// Type definitions for ag-grid v18.1.2 // Project: http://www.ag-grid.com/ // Definitions by: Niall Crosby export declare class Events { /** Everything has changed with the columns. Either complete new set of columns set, or user called setState()*/ static EVENT_COLUMN_EVERYTHING_CHANGED: string; /** User has set in new columns. */ static EVENT_NEW_COLUMNS_LOADED: string; /** The pivot mode flag was changed */ static EVENT_COLUMN_PIVOT_MODE_CHANGED: string; /** A row group column was added, removed or order changed. */ static EVENT_COLUMN_ROW_GROUP_CHANGED: string; /** A pivot column was added, removed or order changed. */ static EVENT_COLUMN_PIVOT_CHANGED: string; /** The list of grid columns has changed. */ static EVENT_GRID_COLUMNS_CHANGED: string; /** A value column was added, removed or agg function was changed. */ static EVENT_COLUMN_VALUE_CHANGED: string; /** A column was moved */ static EVENT_COLUMN_MOVED: string; /** One or more columns was shown / hidden */ static EVENT_COLUMN_VISIBLE: string; /** One or more columns was pinned / unpinned*/ static EVENT_COLUMN_PINNED: string; /** A column group was opened / closed */ static EVENT_COLUMN_GROUP_OPENED: string; /** One or more columns was resized. If just one, the column in the event is set. */ static EVENT_COLUMN_RESIZED: string; /** The list of displayed columns has changed, can result from columns open / close, column move, pivot, group, etc */ static EVENT_DISPLAYED_COLUMNS_CHANGED: string; /** The list of virtual columns has changed, results from viewport changing */ static EVENT_VIRTUAL_COLUMNS_CHANGED: string; /** A row group was opened / closed */ static EVENT_ROW_GROUP_OPENED: string; /** The client has set new data into the grid */ static EVENT_ROW_DATA_CHANGED: string; /** The client has updated data for the grid */ static EVENT_ROW_DATA_UPDATED: string; /** The client has set new floating data into the grid */ static EVENT_PINNED_ROW_DATA_CHANGED: string; /** Range selection has changed */ static EVENT_RANGE_SELECTION_CHANGED: string; /** For when the tool panel is shown / hidden */ static EVENT_TOOL_PANEL_VISIBLE_CHANGED: string; /** Model was updated - grid updates the drawn rows when this happens */ static EVENT_MODEL_UPDATED: string; static EVENT_PASTE_START: string; static EVENT_PASTE_END: string; static EVENT_CELL_CLICKED: string; static EVENT_CELL_DOUBLE_CLICKED: string; static EVENT_CELL_MOUSE_DOWN: string; static EVENT_CELL_CONTEXT_MENU: string; static EVENT_CELL_VALUE_CHANGED: string; static EVENT_ROW_VALUE_CHANGED: string; static EVENT_CELL_FOCUSED: string; static EVENT_ROW_SELECTED: string; static EVENT_SELECTION_CHANGED: string; static EVENT_CELL_MOUSE_OVER: string; static EVENT_CELL_MOUSE_OUT: string; /** 2 events for filtering. The grid LISTENS for filterChanged and afterFilterChanged */ static EVENT_FILTER_CHANGED: string; /** Filter was change but not applied. Only useful if apply buttons are used in filters. */ static EVENT_FILTER_MODIFIED: string; static EVENT_SORT_CHANGED: string; /** A row was removed from the dom, for any reason. Use to clean up resources (if any) used by the row. */ static EVENT_VIRTUAL_ROW_REMOVED: string; static EVENT_ROW_CLICKED: string; static EVENT_ROW_DOUBLE_CLICKED: string; /** Gets called once after the grid has finished initialising. */ static EVENT_GRID_READY: string; /** Width of height of the main grid div has changed. Grid listens for this and does layout of grid if it's * changed, so always filling the space it was given. */ static EVENT_GRID_SIZE_CHANGED: string; /** The indexes of the rows rendered has changed, eg user has scrolled to a new vertical position. */ static EVENT_VIEWPORT_CHANGED: string; /** A column drag has started, either resizing a column or moving a column. */ static EVENT_DRAG_STARTED: string; /** A column drag has stopped */ static EVENT_DRAG_STOPPED: string; static EVENT_ROW_EDITING_STARTED: string; static EVENT_ROW_EDITING_STOPPED: string; static EVENT_CELL_EDITING_STARTED: string; static EVENT_CELL_EDITING_STOPPED: string; /** Main body of grid has scrolled, either horizontally or vertically */ static EVENT_BODY_SCROLL: string; static EVENT_ANIMATION_QUEUE_EMPTY: string; static EVENT_HEIGHT_SCALE_CHANGED: string; /** The displayed page for pagination has changed. For example the data was filtered or sorted, * or the user has moved to a different page. */ static EVENT_PAGINATION_CHANGED: string; /** Only used by React, Angular 2+, Web Components, Aurelia and VueJS ag-Grid components * (not used if doing plain JavaScript or Angular 1.x). If the grid receives changes due * to bound properties, this event fires after the grid has finished processing the change. */ static EVENT_COMPONENT_STATE_CHANGED: string; /** All items from here down are used internally by the grid, not intended for external use. */ static EVENT_BODY_HEIGHT_CHANGED: string; static EVENT_DISPLAYED_COLUMNS_WIDTH_CHANGED: string; static EVENT_SCROLL_VISIBILITY_CHANGED: string; static EVENT_COLUMN_HOVER_CHANGED: string; static EVENT_FLASH_CELLS: string; static EVENT_ROW_DRAG_ENTER: string; static EVENT_ROW_DRAG_MOVE: string; static EVENT_ROW_DRAG_LEAVE: string; static EVENT_ROW_DRAG_END: string; static EVENT_COLUMN_ROW_GROUP_CHANGE_REQUEST: string; static EVENT_COLUMN_PIVOT_CHANGE_REQUEST: string; static EVENT_COLUMN_VALUE_CHANGE_REQUEST: string; static EVENT_COLUMN_AGG_FUNC_CHANGE_REQUEST: string; }