import {Logger, LoggerFactory} from "../logger"; import {Qualifier, PostConstruct, Bean, Autowired, PreDestroy} from "../context/context"; import {Column} from "../entities/column"; import {Utils as _} from "../utils"; import {GridOptionsWrapper} from "../gridOptionsWrapper"; import {DragService, DragListenerParams} from "./dragService"; import {ColumnController} from "../columnController/columnController"; import {Environment} from "../environment"; import {RowNode} from "../entities/rowNode"; export enum DragSourceType { ToolPanel, HeaderCell, RowDrag } export interface DragItem { // if moving a row, the, this contains the row node rowNode?: RowNode; // if moving columns, this contains the columns and the visible state columns?: Column[]; visibleState?: {[key: string]: boolean}; } export interface DragSource { /** So the drop target knows what type of event it is, useful for columns, * we we re-ordering or moving dropping from toolPanel */ type: DragSourceType; /** Element which, when dragged, will kick off the DnD process */ eElement: HTMLElement; /** If eElement is dragged, then the dragItem is the object that gets passed around. */ dragItemCallback: () => DragItem; /** This name appears in the ghost icon when dragging */ dragItemName: string; /** The drop target associated with this dragSource. So when dragging starts, this target does not get * onDragEnter event. */ dragSourceDropTarget?: DropTarget; /** After how many pixels of dragging should the drag operation start. Default is 4px. */ dragStartPixels?: number; /** Callback for drag started */ dragStarted?: ()=>void; /** Callback for drag stopped */ dragStopped?: ()=>void; } export interface DropTarget { /** The main container that will get the drop. */ getContainer(): HTMLElement; /** If any secondary containers. For example when moving columns in ag-Grid, we listen for drops * in the header as well as the body (main rows and pinned rows) of the grid. */ getSecondaryContainers?(): HTMLElement[]; /** Icon to show when drag is over*/ getIconName?(): string; isInterestedIn(type: DragSourceType): boolean; /** Callback for when drag enters */ onDragEnter?(params: DraggingEvent): void; /** Callback for when drag leaves */ onDragLeave?(params: DraggingEvent): void; /** Callback for when dragging */ onDragging?(params: DraggingEvent): void; /** Callback for when drag stops */ onDragStop?(params: DraggingEvent): void; } export enum VDirection {Up, Down} export enum HDirection {Left, Right} export interface DraggingEvent { event: MouseEvent; x: number; y: number; vDirection: VDirection; hDirection: HDirection; dragSource: DragSource; dragItem: DragItem; fromNudge: boolean; } @Bean('dragAndDropService') export class DragAndDropService { @Autowired('gridOptionsWrapper') private gridOptionsWrapper: GridOptionsWrapper; @Autowired('dragService') private dragService: DragService; @Autowired('environment') private environment: Environment; @Autowired('columnController') private columnController: ColumnController; public static ICON_PINNED = 'pinned'; public static ICON_ADD = 'add'; public static ICON_MOVE = 'move'; public static ICON_LEFT = 'left'; public static ICON_RIGHT = 'right'; public static ICON_GROUP = 'group'; public static ICON_AGGREGATE = 'aggregate'; public static ICON_PIVOT = 'pivot'; public static ICON_NOT_ALLOWED = 'notAllowed'; public static GHOST_TEMPLATE = '
' + ' ' + '
' + '
' + '
'; private logger: Logger; private dragSourceAndParamsList: {params: DragListenerParams, dragSource: DragSource}[] = []; private dragItem: DragItem; private eventLastTime: MouseEvent; private dragSource: DragSource; private dragging: boolean; private eGhost: HTMLElement; private eGhostParent: HTMLElement; private eGhostIcon: HTMLElement; private dropTargets: DropTarget[] = []; private lastDropTarget: DropTarget; private ePinnedIcon: HTMLElement; private ePlusIcon: HTMLElement; private eHiddenIcon: HTMLElement; private eMoveIcon: HTMLElement; private eLeftIcon: HTMLElement; private eRightIcon: HTMLElement; private eGroupIcon: HTMLElement; private eAggregateIcon: HTMLElement; private ePivotIcon: HTMLElement; private eDropNotAllowedIcon: HTMLElement; @PostConstruct private init(): void { this.ePinnedIcon = _.createIcon('columnMovePin', this.gridOptionsWrapper, null); this.ePlusIcon = _.createIcon('columnMoveAdd', this.gridOptionsWrapper, null); this.eHiddenIcon = _.createIcon('columnMoveHide', this.gridOptionsWrapper, null); this.eMoveIcon = _.createIcon('columnMoveMove', this.gridOptionsWrapper, null); this.eLeftIcon = _.createIcon('columnMoveLeft', this.gridOptionsWrapper, null); this.eRightIcon = _.createIcon('columnMoveRight', this.gridOptionsWrapper, null); this.eGroupIcon = _.createIcon('columnMoveGroup', this.gridOptionsWrapper, null); this.eAggregateIcon = _.createIcon('columnMoveValue', this.gridOptionsWrapper, null); this.ePivotIcon = _.createIcon('columnMovePivot', this.gridOptionsWrapper, null); this.eDropNotAllowedIcon = _.createIcon('dropNotAllowed', this.gridOptionsWrapper, null); } private setBeans(@Qualifier('loggerFactory') loggerFactory: LoggerFactory) { this.logger = loggerFactory.create('OldToolPanelDragAndDropService'); } private getStringType(type: DragSourceType): string { switch (type) { case DragSourceType.RowDrag: return 'row'; case DragSourceType.HeaderCell: return 'headerCell'; case DragSourceType.ToolPanel: return 'toolPanel'; default: console.warn(`ag-Grid: bug - unknown drag type ${type}`); return null; } } public addDragSource(dragSource: DragSource, allowTouch = false): void { let params: DragListenerParams = { eElement: dragSource.eElement, dragStartPixels: dragSource.dragStartPixels, onDragStart: this.onDragStart.bind(this, dragSource), onDragStop: this.onDragStop.bind(this), onDragging: this.onDragging.bind(this) }; this.dragSourceAndParamsList.push({params: params, dragSource: dragSource}); this.dragService.addDragSource(params, allowTouch); } public removeDragSource(dragSource: DragSource): void { let sourceAndParams = _.find(this.dragSourceAndParamsList, item => item.dragSource === dragSource); if (sourceAndParams) { this.dragService.removeDragSource(sourceAndParams.params); _.removeFromArray(this.dragSourceAndParamsList, sourceAndParams); } } @PreDestroy private destroy(): void { this.dragSourceAndParamsList.forEach( sourceAndParams => { this.dragService.removeDragSource(sourceAndParams.params); }); this.dragSourceAndParamsList.length = 0; } public nudge(): void { if (this.dragging) { this.onDragging(this.eventLastTime, true); } } private onDragStart(dragSource: DragSource, mouseEvent: MouseEvent): void { this.dragging = true; this.dragSource = dragSource; this.eventLastTime = mouseEvent; this.dragItem = this.dragSource.dragItemCallback(); this.lastDropTarget = this.dragSource.dragSourceDropTarget; if (this.dragSource.dragStarted) { this.dragSource.dragStarted(); } this.createGhost(); } private onDragStop(mouseEvent: MouseEvent): void { this.eventLastTime = null; this.dragging = false; if (this.dragSource.dragStopped) { this.dragSource.dragStopped(); } if (this.lastDropTarget && this.lastDropTarget.onDragStop) { let draggingEvent = this.createDropTargetEvent(this.lastDropTarget, mouseEvent, null, null, false); this.lastDropTarget.onDragStop(draggingEvent); } this.lastDropTarget = null; this.dragItem = null; this.removeGhost(); } private onDragging(mouseEvent: MouseEvent, fromNudge: boolean): void { let hDirection = this.workOutHDirection(mouseEvent); let vDirection = this.workOutVDirection(mouseEvent); this.eventLastTime = mouseEvent; this.positionGhost(mouseEvent); // check if mouseEvent intersects with any of the drop targets let dropTarget = _.find(this.dropTargets, this.isMouseOnDropTarget.bind(this, mouseEvent)); if (dropTarget!==this.lastDropTarget) { this.leaveLastTargetIfExists(mouseEvent, hDirection, vDirection, fromNudge); this.enterDragTargetIfExists(dropTarget, mouseEvent, hDirection, vDirection, fromNudge); this.lastDropTarget = dropTarget; } else if (dropTarget) { let draggingEvent = this.createDropTargetEvent(dropTarget, mouseEvent, hDirection, vDirection, fromNudge); dropTarget.onDragging(draggingEvent); } } private enterDragTargetIfExists(dropTarget: DropTarget, mouseEvent: MouseEvent, hDirection: HDirection, vDirection: VDirection, fromNudge: boolean): void { if (!dropTarget) { return; } let dragEnterEvent = this.createDropTargetEvent(dropTarget, mouseEvent, hDirection, vDirection, fromNudge); dropTarget.onDragEnter(dragEnterEvent); this.setGhostIcon(dropTarget.getIconName ? dropTarget.getIconName() : null); } private leaveLastTargetIfExists(mouseEvent: MouseEvent, hDirection: HDirection, vDirection: VDirection, fromNudge: boolean): void { if (!this.lastDropTarget) { return; } let dragLeaveEvent = this.createDropTargetEvent(this.lastDropTarget, mouseEvent, hDirection, vDirection, fromNudge); this.lastDropTarget.onDragLeave(dragLeaveEvent); this.setGhostIcon(null); } private getAllContainersFromDropTarget(dropTarget: DropTarget): HTMLElement[] { let containers = [dropTarget.getContainer()]; let secondaryContainers = dropTarget.getSecondaryContainers ? dropTarget.getSecondaryContainers() : null; if (secondaryContainers) { containers = containers.concat(secondaryContainers); } return containers; } // checks if the mouse is on the drop target. it checks eContainer and eSecondaryContainers private isMouseOnDropTarget(mouseEvent: MouseEvent, dropTarget: DropTarget): boolean { let allContainers = this.getAllContainersFromDropTarget(dropTarget); let mouseOverTarget: boolean = false; allContainers.forEach( (eContainer: HTMLElement) => { if (!eContainer) { return; } // secondary can be missing let rect = eContainer.getBoundingClientRect(); // if element is not visible, then width and height are zero if (rect.width===0 || rect.height===0) { return; } let horizontalFit = mouseEvent.clientX >= rect.left && mouseEvent.clientX <= rect.right; let verticalFit = mouseEvent.clientY >= && mouseEvent.clientY <= rect.bottom; //console.log(`rect.width = ${rect.width} || rect.height = ${rect.height} ## verticalFit = ${verticalFit}, horizontalFit = ${horizontalFit}, `); if (horizontalFit && verticalFit) { mouseOverTarget = true; } }); if (mouseOverTarget) { let mouseOverTargetAndInterested = dropTarget.isInterestedIn(this.dragSource.type); return mouseOverTargetAndInterested; } else { return false; } } public addDropTarget(dropTarget: DropTarget) { this.dropTargets.push(dropTarget); } public workOutHDirection(event: MouseEvent): HDirection { if (this.eventLastTime.clientX > event.clientX) { return HDirection.Left; } else if (this.eventLastTime.clientX < event.clientX) { return HDirection.Right; } else { return null; } } public workOutVDirection(event: MouseEvent): VDirection { if (this.eventLastTime.clientY > event.clientY) { return VDirection.Up; } else if (this.eventLastTime.clientY < event.clientY) { return VDirection.Down; } else { return null; } } public createDropTargetEvent(dropTarget: DropTarget, event: MouseEvent, hDirection: HDirection, vDirection: VDirection, fromNudge: boolean): DraggingEvent { // localise x and y to the target component let rect = dropTarget.getContainer().getBoundingClientRect(); let x = event.clientX - rect.left; let y = event.clientY -; let dropTargetEvent: DraggingEvent = { event: event, x: x, y: y, vDirection: vDirection, hDirection: hDirection, dragSource: this.dragSource, fromNudge: fromNudge, dragItem: this.dragItem }; return dropTargetEvent; } private positionGhost(event: MouseEvent): void { let ghostRect = this.eGhost.getBoundingClientRect(); let ghostHeight = ghostRect.height; // for some reason, without the '-2', it still overlapped by 1 or 2 pixels, which // then brought in scrollbars to the browser. no idea why, but putting in -2 here // works around it which is good enough for me. let browserWidth = _.getBodyWidth() - 2; let browserHeight = _.getBodyHeight() - 2; // put ghost vertically in middle of cursor let top = event.pageY - (ghostHeight / 2); // horizontally, place cursor just right of icon let left = event.pageX - 30; let usrDocument = this.gridOptionsWrapper.getDocument(); let windowScrollY = window.pageYOffset || usrDocument.documentElement.scrollTop; let windowScrollX = window.pageXOffset || usrDocument.documentElement.scrollLeft; // check ghost is not positioned outside of the browser if (browserWidth>0) { if ( (left + this.eGhost.clientWidth) > (browserWidth + windowScrollX) ) { left = browserWidth + windowScrollX - this.eGhost.clientWidth; } } if (left < 0) { left = 0; } if (browserHeight>0) { if ( (top + this.eGhost.clientHeight) > (browserHeight + windowScrollY) ) { top = browserHeight + windowScrollY - this.eGhost.clientHeight; } } if (top < 0) { top = 0; } = left + 'px'; = top + 'px'; } private removeGhost(): void { if (this.eGhost && this.eGhostParent) { this.eGhostParent.removeChild(this.eGhost); } this.eGhost = null; } private createGhost(): void { this.eGhost = _.loadTemplate(DragAndDropService.GHOST_TEMPLATE); _.addCssClass(this.eGhost, this.environment.getTheme()); this.eGhostIcon = this.eGhost.querySelector('.ag-dnd-ghost-icon'); this.setGhostIcon(null); let eText = this.eGhost.querySelector('.ag-dnd-ghost-label'); eText.innerHTML = this.dragSource.dragItemName; = '25px'; = '20px'; = '20px'; let usrDocument = this.gridOptionsWrapper.getDocument(); this.eGhostParent = usrDocument.querySelector('body'); if (!this.eGhostParent) { console.warn('ag-Grid: could not find document body, it is needed for dragging columns'); } else { this.eGhostParent.appendChild(this.eGhost); } } public setGhostIcon(iconName: string, shake = false): void { _.removeAllChildren(this.eGhostIcon); let eIcon: HTMLElement; switch (iconName) { case DragAndDropService.ICON_ADD: eIcon = this.ePlusIcon; break; case DragAndDropService.ICON_PINNED: eIcon = this.ePinnedIcon; break; case DragAndDropService.ICON_MOVE: eIcon = this.eMoveIcon; break; case DragAndDropService.ICON_LEFT: eIcon = this.eLeftIcon; break; case DragAndDropService.ICON_RIGHT: eIcon = this.eRightIcon; break; case DragAndDropService.ICON_GROUP: eIcon = this.eGroupIcon; break; case DragAndDropService.ICON_AGGREGATE: eIcon = this.eAggregateIcon; break; case DragAndDropService.ICON_PIVOT: eIcon = this.ePivotIcon; break; case DragAndDropService.ICON_NOT_ALLOWED: eIcon = this.eDropNotAllowedIcon; break; default: eIcon = this.eHiddenIcon; break; } this.eGhostIcon.appendChild(eIcon); _.addOrRemoveCssClass(this.eGhostIcon, 'ag-shake-left-to-right', shake); } }