import * as assert from "assert"; import { Slot, bind, noContext, setTimeout, asyncFromGen } from "../index.js"; function repeat(s: string, times: number) { let result = ""; while (times --> 0) result += s; return result; } describe("Slot", function () { it("is importable", function () { assert.strictEqual(typeof Slot, "function"); }); it("has no value initially", function () { const slot = new Slot; assert.strictEqual(slot.hasValue(), false); assert.strictEqual(typeof slot.getValue(), "undefined"); }); it("retains values set by withValue", function () { const slot = new Slot(); const results = slot.withValue(123, () => { assert.strictEqual(slot.hasValue(), true); assert.strictEqual(slot.getValue(), 123); const results = [ slot.getValue(), slot.withValue(456, () => { assert.strictEqual(slot.hasValue(), true); return slot.getValue(); }), slot.withValue(789, () => { assert.strictEqual(slot.hasValue(), true); return slot.getValue(); }), ]; assert.strictEqual(slot.hasValue(), true); assert.strictEqual(slot.getValue(), 123); return results; }); assert.strictEqual(slot.hasValue(), false); assert.deepEqual(results, [123, 456, 789]); }); it("is not confused by other slots", function () { const stringSlot = new Slot(); const numberSlot = new Slot(); function inner() { return repeat( stringSlot.getValue()!, numberSlot.getValue()!, ); } const oneWay = stringSlot.withValue("oyez", () => { return numberSlot.withValue(3, inner); }); assert.strictEqual(stringSlot.hasValue(), false); assert.strictEqual(numberSlot.hasValue(), false); const otherWay = numberSlot.withValue(3, () => { return stringSlot.withValue("oyez", inner); }); assert.strictEqual(stringSlot.hasValue(), false); assert.strictEqual(numberSlot.hasValue(), false); assert.strictEqual(oneWay, otherWay); assert.strictEqual(oneWay, "oyezoyezoyez"); }); it("is a singleton", async function () { const cjsSlotModule = await import("../slot.js"); assert.ok(new Slot() instanceof cjsSlotModule.Slot); assert.ok(new cjsSlotModule.Slot() instanceof Slot); assert.strictEqual(cjsSlotModule.Slot, Slot); const globalKey = "@wry/context:Slot"; assert.strictEqual((global as any)[globalKey], Slot); assert.deepEqual(Object.keys(Array), []); assert.strictEqual( Object.keys(global).indexOf(globalKey), -1, ); }); it("can be subclassed", function () { class NamedSlot extends Slot { constructor(public readonly name: string) { super(); (this as any).id = name + ":" +; } } const ageSlot = new NamedSlot("age"); assert.strictEqual(ageSlot.hasValue(), false); ageSlot.withValue(87, () => { assert.strictEqual(ageSlot.hasValue(), true); const age = ageSlot.getValue()!; assert.strictEqual(age, 87); assert.strictEqual(, "age"); assert.ok("age:slot:")); }); class DefaultSlot extends Slot { constructor(public readonly defaultValue: T) { super(); } hasValue() { return true; } getValue() { return super.hasValue() ? super.getValue() : this.defaultValue; } } const defaultSlot = new DefaultSlot("default"); assert.strictEqual(defaultSlot.hasValue(), true); assert.strictEqual(defaultSlot.getValue(), "default"); const check = defaultSlot.withValue("real", function () { assert.strictEqual(defaultSlot.hasValue(), true); assert.strictEqual(defaultSlot.getValue(), "real"); return bind(function () { assert.strictEqual(defaultSlot.hasValue(), true); assert.strictEqual(defaultSlot.getValue(), "real"); }); }); assert.strictEqual(defaultSlot.hasValue(), true); assert.strictEqual(defaultSlot.getValue(), "default"); check(); }); }); describe("bind", function () { it("is importable", function () { assert.strictEqual(typeof bind, "function"); }); it("preserves multiple slots", function () { const stringSlot = new Slot(); const numberSlot = new Slot(); function neither() { assert.strictEqual(stringSlot.hasValue(), false); assert.strictEqual(numberSlot.hasValue(), false); } const checks = [bind(neither)]; stringSlot.withValue("asdf", () => { function justStringAsdf() { assert.strictEqual(stringSlot.hasValue(), true); assert.strictEqual(stringSlot.getValue(), "asdf"); assert.strictEqual(numberSlot.hasValue(), false); } checks.push(bind(justStringAsdf)); numberSlot.withValue(54321, () => { checks.push(bind(function both() { assert.strictEqual(stringSlot.hasValue(), true); assert.strictEqual(stringSlot.getValue(), "asdf"); assert.strictEqual(numberSlot.hasValue(), true); assert.strictEqual(numberSlot.getValue(), 54321); })); }); stringSlot.withValue("oyez", () => { checks.push(bind(function justStringOyez() { assert.strictEqual(stringSlot.hasValue(), true); assert.strictEqual(stringSlot.getValue(), "oyez"); assert.strictEqual(numberSlot.hasValue(), false); })); numberSlot.withValue(12345, () => { checks.push(bind(function bothAgain() { assert.strictEqual(stringSlot.hasValue(), true); assert.strictEqual(stringSlot.getValue(), "oyez"); assert.strictEqual(numberSlot.hasValue(), true); assert.strictEqual(numberSlot.getValue(), 12345); })); }); }); checks.push(bind(justStringAsdf)); }); checks.push(bind(neither)); checks.forEach(check => check()); }); it("does not permit rebinding", function () { const slot = new Slot(); const bound = slot.withValue(1, () => bind(function () { assert.strictEqual(slot.hasValue(), true); assert.strictEqual(slot.getValue(), 1); return slot.getValue(); })); assert.strictEqual(bound(), 1); const rebound = slot.withValue(2, () => bind(bound)); assert.strictEqual(rebound(), 1); assert.strictEqual(slot.hasValue(), false); }); }); describe("noContext", function () { it("is importable", function () { assert.strictEqual(typeof noContext, "function"); }); it("severs context set by withValue", function () { const slot = new Slot(); const result = slot.withValue("asdf", function () { assert.strictEqual(slot.getValue(), "asdf"); return noContext(() => { assert.strictEqual(slot.hasValue(), false); return "inner"; }); }); assert.strictEqual(result, "inner"); }); it("severs bound context", function () { const slot = new Slot(); const bound = slot.withValue("asdf", function () { assert.strictEqual(slot.getValue(), "asdf"); return bind(function () { assert.strictEqual(slot.getValue(), "asdf"); return noContext(() => { assert.strictEqual(slot.hasValue(), false); return "inner"; }); }); }); assert.strictEqual(slot.hasValue(), false); assert.strictEqual(bound(), "inner"); }); it("permits reestablishing inner context values", function () { const slot = new Slot(); const bound = slot.withValue("asdf", function () { assert.strictEqual(slot.getValue(), "asdf"); return bind(function () { assert.strictEqual(slot.getValue(), "asdf"); return noContext(() => { assert.strictEqual(slot.hasValue(), false); return slot.withValue("oyez", () => { assert.strictEqual(slot.hasValue(), true); return slot.getValue(); }); }); }); }); assert.strictEqual(slot.hasValue(), false); assert.strictEqual(bound(), "oyez"); }); it("permits passing arguments and this", function () { const slot = new Slot(); const self = {}; const notSelf = {}; const result = slot.withValue(1, function (a: number) { assert.strictEqual(slot.hasValue(), true); assert.strictEqual(slot.getValue(), 1); assert.strictEqual(this, self); return noContext(function (b: number) { assert.strictEqual(slot.hasValue(), false); assert.strictEqual(this, notSelf); return slot.withValue(b, (aArg, bArg) => { assert.strictEqual(slot.hasValue(), true); assert.strictEqual(slot.getValue(), b); assert.strictEqual(this, notSelf); assert.strictEqual(a, aArg); assert.strictEqual(b, bArg); return aArg * bArg; }, [a, b], self); }, [3], notSelf); }, [2], self); assert.strictEqual(result, 2 * 3); }); it("works with Array-like (arguments) objects", function () { function multiply(a: number, b: number) { return noContext(function inner(a, b) { return a * b; }, arguments as any); } assert.strictEqual(multiply(3, 7) * 2, 42); }); }); describe("setTimeout", function () { it("is importable", function () { assert.strictEqual(typeof setTimeout, "function"); }); it("binds its callback", function () { const booleanSlot = new Slot(); const objectSlot = new Slot<{ foo: number }>(); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { booleanSlot.withValue(true, () => { assert.strictEqual(booleanSlot.getValue(), true); objectSlot.withValue({ foo: 42 }, () => { setTimeout(function () { try { assert.strictEqual(booleanSlot.hasValue(), true); assert.strictEqual(booleanSlot.getValue(), true); assert.strictEqual(objectSlot.hasValue(), true); assert.strictEqual(objectSlot.getValue()!.foo, 42); resolve(); } catch (error) { reject(error); } }, 10); }) }); }).then(() => { assert.strictEqual(booleanSlot.hasValue(), false); assert.strictEqual(objectSlot.hasValue(), false); }); }); }); describe("asyncFromGen", function () { it("is importable", function () { assert.strictEqual(typeof asyncFromGen, "function"); }); it("works like an async function", asyncFromGen( function*(): Generator, Promise, number> { let sum = 0; const limit = yield new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(() => resolve(10), 10); }); for (let i = 0; i < limit; ++i) { sum += yield i + 1; } assert.strictEqual(sum, 55); return Promise.resolve("ok"); }, )); it("properly handles exceptions", async function () { const fn = asyncFromGen(function*(throwee?: object) { const result = yield Promise.resolve("ok"); if (throwee) { throw yield throwee; } return result; }); const okPromise = fn(); const expected = {}; const koPromise = fn(expected); assert.strictEqual(await okPromise, "ok"); try { await koPromise; throw new Error("not reached"); } catch (error) { assert.strictEqual(error, expected); } try { await fn(Promise.resolve("oyez")); throw new Error("not reached"); } catch (thrown) { assert.strictEqual(thrown, "oyez"); } }); it("propagates contextual slot values across yields", function () { const stringSlot = new Slot(); const numberSlot = new Slot(); function checkNoValues() { assert.strictEqual(stringSlot.hasValue(), false); assert.strictEqual(numberSlot.hasValue(), false); } const inner = asyncFromGen(function*( stringValue: string, numberValue: number, ) { function checkValues() { assert.strictEqual(stringSlot.getValue(), stringValue); assert.strictEqual(numberSlot.getValue(), numberValue); } checkValues(); yield new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(function () { checkValues(); resolve(); }, 10)); checkValues(); yield new Promise(resolve => { checkValues(); resolve(); }); checkValues(); yield Promise.resolve().then(checkNoValues); checkValues(); return repeat(stringValue, numberValue); }); const outer = asyncFromGen(function*() { checkNoValues(); const oyezPromise = stringSlot.withValue("oyez", () => { return numberSlot.withValue(3, () => inner("oyez", 3)); }); checkNoValues(); const hahaPromise = numberSlot.withValue(4, () => { return stringSlot.withValue("ha", () => inner("ha", 4)); }); checkNoValues(); assert.strictEqual(yield oyezPromise, "oyezoyezoyez"); assert.strictEqual(yield hahaPromise, "hahahaha"); checkNoValues(); return Promise.all([oyezPromise, hahaPromise]); }); return outer().then(results => { checkNoValues(); assert.deepEqual(results, [ "oyezoyezoyez", "hahahaha", ]); }); }); it("allows Promise rejections to be caught", function () { const fn = asyncFromGen(function*() { try { yield Promise.reject(new Error("expected")); throw new Error("not reached"); } catch (error: any) { assert.strictEqual(error?.message, "expected"); } return "ok"; }); return fn().then(result => { assert.strictEqual(result, "ok"); }); }); });