Doing releases: Update the license manager, to next version. ag-Grid + Major release? Update LicenseManager with new timestamp + Update version in bower.json + Update version in package.json + Run 'gulp release' + Make sure any new files in 'dist' are added to Git + Note: its a good idea to exclude node_modules at this stage + Also worth synchornizing the ag-grid folder + Commit all changes to Github (including built files in /dist) + Release in Github + Push to by running 'npm publish ./' Now if a new major version, go update and release: ag-grid-enterprise, ag-grid-react, ag-grid-angular, ag-grid-react-example, ag-grid-angular-example, ag-grid-commonjs-example ag-Grid-Enterprise + Update version in bower.json + Update version in package.json + Make sure it's referencing correct ag-Grid version + Make sure correct ag-grid is in node_modules (it's a peer dependency, so wont get installed with npm install) + Run 'gulp release' + Make sure any new files in 'dist' are added to Git + Commit all changes to Github (including built files in /dist) + Release in Github + Push to by running 'npm publish ./' ag-Grid-React + Update version in bower.json + Update version in package.json + Make sure it's referencing correct ag-Grid version + Run 'gulp' + Commit all changes to Github (including built files in /lib) + Release in Github + Push to by running 'npm publish ./' ag-Grid-React-Example + Update version in package.json + Make sure it's referencing correct ag-Grid version (including enterprise and react modules) + Release in GitHub + No npm publish + then angular & aurelia (angular publish too) + angular 'npm run release' (updates docs) + then aurelia (aurelia publish too) + aurelia 'npm run release' (updates docs) ag-Grid-Docs + update changeLogIndex.php with release details + Update 'notusedXXX' across the project to the next number + Update version in package.json + Commit to Github (do NOT include built files in /dist) + Run 'gulp release' + Copy dist folder to website (might be easier to zip it first, the explode zip in hostgater file manager)