import {Bean, Autowired, PostConstruct} from "./context/context"; import { GridSerializer, RowAccumulator, BaseGridSerializingSession, RowSpanningAccumulator, GridSerializingSession } from "./gridSerializer"; import {Downloader} from "./downloader"; import {Column} from "./entities/column"; import {RowNode} from "./entities/rowNode"; import {ColumnController} from "./columnController/columnController"; import {ValueService} from "./valueService/valueService"; import {GridOptionsWrapper} from "./gridOptionsWrapper"; import { BaseExportParams, CsvExportParams, ExportParams, ProcessCellForExportParams, ProcessHeaderForExportParams } from "./exportParams"; import {Constants} from "./constants"; import {_} from "./utils"; let LINE_SEPARATOR = '\r\n'; export class CsvSerializingSession extends BaseGridSerializingSession { private result:string = ''; private lineOpened:boolean = false; constructor( columnController: ColumnController, valueService: ValueService, gridOptionsWrapper: GridOptionsWrapper, processCellCallback:(params: ProcessCellForExportParams)=>string, processHeaderCallback:(params: ProcessHeaderForExportParams)=>string, private suppressQuotes: boolean, private columnSeparator: string ){ super(columnController, valueService, gridOptionsWrapper, processCellCallback, processHeaderCallback); } public prepare(columnsToExport: Column[]): void { } public addCustomHeader(customHeader: string): void { if (!customHeader) return; this.result += customHeader + LINE_SEPARATOR; } public addCustomFooter(customFooter: string): void { if (!customFooter) return; this.result += customFooter + LINE_SEPARATOR; } public onNewHeaderGroupingRow(): RowSpanningAccumulator { if(this.lineOpened) this.result += LINE_SEPARATOR; return { onColumn: this.onNewHeaderGroupingRowColumn.bind(this) }; } private onNewHeaderGroupingRowColumn (header: string, index: number, span:number) { if (index != 0) { this.result += this.columnSeparator; } this.result += header; for (let i = 1; i<= span; i++){ this.result += this.columnSeparator + this.putInQuotes("", this.suppressQuotes); } this.lineOpened = true; } public onNewHeaderRow(): RowAccumulator { if(this.lineOpened) this.result += LINE_SEPARATOR; return { onColumn:this.onNewHeaderRowColumn.bind(this) }; } private onNewHeaderRowColumn(column: Column, index: number, node?:RowNode):void{ if (index != 0) { this.result += this.columnSeparator; } this.result += this.putInQuotes(this.extractHeaderValue(column), this.suppressQuotes); this.lineOpened = true; } public onNewBodyRow(): RowAccumulator { if(this.lineOpened) this.result += LINE_SEPARATOR; return { onColumn: this.onNewBodyRowColumn.bind(this) }; } private onNewBodyRowColumn (column: Column, index: number, node?:RowNode):void{ if (index != 0) { this.result += this.columnSeparator; } this.result += this.putInQuotes(this.extractRowCellValue(column, index, Constants.EXPORT_TYPE_CSV, node), this.suppressQuotes); this.lineOpened = true; } private putInQuotes(value: any, suppressQuotes: boolean): string { if (suppressQuotes) { return value; } if (value === null || value === undefined) { return '""'; } let stringValue: string; if (typeof value === 'string') { stringValue = value; } else if (typeof value.toString === 'function') { stringValue = value.toString(); } else { console.warn('unknown value type during csv conversion'); stringValue = ''; } // replace each " with "" (ie two sets of double quotes is how to do double quotes in csv) let valueEscaped = stringValue.replace(/"/g, "\"\""); return '"' + valueEscaped + '"'; } public parse(): string { return this.result; } } export interface BaseCreatorBeans { downloader: Downloader; gridSerializer: GridSerializer; gridOptionsWrapper: GridOptionsWrapper; } export abstract class BaseCreator, P extends ExportParams> { private beans: BaseCreatorBeans; protected setBeans(beans: BaseCreatorBeans) { this.beans = beans; } public export(userParams?: P): string { if (this.isExportSuppressed()){ console.warn(`ag-grid: Export canceled. Export is not allowed as per your configuration.`); return ""; } let {mergedParams, data} = this.getMergedParamsAndData(userParams); let fileNamePresent = mergedParams && mergedParams.fileName && mergedParams.fileName.length !== 0; let fileName = fileNamePresent ? mergedParams.fileName : this.getDefaultFileName(); if (fileName.indexOf(".") === -1){ fileName = fileName + "." + this.getDefaultFileExtension(); } fileName, data, this.getMimeType() ); return data; } public getData (params:P):string{ return this.getMergedParamsAndData(params).data } private getMergedParamsAndData(userParams: P):{mergedParams:P, data:string} { let mergedParams = this.mergeDefaultParams(userParams); let data = this.beans.gridSerializer.serialize(this.createSerializingSession(mergedParams), mergedParams); return {mergedParams, data}; } private mergeDefaultParams(userParams: P):P { let baseParams: BaseExportParams = this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getDefaultExportParams(); let params: P = {}; _.assign(params, baseParams); _.assign(params, userParams); return params; } public abstract createSerializingSession(params?: P):S; public abstract getMimeType():string; public abstract getDefaultFileName ():string; public abstract getDefaultFileExtension ():string; public abstract isExportSuppressed ():boolean; } @Bean('csvCreator') export class CsvCreator extends BaseCreator{ @Autowired('columnController') private columnController: ColumnController; @Autowired('valueService') private valueService: ValueService; @Autowired('downloader') private downloader: Downloader; @Autowired('gridSerializer') private gridSerializer: GridSerializer; @Autowired('gridOptionsWrapper') gridOptionsWrapper: GridOptionsWrapper; @PostConstruct public postConstruct(): void { this.setBeans({ downloader: this.downloader, gridSerializer: this.gridSerializer, gridOptionsWrapper: this.gridOptionsWrapper }); } public exportDataAsCsv(params?: CsvExportParams): string { return this.export(params); } public getDataAsCsv (params?: CsvExportParams): string { return this.getData(params); } public getMimeType(): string { return "text/csv;charset=utf-8;" } public getDefaultFileName(): string { return 'export.csv'; } public getDefaultFileExtension(): string { return 'csv'; } public createSerializingSession(params?:CsvExportParams): CsvSerializingSession{ return new CsvSerializingSession( this.columnController, this.valueService, this.gridOptionsWrapper, params ? params.processCellCallback : null, params ? params.processHeaderCallback : null, params && params.suppressQuotes, (params && params.columnSeparator) || ',' ) } public isExportSuppressed ():boolean{ return this.gridOptionsWrapper.isSuppressCsvExport(); } }