// Type definitions for ag-grid v18.1.2 // Project: http://www.ag-grid.com/ // Definitions by: Niall Crosby import { Component } from "../../widgets/component"; import { ICellEditorComp, ICellEditorParams } from "./iCellEditor"; /** * useFormatter: used when the cell value needs formatting prior to editing, such as when using reference data and you * want to display text rather than code. */ export interface ITextCellEditorParams extends ICellEditorParams { useFormatter: boolean; } export declare class TextCellEditor extends Component implements ICellEditorComp { private static TEMPLATE; private highlightAllOnFocus; private focusAfterAttached; private params; constructor(); init(params: ITextCellEditorParams): void; afterGuiAttached(): void; focusIn(): void; getValue(): any; private getStartValue(params); }