// Type definitions for ag-grid v18.1.2 // Project: http://www.ag-grid.com/ // Definitions by: Niall Crosby import { IComponent } from "../../interfaces/iComponent"; import { RowNode } from "../../entities/rowNode"; import { ColDef } from "../../entities/colDef"; import { Column } from "../../entities/column"; import { GridApi } from "../../gridApi"; import { ColumnApi } from "../../columnController/columnApi"; export interface ICellRendererParams { value: any; valueFormatted: any; getValue: () => any; setValue: (value: any) => void; formatValue: (value: any) => any; data: any; node: RowNode; colDef: ColDef; column: Column; $scope: any; rowIndex: number; api: GridApi; columnApi: ColumnApi; context: any; refreshCell: () => void; eGridCell: HTMLElement; eParentOfValue: HTMLElement; addRenderedRowListener: (eventType: string, listener: Function) => void; } export interface ICellRenderer { /** Get the cell to refresh. Return true if successful. Return false if not (or you don't have refresh logic), * then the grid will refresh the cell for you. */ refresh(params: any): boolean; } export interface ICellRendererComp extends ICellRenderer, IComponent { } export interface ICellRendererFunc { (params: any): HTMLElement | string; }