// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any // import 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cloudflare/workers-types@3.11.0?dts' import type { StorageArea, AllowedKey, Key } from 'kv-storage-interface'; import { encodeKey, decodeKey, throwForDisallowedKey } from 'idb-key-to-string'; import { KVPacker, StructuredPacker } from './packer.js'; const OLD_DEFAULT_KV_NAMESPACE_KEY = 'CF_STORAGE_AREA__DEFAULT_KV_NAMESPACE'; const DEFAULT_KV_NAMESPACE_KEY = 'DEFAULT_KV_NAMESPACE'; const DEFAULT_STORAGE_AREA_NAME = 'default'; const DIV = '/'; const getProcessEnv = (k: string) => Reflect.get(Reflect.get(Reflect.get(self, 'process') || {}, 'env') || {}, k); /** * An implementation of the `StorageArea` interface wrapping Cloudflare Worker's KV store. * * The goal of this class is ease of use and compatibility with other Storage Area implementations, * such as . * * While work on [the specification](https://wicg.github.io/kv-storage/) itself has stopped, * it's still a good interface for asynchronous data access that feels native to JavaScript. * * Note that efficiency is not a goal. Specifically, if you have sizable `ArrayBuffer`s, * it's much better to use Cloudflare's KV directly. */ export class CloudflareStorageArea implements StorageArea { // @ts-ignore: deno only #kv: KVNamespace; #packer: KVPacker; #encodeKey: typeof encodeKey; #decodeKey: typeof decodeKey; #paginationHelper: typeof paginationHelper; // @ts-ignore: deno only static defaultKVNamespace?: KVNamespace; constructor(name?: string, opts?: KVOptions); // @ts-ignore: deno only constructor(name?: KVNamespace, opts?: Omit); // @ts-ignore: deno only constructor(name: string | KVNamespace = DEFAULT_STORAGE_AREA_NAME, options: KVOptions = {}) { let { namespace, packer = new StructuredPacker() } = options; namespace = namespace || CloudflareStorageArea.defaultKVNamespace || Reflect.get(self, Reflect.get(self, DEFAULT_KV_NAMESPACE_KEY)) || Reflect.get(self, Reflect.get(self, OLD_DEFAULT_KV_NAMESPACE_KEY)) || Reflect.get(self, getProcessEnv(DEFAULT_KV_NAMESPACE_KEY)); this.#kv = namespace ? namespace : typeof name === 'string' ? Reflect.get(self, name) : name; if (!this.#kv) { throw Error('KV binding missing. Consult Workers documentation for details'); } this.#encodeKey = !namespace ? encodeKey : k => `${name}${DIV}${encodeKey(k)}`; this.#decodeKey = !namespace ? decodeKey : k => decodeKey(k.substring((name as string).length + 1)); this.#paginationHelper = !namespace ? paginationHelper : (kv, { prefix, ...opts } = {}) => paginationHelper(kv, { prefix: `${name}${DIV}${prefix ?? ''}`, ...opts, }); this.#packer = packer; } get(key: AllowedKey, opts?: unknown): Promise { throwForDisallowedKey(key); return this.#packer.get(this.#kv, this.#encodeKey(key), opts); } async set(key: AllowedKey, value: T | undefined, opts?: KVPutOptions): Promise { throwForDisallowedKey(key); if (value === undefined) await this.#kv.delete(this.#encodeKey(key)); else { await this.#packer.set(this.#kv, this.#encodeKey(key), value, opts); } } delete(key: AllowedKey) { throwForDisallowedKey(key); return this.#kv.delete(this.#encodeKey(key)); } async clear(opts?: KVListOptions) { for await (const key of this.#paginationHelper(this.#kv, opts)) { await this.#kv.delete(key) } } async *keys(opts?: KVListOptions): AsyncGenerator { for await (const key of this.#paginationHelper(this.#kv, opts)) { yield this.#decodeKey(key); } } async *values(opts?: KVListOptions): AsyncGenerator { for await (const key of this.#paginationHelper(this.#kv, opts)) { yield this.#packer.get(this.#kv, key, opts); } } async *entries(opts?: KVListOptions): AsyncGenerator<[Key, T]> { for await (const key of this.#paginationHelper(this.#kv, opts)) { yield [this.#decodeKey(key), await this.#packer.get(this.#kv, key, opts)]; } } backingStore() { return this.#kv; } } export interface KVOptions { // @ts-ignore: deno only namespace?: KVNamespace; /** @deprecated This feature is not stable yet. */ packer?: KVPacker; [k: string]: any; } export interface KVPutOptions { expiration?: string | number; expirationTtl?: string | number; [k: string]: any; } export interface KVListOptions { prefix?: string [k: string]: any; } /** Abstracts Cloudflare KV's cursor-based pagination with async iteration. */ // @ts-ignore: deno only async function* paginationHelper(kv: KVNamespace, opts: KVListOptions = {}) { let keys: { name: string; expiration?: number; metadata?: unknown }[]; let done: boolean; let cursor: string | undefined; do { ({ keys, list_complete: done, cursor } = await kv.list({ ...cursor ? { ...opts, cursor } : opts })); for (const { name } of keys) yield name; } while (!done); } /** @deprecated for backwards compat with v0.2.0 */ export class KVStorageArea extends CloudflareStorageArea { } export type { AllowedKey, Key }; export { CloudflareStorageArea as CFStorageArea }; export { CloudflareStorageArea as StorageArea };