import * as http from "http"; /** * Describes the available logging levels. * ERROR: 0, * WARN: 1, * INFO: 2, * VERBOSE: 3 * @type {number} */ export type LoggingLevel = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3; /** * @callback LoggingCallback * @memberOf Logging * @param {LoggingLevel} level The level of this log entry. * @param {string} message The text content of the log entry. * @param {Error} [error] An Error object if this is an {@link Logging.LOGGING_LEVEL.ERROR|ERROR} level log entry. */ type LoggingCallback = (level: LoggingLevel, message: string, error?: Error) => void; /** * @typedef LoggingOptions * @memberOf Logging * @property {LoggingCallback} [log] The function to call when ADAL generates a log entry. * @property {LoggingLevel} [level] The maximum level of log entries to generate. * @property {boolean} [loggingWithPII] This value indicts if personal identity related information such as token and claims should be logged. The default value is false. */ interface LoggingOptions { log?: LoggingCallback; level?: LoggingLevel; loggingWithPII?: boolean; } export class Logging { /** * @property {LoggingLevel} LOGGING_LEVEL Provides information about the logging levels. * ERROR: 0, * WARN: 1, * INFO: 2, * VERBOSE: 3 */ static LOGGING_LEVEL: LoggingLevel; /** * Sets global logging options for ADAL. * @param {LoggingOptions} options */ static setLoggingOptions(options: LoggingOptions): void; /** * Get's the current global logging options. * @return {LoggingOptions} */ static getLoggingOptions(): LoggingOptions; } export function setGlobalADALOptions(): any; // TODO export function getGlobalADALOptions(): any; // TODO /** * Contains tokens and metadata upon successful completion of an acquireToken call. * @typedef TokenResponse */ export interface TokenResponse { /** * @property {string} tokenType The type of token returned. Example 'Bearer'. */ tokenType: string; /** * @property {int} expiresIn The amount of time, in seconds, for which the token is valid. */ expiresIn: number; /** * @property {Date} expiresOn The Date on which the access token expires. */ expiresOn: Date | string; /** * @property {string} resource The resource for which the token was requested for. Example: ''. */ resource: string; /** * @property {string} accessToken The returned access token. */ accessToken: string; /** * @property {string} [refreshToken] A refresh token. */ refreshToken?: string; /** * @property {Date} [createdOn] The date on which the access token was created. */ createdOn?: Date | string; /** * @property {string} [userId] An id for the user. May be a displayable value if is_user_id_displayable is true. */ userId?: string; /** * @property {boolean} [isUserIdDisplayable] Indicates whether the user_id property will be meaningful if displayed to a user. */ isUserIdDisplayable?: boolean; /** * @property {string} [tenantId] The identifier of the tenant under which the access token was issued. */ tenantId?: string; /** * @property {string} [oid] The object id of the user in the tenant */ oid?: string; /** * @property {string} [givenName] The given name of the principal represented by the access token. */ givenName?: string; /** * @property {string} [familyName] The family name of the principal represented by the access token. */ familyName?: string; /** * @property {string} [identityProvider] Identifies the identity provider that issued the access token. */ identityProvider?: string; /** * @property {any} [error] Provides information about error if any. */ error?: any; /** * @property {any} [errorDescription] Short description about error if any. */ errorDescription?: any; [x: string]: any; } /** * This will be returned in case the OAuth 2 service returns an error. * @typedef ErrorResponse * @property {string} [error] A server error. * @property {string} [errorDescription] A description of the error returned. */ export interface ErrorResponse { error: string; errorDescription: string; } /** * This is the callback that is passed to all acquireToken variants below. * @callback AcquireTokenCallback * @param {Error} [error] If the request fails this parameter will contain an Error object. * @param {TokenResponse|ErrorResponse} [response] On a succesful request returns a {@link TokenResposne}. */ export type AcquireTokenCallback = (error: Error, response: TokenResponse | ErrorResponse) => void; /** * This is the callback that is passed to all acquireUserCode method below. * @callback AcquireTokenCallback * @param {Error} [error] If the request fails this parameter will contain an Error object. * @param {UserCodeInfo} [response] On a succesful request returns a {@link UserCodeInfo}. */ export type AcquireUserCodeCallback = (error: Error, response: UserCodeInfo) => void; /** * This is an interface that can be implemented to provide custom token cache persistence. * @public * @interface TokenCache */ export interface TokenCache { /** * Removes a collection of entries from the cache in a single batch operation. * @param {Array} entries An array of cache entries to remove. * @param {Function} callback This function is called when the operation is complete. Any error is provided as the * first parameter. */ remove(entires: TokenResponse[], callback: { (err: Error, result: null): void }): void; /** * Adds a collection of entries to the cache in a single batch operation. * @param {Array} entries An array of entries to add to the cache. * @param {Function} callback This function is called when the operation is complete. Any error is provided as the * first parameter. */ add(entries: TokenResponse[], callback: { (err: Error, result: boolean): void }): void; /** * Finds all entries in the cache that match all of the passed in values. * @param {object} query This object will be compared to each entry in the cache. Any entries that * match all of the values in this object will be returned. All the values * in the passed in object must match values in a potentialy returned object * exactly. The returned object may have more values than the passed in query * object. Please take a look at for an example * on how to provide query. * @param {TokenCacheFindCallback} callback */ find(query: any, callback: { (err: Error, results: any[]): void }): void } /** * @class MemoryCache - Describes the in memory implementation of the token cache. */ export class MemoryCache implements TokenCache { /** * @private * @property {Array} _entries An array of entries in the TokenCache. */ private _entries: TokenResponse[]; /** * @constructor Creates an instance of MemoryCache */ constructor(); /** * Removes a collection of entries from the cache in a single batch operation. * @param {Array} entries An array of cache entries to remove. * @param {Function} callback This function is called when the operation is complete. Any error is provided as the * first parameter. */ remove(entires: TokenResponse[], callback: { (err: Error, result: null): void }): void; /** * Adds a collection of entries to the cache in a single batch operation. * @param {Array} entries An array of entries to add to the cache. * @param {Function} callback This function is called when the operation is complete. Any error is provided as the * first parameter. */ add(entries: TokenResponse[], callback: { (err: Error, result: boolean): void }): void; /** * Finds all entries in the cache that match all of the passed in values. * @param {object} query This object will be compared to each entry in the cache. Any entries that * match all of the values in this object will be returned. All the values * in the passed in object must match values in a potentialy returned object * exactly. The returned object may have more values than the passed in query * object. Please take a look at for an example * on how to provide query. * @param {TokenCacheFindCallback} callback */ find(query: any, callback: { (err: Error, results: any[]): void }): void } export class AuthenticationContext { /** * @property {string} authority A URL that identifies a token authority. */ public authority: string; /** * @property {string} correlationId The correlation id that will be used for the next acquireToken request. */ public correlationId: string; /** * @property {any} options Options that are applied to requests generated by this AuthenticationContext instance. */ public options: any; /** * @property {TokenCache} cache The token cache used by this AuthenticationContext instance */ public cache: TokenCache; /** * Creates a new AuthenticationContext object. By default the authority will be checked against * a list of known Azure Active Directory authorities. If the authority is not recognized as * one of these well known authorities then token acquisition will fail. This behavior can be * turned off via the validateAuthority parameter below. * @constructor * @param {string} authority A URL that identifies a token authority. * @param {bool} [validateAuthority] Turns authority validation on or off. This parameter default to true. * @param {TokenCache} [cache] Sets the token cache used by this AuthenticationContext instance. If this parameter is not set * then a default, in memory cache is used. The default in memory cache is global to the process and is * shared by all AuthenticationContexts that are created with an empty cache parameter. To control the * scope and lifetime of a cache you can either create a {@link MemoryCache} instance and pass it when * constructing an AuthenticationContext or implement a custom {@link TokenCache} and pass that. Cache * instances passed at AuthenticationContext construction time are only used by that instance of * the AuthenticationContext and are not shared unless it has been manually passed during the * construction of other AuthenticationContexts. * */ constructor(authority: string, validateAuthority?: boolean, cache?: TokenCache, aadApiVersion?: string); /** * Gets a token for a given resource. * @param {string} resource A URI that identifies the resource for which the token is valid. * @param {string} clientId The OAuth client id of the calling application. * @param {string} clientSecret The OAuth client secret of the calling application. * @param {AcquireTokenCallback} callback The callback function. */ public acquireTokenWithClientCredentials(resource: string, clientId: string, clientSecret: string, callback: AcquireTokenCallback): void; /** * Gets a token for a given resource. * @param {string} resource A URI that identifies the resource for which the token is valid. * @param {string} username The username of the user on behalf this application is authenticating. * @param {string} password The password of the user named in the username parameter. * @param {string} clientId The OAuth client id of the calling application. * @param {AcquireTokenCallback} callback The callback function. */ public acquireTokenWithUsernamePassword(resource: string, username: string, password: string, clientId: string, callback: AcquireTokenCallback): void; /** * Gets a token for a given resource. * @param {string} authorizationCode An authorization code returned from a client. * @param {string} redirectUri The redirect uri that was used in the authorize call. * @param {string} resource A URI that identifies the resource for which the token is valid. * @param {string} clientId The OAuth client id of the calling application. * @param {string} clientSecret The OAuth client secret of the calling application. * @param {AcquireTokenCallback} callback The callback function. */ public acquireTokenWithAuthorizationCode(authorizationCode: string, redirectUri: string, resource: string, clientId: string, clientSecret: string, callback: AcquireTokenCallback): void; /** * Gets a new access token via a previously issued refresh token. * @param {string} refreshToken A refresh token returned in a tokne response from a previous invocation of acquireToken. * @param {string} clientId The OAuth client id of the calling application. * @param {string} [clientSecret] The OAuth client secret of the calling application. (Note: this parameter is a late addition. * This parameter may be ommitted entirely so that applications built before this change will continue * to work unchanged.) * @param {string} resource The OAuth resource for which a token is being request. This parameter is optional and can be set to null. * @param {AcquireTokenCallback} callback The callback function. */ public acquireTokenWithRefreshToken(refreshToken: string, clientId: string, resource: string, callback: AcquireTokenCallback): void; public acquireTokenWithRefreshToken(refreshToken: string, clientId: string, clientSecret: string, resource: string, callback: AcquireTokenCallback): void; /** * Gets a token for a given resource. * @param {string} resource A URI that identifies the resource for which the token is valid. * @param {string} userId The username of the user on behalf this application is authenticating. * @param {string} clientId The OAuth client id of the calling application. * @param {AcquireTokenCallback} callback The callback function. */ public acquireToken(resource: string, userId: string, clientId: string, callback: AcquireTokenCallback): void /** * Gets the userCodeInfo which contains user_code, device_code for authenticating user on device. * @param {string} resource A URI that identifies the resource for which the device_code and user_code is valid for. * @param {string} clientId The OAuth client id of the calling application. * @param {string} language The language code specifying how the message should be localized to. * @param {AcquireUserCodeCallback} callback The callback function. */ public acquireUserCode(resource: string, clientId: string, language: string, callback: AcquireUserCodeCallback): void; /** * Gets a new access token using via a certificate credential. * @param {string} resource A URI that identifies the resource for which the token is valid. * @param {string} clientId The OAuth client id of the calling application. * @param {string} certificate A PEM encoded certificate private key. * @param {string} thumbprint A hex encoded thumbprint of the certificate. * @param {AcquireTokenCallback} callback The callback function. */ public acquireTokenWithClientCertificate(resource: string, clientId: string, certificate: string, thumbprint: string, callback: AcquireTokenCallback): void; /** * Gets a new access token using via a device code. * @note This method doesn't look up the cache, it only stores the returned token into cache. To look up cache before making a new request, * please use acquireToken. * @param {string} clientId The OAuth client id of the calling application. * @param {object} userCodeInfo Contains device_code, retry interval, and expire time for the request for get the token. * @param {AcquireTokenCallback} callback The callback function. */ public acquireTokenWithDeviceCode(resource: string, clientId: string, userCodeInfo: UserCodeInfo, callback: AcquireTokenCallback): void; /** * Cancels the polling request to get token with device code. * @param {object} userCodeInfo Contains device_code, retry interval, and expire time for the request for get the token. * @param {AcquireTokenCallback} callback The callback function. */ public cancelRequestToGetTokenWithDeviceCode(userCodeInfo: UserCodeInfo, callback: AcquireTokenCallback): void; } /** * Describes the user code information that is provided by ADAL while authenticating via DeviceCode. */ export interface UserCodeInfo { deviceCode: string; expiresIn: number; interval: number; message: string; userCode: string; verificationUrl: string; error?: any; errorDescription?: any; [x: string]: any; } /** * Creates a new AuthenticationContext object. By default the authority will be checked against * a list of known Azure Active Directory authorities. If the authority is not recognized as * one of these well known authorities then token acquisition will fail. This behavior can be * turned off via the validateAuthority parameter below. * @function * @param {string} authority A URL that identifies a token authority. * @param {bool} [validateAuthority] Turns authority validation on or off. This parameter default to true. * @returns {AuthenticationContext} A new authentication context. */ export function createAuthenticationContext(authority: string, validateAuthority?: boolean): AuthenticationContext; /** * @class * Describes the parameters that are parsed from an OAuth challenge in the www-authenticate header. */ export class AuthenticationParameters { authorizationUri: string; resource: string; /** * @constructor Provides an instance of AuthenticationParameters * @param {string} authorizationUri The URI of an authority that can issues tokens for the resource that issued the challenge. * @param {string} resource The resource for a which a token should be requested from the authority. */ constructor(authorizationUri: string, resource: string); } /** * Creates an {@link AuthenticationParameters} object from the contents of a * www-authenticate header received from a HTTP 401 response from a resource server. * @param {string} challenge The content fo the www-authenticate header. * @return {AuthenticationParameters} An AuthenticationParameters object containing the parsed values from the header. */ export function createAuthenticationParametersFromHeader(challenge: string): AuthenticationParameters; /** * Create an {@link AuthenticationParameters} object from a node http.IncomingMessage * object that was created as a result of a request to a resource server. This function * expects the response to contain a HTTP 401 error code with a www-authenticate * header. * @param {http.IncomingMessage} response A response from a http request to a resource server. * @return {AuthenticationParameters} */ export function createAuthenticationParametersFromResponse(response: http.IncomingMessage): AuthenticationParameters; /** * Creates an {@link AuthenticationParameters} object by sending a get request * to the url passed to this function, and parsing the resulting http 401 * response. * @param {string|url} url The url of a resource server. * @param {AuthenticationParameters} callback Called on error or request completion. * @param {string} [correlationId] An optional correlationId to pass along with the request and to include in any logs. */ export function createAuthenticationParametersFromUrl(url: string, callback: { (error: Error, parameters: AuthenticationParameters): void }, correlationId?: string): AuthenticationParameters;