// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any import * as dntShim from "./_dnt.shims.js"; import { asyncIterToStream, streamToAsyncIter } from 'whatwg-stream-to-async-iter'; import { concatUint8Arrays } from 'typed-array-utils' import { aMap, aJoin, collect, promiseToStream, ForAwaitable } from './iter.js'; export type StreamBodyInit = ForAwaitable | ReadableStream; export type ByteStreamBodyInit = ForAwaitable | ReadableStream; const maybeAsyncIterToStream = (x: ForAwaitable | ReadableStream) => x instanceof ReadableStream ? x : asyncIterToStream(x); const maybeStreamToAsyncIter = (x: ForAwaitable | ReadableStream) => x instanceof ReadableStream ? streamToAsyncIter(x) : x; // FIXME: add exception for newer versions that support streams correctly!? const isCFWorkers = (globalThis.navigator)?.userAgent?.includes('Cloudflare-Workers') || !('TextEncoderStream' in dntShim.dntGlobalThis) // CF Workers doesn't support non-binary Transform Streams, // so we use a version that does the byte encoding in a async iterator instead: const stringStreamToByteStream: (body: StreamBodyInit) => ReadableStream = isCFWorkers ? body => { const encoder = new TextEncoder(); return asyncIterToStream(aMap(maybeStreamToAsyncIter(body), x => encoder.encode(x))) } : body => maybeAsyncIterToStream(body).pipeThrough(new TextEncoderStream()) const CONTENT_TYPE = 'content-type' const OCTET_STREAM = 'application/octet-stream' export class StreamResponse extends Response { constructor(body?: StreamBodyInit | null, init?: ResponseInit) { super(body && stringStreamToByteStream(body), init) if (!this.headers.has(CONTENT_TYPE)) this.headers.set(CONTENT_TYPE, OCTET_STREAM) } } export class ByteStreamResponse extends Response { constructor(body?: ByteStreamBodyInit | null, init?: ResponseInit) { super(body && maybeAsyncIterToStream(body), init) if (!this.headers.has(CONTENT_TYPE)) this.headers.set(CONTENT_TYPE, OCTET_STREAM) } } /** * If for any reason you don't want to use streaming response bodies, * you can use this class instead, which will buffer the entire body before releasing it to the network. * Note that headers will still be sent immediately. */ export class BufferedStreamResponse extends Response { constructor(body?: StreamBodyInit | null, init?: ResponseInit) { super(body && promiseToStream( aJoin(maybeStreamToAsyncIter(body)).then(str => new TextEncoder().encode(str)) ), init); if (!this.headers.has(CONTENT_TYPE)) this.headers.set(CONTENT_TYPE, OCTET_STREAM) } } export class BufferedByteStreamResponse extends Response { constructor(body?: ByteStreamBodyInit | null, init?: ResponseInit) { super(body && promiseToStream( collect(maybeStreamToAsyncIter(body)).then(chunks => concatUint8Arrays(...chunks)) ), init); if (!this.headers.has(CONTENT_TYPE)) this.headers.set(CONTENT_TYPE, OCTET_STREAM) } } export { BufferedStreamResponse as BufferedResponse } export type StreamRequestInit = Omit & { body?: StreamBodyInit } export type ByteStreamRequestInit = Omit & { body?: ByteStreamBodyInit } export class StreamRequest extends Request { constructor(input: RequestInfo, init?: StreamRequestInit) { const { body, ...rest } = init || {}; super(input, { ...body ? { body: stringStreamToByteStream(body) } : {}, ...rest, }); if (body && !this.headers.has(CONTENT_TYPE)) this.headers.set(CONTENT_TYPE, OCTET_STREAM) } } export class ByteStreamRequest extends Request { constructor(input: RequestInfo, init?: ByteStreamRequestInit) { const { body, ...rest } = init || {}; super(input, { ...body ? { body: maybeAsyncIterToStream(body) } : {}, ...rest, }); if (body && !this.headers.has(CONTENT_TYPE)) this.headers.set(CONTENT_TYPE, OCTET_STREAM) } } // TODO: BufferedStreamRequest... // TODO: BufferedByteStreamRequest...