Source: internal/init.js

 * Created by zhangmike on 16/10/17.
let uid = 0;
let viewOptions = ['data', 'el', 'events', 'methods', 'init', 'render'];
export default function initMixin(GMP) {
     * The main init sequence. This is called for every
     * instance, including ones that are created from extended
     * constructors.
     * @param {Object} options - this options object should be
     *                           the result of merging class
     *                           options and the options passed
     *                           in to the constructor.
    GMP.prototype._init = function (options) {
        options = options || {};

        this._uid = uid++;

        _.extend(this, options);

        this.$options = this;



        // 初始化data
        // 扫描模板结构