// Type definitions for Ably Realtime and Rest client library 1.0 // Project: https://www.ably.io/ // Definitions by: Ably // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped declare namespace Types { namespace ChannelState { type INITIALIZED = "initialized"; type ATTACHING = "attaching"; type ATTACHED = "attached"; type DETACHING = "detaching"; type DETACHED = "detached"; type SUSPENDED = "suspended"; type FAILED = "failed"; } type ChannelState = ChannelState.FAILED | ChannelState.INITIALIZED | ChannelState.SUSPENDED | ChannelState.ATTACHED | ChannelState.ATTACHING | ChannelState.DETACHED | ChannelState.DETACHING; namespace ChannelEvent { type INITIALIZED = "initialized"; type ATTACHING = "attaching"; type ATTACHED = "attached"; type DETACHING = "detaching"; type DETACHED = "detached"; type SUSPENDED = "suspended"; type FAILED = "failed"; type UPDATE = "update"; } type ChannelEvent = ChannelEvent.FAILED | ChannelEvent.INITIALIZED | ChannelEvent.SUSPENDED | ChannelEvent.ATTACHED | ChannelEvent.ATTACHING | ChannelEvent.DETACHED | ChannelEvent.DETACHING | ChannelEvent.UPDATE; namespace ConnectionState { type INITIALIZED = "initialized"; type CONNECTING = "connecting"; type CONNECTED = "connected"; type DISCONNECTED = "disconnected"; type SUSPENDED = "suspended"; type CLOSING = "closing"; type CLOSED = "closed"; type FAILED = "failed"; } type ConnectionState = ConnectionState.INITIALIZED | ConnectionState.CONNECTED | ConnectionState.CONNECTING | ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED | ConnectionState.SUSPENDED | ConnectionState.CLOSED | ConnectionState.CLOSING | ConnectionState.FAILED; namespace ConnectionEvent { type INITIALIZED = "initialized"; type CONNECTING = "connecting"; type CONNECTED = "connected"; type DISCONNECTED = "disconnected"; type SUSPENDED = "suspended"; type CLOSING = "closing"; type CLOSED = "closed"; type FAILED = "failed"; type UPDATE = "update"; } type ConnectionEvent = ConnectionEvent.INITIALIZED | ConnectionEvent.CONNECTED | ConnectionEvent.CONNECTING | ConnectionEvent.DISCONNECTED | ConnectionEvent.SUSPENDED | ConnectionEvent.CLOSED | ConnectionEvent.CLOSING | ConnectionEvent.FAILED | ConnectionEvent.UPDATE; namespace PresenceAction { type ABSENT = "absent"; type PRESENT = "present"; type ENTER = "enter"; type LEAVE = "leave"; type UPDATE = "update"; } type PresenceAction = PresenceAction.ABSENT | PresenceAction.PRESENT | PresenceAction.ENTER | PresenceAction.LEAVE | PresenceAction.UPDATE; namespace StatsIntervalGranularity { type MINUTE = "minute"; type HOUR = "hour"; type DAY = "day"; type MONTH = "month"; } type StatsIntervalGranularity = StatsIntervalGranularity.MINUTE | StatsIntervalGranularity.HOUR | StatsIntervalGranularity.DAY | StatsIntervalGranularity.MONTH; namespace HTTPMethods { type POST = "POST"; type GET = "GET"; } type HTTPMethods = HTTPMethods.GET | HTTPMethods.POST; // Interfaces interface ClientOptions extends AuthOptions { /** * When true will automatically connect to Ably when library is instanced. This is true by default */ autoConnect?: boolean; defaultTokenParams?: TokenParams; /** * When true, messages published on channels by this client will be echoed back to this client. * This is true by default */ echoMessages?: boolean; /** * Use this only if you have been provided a dedicated environment by Ably */ environment?: string; /** * Logger configuration */ log?: LogInfo; port?: number; /** * When true, messages will be queued whilst the connection is disconnected. True by default. */ queueMessages?: boolean; restHost?: string; realtimeHost?: string; fallbackHosts?: string[]; /** * Can be used to explicitly recover a connection. * See https://www.ably.io/documentation/realtime/connection#connection-state-recovery */ recover?: standardCallback | string; /** * Use a non-secure connection connection. By default, a TLS connection is used to connect to Ably */ tls?: boolean; tlsPort?: number; /** * When true, the more efficient MsgPack binary encoding is used. * When false, JSON text encoding is used. */ useBinaryProtocol?: boolean; } interface AuthOptions { /** * A function which is called when a new token is required. * The role of the callback is to either generate a signed TokenRequest which may then be submitted automatically * by the library to the Ably REST API requestToken; or to provide a valid token in as a TokenDetails object. **/ authCallback?: (data: TokenParams, callback: (error: ErrorInfo | string, tokenRequestOrDetails: TokenDetails | TokenRequest | string) => void) => void; authHeaders?: { [index: string]: string }; authMethod?: HTTPMethods; authParams?: { [index: string]: string }; /** * A URL that the library may use to obtain a token string (in plain text format), or a signed TokenRequest or TokenDetails (in JSON format). **/ authUrl?: string; key?: string; queryTime?: boolean; token?: TokenDetails | string; tokenDetails?: TokenDetails; useTokenAuth?: boolean; /** * Optional clientId that can be used to specify the identity for this client. In most cases * it is preferable to instead specift a clientId in the token issued to this client. */ clientId?: string; } type capabilityOp = "publish" | "subscribe" | "presence" | "history" | "stats" | "channel-metadata" | "push-subscribe" | "push-admin"; interface TokenParams { capability?: { [key: string]: capabilityOp[]; } | string; clientId?: string; nonce?: string; timestamp?: number; ttl?: number; } interface CipherParams { algorithm: string; key: any; keyLength: number; mode: string; } interface ErrorInfo { code: number; message: string; statusCode: number; } interface StatsMessageCount { count: number; data: number; } interface StatsMessageTypes { all: StatsMessageCount; messages: StatsMessageCount; presence: StatsMessageCount; } interface StatsRequestCount { failed: number; refused: number; succeeded: number; } interface StatsResourceCount { mean: number; min: number; opened: number; peak: number; refused: number; } interface StatsConnectionTypes { all: StatsResourceCount; plain: StatsResourceCount; tls: StatsResourceCount; } interface StatsMessageTraffic { all: StatsMessageTypes; realtime: StatsMessageTypes; rest: StatsMessageTypes; webhook: StatsMessageTypes; } interface TokenDetails { capability: string; clientId?: string; expires: number; issued: number; token: string; } interface TokenRequest { capability: string; clientId?: string; keyName: string; mac: string; nonce: string; timestamp: number; ttl?: number; } interface ChannelOptions { cipher: any; } interface RestHistoryParams { start?: number; end?: number; direction?: string; limit?: number; } interface RestPresenceParams { limit?: number; clientId?: string; connectionId?: string; } interface RealtimePresenceParams { waitForSync?: boolean; clientId?: string; connectionId?: string; } interface RealtimeHistoryParams { start?: number; end?: number; direction?: string; limit?: number; untilAttach?: boolean; } interface LogInfo { /** * A number controlling the verbosity of the output. Valid values are: 0 (no logs), 1 (errors only), * 2 (errors plus connection and channel state changes), 3 (high-level debug output), and 4 (full debug output). **/ level?: number; /** * A function to handle each line of log output. If handler is not specified, console.log is used. **/ handler?: (...args: any[]) => void; } interface ChannelStateChange { current: ChannelState; previous: ChannelState; reason?: ErrorInfo; resumed: boolean; } interface ConnectionStateChange { current: ConnectionState; previous: ConnectionState; reason?: ErrorInfo; retryIn?: number; } interface DeviceDetails { id: string; clientId?: string; platform: "android" | "ios" | "browser"; formFactor: "phone" | "tablet" | "desktop" | "tv" | "watch" | "car" | "embedded" | "other"; metadata?: any; deviceSecret?: string; push: DevicePushDetails; } interface PushChannelSubscription { channel: string; deviceId?: string; clientId?: string; } type DevicePushState = "ACTIVE" | "FAILING" | "FAILED"; interface DevicePushDetails { recipient: any; state?: DevicePushState; errorReason?: ErrorInfo; } interface DeviceRegistrationParams { clientId?: string; deviceId?: string; limit?: number; state?: DevicePushState; } interface PushChannelSubscriptionParams { channel?: string; clientId?: string; deviceId?: string; limit?: number; } interface PushChannelsParams { limit?: number; } // Common Listeners type paginatedResultCallback = (error: ErrorInfo, results: PaginatedResult) => void; type standardCallback = (error: ErrorInfo, results: any) => void; type messageCallback = (message: T) => void; type errorCallback = (error: ErrorInfo) => void; type channelEventCallback = (changeStateChange: ChannelStateChange) => void; type connectionEventCallback = (connectionStateChange: ConnectionStateChange) => void; type timeCallback = (error: ErrorInfo, time: number) => void; type realtimePresenceGetCallback = (error: ErrorInfo, messages: PresenceMessage[]) => void; type tokenDetailsCallback = (error: ErrorInfo, Results: TokenDetails) => void; type tokenRequestCallback = (error: ErrorInfo, Results: TokenRequest) => void; type fromEncoded = (JsonObject: any, channelOptions?: ChannelOptions) => T; type fromEncodedArray = (JsonArray: any[], channelOptions?: ChannelOptions) => T[]; // Internal Classes // To allow a uniform (callback) interface between on and once even in the // promisified version of the lib, but still allow once to be used in a way // that returns a Promise if desired, EventEmitter uses method overloading to // present both methods class EventEmitter { on(eventOrCallback: EventType | EventType[] | CallbackType, callback?: CallbackType): void; once(eventOrCallback: EventType | CallbackType, callback?: CallbackType): void; once(event: EventType): Promise; off(eventOrCallback?: EventType | CallbackType, callback?: CallbackType): void; listeners(eventName?: EventType): CallbackType[] | null; } // Classes class RestBase { constructor(options: Types.ClientOptions | string); static Crypto: Types.Crypto; static Message: Types.MessageStatic; static PresenceMessage: Types.PresenceMessageStatic; } class RestCallbacks extends RestBase { static Promise: typeof Types.RestPromise; static Callbacks: typeof Types.RestCallbacks; auth: Types.AuthCallbacks; channels: Types.Channels; request: (method: string, path: string, params?: any, body?: any[] | any, headers?: any, callback?: (error: Types.ErrorInfo, response: Types.HttpPaginatedResponse) => void) => void; stats: (paramsOrCallback?: Types.paginatedResultCallback | any, callback?: Types.paginatedResultCallback) => void; time: (callback?: Types.timeCallback) => void; push: Types.PushCallbacks; } class RestPromise extends RestBase { static Promise: typeof Types.RestPromise; static Callbacks: typeof Types.RestCallbacks; auth: Types.AuthPromise; channels: Types.Channels; request: (method: string, path: string, params?: any, body?: any[] | any, headers?: any) => Promise; stats: (params?: any) => Promise>; time: () => Promise; push: Types.PushPromise; } class RealtimeBase extends RestBase { static Promise: typeof Types.RealtimePromise; static Callbacks: typeof Types.RealtimeCallbacks; clientId: string; close: () => void; connect: () => void; } class RealtimeCallbacks extends RealtimeBase { auth: Types.AuthCallbacks; channels: Types.Channels; connection: Types.ConnectionCallbacks; request: (method: string, path: string, params?: any, body?: any[] | any, headers?: any, callback?: (error: Types.ErrorInfo, response: Types.HttpPaginatedResponse) => void) => void; stats: (paramsOrCallback?: Types.paginatedResultCallback | any, callback?: Types.paginatedResultCallback) => void; time: (callback?: Types.timeCallback) => void; push: Types.PushCallbacks; } class RealtimePromise extends RealtimeBase { auth: Types.AuthPromise; channels: Types.Channels; connection: Types.ConnectionPromise; request: (method: string, path: string, params?: any, body?: any[] | any, headers?: any) => Promise; stats: (params?: any) => Promise>; time: () => Promise; push: Types.PushPromise; } class AuthBase { clientId: string; } class AuthCallbacks extends AuthBase { authorize: (tokenParams?: TokenParams | tokenDetailsCallback, authOptions?: AuthOptions | tokenDetailsCallback, callback?: tokenDetailsCallback) => void; createTokenRequest: (tokenParams?: TokenParams | tokenRequestCallback, authOptions?: AuthOptions | tokenRequestCallback, callback?: tokenRequestCallback) => void; requestToken: (TokenParams?: TokenParams | tokenDetailsCallback, authOptions?: AuthOptions | tokenDetailsCallback, callback?: tokenDetailsCallback) => void; } class AuthPromise extends AuthBase { authorize: (tokenParams?: TokenParams, authOptions?: AuthOptions) => Promise; createTokenRequest: (tokenParams?: TokenParams, authOptions?: AuthOptions) => Promise; requestToken: (TokenParams?: TokenParams, authOptions?: AuthOptions) => Promise; } class PresenceCallbacks { get: (paramsOrCallback?: RestPresenceParams | paginatedResultCallback, callback?: paginatedResultCallback) => void; history: (paramsOrCallback: RestHistoryParams | paginatedResultCallback, callback?: paginatedResultCallback) => void; } class PresencePromise { get: (params?: RestPresenceParams) => Promise>; history: (params?: RestHistoryParams) => Promise>; } class RealtimePresenceBase { syncComplete: boolean; unsubscribe: (presenceOrListener?: PresenceAction | Array | messageCallback, listener?: messageCallback) => void; } class RealtimePresenceCallbacks extends RealtimePresenceBase { get: (paramsOrCallback?: realtimePresenceGetCallback | RealtimePresenceParams, callback?: realtimePresenceGetCallback) => void; history: (paramsOrCallback?: RealtimeHistoryParams | paginatedResultCallback, callback?: paginatedResultCallback) => void; subscribe: (presenceOrListener: PresenceAction | messageCallback | Array, listener?: messageCallback, callbackWhenAttached?: standardCallback) => void; enter: (data?: errorCallback | any, callback?: errorCallback) => void; update: (data?: errorCallback | any, callback?: errorCallback) => void; leave: (data?: errorCallback | any, callback?: errorCallback) => void; enterClient: (clientId: string, data?: errorCallback | any, callback?: errorCallback) => void; updateClient: (clientId: string, data?: errorCallback | any, callback?: errorCallback) => void; leaveClient: (clientId: string, data?: errorCallback | any, callback?: errorCallback) => void; } class RealtimePresencePromise extends RealtimePresenceBase { get: (params?: RealtimePresenceParams) => Promise; history: (params?: RealtimeHistoryParams) => Promise>; subscribe: (action?: PresenceAction | messageCallback | Array, listener?: messageCallback) => Promise; enter: (data?: any) => Promise; update: (data?: any) => Promise; leave: (data?: any) => Promise; enterClient: (clientId: string, data?: any) => Promise; updateClient: (clientId: string, data?: any) => Promise; leaveClient: (clientId: string, data?: any) => Promise; } class ChannelBase { name: string; } class ChannelCallbacks extends ChannelBase { presence: PresenceCallbacks; history: (paramsOrCallback?: RestHistoryParams | paginatedResultCallback, callback?: paginatedResultCallback) => void; publish: (messagesOrName: any, messagedataOrCallback?: errorCallback | any, callback?: errorCallback) => void; } class ChannelPromise extends ChannelBase { presence: PresencePromise; history: (params?: RestHistoryParams) => Promise>; publish: (messagesOrName: any, messageData?: any) => Promise; } class RealtimeChannelBase extends EventEmitter { name: string; errorReason: ErrorInfo; state: ChannelState; setOptions: (options: any) => void; unsubscribe: (eventOrListener?: string | Array | messageCallback, listener?: messageCallback) => void; } class RealtimeChannelCallbacks extends RealtimeChannelBase { presence: RealtimePresenceCallbacks; attach: (callback?: standardCallback) => void; detach: (callback?: standardCallback) => void; history: (paramsOrCallback?: RealtimeHistoryParams | paginatedResultCallback, callback?: paginatedResultCallback) => void; subscribe: (eventOrCallback: messageCallback | string | Array, listener?: messageCallback, callbackWhenAttached?: standardCallback) => void; publish: (messagesOrName: any, messageDataOrCallback?: errorCallback | any, callback?: errorCallback) => void; whenState: (targetState: ChannelState, callback: channelEventCallback) => void; } class RealtimeChannelPromise extends RealtimeChannelBase { presence: RealtimePresencePromise; attach: () => Promise; detach: () => Promise; history: (params?: RealtimeHistoryParams) => Promise>; subscribe: (eventOrCallback: messageCallback | string | Array, listener?: messageCallback) => Promise; publish: (messagesOrName: any, messageData?: any) => Promise; whenState: (targetState: ChannelState) => Promise; } class Channels { get: (name: string, channelOptions?: ChannelOptions) => T; release: (name: string) => void; } class Message { constructor(); static fromEncoded: fromEncoded; static fromEncodedArray: fromEncodedArray; clientId: string; connectionId: string; data: any; encoding: string; extras: any; id: string; name: string; timestamp: number; } interface MessageStatic { fromEncoded: fromEncoded; fromEncodedArray: fromEncodedArray; } class PresenceMessage { constructor(); static fromEncoded: fromEncoded; static fromEncodedArray: fromEncodedArray; action: PresenceAction; clientId: string; connectionId: string; data: any; encoding: string; id: string; timestamp: number; } interface PresenceMessageStatic { fromEncoded: fromEncoded; fromEncodedArray: fromEncodedArray; } interface Crypto { generateRandomKey: (callback: (error: ErrorInfo, key: string) => void) => void; } class ConnectionBase extends EventEmitter { errorReason: ErrorInfo; id: string; key: string; recoveryKey: string; serial: number; state: ConnectionState; close: () => void; connect: () => void; } class ConnectionCallbacks extends ConnectionBase { ping: (callback?: (error: ErrorInfo, responseTime: number) => void) => void; whenState: (targetState: ConnectionState, callback: connectionEventCallback) => void; } class ConnectionPromise extends ConnectionBase { ping: () => Promise; whenState: (targetState: ConnectionState) => Promise; } class Stats { all: StatsMessageTypes; apiRequests: StatsRequestCount; channels: StatsResourceCount; connections: StatsConnectionTypes; inbound: StatsMessageTraffic; intervalId: string; outbound: StatsMessageTraffic; persisted: StatsMessageTypes; tokenRequests: StatsRequestCount; } class PaginatedResult { items: T[]; first: (results: paginatedResultCallback) => void; next: (results: paginatedResultCallback) => void; current: (results: paginatedResultCallback) => void; hasNext: () => boolean; isLast: () => boolean; } class HttpPaginatedResponse extends PaginatedResult { items: string[]; statusCode: number; success: boolean; errorCode: number; errorMessage: string; headers: any; } class PushCallbacks { admin: PushAdminCallbacks; } class PushPromise { admin: PushAdminPromise; } class PushAdminCallbacks { deviceRegistrations: PushDeviceRegistrationsCallbacks; channelSubscriptions: PushChannelSubscriptionsCallbacks; publish: (recipient: any, payload: any, callback?: errorCallback) => void; } class PushAdminPromise { deviceRegistrations: PushDeviceRegistrationsPromise; channelSubscriptions: PushChannelSubscriptionsPromise; publish: (recipient: any, payload: any) => Promise; } class PushDeviceRegistrationsCallbacks { save: (deviceDetails: DeviceDetails, callback?: (error: ErrorInfo, deviceDetails: DeviceDetails) => void) => void; get: (deviceIdOrDetails: DeviceDetails | string, callback: (error: ErrorInfo, deviceDetails: DeviceDetails) => void) => void; list: (params: DeviceRegistrationParams, callback: paginatedResultCallback) => void; remove: (deviceIdOrDetails: DeviceDetails | string, callback?: errorCallback) => void; removeWhere: (params: DeviceRegistrationParams, callback?: errorCallback) => void; } class PushDeviceRegistrationsPromise { save: (deviceDetails: DeviceDetails) => Promise; get: (deviceIdOrDetails: DeviceDetails | string) => Promise; list: (params: DeviceRegistrationParams) => Promise>; remove: (deviceIdOrDetails: DeviceDetails | string) => Promise; removeWhere: (params: DeviceRegistrationParams) => Promise; } class PushChannelSubscriptionsCallbacks { save: (subscription: PushChannelSubscription, callback?: (error: ErrorInfo, subscription: PushChannelSubscription) => void) => void; list: (params: PushChannelSubscriptionParams, callback: paginatedResultCallback) => void; listChannels: (params: PushChannelsParams, callback: paginatedResultCallback) => void; remove: (subscription: PushChannelSubscription, callback?: errorCallback) => void; removeWhere: (params: PushChannelSubscriptionParams, callback?: errorCallback) => void; } class PushChannelSubscriptionsPromise { save: (subscription: PushChannelSubscription) => Promise; list: (params: PushChannelSubscriptionParams) => Promise>; listChannels: (params: PushChannelsParams) => Promise>; remove: (subscription: PushChannelSubscription) => Promise; removeWhere: (params: PushChannelSubscriptionParams) => Promise; } } export declare class Rest extends Types.RestCallbacks {} export declare class Realtime extends Types.RealtimeCallbacks {}