import {EventService} from "../eventService"; import { AgEvent, Events, RowDataChangedEvent, RowEvent, RowGroupOpenedEvent, RowSelectedEvent, SelectionChangedEvent } from "../events"; import {GridOptionsWrapper} from "../gridOptionsWrapper"; import {SelectionController} from "../selectionController"; import {ColDef} from "./colDef"; import {Column} from "./column"; import {ValueService} from "../valueService/valueService"; import {ColumnController} from "../columnController/columnController"; import {ColumnApi} from "../columnController/columnApi"; import {Autowired, Context} from "../context/context"; import {IRowModel} from "../interfaces/iRowModel"; import {Constants} from "../constants"; import {Utils as _} from "../utils"; import {ClientSideRowModel} from "../rowModels/clientSide/clientSideRowModel"; import {RowNodeCache, RowNodeCacheParams} from "../rowModels/cache/rowNodeCache"; import {RowNodeBlock} from "../rowModels/cache/rowNodeBlock"; import {IEventEmitter} from "../interfaces/iEventEmitter"; import {ValueCache} from "../valueService/valueCache"; import {DetailGridInfo, GridApi} from "../gridApi"; export interface SetSelectedParams { // true or false, whatever you want to set selection to newValue: boolean; // whether to remove other selections after this selection is done clearSelection?: boolean; // true when action is NOT on this node, ie user clicked a group and this is the child of a group suppressFinishActions?: boolean; // gets used when user shif-selects a range rangeSelect?: boolean; // used in group selection, if true, filtered out children will not be selected groupSelectsFiltered?: boolean; } export interface RowNodeEvent extends AgEvent { node: RowNode; } export interface DataChangedEvent extends RowNodeEvent { oldData: any; newData: any; update: boolean; } export interface CellChangedEvent extends RowNodeEvent { column: Column; newValue: any; } export class RowNode implements IEventEmitter { public static EVENT_ROW_SELECTED = 'rowSelected'; public static EVENT_DATA_CHANGED = 'dataChanged'; public static EVENT_CELL_CHANGED = 'cellChanged'; public static EVENT_ALL_CHILDREN_COUNT_CHANGED = 'allChildrenCountChanged'; public static EVENT_MOUSE_ENTER = 'mouseEnter'; public static EVENT_MOUSE_LEAVE = 'mouseLeave'; public static EVENT_HEIGHT_CHANGED = 'heightChanged'; public static EVENT_TOP_CHANGED = 'topChanged'; public static EVENT_FIRST_CHILD_CHANGED = 'firstChildChanged'; public static EVENT_LAST_CHILD_CHANGED = 'lastChildChanged'; public static EVENT_CHILD_INDEX_CHANGED = 'childIndexChanged'; public static EVENT_ROW_INDEX_CHANGED = 'rowIndexChanged'; public static EVENT_EXPANDED_CHANGED = 'expandedChanged'; public static EVENT_SELECTABLE_CHANGED = 'selectableChanged'; public static EVENT_UI_LEVEL_CHANGED = 'uiLevelChanged'; public static EVENT_DRAGGING_CHANGED = 'draggingChanged'; @Autowired('eventService') private mainEventService: EventService; @Autowired('gridOptionsWrapper') private gridOptionsWrapper: GridOptionsWrapper; @Autowired('selectionController') private selectionController: SelectionController; @Autowired('columnController') private columnController: ColumnController; @Autowired('valueService') private valueService: ValueService; @Autowired('rowModel') private rowModel: IRowModel; @Autowired('context') private context: Context; @Autowired('valueCache') private valueCache: ValueCache; @Autowired('columnApi') private columnApi: ColumnApi; @Autowired('gridApi') private gridApi: GridApi; /** Unique ID for the node. Either provided by the grid, or user can set to match the primary * key in the database (or whatever data source is used). */ public id: string; /** The group data */ public groupData: any; /** The aggregated data */ public aggData: any; /** The user provided data */ public data: any; /** The parent node to this node, or empty if top level */ public parent: RowNode; /** How many levels this node is from the top */ public level: number; /** How many levels this node is from the top in the UI (different to the level when removing parents)*/ public uiLevel: number; /** If doing in memory grouping, this is the index of the group column this cell is for. * This will always be the same as the level, unless we are collapsing groups ie groupRemoveSingleChildren = true */ public rowGroupIndex: number; /** True if this node is a group node (ie has children) */ public group: boolean; /** True if this row is getting dragged */ public dragging: boolean; /** True if this row is a master row, part of master / detail (ie row can be expanded to show detail) */ public master: boolean; /** True if this row is a detail row, part of master / detail (ie child row of an expanded master row)*/ public detail: boolean; /** If this row is a master row that was expanded, this points to the associated detail row. */ public detailNode: RowNode; /** If master detail, this contains details about the detail grid */ public detailGridInfo: DetailGridInfo; /** Same as master, kept for legacy reasons */ public canFlower: boolean; /** Same as detail, kept for legacy reasons */ public flower: boolean; /** Same as detailNode, kept for legacy reasons */ public childFlower: RowNode; /** True if this node is a group and the group is the bottom level in the tree */ public leafGroup: boolean; /** True if this is the first child in this group */ public firstChild: boolean; /** True if this is the last child in this group */ public lastChild: boolean; /** The index of this node in the group */ public childIndex: number; /** The index of this node in the grid, only valid if node is displayed in the grid, otherwise it should be ignored as old index may be present */ public rowIndex: number; /** Either 'top' or 'bottom' if row pinned, otherwise undefined or null */ public rowPinned: string; /** If using quick filter, stores a string representation of the row for searching against */ public quickFilterAggregateText: string; /** Groups only - True if row is a footer. Footers have group = true and footer = true */ public footer: boolean; /** Groups only - The field we are grouping on eg Country*/ public field: string; /** Groups only - the row group column for this group */ public rowGroupColumn: Column; /** Groups only - The key for the group eg Ireland, UK, USA */ public key: any; /** Used by server side row model, true if this row node is a stub */ public stub: boolean; /** All user provided nodes */ public allLeafChildren: RowNode[]; /** Groups only - Children of this group */ public childrenAfterGroup: RowNode[]; /** Groups only - Filtered children of this group */ public childrenAfterFilter: RowNode[]; /** Groups only - Sorted children of this group */ public childrenAfterSort: RowNode[]; /** Groups only - Number of children and grand children */ public allChildrenCount: number; /** Children mapped by the pivot columns */ public childrenMapped: {[key: string]: any} = {}; /** Server Side Row Model Only - the children are in an infinite cache */ public childrenCache: RowNodeCache; /** Groups only - True if group is expanded, otherwise false */ public expanded: boolean; /** Groups only - If doing footers, reference to the footer node for this group */ public sibling: RowNode; /** The height, in pixels, of this row */ public rowHeight: number; /** The top pixel for this row */ public rowTop: number; /** The top pixel for this row last time, makes sense if data set was ordered or filtered, * it is used so new rows can animate in from their old position. */ public oldRowTop: number; /** True if this node is a daemon. This means row is not part of the model. Can happen when then * the row is selected and then the user sets a different ID onto the node. The nodes is then * representing a different entity, so the selection controller, if the node is selected, takes * a copy where daemon=true. */ public daemon: boolean; /** True by default - can be overridden via gridOptions.isRowSelectable(rowNode) */ public selectable = true; /** Used by the value service, stores values for a particular change detection turn. */ public __cacheData: {[colId: string]: any}; public __cacheVersion: number; private selected = false; private eventService: EventService; public setData(data: any): void { let oldData =; = data; this.valueCache.onDataChanged(); this.updateDataOnDetailNode(); this.checkRowSelectable(); let event: DataChangedEvent = this.createDataChangedEvent(data, oldData, false); this.dispatchLocalEvent(event); } // when we are doing master / detail, the detail node is lazy created, but then kept around. // so if we show / hide the detail, the same detail rowNode is used. so we need to keep the data // in sync, otherwise expand/collapse of the detail would still show the old values. private updateDataOnDetailNode(): void { if (this.detailNode) { =; } } private createDataChangedEvent(newData: any, oldData: any, update: boolean): DataChangedEvent { return { type: RowNode.EVENT_DATA_CHANGED, node: this, oldData: oldData, newData: newData, update: update }; } private createLocalRowEvent(type: string): RowNodeEvent { return { type: type, node: this }; } // similar to setRowData, however it is expected that the data is the same data item. this // is intended to be used with Redux type stores, where the whole data can be changed. we are // guaranteed that the data is the same entity (so grid doesn't need to worry about the id of the // underlying data changing, hence doesn't need to worry about selection). the grid, upon receiving // dataChanged event, will refresh the cells rather than rip them all out (so user can show transitions). public updateData(data: any): void { let oldData =; = data; this.updateDataOnDetailNode(); this.checkRowSelectable(); this.updateDataOnDetailNode(); let event: DataChangedEvent = this.createDataChangedEvent(data, oldData, true); this.dispatchLocalEvent(event); } public getRowIndexString(): string { if (this.rowPinned===Constants.PINNED_TOP) { return 't-' + this.rowIndex; } else if (this.rowPinned===Constants.PINNED_BOTTOM) { return 'b-' + this.rowIndex; } else { return this.rowIndex.toString(); } } private createDaemonNode(): RowNode { let oldNode = new RowNode(); this.context.wireBean(oldNode); // just copy the id and data, this is enough for the node to be used // in the selection controller (the selection controller is the only // place where daemon nodes can live). =; =; oldNode.daemon = true; oldNode.selected = this.selected; oldNode.level = this.level; return oldNode; } public setDataAndId(data: any, id: string): void { let oldNode = _.exists( ? this.createDaemonNode() : null; let oldData =; = data; this.updateDataOnDetailNode(); this.setId(id); this.selectionController.syncInRowNode(this, oldNode); this.checkRowSelectable(); let event: DataChangedEvent = this.createDataChangedEvent(data, oldData, false); this.dispatchLocalEvent(event); } private checkRowSelectable() { let isRowSelectableFunc = this.gridOptionsWrapper.getIsRowSelectableFunc(); let shouldInvokeIsRowSelectable = isRowSelectableFunc && _.exists(this); this.setRowSelectable(shouldInvokeIsRowSelectable ? isRowSelectableFunc(this) : true) } public setRowSelectable(newVal: boolean) { if (this.selectable !== newVal) { this.selectable = newVal; if (this.eventService) { this.eventService.dispatchEvent(this.createLocalRowEvent(RowNode.EVENT_SELECTABLE_CHANGED)); } } } public setId(id: string): void { // see if user is providing the id's let getRowNodeId = this.gridOptionsWrapper.getRowNodeIdFunc(); if (getRowNodeId) { // if user is providing the id's, then we set the id only after the data has been set. // this is important for virtual pagination and viewport, where empty rows exist. if ( { = getRowNodeId(; } else { // this can happen if user has set blank into the rowNode after the row previously // having data. this happens in virtual page row model, when data is delete and // the page is refreshed. = undefined; } } else { = id; } } public isPixelInRange(pixel: number): boolean { return pixel >= this.rowTop && pixel < (this.rowTop + this.rowHeight); } public clearRowTop(): void { this.oldRowTop = this.rowTop; this.setRowTop(null); } public setFirstChild(firstChild: boolean): void { if (this.firstChild === firstChild) { return; } this.firstChild = firstChild; if (this.eventService) { this.eventService.dispatchEvent(this.createLocalRowEvent(RowNode.EVENT_FIRST_CHILD_CHANGED)); } } public setLastChild(lastChild: boolean): void { if (this.lastChild === lastChild) { return; } this.lastChild = lastChild; if (this.eventService) { this.eventService.dispatchEvent(this.createLocalRowEvent(RowNode.EVENT_LAST_CHILD_CHANGED)); } } public setChildIndex(childIndex: number): void { if (this.childIndex === childIndex) { return; } this.childIndex = childIndex; if (this.eventService) { this.eventService.dispatchEvent(this.createLocalRowEvent(RowNode.EVENT_CHILD_INDEX_CHANGED)); } } public setRowTop(rowTop: number): void { if (this.rowTop === rowTop) { return; } this.rowTop = rowTop; if (this.eventService) { this.eventService.dispatchEvent(this.createLocalRowEvent(RowNode.EVENT_TOP_CHANGED)); } } public setDragging(dragging: boolean): void { if (this.dragging === dragging) { return; } this.dragging = dragging; if (this.eventService) { this.eventService.dispatchEvent(this.createLocalRowEvent(RowNode.EVENT_DRAGGING_CHANGED)); } } public setAllChildrenCount(allChildrenCount: number): void { if (this.allChildrenCount === allChildrenCount) { return; } this.allChildrenCount = allChildrenCount; if (this.eventService) { this.eventService.dispatchEvent(this.createLocalRowEvent(RowNode.EVENT_ALL_CHILDREN_COUNT_CHANGED)); } } public setRowHeight(rowHeight: number): void { this.rowHeight = rowHeight; if (this.eventService) { this.eventService.dispatchEvent(this.createLocalRowEvent(RowNode.EVENT_HEIGHT_CHANGED)); } } public setRowIndex(rowIndex: number): void { this.rowIndex = rowIndex; if (this.eventService) { this.eventService.dispatchEvent(this.createLocalRowEvent(RowNode.EVENT_ROW_INDEX_CHANGED)); } } public setUiLevel(uiLevel: number): void { if (this.uiLevel === uiLevel) { return; } this.uiLevel = uiLevel; if (this.eventService) { this.eventService.dispatchEvent(this.createLocalRowEvent(RowNode.EVENT_UI_LEVEL_CHANGED)); } } public setExpanded(expanded: boolean): void { if (this.expanded === expanded) { return; } this.expanded = expanded; if (this.eventService) { this.eventService.dispatchEvent(this.createLocalRowEvent(RowNode.EVENT_EXPANDED_CHANGED)); } let event: RowGroupOpenedEvent = this.createGlobalRowEvent(Events.EVENT_ROW_GROUP_OPENED); this.mainEventService.dispatchEvent(event); if (this.gridOptionsWrapper.isGroupIncludeFooter()) { this.gridApi.redrawRows({rowNodes: [this]}); } } private createGlobalRowEvent(type: string): RowEvent { let event: RowGroupOpenedEvent = { type: type, node: this, data:, rowIndex: this.rowIndex, rowPinned: this.rowPinned, context: this.gridOptionsWrapper.getContext(), api: this.gridOptionsWrapper.getApi(), columnApi: this.gridOptionsWrapper.getColumnApi() }; return event; } private dispatchLocalEvent(event: AgEvent): void { if (this.eventService) { this.eventService.dispatchEvent(event); } } // we also allow editing the value via the editors. when it is done via // the editors, no 'cell changed' event gets fired, as it's assumed that // the cell knows about the change given it's in charge of the editing. // this method is for the client to call, so the cell listens for the change // event, and also flashes the cell when the change occurs. public setDataValue(colKey: string|Column, newValue: any): void { let column = this.columnController.getPrimaryColumn(colKey); this.valueService.setValue(this, column, newValue); this.dispatchCellChangedEvent(column, newValue); } public setGroupValue(colKey: string|Column, newValue: any): void { let column = this.columnController.getGridColumn(colKey); if (_.missing(this.groupData)) { this.groupData = {}; } this.groupData[column.getColId()] = newValue; this.dispatchCellChangedEvent(column, newValue); } // sets the data for an aggregation public setAggData(newAggData: any): void { // find out all keys that could potentially change let colIds = _.getAllKeysInObjects([this.aggData, newAggData]); this.aggData = newAggData; // if no event service, nobody has registered for events, so no need fire event if (this.eventService) { colIds.forEach( colId => { let column = this.columnController.getGridColumn(colId); let value = this.aggData ? this.aggData[colId] : undefined; this.dispatchCellChangedEvent(column, value); }); } } public hasChildren(): boolean { // we need to return true when, as this is used by server side row model // (as children are lazy loaded and stored in a cache anyway). otherwise we return true // if children exist. return || (this.childrenAfterGroup && this.childrenAfterGroup.length > 0); } public isEmptyFillerNode(): boolean { return && _.missingOrEmpty(this.childrenAfterGroup); } private dispatchCellChangedEvent(column: Column, newValue: any): void { let cellChangedEvent: CellChangedEvent = { type: RowNode.EVENT_CELL_CHANGED, node: this, column: column, newValue: newValue }; this.dispatchLocalEvent(cellChangedEvent); } public resetQuickFilterAggregateText(): void { this.quickFilterAggregateText = null; } public isExpandable(): boolean { return this.hasChildren() || this.master; } public isSelected(): boolean { // for footers, we just return what our sibling selected state is, as cannot select a footer if (this.footer) { return this.sibling.isSelected(); } return this.selected; } public depthFirstSearch( callback: (rowNode: RowNode) => void ): void { if (this.childrenAfterGroup) { this.childrenAfterGroup.forEach( child => child.depthFirstSearch(callback) ); } callback(this); } // + rowController.updateGroupsInSelection() // + selectionController.calculatedSelectedForAllGroupNodes() public calculateSelectedFromChildren(): void { let atLeastOneSelected = false; let atLeastOneDeSelected = false; let atLeastOneMixed = false; let newSelectedValue: boolean; if (this.childrenAfterGroup) { for (let i = 0; i < this.childrenAfterGroup.length; i++) { let child = this.childrenAfterGroup[i]; // skip non-selectable nodes to prevent inconsistent selection values if (!child.selectable) continue; let childState = child.isSelected(); switch (childState) { case true: atLeastOneSelected = true; break; case false: atLeastOneDeSelected = true; break; default: atLeastOneMixed = true; break; } } } if (atLeastOneMixed) { newSelectedValue = undefined; } else if (atLeastOneSelected && !atLeastOneDeSelected) { newSelectedValue = true; } else if (!atLeastOneSelected && atLeastOneDeSelected) { newSelectedValue = false; } else { newSelectedValue = undefined; } this.selectThisNode(newSelectedValue); } public setSelectedInitialValue(selected: boolean): void { this.selected = selected; } public setSelected(newValue: boolean, clearSelection: boolean = false, suppressFinishActions: boolean = false) { this.setSelectedParams({ newValue: newValue, clearSelection: clearSelection, suppressFinishActions: suppressFinishActions, rangeSelect: false }); } public isRowPinned(): boolean { return this.rowPinned === Constants.PINNED_TOP || this.rowPinned === Constants.PINNED_BOTTOM; } // to make calling code more readable, this is the same method as setSelected except it takes names parameters public setSelectedParams(params: SetSelectedParams): number { let groupSelectsChildren = this.gridOptionsWrapper.isGroupSelectsChildren(); let newValue = params.newValue === true; let clearSelection = params.clearSelection === true; let suppressFinishActions = params.suppressFinishActions === true; let rangeSelect = params.rangeSelect === true; // groupSelectsFiltered only makes sense when group selects children let groupSelectsFiltered = groupSelectsChildren && (params.groupSelectsFiltered === true); if ( { console.warn('ag-Grid: cannot select node until id for node is known'); return 0; } if (this.rowPinned) { console.log('ag-Grid: cannot select pinned rows'); return 0; } // if we are a footer, we don't do selection, just pass the info // to the sibling (the parent of the group) if (this.footer) { let count = this.sibling.setSelectedParams(params); return count; } if (rangeSelect) { let newRowClicked = this.selectionController.getLastSelectedNode() !== this; let allowMultiSelect = this.gridOptionsWrapper.isRowSelectionMulti(); if (newRowClicked && allowMultiSelect) { return this.doRowRangeSelection(); } } let updatedCount = 0; // when groupSelectsFiltered, then this node may end up intermediate despite // trying to set it to true / false. this group will be calculated further on // down when we call calculatedSelectedForAllGroupNodes(). we need to skip it // here, otherwise the updatedCount would include it. let skipThisNode = groupSelectsFiltered &&; if (!skipThisNode) { let thisNodeWasSelected = this.selectThisNode(newValue); if (thisNodeWasSelected) { updatedCount++; } } if (groupSelectsChildren && { updatedCount += this.selectChildNodes(newValue, groupSelectsFiltered); } // clear other nodes if not doing multi select if (!suppressFinishActions) { let clearOtherNodes = newValue && (clearSelection || !this.gridOptionsWrapper.isRowSelectionMulti()); if (clearOtherNodes) { updatedCount += this.selectionController.clearOtherNodes(this); } // only if we selected something, then update groups and fire events if (updatedCount>0) { this.selectionController.updateGroupsFromChildrenSelections(); // this is the very end of the 'action node', so we are finished all the updates, // include any parent / child changes that this method caused let event: SelectionChangedEvent = { type: Events.EVENT_SELECTION_CHANGED, api: this.gridApi, columnApi: this.columnApi }; this.mainEventService.dispatchEvent(event); } // so if user next does shift-select, we know where to start the selection from if (newValue) { this.selectionController.setLastSelectedNode(this); } } return updatedCount; } // selects all rows between this node and the last selected node (or the top if this is the first selection). // not to be mixed up with 'cell range selection' where you drag the mouse, this is row range selection, by // holding down 'shift'. private doRowRangeSelection(): number { let updatedCount = 0; let groupsSelectChildren = this.gridOptionsWrapper.isGroupSelectsChildren(); let lastSelectedNode = this.selectionController.getLastSelectedNode(); let nodesToSelect = this.rowModel.getNodesInRangeForSelection(this, lastSelectedNode); nodesToSelect.forEach( rowNode => { if ( && groupsSelectChildren) { return; } let nodeWasSelected = rowNode.selectThisNode(true); if (nodeWasSelected) { updatedCount++; } }); this.selectionController.updateGroupsFromChildrenSelections(); let event: SelectionChangedEvent = { type: Events.EVENT_SELECTION_CHANGED, api: this.gridApi, columnApi: this.columnApi }; this.mainEventService.dispatchEvent(event); return updatedCount; } public isParentOfNode(potentialParent: RowNode): boolean { let parentNode = this.parent; while (parentNode) { if (parentNode === potentialParent) { return true; } parentNode = parentNode.parent; } return false; } public selectThisNode(newValue: boolean): boolean { if(!this.selectable || this.selected === newValue) return false; this.selected = newValue; if (this.eventService) { this.dispatchLocalEvent(this.createLocalRowEvent(RowNode.EVENT_ROW_SELECTED)); } let event: RowSelectedEvent = this.createGlobalRowEvent(Events.EVENT_ROW_SELECTED); this.mainEventService.dispatchEvent(event); return true; } private selectChildNodes(newValue: boolean, groupSelectsFiltered: boolean): number { let children = groupSelectsFiltered ? this.childrenAfterFilter : this.childrenAfterGroup; let updatedCount = 0; if (_.missing(children)) { return; } for (let i = 0; i