uid?: string; title?: string; parent?: string; fullTitle?: string; pending?: boolean; passed?: boolean; file?: string; duration?: number; currentTest?: string; error?: MochaError; context?: unknown; body?: string; } //# sourceMappingURL=types.d.ts.map