// Definitions originally written by Damien Sorel under MIT license. // https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/blob/f0b72c12f6b561e4342dc8a1cf87432d2ad40ae7/types/wordpress__jest-console/index.d.ts declare namespace jest { interface Matchers< R, T > { /** * Ensure that `console.error` function was called. */ toHaveErrored(): R; /** * Ensure that `console.error` function was called with specific arguments. */ toHaveErroredWith( ...args: any[] ): R; /** * Ensure that `console.info` function was called. */ toHaveInformed(): R; /** * Ensure that `console.info` function was called with specific arguments. */ toHaveInformedWith( ...args: any[] ): R; /** * Ensure that `console.log` function was called. */ toHaveLogged(): R; /** * Ensure that `console.log` function was called with specific arguments. */ toHaveLoggedWith( ...args: any[] ): R; /** * Ensure that `console.warn` function was called. */ toHaveWarned(): R; /** * Ensure that `console.warn` function was called with specific arguments. */ toHaveWarnedWith( ...args: any[] ): R; } }