import type { IntegratedModule } from 'ag-charts-types'; import type { _ModuleWithoutApi } from 'ag-grid-community'; type AllEnterpriseModuleType = { with: (params: IntegratedModule) => _ModuleWithoutApi; } & _ModuleWithoutApi; /** * @feature All Enterprise and Community features * Registers all the Grid features: Community and Enterprise. * If using Integrated Charts or Sparklines then the relevant AG Charts module must be provided. * @example * // All Enterprise features * import { ModuleRegistry } from 'ag-grid-community'; * import { AllEnterpriseModule } from 'ag-grid-enterprise'; * * ModuleRegistry.registerModules([ AllEnterpriseModule ]); * @example * // All Enterprise features including Integrated Charts and Sparklines * import { ModuleRegistry } from 'ag-grid-community'; * import { AgChartsEnterpriseModule } from 'ag-charts-enterprise'; * import { AllEnterpriseModule } from 'ag-grid-enterprise'; * * ModuleRegistry.registerModules([ AllEnterpriseModule.with(AgChartsEnterpriseModule) ]); * */ export declare const AllEnterpriseModule: AllEnterpriseModuleType; export {};