// Type definitions for ag-grid v18.1.2 // Project: http://www.ag-grid.com/ // Definitions by: Niall Crosby import { IComponent } from "../../interfaces/iComponent"; import { ComponentType } from "./componentResolver"; export declare enum RegisteredComponentSource { DEFAULT = 0, REGISTERED = 1, } /** * B the business interface (ie IHeader) * A the agGridComponent interface (ie IHeaderComp). The final object acceptable by ag-grid */ export interface RegisteredComponent & B, B> { component: RegisteredComponentInput; type: ComponentType; source: RegisteredComponentSource; } export declare type RegisteredComponentInput & B, B> = AgGridRegisteredComponentInput | { new (): B; }; export declare type AgGridRegisteredComponentInput> = AgGridComponentFunctionInput | { new (): A; }; export declare type AgGridComponentFunctionInput = (params: any) => string | HTMLElement; export interface DeprecatedComponentName { propertyHolder: string; newComponentName: string; } export declare class ComponentProvider { private gridOptions; private agGridDefaults; private agDeprecatedNames; private jsComponents; private frameworkComponents; private init(); registerDefaultComponent>(rawName: string, component: AgGridRegisteredComponentInput, overridable?: boolean): void; registerComponent>(rawName: string, component: AgGridRegisteredComponentInput): void; /** * B the business interface (ie IHeader) * A the agGridComponent interface (ie IHeaderComp). The final object acceptable by ag-grid */ registerFwComponent & B, B>(rawName: string, component: { new (): IComponent; }): void; /** * B the business interface (ie IHeader) * A the agGridComponent interface (ie IHeaderComp). The final object acceptable by ag-grid */ retrieve & B, B>(rawName: string): RegisteredComponent; private translateIfDeprecated(raw); }