import type { Capabilities } from '@wdio/types'; import WDIOReporter, { TestStats } from '@wdio/reporter'; import type { SuiteStats, HookStats, RunnerStats } from '@wdio/reporter'; import { ChalkColors, type SpecReporterOptions, type TestLink, type Symbols, State } from './types.js'; export default class SpecReporter extends WDIOReporter { private _suiteUids; private _indents; private _suiteIndents; private _orderedSuites; private _consoleOutput; private _suiteIndent; private _preface; private _consoleLogs; private _pendingReasons; private _originalStdoutWrite; private _addConsoleLogs; private _realtimeReporting; private _showPreface; private _suiteName; private _stateCounts; private _symbols; private _chalk; private _onlyFailures; private _sauceLabsSharableLinks; constructor(options: SpecReporterOptions); /** * @param state state of test execution * @param msg the message to print in terminal * @returns colord value based on chalk to print in terminal */ setMessageColor(message: string, state?: State): string; onRunnerStart(runner: RunnerStats): void; onSuiteStart(suite: SuiteStats): void; onSuiteEnd(): void; onHookEnd(hook: HookStats): void; onTestStart(): void; onTestPass(testStat: TestStats): void; onTestFail(testStat: TestStats): void; onTestSkip(testStat: TestStats): void; onRunnerEnd(runner: RunnerStats): void; /** * Print the report to the stdout realtime */ printCurrentStats(stat: TestStats | HookStats | SuiteStats): void; /** * Print the report to the screen */ printReport(runner: RunnerStats): void; /** * get link to saucelabs job */ getTestLink({ sessionId, isMultiremote, instanceName, capabilities }: TestLink): string[]; /** * Get the header display for the report * @param {Object} runner Runner data * @return {Array} Header data */ getHeaderDisplay(runner: RunnerStats): string[]; /** * returns everything worth reporting from a suite * @param {Object} suite test suite containing tests and hooks * @return {Object[]} list of events to report */ getEventsToReport(suite: SuiteStats): (HookStats | TestStats)[]; /** * Get the results from the tests * @param {Array} suites Runner suites * @return {Array} Display output list */ getResultDisplay(prefaceString?: string): string[]; /** * Get the display for passing, failing and skipped * @param {string} duration Duration string * @return {Array} Count display */ getCountDisplay(duration: string): string[]; /** * Get display for failed tests, e.g. stack trace * @return {Array} Stack trace output */ getFailureDisplay(): string[]; /** * Get suites in the order they were called * @return {Array} Ordered suites */ getOrderedSuites(): SuiteStats[]; /** * Indent a suite based on where how it's nested * @param {string} uid Unique suite key * @return {String} Spaces for indentation */ indent(uid: string): string; /** * Get a symbol based on state * @param {string} state State of a test * @return {String} Symbol to display */ getSymbol(state?: keyof Symbols): string; /** * Get a color based on a given state * @param {string} state Test state * @return {String} State color */ getColor(state?: string): ChalkColors; /** * Get information about the enviroment * @param capability * @param {Boolean} verbose * @param isMultiremote * @return {String} Enviroment string */ getEnviromentCombo(capability: Capabilities.ResolvedTestrunnerCapabilities, verbose?: boolean, isMultiremote?: boolean): string; } //#