import {RowNode} from "./rowNode"; import {ICellEditorComp} from "../rendering/cellEditors/iCellEditor"; import {ICellRendererComp, ICellRendererFunc, ICellRendererParams} from "../rendering/cellRenderers/iCellRenderer"; import {Column} from "./column"; import {IFilterComp} from "../interfaces/iFilter"; import {GridApi} from "../gridApi"; import {ColumnApi} from "../columnController/columnApi"; import {IHeaderGroupComp} from "../headerRendering/headerGroup/headerGroupComp"; import {IFloatingFilterComp} from "../filter/floatingFilter"; import {CellClickedEvent, CellContextMenuEvent, CellDoubleClickedEvent} from "../events"; import {DynamicComponentDef, DynamicComponentParams} from "../components/framework/componentResolver"; /**************************************************************** * Don't forget to update ComponentUtil if changing this class. PLEASE!* ****************************************************************/ /** AbstractColDef can be a group or a column definition */ export interface AbstractColDef { /** The name to render in the column header */ headerName?: string; /** Whether to show the column when the group is open / closed. */ columnGroupShow?: string; /** CSS class for the header */ headerClass?: string | string[] | ((params: any) => string | string[]); /** CSS class for the header */ toolPanelClass?: string | string[] | ((params: any) => string | string[]); /** Expression or function to get the cells value. */ headerValueGetter?: string | Function; /** Never set this, it is used internally by grid when doing in-grid pivoting */ pivotKeys?: string[]; /** Set to true to not include this column in the toolpanel */ suppressToolPanel?: boolean; /** Tooltip for the column header */ headerTooltip?: string; } export interface ColGroupDef extends AbstractColDef { /** Columns in this group */ children: (ColDef|ColGroupDef)[]; /** Group ID */ groupId?: string; /** Open by Default */ openByDefault?: boolean; /** If true, group cannot be broken up by column moving, child columns will always appear side by side, however you can rearrange child columns within the group */ marryChildren?: boolean; /** The custom header group component to be used for rendering the component header. If none specified the default ag-Grid is used**/ headerGroupComponent?: string | {new(): IHeaderGroupComp}; /** The custom header group component to be used for rendering the component header in the hosting framework (ie: React/Angular). If none specified the default ag-Grid is used**/ headerGroupComponentFramework?: {new (): any}; /** The custom header group component to be used for rendering the component header. If none specified the default ag-Grid is used**/ headerGroupComponentParams?: any; } export interface IAggFunc { (input: any[]): any; } /**************************************************************** * Don't forget to update ComponentUtil if changing this class. PLEASE!* ****************************************************************/ export interface ColDef extends AbstractColDef { /** The unique ID to give the column. This is optional. If missing, the ID will default to the field. * If both field and colId are missing, a unique ID will be generated. * This ID is used to identify the column in the API for sorting, filtering etc. */ colId?: string; /** If sorting by default, set it here. Set to 'asc' or 'desc' */ sort?: string; /** If sorting more than one column by default, the milliseconds when this column was sorted, so we know what order to sort the columns in. */ sortedAt?: number; /** The sort order, provide an array with any of the following in any order ['asc','desc',null] */ sortingOrder?: string[]; /** The field of the row to get the cells data from */ field?: string; /** * A comma separated string or array of strings containing ColumnType keys which can be used as a template for a column. * This helps to reduce duplication of properties when you have a lot of common column properties. */ type?: string | string[]; /** Set to true for this column to be hidden. Naturally you might think, it would make more sense to call this field 'visible' and mark it false to hide, * however we want all default values to be false and we want columns to be visible by default. */ hide?: boolean; /** Whether this column is pinned or not. */ pinned?: boolean | string; /** The field where we get the tooltip on the object */ tooltipField?: string; /** The function used to calculate the tooltip of the object, tooltipField takes precedence*/ tooltip?: (params: TooltipParams)=>string; /** Expression or function to get the cells value. */ valueGetter?: ((params: ValueGetterParams) => any) | string; /** Expression or function to get the cells value for filtering. */ filterValueGetter?: ((params: ValueGetterParams) => any) | string; /** If not using a field, then this puts the value into the cell */ valueSetter?: ((params: ValueSetterParams) => boolean) | string; /** Function to return the key for a value - use this if the value is an object (not a primitive type) and you * want to a) group by this field or b) use set filter on this field. */ keyCreator?: Function; /** Initial width, in pixels, of the cell */ width?: number; /** Min width, in pixels, of the cell */ minWidth?: number; /** Max width, in pixels, of the cell */ maxWidth?: number; /** True if this column should stretch rows height to fit contents */ autoHeight?: boolean; /** Class to use for the cell. Can be string, array of strings, or function. */ cellClass?: string | string[]| ((cellClassParams: CellClassParams) => string | string[]); /** An object of css values. Or a function returning an object of css values. */ cellStyle?: {} | ((params: any) => {}); /** A function for rendering a cell. */ cellRenderer?: {new(): ICellRendererComp} | ICellRendererFunc | string; cellRendererFramework?: any; cellRendererParams?: any; cellRendererSelector?: (params: DynamicComponentParams)=>DynamicComponentDef; /** Cell editor */ cellEditor?: {new(): ICellEditorComp} | string ; cellEditorFramework?: any; cellEditorParams?: any; cellEditorSelector?: (params: DynamicComponentParams)=>DynamicComponentDef; /** A function for rendering a pinned row cell. */ pinnedRowCellRenderer?: {new(): ICellRendererComp} | ICellRendererFunc | string; pinnedRowCellRendererFramework?: any; pinnedRowCellRendererParams?: any; /** A function to format a value, should return a string. Not used for CSV export or copy to clipboard, only for UI cell rendering. */ valueFormatter?: (params: ValueFormatterParams) => string | string; /** A function to format a pinned row value, should return a string. Not used for CSV export or copy to clipboard, only for UI cell rendering. */ pinnedRowValueFormatter?: (params: ValueFormatterParams) => string | string; /** Gets called after editing, converts the value in the cell. */ valueParser?: (params: ValueParserParams) => any | string; /** Name of function to use for aggregation. One of [sum,min,max,first,last] or a function. */ aggFunc?: string | IAggFunc; /** Agg funcs allowed on this column. If missing, all installed agg funcs are allowed. * Can be eg ['sum','avg']. This will restrict what the GUI allows to select only.*/ allowedAggFuncs?: string[]; /** To group by this column by default, either provide an index (eg rowGroupIndex=1), or set rowGroup=true. */ rowGroupIndex?: number; rowGroup?: boolean; /** Set to true to have the grid place the values for the group into the cell, or put the name of a grouped column to just show that group. */ showRowGroup?: string | boolean; /** To pivot by this column by default, either provide an index (eg pivotIndex=1), or set pivot=true. */ pivotIndex?: number; pivot?: boolean; /** Comparator function for custom sorting. */ comparator?: (valueA: any, valueB: any, nodeA?: RowNode, nodeB?: RowNode, isInverted?: boolean) => number; /** Comparator for values, used by renderer to know if values have changed. Cells who's values have not changed don't get refreshed. */ equals?: (valueA: any, valueB: any) => boolean; /** Comparator for ordering the pivot columns */ pivotComparator?: (valueA: string, valueB: string) => number; /** Set to true to render a selection checkbox in the column. */ checkboxSelection?: boolean | ((params: any)=>boolean); /** If true, a 'select all' checkbox will be put into the header */ headerCheckboxSelection?: boolean | ((params: any)=>boolean); /** If true, the header checkbox selection will work on filtered items*/ headerCheckboxSelectionFilteredOnly?: boolean; rowDrag?: boolean | ((params: any)=>boolean); /** Set to true if no menu should be shown for this column header. */ suppressMenu?: boolean; /** The menu tabs to show, and in which order, the valid values for this property are: * filterMenuTab, generalMenuTab, columnsMenuTab **/ menuTabs?: string[]; /** Set to true if no sorting should be done for this column. */ suppressSorting?: boolean; /** Set to true to not allow moving this column via dragging it's header */ suppressMovable?: boolean; /** Set to true to not flash this column for value changes */ suppressCellFlash?: boolean; /** Set to true to make sure this column is always first. Other columns, if movable, cannot move before this column. */ lockPosition?: boolean; /** Set to true to block the user showing / hiding the column, the column can only be shown / hidden via definitions or API */ lockVisible?: boolean; /** Set to true to block the user pinning the column, the column can only be pinned via definitions or API */ lockPinned?: boolean; /** Set to true to not allow filter on this column */ suppressFilter?: boolean; /** Set to true if you want the unsorted icon to be shown when no sort is applied to this column. */ unSortIcon?: boolean; /** Set to true if you want this columns width to be fixed during 'size to fit' operation. */ suppressSizeToFit?: boolean; /** Set to true if you do not want this column to be resizable by dragging it's edge. */ suppressResize?: boolean; /** Set to true if you do not want this column to be auto-resizable by double clicking it's edge. */ suppressAutoSize?: boolean; suppressKeyboardEvent?: (params: SuppressKeyboardEventParams) => boolean; /** If true, GUI will allow adding this columns as a row group */ enableRowGroup?: boolean; /** If true, GUI will allow adding this columns as a pivot */ enablePivot?: boolean; /** If true, GUI will allow adding this columns as a value */ enableValue?: boolean; /** Set to true if this col is editable, otherwise false. Can also be a function to have different rows editable. */ editable?: boolean | IsColumnFunc; colSpan?: (params: ColSpanParams) => number; rowSpan?: (params: RowSpanParams) => number; /** Set to true if this col should not be allowed take new values from teh clipboard . */ suppressPaste?: boolean | IsColumnFunc; /** Set to tru if this col should not be navigable with the tab key. Can also be a function to have different rows editable. */ suppressNavigable?: boolean | IsColumnFunc; /** To create the quick filter text for this column, if toString is not good enough on the value. */ getQuickFilterText?: (params: GetQuickFilterTextParams) => string; /** Callbacks for editing. See editing section for further details. * Return true if the update was successful, or false if not. * If false, then skips the UI refresh and no events are emitted. * Return false if the values are the same (ie no update). */ newValueHandler?: (params: any)=>boolean; /** If true, this cell will be in editing mode after first click. */ singleClickEdit?: boolean; /** Cell template to use for cell. Useful for AngularJS cells. */ template?: string; /** Cell template URL to load template from to use for cell. Useful for AngularJS cells. */ templateUrl?: string; /** one of the built in filter names: [set, number, text], or a filter function*/ filter?: string | {new(): IFilterComp}; filterFramework?: any; /** The filter params are specific to each filter! */ filterParams?: any; /** Rules for applying css classes */ cellClassRules?: { [cssClassName: string]: (Function | string) }; /** Callbacks for editing.See editing section for further details. */ onCellValueChanged?: Function; /** Function callback, gets called when a cell is clicked. */ onCellClicked?: (event: CellClickedEvent) => void; /** Function callback, gets called when a cell is double clicked. */ onCellDoubleClicked?: (event: CellDoubleClickedEvent) => void; /** Function callback, gets called when a cell is right clicked. */ onCellContextMenu?: (event: CellContextMenuEvent) => void; /** Icons for this column. Leave blank to use default. */ icons?: {[key: string]: string}; /** If true, grid will flash cell after cell is refreshed */ enableCellChangeFlash?: boolean; /** Never set this, it is used internally by grid when doing in-grid pivoting */ pivotValueColumn?: Column; /** Never set this, it is used internally by grid when doing in-grid pivoting */ pivotTotalColumnIds?: string[]; /** The custom header component to be used for rendering the component header. If none specified the default ag-Grid is used**/ headerComponent?: string | {new(): any}; /** The custom header component to be used for rendering the component header in the hosting framework (ie: React/Angular). If none specified the default ag-Grid is used**/ headerComponentFramework?: {new (): any}; /** The custom header component parameters**/ headerComponentParams?: any; /** The custom header component to be used for rendering the floating filter. If none specified the default ag-Grid is used**/ floatingFilterComponent?: {new(): IFloatingFilterComp}; floatingFilterComponentParams?: any; floatingFilterComponentFramework?: {new (): any}; refData?: {[key: string]: string}; } export interface IsColumnFunc { (params: IsColumnFuncParams): boolean; } export interface IsColumnFuncParams { node: RowNode; data: any; column: Column; colDef: ColDef; context: any; api: GridApi; columnApi: ColumnApi; } export interface GetQuickFilterTextParams { value: any; node: RowNode; data: any; column: Column; colDef: ColDef; } export interface BaseColDefParams { node: RowNode; data: any; colDef: ColDef; column: Column; api: GridApi; columnApi: ColumnApi; context: any; } export interface BaseWithValueColDefParams extends BaseColDefParams { value: any; } export interface ValueGetterParams extends BaseColDefParams { getValue: (field: string) => any; } export interface NewValueParams extends BaseColDefParams { oldValue: any; newValue: any; } export interface ValueSetterParams extends NewValueParams {} export interface ValueParserParams extends NewValueParams {} export interface ValueFormatterParams extends BaseWithValueColDefParams {} export interface ColSpanParams extends BaseColDefParams {} export interface RowSpanParams extends BaseColDefParams {} export interface SuppressKeyboardEventParams extends IsColumnFuncParams { // the keyboard event the grid received event: KeyboardEvent; // whether the cell is editing or not editing: boolean; } export interface CellClassParams { value: any; data: any; node: RowNode; colDef: ColDef; rowIndex: number; $scope: any; api: GridApi; context: any; } export interface TooltipParams { value: any; valueFormatted: any; data: any; node: RowNode; colDef: ColDef; rowIndex: number; $scope: any; api: GridApi; context: any; }