{ "name": "aeterno", "color": true, "help": { "usage": "Usage: ./aeterno {start|stop|stopall|restart|restartall|reload|update|status|tail|list|clean} [PATH] [OPTION]", "reloadNote": "{reload} works ONLY if your application handles SIGHUP.", "description": "Daemonaize a target application process and monitor it.\n", "options": "Options:", "config": " -c, --config=[path]:", "configDesc": " Executes with configurations that act as command options such as -l etc.", "log": " -l, --log=[path]:", "logDesc": " Write log data into a file.", "exec": " -e, --exec=[path]:", "execDesc": " Daemonize the target application with the given interpreter.", "watch": " -w, -a:", "watchDesc": " Automatically restart the daemon process if watch file(s) change.", "verbose": " -v, --verbose:", "verboseDesc": " Be more verbose.", "forced": " -f:", "forcedDesc": " Stops or restarts all running daemon processes without user inputs. This option is for {stopall|restartall} command only.", "example": "Examples:", "start": " ./aeterno start", "startDesc": " Start a daemon process.", "startWithPath": " ./aeterno start ./myServer.js", "startWithPathDesc": " Start a daemon process of \"./myServer.js\".", "startWithLog": " ./aeterno start -l ./daemonlog/", "startWithLogDesc": " Start a daemon process and write log data to \"./daemonlog/\" directory.", "startAndWatch": " ./aeterno start -w ./modules ./lib", "startAndWatchDesc": " Start a daemon process and watch \"./modules\" and \"./lib\". Anything changes in the watched directory, daemon process will automatically restart", "update": " ./aeterno update ./myapp.js", "updateDesc": " Updates a currently running daemon application such as -l to add/change logging or -w [...] to add watch directories/files to auto-reload" } }